
383 Results

Comment Number
Use of VO tools: TOPCAT 166
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD 81
Use of VO tools: Vizier 74
Use of VO tools: Aladin 53
Use of VO tools: VOSA 31
Australian All-Sky Virtual Observatory (ASVO) 18
Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service. 18
VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper. 17
Use of VO tools: STILTS 11
Use of VO tools: CASSIS 9
Use of VO tools: SkyBot 7
VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper. Use of Millenium database. 6
VO project (China-VO) acknowledged in the paper 5
VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper 4
Use of VO tools: Splat-VO 3
Use of VO services. TMAD provided by GAVO 2
VO project (JVO) acknowledged in the paper. 2
Use of VO services. TOSS 2
Use of VO tool: MIriade 1
Use of VO services: Brazilian Science Data Center (BSDC) Virtual Observatory 1
Use of VO tools: Sky View 1

Bibcode Title author Comment Citation
2019A&A...630A.130D Heavy metals in intermediate He-rich hot subdwarfs: the chemical composition of HZ 44 and HD 127493 Dorsch, M.;Latour, M.;Heber, U. Use of VO services. TOSS
2019A&A...630A.142O Dust production in the debris disk around HR 4796 A Olofsson, J.;Milli, J.;Thébault, P.;Kral, Q.;Ménard, F.;Janson, M.;Augereau, J. -C.;Bayo, A.;Beamín, J. C.;Henning, Th.;Iglesias, D.;Kennedy, G. M.;Montesinos, M.;Pawellek, N.;Schreiber, M. R.;Zamora, C.;Carbillet, M.;Feautrier, P.;Fusco, T.;Madec, F.;Rabou, P.;Sevin, A.;Szulágyi, J.;Zurlo, A. VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper.
Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2019A&A...630A.146S VEXAS: VISTA EXtension to Auxiliary Surveys. Data Release 1. The southern Galactic hemisphere Spiniello, C.;Agnello, A. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2019A&A...630A.150G Properties of central stars of planetary nebulae with distances in Gaia DR2 González-Santamaría, I.;Manteiga, M.;Manchado, A.;Ulla, A.;Dafonte, C. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2019A&A...630A.153A Rest-frame far-ultraviolet to far-infrared view of Lyman break galaxies at z = 3: Templates and dust attenuation Álvarez-Márquez, J.;Burgarella, D.;Buat, V.;Ilbert, O.;Pérez-González, P. G. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2019A&A...630A..92B The Hubble Catalog of Variables (HCV) Bonanos, A. Z.;Yang, M.;Sokolovsky, K. V.;Gavras, P.;Hatzidimitriou, D.;Bellas-Velidis, I.;Kakaletris, G.;Lennon, D. J.;Nota, A.;White, R. L.;Whitmore, B. C.;Anastasiou, K. A.;Arévalo, M.;Arviset, C.;Baines, D.;Budavari, T.;Charmandaris, V.;Chatzichristodoulou, C.;Dimas, E.;Durán, J.;Georgantopoulos, I.;Karampelas, A.;Laskaris, N.;Lianou, S.;Livanis, A.;Lubow, S.;Manouras, G.;Moretti, M. I.;Paraskeva, E.;Pouliasis, E.;Rest, A.;Salgado, J.;Sonnentrucker, P.;Spetsieri, Z. T.;Taylor, P.;Tsinganos, K. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2019A&A...630L...8B Gaia 8: Discovery of a star cluster containing β Lyrae Bastian, U. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2019A&A...631A.107P Orbital and spectral analysis of the benchmark brown dwarf HD 4747B Peretti, S.;Ségransan, D.;Lavie, B.;Desidera, S.;Maire, A. -L.;D'Orazi, V.;Vigan, A.;Baudino, J. -L.;Cheetham, A.;Janson, M.;Chauvin, G.;Hagelberg, J.;Menard, F.;Heng, Kevin;Udry, S.;Boccaletti, A.;Daemgen, S.;Le Coroller, H.;Mesa, D.;Rouan, D.;Samland, M.;Schmidt, T.;Zurlo, A.;Bonnefoy, M.;Feldt, M.;Gratton, R.;Lagrange, A. -M.;Langlois, M.;Meyer, M.;Carbillet, M.;Carle, M.;De Caprio, V.;Gluck, L.;Hugot, E.;Magnard, Y.;Moulin, T.;Pavlov, A.;Pragt, J.;Rabou, P.;Ramos, J.;Rousset, G.;Sevin, A.;Soenke, C.;Stadler, E.;Weber, L.;Wildi, F. Use of VO tools: VOSA
2019A&A...631A.119L J-PLUS: photometric calibration of large-area multi-filter surveys with stellar and white dwarf loci López-Sanjuan, C.;Varela, J.;Cristóbal-Hornillos, D.;Vázquez Ramió, H.;Carrasco, J. M.;Tremblay, P. -E.;Whitten, D. D.;Placco, V. M.;Marín-Franch, A.;Cenarro, A. J.;Ederoclite, A.;Alfaro, E.;Coelho, P. R. T.;Civera, T.;Hernández-Fuertes, J.;Jiménez-Esteban, F. M.;Jiménez-Teja, Y.;Maíz Apellániz, J.;Sobral, D.;Vílchez, J. M.;Alcaniz, J.;Angulo, R. E.;Dupke, R. A.;Hernández-Monteagudo, C.;Mendes de Oliveira, C. L.;Moles, M.;Sodré, L. - 40
2019A&A...631A.127M The supernova remnant population of the Small Magellanic Cloud Maggi, Pierre;Filipović, Miroslav D.;Vukotić, Branislav;Ballet, Jean;Haberl, Frank;Maitra, Chandreyee;Kavanagh, Patrick;Sasaki, Manami;Stupar, Milorad Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2019A&A...631A.137C The ALMA-PILS survey: propyne (CH3CCH) in IRAS 16293-2422 Calcutt, H.;Willis, E. R.;Jørgensen, J. K.;Bjerkeli, P.;Ligterink, N. F. W.;Coutens, A.;Müller, H. S. P.;Garrod, R. T.;Wampfler, S. F.;Drozdovskaya, M. N. Use of VO tools: CASSIS
2019A&A...631A.150M The γ-ray sky seen at X-ray energies. I. Searching for the connection between X-rays and γ-rays in Fermi BL Lac objects Marchesini, E. J.;Paggi, A.;Massaro, F.;Masetti, N.;D'Abrusco, R.;Andruchow, I.;de Menezes, R. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2019A&A...631A.159M Spectral Line Identification and Modelling (SLIM) in the MAdrid Data CUBe Analysis (MADCUBA) package. Interactive software for data cube analysis Martín, S.;Martín-Pintado, J.;Blanco-Sánchez, C.;Rivilla, V. M.;Rodríguez-Franco, A.;Rico-Villas, F. Use of VO tools: Sky View
Use of VO tools: CASSIS
2019A&A...631A.176C The low-frequency properties of FR 0 radio galaxies Capetti, A.;Baldi, R. D.;Brienza, M.;Morganti, R.;Giovannini, G. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
2019A&A...631A..25J ALMA observations of water deuteration: a physical diagnostic of the formation of protostars Jensen, S. S.;Jørgensen, J. K.;Kristensen, L. E.;Furuya, K.;Coutens, A.;van Dishoeck, E. F.;Harsono, D.;Persson, M. V. - 36
2019A&A...631A...3M Multi-scale analysis of the Monoceros OB 1 star-forming region. II. Colliding filaments in the Monoceros OB1 molecular cloud Montillaud, Julien;Juvela, Mika;Vastel, Charlotte;He, Jinhua;Liu, Tie;Ristorcelli, Isabelle;Eden, David J.;Kang, Sung-ju;Kim, Kee-Tae;Koch, Patrick M.;Lee, Chang Won;Rawlings, Mark G.;Saajasto, Mika;Sanhueza, Patricio;Soam, Archana;Zahorecz, Sarolta;Alina, Dana;Bögner, Rebeka;Cornu, David;Doi, Yasuo;Malinen, Johanna;Marshall, Douglas J.;Micelotta, Elisabetta R.;Pelkonen, Veli-Matti;Viktor Tóth, L.;Traficante, Alessio;Wang, Ke Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2019A&A...631A..45S Multi-wavelength variability of the young solar analog ι Horologii. X-ray cycle, star spots, flares, and UV emission Sanz-Forcada, J.;Stelzer, B.;Coffaro, M.;Raetz, S.;Alvarado-Gómez, J. D. Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: Vizier
Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2019A&A...631A..57M IC 4665 DANCe. I. Members, empirical isochrones, magnitude distributions, present-day system mass function, and spatial distribution Miret-Roig, N.;Bouy, H.;Olivares, J.;Sarro, L. M.;Tamura, M.;Allen, L.;Bertin, E.;Serre, S.;Berihuete, A.;Beletsky, Y.;Barrado, D.;Huélamo, N.;Cuillandre, J. -C.;Moraux, E.;Bouvier, J. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
Use of VO tools: STILTS
2019A&A...631A..64B Kinematics around the B335 protostar down to au scales Bjerkeli, Per;Ramsey, Jon P.;Harsono, Daniel;Calcutt, Hannah;Kristensen, Lars E.;van der Wiel, Matthijs H. D.;Jørgensen, Jes K.;Muller, Sébastien;Persson, Magnus V. Use of VO tools: CASSIS
2019A&A...631A..75K Hot subdwarf wind models with accurate abundances. I. Hydrogen dominated stars HD 49798 and BD+18° 2647 Krtička, J.;Janík, J.;Krtičková, I.;Mereghetti, S.;Pintore, F.;Németh, P.;Kubát, J.;Vučković, M. Use of VO tools: VOSA
2019A&A...631L..11S Local Bubble contribution to the 353-GHz dust polarized emission Skalidis, R.;Pelgrims, V. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2019A&A...631L...1M Multi-scale analysis of the Monoceros OB 1 star-forming region. I. The dense core population Montillaud, Julien;Juvela, Mika;Vastel, Charlotte;He, Jinhua;Liu, Tie;Ristorcelli, Isabelle;Eden, David J.;Kang, Sung-ju;Kim, Kee-Tae;Koch, Patrick M.;Lee, Chang Won;Rawlings, Mark G.;Saajasto, Mika;Sanhueza, Patricio;Soam, Archana;Zahorecz, Sarolta;Alina, Dana;Bögner, Rebeka;Cornu, David;Doi, Yasuo;Malinen, Johanna;Marshall, Douglas J.;Micelotta, Elisabetta R.;Pelkonen, Veli-Matti;Tóth, L. Viktor;Traficante, Alessio;Wang, Ke Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2019A&A...632A.102K Analysis of the H.E.S.S. public data release with ctools Knödlseder, J.;Tibaldo, L.;Tiziani, D.;Specovius, A.;Cardenzana, J.;Mayer, M.;Kelley-Hoskins, N.;Di Venere, L.;Bonnefoy, S.;Ziegler, A.;Eschbach, S.;Martin, P.;Louge, T.;Brun, F.;Haupt, M.;Bühler, R. - 9
2019A&A...632A.105C YBC: a stellar bolometric corrections database with variable extinction coefficients. Application to PARSEC isochrones Chen, Yang;Girardi, Léo;Fu, Xiaoting;Bressan, Alessandro;Aringer, Bernhard;Dal Tio, Piero;Pastorelli, Giada;Marigo, Paola;Costa, Guglielmo;Zhang, Xing Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2019A&A...632A.109N The most luminous blue quasars at 3.0 < z < 3.3. I. A tale of two X-ray populations Nardini, E.;Lusso, E.;Risaliti, G.;Bisogni, S.;Civano, F.;Elvis, M.;Fabbiano, G.;Gilli, R.;Marconi, A.;Salvestrini, F.;Vignali, C. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2019A&A...632A..13S CHANG-ES. XIX. Galaxy NGC 4013: a diffusion-dominated radio halo with plane-parallel disk and vertical halo magnetic fields Stein, Y.;Dettmar, R. -J.;Weżgowiec, M.;Irwin, J.;Beck, R.;Wiegert, T.;Krause, M.;Li, J. -T.;Heesen, V.;Miskolczi, A.;MacDonald, S.;English, J. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2019A&A...632A..43M The fate of the interstellar medium in early-type galaxies. I. First direct measurement of the timescale of dust removal Michałowski, M. J.;Hjorth, J.;Gall, C.;Frayer, D. T.;Tsai, A. -L.;Hirashita, H.;Rowlands, K.;Takeuchi, T. T.;Leśniewska, A.;Behrendt, D.;Bourne, N.;Hughes, D. H.;Spring, E.;Zavala, J.;Bartczak, P. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2019A&A...632A..46V X-shooter spectroscopy of young stars with disks. The TW Hydrae association as a probe of the final stages of disk accretion Venuti, L.;Stelzer, B.;Alcalá, J. M.;Manara, C. F.;Frasca, A.;Jayawardhana, R.;Antoniucci, S.;Argiroffi, C.;Natta, A.;Nisini, B.;Randich, S.;Scholz, A. Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2019A&A...632A..58R CHIMPS: physical properties of molecular clumps across the inner Galaxy Rigby, A. J.;Moore, T. J. T.;Eden, D. J.;Urquhart, J. S.;Ragan, S. E.;Peretto, N.;Plume, R.;Thompson, M. A.;Currie, M. J.;Park, G. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2019A&A...632A..77C The 3HSP catalogue of extreme and high-synchrotron peaked blazars Chang, Y. -L.;Arsioli, B.;Giommi, P.;Padovani, P.;Brandt, C. H. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2019A&A...632A..78J Evolution of compact groups from intermediate to final stages. A case study of the H I content of HCG 16 Jones, M. G.;Verdes-Montenegro, L.;Damas-Segovia, A.;Borthakur, S.;Yun, M.;del Olmo, A.;Perea, J.;Román, J.;Luna, S.;Lopez Gutierrez, D.;Williams, B.;Vogt, F. P. A.;Garrido, J.;Sanchez, S.;Cannon, J.;Ramírez-Moreta, P. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2019A&A...632A..85Z Deep point spread function photometric catalog of the VVV survey data Zhang, M.;Kainulainen, J. Use of VO tools: STILTS
2019A&A...632A..90C TESS first look at evolved compact pulsators. Discovery and asteroseismic probing of the g-mode hot B subdwarf pulsator EC 21494-7018 Charpinet, S.;Brassard, P.;Fontaine, G.;Van Grootel, V.;Zong, W.;Giammichele, N.;Heber, U.;Bognár, Zs.;Geier, S.;Green, E. M.;Hermes, J. J.;Kilkenny, D.;Østensen, R. H.;Pelisoli, I.;Silvotti, R.;Telting, J. H.;Vučković, M.;Worters, H. L.;Baran, A. S.;Bell, K. J.;Bradley, P. A.;Debes, J. H.;Kawaler, S. D.;Kołaczek-Szymański, P.;Murphy, S. J.;Pigulski, A.;Sódor, À.;Uzundag, M.;Handberg, R.;Kjeldsen, H.;Ricker, G. R.;Vanderspek, R. K. Australian All-Sky Virtual Observatory (ASVO)
2019A&ARv..27....8G What is a globular cluster? An observational perspective Gratton, Raffaele;Bragaglia, Angela;Carretta, Eugenio;D'Orazi, Valentina;Lucatello, Sara;Sollima, Antonio Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2019AJ....158..145U The Quadratic Programming Method for Extracting Emission Line Maps from Line-blended Narrowband Images Ueta, Toshiya;Mito, Hiroyuki;Otsuka, Masaaki;Nakada, Yoshikazu;Conn, Blair C.;Ladjal, Djazia - -
2019AJ....158..172A Automated Transient Detection with Shapelet Analysis in Image-subtracted Data Ackley, Kendall;Eikenberry, Stephen S.;Yildirim, Ceren;Klimenko, Sergei;Garner, Alan - 2
2019AJ....158..175J A Long-term Photometric Variability and Spectroscopic Study of Luminous Blue Variable AF And in M31 Joshi, Yogesh C.;Sharma, Kaushal;Gangopadhyay, Anjasha;Gokhale, Rishikesh;Misra, Kuntal Use of VO tools: VOSA
2019AJ....158..233L Online Database of Class I Methanol Masers Ladeyschikov, Dmitry A.;Bayandina, Olga S.;Sobolev, Andrey M. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2019AJ....158..234S The Arecibo L-band Feed Array Zone of Avoidance (ALFAZOA) Shallow Survey Sanchez-Barrantes, M.;Henning, P. A.;McIntyre, T.;Momjian, E.;Minchin, R.;Rosenberg, J. L.;Schneider, S.;Staveley-Smith, L.;van Driel, W.;Ramatsoku, M.;Butcher, Z.;Vaez, E. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Splat-VO
2019AJ....158..240H Gaia 19ajj: A Young Star Brightening Due to Enhanced Accretion and Reduced Extinction Hillenbrand, Lynne A.;Reipurth, Bo;Connelley, Michael;Cutri, Roc M.;Isaacson, Howard Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2019ApJ...883..117K A Comparison of the X-Ray Properties of FU Ori-type Stars to Generic Young Stellar Objects Kuhn, Michael A.;Hillenbrand, Lynne A. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2019ApJ...883..165H ALMA Monitoring of Millimeter Line Variation in IRC +10216. I. Overview of Millimeter Variability He, J. H.;Kamiński, T.;Mennickent, R. E.;Shenavrin, V. I.;Mardones, Diego;Wang, Wei;Tang, Baitian;Schmidt, M. R.;Szczerba, R.;Ge, Jixing. Use of VO tools: CASSIS
2019ApJ...883..167P A Triple AGN in a Mid-infrared Selected Late-stage Galaxy Merger Pfeifle, Ryan W.;Satyapal, Shobita;Manzano-King, Christina;Cann, Jenna;Sexton, Remington O.;Rothberg, Barry;Canalizo, Gabriela;Ricci, Claudio;Blecha, Laura;Ellison, Sara L.;Gliozzi, Mario;Secrest, Nathan J.;Constantin, Anca;Harvey, Jenna B. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2019ApJ...883..205B The Ultracool SpeXtroscopic Survey. I. Volume-limited Spectroscopic Sample and Luminosity Function of M7−L5 Ultracool Dwarfs Bardalez Gagliuffi, Daniella C.;Burgasser, Adam J.;Schmidt, Sarah J.;Theissen, Christopher;Gagné, Jonathan;Gillon, Michael;Sahlmann, Johannes;Faherty, Jacqueline K.;Gelino, Christopher;Cruz, Kelle L.;Skrzypek, Nathalie;Looper, Dagny Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2019ApJ...884....1B Improving the Epoch of Reionization Power Spectrum Results from Murchison Widefield Array Season 1 Observations Barry, N.;Wilensky, M.;Trott, C. M.;Pindor, B.;Beardsley, A. P.;Hazelton, B. J.;Sullivan, I. S.;Morales, M. F.;Pober, J. C.;Line, J.;Greig, B.;Byrne, R.;Lanman, A.;Li, W.;Jordan, C. H.;Joseph, R. C.;McKinley, B.;Rahimi, M.;Yoshiura, S.;Bowman, J. D.;Gaensler, B. M.;Hewitt, J. N.;Jacobs, D. C.;Mitchell, D. A.;Udaya Shankar, N.;Sethi, S. K.;Subrahmanyan, R.;Tingay, S. J.;Webster, R. L.;Wyithe, J. S. B. Australian All-Sky Virtual Observatory (ASVO)
2019ApJ...884...54M AGN-Driven Outflows in Dwarf Galaxies Manzano-King, Christina M.;Canalizo, Gabriela;Sales, Laura V. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2019ApJ...884...79C Internal Dynamics and Stellar Content of Nine Ultra-diffuse Galaxies in the Coma Cluster Prove Their Evolutionary Link with Dwarf Early-type Galaxies Chilingarian, Igor V.;Afanasiev, Anton V.;Grishin, Kirill A.;Fabricant, Daniel;Moran, Sean Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2019ApJ...885..115S Determining Fireball Fates Using the α-β Criterion Sansom, Eleanor K.;Gritsevich, Maria;Devillepoix, Hadrien A. R.;Jansen-Sturgeon, Trent;Shober, Patrick;Bland, Phil A.;Towner, Martin C.;Cupák, Martin;Howie, Robert M.;Hartig, Benjamin A. D. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2019ApJ...885....2K Probing the Survival of Planetary Systems in Globular Clusters with Tidal Disruption Events Kremer, Kyle;D'Orazio, Daniel J.;Samsing, Johan;Chatterjee, Sourav;Rasio, Frederic A. - 7
2019ApJ...885...53M Signatures of Tidal Disruption in Ultra-faint Dwarf Galaxies: A Combined HST, Gaia, and MMT/Hectochelle Study of Leo V Mutlu-Pakdil, Burçin;Sand, David J.;Walker, Matthew G.;Caldwell, Nelson;Carlin, Jeffrey L.;Collins, Michelle L.;Crnojević, Denija;Mateo, Mario;Olszewski, Edward W.;Seth, Anil C.;Strader, Jay;Willman, Beth;Zaritsky, Dennis Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2019ApJ...885...68B Influence of Wolf-Rayet Stars on Surrounding Star-forming Molecular Clouds Baug, T.;de Grijs, Richard;Dewangan, L. K.;Herczeg, Gregory J.;Ojha, D. K.;Wang, Ke;Deng, Licai;Bhatt, B. C. VO project (JVO) acknowledged in the paper.
2019ApJ...885L...7F The First Detection of a Low-frequency Turnover in Nonthermal Emission from the Jet of a Young Star Feeney-Johansson, Anton;Purser, Simon J. D.;Ray, Tom P.;Eislöffel, Jochen;Hoeft, Matthias;Drabent, Alexander;Ainsworth, Rachael E. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2019ApJ...886..109C Tidal Destruction in a Low-mass Galaxy Environment: The Discovery of Tidal Tails around DDO 44 Carlin, Jeffrey L.;Garling, Christopher T.;Peter, Annika H. G.;Crnojević, Denija;Forbes, Duncan A.;Hargis, Jonathan R.;Mutlu-Pakdil, Burçin;Pucha, Ragadeepika;Romanowsky, Aaron J.;Sand, David J.;Spekkens, Kristine;Strader, Jay;Willman, Beth Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2019ApJ...886...13J UVIT Open Cluster Study. II. Detection of Extremely Low Mass White Dwarfs and Post─Mass Transfer Binaries in M67 Jadhav, Vikrant V.;Sindhu, N.;Subramaniam, Annapurni Use of VO tools: VOSA
2019ApJ...886...73N Limits on the Electromagnetic Counterpart of Binary Black Hole Coalescence at Visible Wavelengths Noysena, Kanthanakorn;Klotz, Alain;Boër, Michel;Laugier, Romain;Komonjinda, Siramas;Turpin, Damien;The TAROT Collaboration Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2019ApJ...886...76D The Virgo Overdensity Explained Donlon, Thomas, II;Newberg, Heidi Jo;Weiss, Jake;Amy, Paul;Thompson, Jeffery Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2019ApJ...887..136C Mapping the Magnetic Interstellar Medium in Three Dimensions over the Full Sky with Neutral Hydrogen Clark, S. E.;Hensley, Brandon S. - 35
2019ApJ...887...17Z On the Prospect of Using the Maximum Circular Velocity of Halos to Encapsulate Assembly Bias in the Galaxy─Halo Connection Zehavi, Idit;Kerby, Stephen E.;Contreras, Sergio;Jiménez, Esteban;Padilla, Nelson;Baugh, Carlton M. VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper. Use of Millenium database.
VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper
2019ApJ...887...18K Classification of New X-Ray Counterparts for Fermi Unassociated Gamma-Ray Sources Using the Swift X-Ray Telescope Kaur, Amanpreet;Falcone, Abraham D.;Stroh, Michael D.;Kennea, Jamie A.;Ferrara, Elizabeth C. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2019ApJ...887..193L Elemental Abundance Distributions in the (R, V ϕ ) Plane with LAMOST DR5 and Gaia DR2 Liang, Xilong;Zhao, Jingkun;Chen, Yuqin;Zuo, Wenbo;Zhang, Jiajun;Zhu, Jia;Zhao, Gang Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2019ApJ...887...19P Discovery of a Disrupting Open Cluster Far into the Milky Way Halo: A Recent Star Formation Event in the Leading Arm of the Magellanic Stream? Price-Whelan, Adrian M.;Nidever, David L.;Choi, Yumi;Schlafly, Edward F.;Morton, Timothy;Koposov, Sergey E.;Belokurov, Vasily - 18
2019ApJ...887...20A Deep Chandra Survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud. III. Formation Efficiency of High-mass X-Ray Binaries Antoniou, Vallia;Zezas, Andreas;Drake, Jeremy J.;Badenes, Carles;Haberl, Frank;Wright, Nicholas J.;Hong, Jaesub;Di Stefano, Rosanne;Gaetz, Terrance J.;Long, Knox S.;Plucinsky, Paul P.;Sasaki, Manami;Williams, Benjamin F.;Winkler, P. Frank;SMC XVP collaboration Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2019ApJ...887..218L The Spectral Evolution of AT 2018dyb and the Presence of Metal Lines in Tidal Disruption Events Leloudas, Giorgos;Dai, Lixin;Arcavi, Iair;Vreeswijk, Paul M.;Mockler, Brenna;Roy, Rupak;Malesani, Daniele B.;Schulze, Steve;Wevers, Thomas;Fraser, Morgan;Ramirez-Ruiz, Enrico;Auchettl, Katie;Burke, Jamison;Cannizzaro, Giacomo;Charalampopoulos, Panos;Chen, Ting-Wan;Cikota, Aleksandar;Della Valle, Massimo;Galbany, Lluis;Gromadzki, Mariusz;Heintz, Kasper E.;Hiramatsu, Daichi;Jonker, Peter G.;Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, Zuzanna;Maguire, Kate;Mandel, Ilya;Nicholl, Matt;Onori, Francesca;Roth, Nathaniel;Smartt, Stephen J.;Wyrzykowski, Lukasz;Young, Dave R. - 51
2019ApJ...887..250P Deciphering Residual Emissions: Time-dependent Models for the Nonthermal Interstellar Radiation from the Milky Way Porter, T. A.;Jóhannesson, G.;Moskalenko, I. V. - 10
2019ApJ...887..261M Exomoons in the Habitable Zones of M Dwarfs Martínez-Rodríguez, Héctor;Caballero, José Antonio;Cifuentes, Carlos;Piro, Anthony L.;Barnes, Rory VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper.
Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2019ApJ...887..268C Finding the Brightest Cosmic Beacons in the Southern Hemisphere Calderone, Giorgio;Boutsia, Konstantina;Cristiani, Stefano;Grazian, Andrea;Amorin, Ricardo;D’Odorico, Valentina;Cupani, Guido;Fontanot, Fabio;Salvato, Mara Australian All-Sky Virtual Observatory (ASVO)
2019ApJ...887...73C A Data-driven Model of Nucleosynthesis with Chemical Tagging in a Lower-dimensional Latent Space Casey, Andrew R.;Lattanzio, John C.;Aleti, Aldeida;Dowe, David L.;Bland-Hawthorn, Joss;Buder, Sven;Lewis, Geraint F.;Martell, Sarah L.;Nordlander, Thomas;Simpson, Jeffrey D.;Sharma, Sanjib;Zucker, Daniel B. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2019ApJ...887...80K Mapping Metallicity Variations across Nearby Galaxy Disks Kreckel, K.;Ho, I. -T.;Blanc, G. A.;Groves, B.;Santoro, F.;Schinnerer, E.;Bigiel, F.;Chevance, M.;Congiu, E.;Emsellem, E.;Faesi, C.;Glover, S. C. O.;Grasha, K.;Kruijssen, J. M. D.;Lang, P.;Leroy, A. K.;Meidt, S. E.;McElroy, R.;Pety, J.;Rosolowsky, E.;Saito, T.;Sandstrom, K.;Sanchez-Blazquez, P.;Schruba, A. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2019ApJ...887L..12B Exploring the Outskirts of Globular Clusters: The Peculiar Kinematics of NGC 3201 Bianchini, P.;Ibata, R.;Famaey, B. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2019ApJS..244...28T The Massive Star-forming Regions Omnibus X-ray Catalog, Third Installment Townsley, Leisa K.;Broos, Patrick S.;Garmire, Gordon P.;Povich, Matthew S. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2019ApJS..245...10W A Catalog of Galaxies in the Direction of the Perseus Cluster Wittmann, Carolin;Kotulla, Ralf;Lisker, Thorsten;Grebel, Eva K.;Conselice, Christopher J.;Janz, Joachim;Penny, Samantha J. VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper
2019ApJS..245....4Z The Third Data Release of the Beijing-Arizona Sky Survey Zou, Hu;Zhou, Xu;Fan, Xiaohui;Zhang, Tianmeng;Zhou, Zhimin;Peng, Xiyan;Nie, Jundan;Jiang, Linhua;McGreer, Ian;Cai, Zheng;Chen, Guangwen;Chen, Xinkai;Dey, Arjun;Fan, Dongwei;Findlay, Joseph R.;Gao, Jinghua;Gu, Yizhou;Guo, Yucheng;He, Boliang;Jiang, Zhaoji;Jin, Junjie;Kong, Xu;Lang, Dustin;Lei, Fengjie;Lesser, Michael;Li, Feng;Li, Zefeng;Lin, Zesen;Ma, Jun;Maxwell, Moe;Meng, Xiaolei;Myers, Adam D.;Ning, Yuanhang;Schlegel, David;Shao, Yali;Shi, Dongdong;Sun, Fengwu;Wang, Jiali;Wang, Shu;Wang, Yonghao;Wei, Peng;Wu, Hong;Wu, Jin;Wu, Xiaohan;Yang, Jinyi;Yang, Qian;Yuan, Qirong;Yue, Minghao Use of VO tools: Aladin
VO project (China-VO) acknowledged in the paper
2019Icar..333..165M A common origin for dynamically associated near-Earth asteroid pairs Moskovitz, Nicholas A.;Fatka, Petr;Farnocchia, Davide;Devogèle, Maxime;Polishook, David;Thomas, Cristina A.;Mommert, Michael;Avner, Louis D.;Binzel, Richard P.;Burt, Brian;Christensen, Eric;DeMeo, Francesca;Hinkle, Mary;Hora, Joseph L.;Magnusson, Mitchell;Matson, Robert;Person, Michael;Skiff, Brian;Thirouin, Audrey;Trilling, David;Wasserman, Lawrence H.;Willman, Mark - 4
2019MNRAS.488.5029H Star-formation rates of two GRB host galaxies at z ̃ 2 and a [C II] deficit observed with ALMA Hashimoto, Tetsuya;Hatsukade, Bunyo;Goto, Tomotsugu;Kim, Seong Jin;Ohta, Kouji;Nagao, Tohru;Kong, Albert K. H.;Nakanishi, Kouichiro;Mao, Jirong Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2019MNRAS.488.5641K Molecular envelope around the HII region RCW 120 Kirsanova, M. S.;Pavlyuchenkov, Ya N.;Wiebe, D. S.;Boley, P. A.;Salii, S. V.;Kalenskii, S. V.;Sobolev, A. M.;Anderson, L. D. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2019MNRAS.489.1054L Spectral analysis of the hybrid PG 1159-type central stars of the planetary nebulae Abell 43 and NGC 7094 Löbling, L.;Rauch, T.;Miller Bertolami, M. M.;Todt, H.;Friederich, F.;Ziegler, M.;Werner, K.;Kruk, J. W. Use of VO services. TMAD provided by GAVO
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2019MNRAS.489...13E An unusual transient following the short GRB 071227 Eyles, R. A. J.;O'Brien, P. T.;Wiersema, K.;Starling, R. L. C.;Gompertz, B. P.;Lamb, G. P.;Lyman, J. D.;Levan, A. J.;Rosswog, S.;Tanvir, N. R. Australian All-Sky Virtual Observatory (ASVO)
2019MNRAS.489.1489R Partly burnt runaway stellar remnants from peculiar thermonuclear supernovae Raddi, R.;Hollands, M. A.;Koester, D.;Hermes, J. J.;Gänsicke, B. T.;Heber, U.;Shen, K. J.;Townsley, D. M.;Pala, A. F.;Reding, J. S.;Toloza, O. F.;Pelisoli, I.;Geier, S.;Gentile Fusillo, N. P.;Munari, U.;Strader, J. - 33
2019MNRAS.489.2216D Smaller stellar disc scale lengths in rich environments Demers, Melanie L.;Parker, Laura C.;Roberts, Ian D. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2019MNRAS.489.2330C S-band Polarization All-Sky Survey (S-PASS): survey description and maps Carretti, E.;Haverkorn, M.;Staveley-Smith, L.;Bernardi, G.;Gaensler, B. M.;Kesteven, M. J.;Poppi, S.;Brown, S.;Crocker, R. M.;Purcell, C.;Schnitzeler, D. H. F. M.;Sun, X. - 30
2019MNRAS.489..241M The Southern Photometric Local Universe Survey (S-PLUS): improved SEDs, morphologies, and redshifts with 12 optical filters Mendes de Oliveira, C.;Ribeiro, T.;Schoenell, W.;Kanaan, A.;Overzier, R. A.;Molino, A.;Sampedro, L.;Coelho, P.;Barbosa, C. E.;Cortesi, A.;Costa-Duarte, M. V.;Herpich, F. R.;Hernandez-Jimenez, J. A.;Placco, V. M.;Xavier, H. S.;Abramo, L. R.;Saito, R. K.;Chies-Santos, A. L.;Ederoclite, A.;Lopes de Oliveira, R.;Gonçalves, D. R.;Akras, S.;Almeida, L. A.;Almeida-Fernandes, F.;Beers, T. C.;Bonatto, C.;Bonoli, S.;Cypriano, E. S.;Vinicius-Lima, E.;de Souza, R. S.;Fabiano de Souza, G.;Ferrari, F.;Gonçalves, T. S.;Gonzalez, A. H.;Gutiérrez-Soto, L. A.;Hartmann, E. A.;Jaffe, Y.;Kerber, L. O.;Lima-Dias, C.;Lopes, P. A. A.;Menendez-Delmestre, K.;Nakazono, L. M. I.;Novais, P. M.;Ortega-Minakata, R. A.;Pereira, E. S.;Perottoni, H. D.;Queiroz, C.;Reis, R. R. R.;Santos, W. A.;Santos-Silva, T.;Santucci, R. M.;Barbosa, C. L.;Siffert, Beatriz B.;Sodré, L.;Torres-Flores, S.;Westera, P.;Whitten, D. D.;Alcaniz, J. S.;Alonso-García, Javier;Alencar, S.;Alvarez-Candal, A.;Amram, P.;Azanha, L.;Barbá, R. H.;Bernardinelli, P. H.;Borges Fernandes, M.;Branco, V.;Brito-Silva, D.;Buzzo, M. L.;Caffer, J.;Campillay, A.;Cano, Z.;Carvano, J. M.;Castejon, M.;Cid Fernandes, R.;Dantas, M. L. L.;Daflon, S.;Damke, G.;de la Reza, R.;de Melo de Azevedo, L. J.;De Paula, D. F.;Diem, K. G.;Donnerstein, R.;Dors, O. L.;Dupke, R.;Eikenberry, S.;Escudero, Carlos G.;Faifer, Favio R.;Farías, H.;Fernandes, B.;Fernandes, C.;Fontes, S.;Galarza, A.;Hirata, N. S. T.;Katena, L.;Gregorio-Hetem, J.;Hernández-Fernández, J. D.;Izzo, L.;Jaque Arancibia, M.;Jatenco-Pereira, V.;Jiménez-Teja, Y.;Kann, D. A.;Krabbe, A. C.;Labayru, C.;Lazzaro, D.;Lima Neto, G. B.;Lopes, Amanda R.;Magalhães, R.;Makler, M.;de Menezes, R.;Miralda-Escudé, J.;Monteiro-Oliveira, R.;Montero-Dorta, A. D.;Muñoz-Elgueta, N.;Nemmen, R. S.;Nilo Castellón, J. L.;Oliveira, A. S.;Ortíz, D.;Pattaro, E.;Pereira, C. B.;Quint, B.;Riguccini, L.;Rocha Pinto, H. J.;Rodrigues, I. Use of VO services: Brazilian Science Data Center (BSDC) Virtual Observatory
2019MNRAS.489.2615M Exploring the M-dwarf Luminosity-Temperature-Radius relationships using Gaia DR2 Morrell, Sam;Naylor, Tim Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2019MNRAS.489.3073B BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey - XIII. The nature of the most luminous obscured AGN in the low-redshift universe Bär, Rudolf E.;Trakhtenbrot, Benny;Oh, Kyuseok;Koss, Michael J.;Wong, O. Ivy;Ricci, Claudio;Schawinski, Kevin;Weigel, Anna K.;Sartori, Lia F.;Ichikawa, Kohei;Secrest, Nathan J.;Stern, Daniel;Pacucci, Fabio;Mushotzky, Richard;Powell, Meredith C.;Ricci, Federica;Sani, Eleonora;Smith, Krista L.;Harrison, Fiona A.;Lamperti, Isabella;Urry, C. Megan Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2019MNRAS.489.3200B The intrinsic reddening of the Magellanic Clouds as traced by background galaxies - I. The bar and outskirts of the Small Magellanic Cloud Bell, Cameron P. M.;Cioni, Maria-Rosa L.;Wright, A. H.;Rubele, Stefano;Nidever, David L.;Tatton, Ben L.;van Loon, Jacco Th;Ivanov, Valentin D.;Subramanian, Smitha;Oliveira, Joana M.;de Grijs, Richard;Pennock, Clara M.;Choi, Yumi;Zaritsky, Dennis;Olsen, Knut;Niederhofer, Florian;Choudhury, Samyaday;Martínez-Delgado, David;Muñoz, Ricardo R. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2019MNRAS.489.3316R Constraining coherent low-frequency radio flares from compact binary mergers Rowlinson, A.;Anderson, G. E. - 3
2019MNRAS.489.3351B The spectral energy distributions of active galactic nuclei Brown, M. J. I.;Duncan, K. J.;Landt, H.;Kirk, M.;Ricci, C.;Kamraj, N.;Salvato, M.;Ananna, T. Australian All-Sky Virtual Observatory (ASVO)
2019MNRAS.489.3953E Dynamics of the binary asteroid system (22) Kalliope-Linus based on observations Emelyanov, N. V.;Safonov, B. S.;Kupreeva, C. D. - -
2019MNRAS.489.3990R Infrared-excess white dwarfs in the Gaia 100 pc sample Rebassa-Mansergas, A.;Solano, E.;Xu, S.;Rodrigo, C.;Jiménez-Esteban, F. M.;Torres, S. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2019MNRAS.489..420R A hyper-runaway white dwarf in Gaia DR2 as a Type Iax supernova primary remnant candidate Ruffini, Nicholas J.;Casey, Andrew R. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2019MNRAS.489.4217L A novel scheme for Dark Matter Annihilation Feedback in cosmological simulations List, Florian;Iwanus, Nikolas;Elahi, Pascal J.;Lewis, Geraint F. - 4
2019MNRAS.489..437D Probing the origin of stellar flares on M dwarfs using TESS data sectors 1-3 Doyle, L.;Ramsay, G.;Doyle, J. G.;Wu, K. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Australian All-Sky Virtual Observatory (ASVO)
2019MNRAS.489.4389L JINGLE - V. Dust properties of nearby galaxies derived from hierarchical Bayesian SED fitting Lamperti, Isabella;Saintonge, Amélie;De Looze, Ilse;Accurso, Gioacchino;Clark, Christopher J. R.;Smith, Matthew W. L.;Wilson, Christine D.;Brinks, Elias;Brown, Toby;Bureau, Martin;Clements, David L.;Eales, Stephen;Glass, David H. W.;Hwang, Ho Seong;Lee, Jong Chul;Lin, Lihwai;Michalowski, Michal J.;Sargent, Mark;Williams, Thomas G.;Xiao, Ting;Yang, Chentao Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2019MNRAS.489.4429R Not so different after all: properties and spatial structure of column density peaks in the pipe and Orion A clouds Román-Zúñiga, Carlos G.;Alfaro, Emilio;Palau, Aina;Hasenberger, Birgit;Alves, João F.;Lombardi, Marco;Sánchez, G. Paloma S. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2019MNRAS.489.5053S The nature of faint radio galaxies at high redshifts Saxena, A.;Röttgering, H. J. A.;Duncan, K. J.;Hill, G. J.;Best, P. N.;Indahl, B. L.;Marinello, M.;Overzier, R. A.;Pentericci, L.;Prandoni, I.;Dannerbauer, H.;Barrena, R. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2019MNRAS.489.5146J NGTS-7Ab: an ultrashort-period brown dwarf transiting a tidally locked and active M dwarf Jackman, James A. G.;Wheatley, Peter J.;Bayliss, Dan;Gill, Samuel;Hodgkin, Simon T.;Burleigh, Matthew R.;Braker, Ian P.;Günther, Maximilian N.;Louden, Tom;Turner, Oliver;Anderson, David R.;Belardi, Claudia;Bouchy, François;Briegal, Joshua T.;Bryant, Edward M.;Cabrera, Juan;Casewell, Sarah L.;Chaushev, Alexander;Costes, Jean C.;Csizmadia, Szilard;Eigmüller, Philipp;Erikson, Anders;Gänsicke, Boris T.;Gillen, Edward;Goad, Michael R.;Jenkins, James S.;McCormac, James;Moyano, Maximiliano;Nielsen, Louise D.;Pollacco, Don;Poppenhaeger, Katja;Queloz, Didier;Rauer, Heike;Raynard, Liam;Smith, Alexis M. S.;Udry, Stéphane;Vines, Jose I.;Watson, Christopher A.;West, Richard G. - 29
2019MNRAS.489.5256C The first maps of κd - the dust mass absorption coefficient - in nearby galaxies, with DustPedia Clark, C. J. R.;De Vis, P.;Baes, M.;Bianchi, S.;Casasola, V.;Cassarà, L. P.;Davies, J. I.;Dobbels, W.;Lianou, S.;De Looze, I.;Evans, R.;Galametz, M.;Galliano, F.;Jones, A. P.;Madden, S. C.;Mosenkov, A. V.;Verstocken, S.;Viaene, S.;Xilouris, E. M.;Ysard, N. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2019MNRAS.489.5513C Long rotation period main-sequence stars from Kepler SAP light curves Cui, Kaiming;Liu, Jifeng;Yang, Shuhong;Gao, Qing;Yang, Huiqin;Soria, Roberto;He, Lin;Wang, Song;Bai, Yu;Yang, Fan VO project (China-VO) acknowledged in the paper
2019MNRAS.489..555K The clustering of typical Ly α emitters from z ̃ 2.5-6: host halo masses depend on Ly α and UV luminosities Khostovan, A. A.;Sobral, D.;Mobasher, B.;Matthee, J.;Cochrane, R. K.;Chartab, N.;Jafariyazani, M.;Paulino-Afonso, A.;Santos, S.;Calhau, J. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2019MNRAS.489.5900D The SkyMapper DR1.1 search for extremely metal-poor stars Da Costa, G. S.;Bessell, M. S.;Mackey, A. D.;Nordlander, T.;Asplund, M.;Casey, A. R.;Frebel, A.;Lind, K.;Marino, A. F.;Murphy, S. J.;Norris, J. E.;Schmidt, B. P.;Yong, D. Australian All-Sky Virtual Observatory (ASVO)
2019MNRAS.489..663B Photometric redshifts for X-ray-selected active galactic nuclei in the eROSITA era Brescia, M.;Salvato, M.;Cavuoti, S.;Ananna, T. T.;Riccio, G.;LaMassa, S. M.;Urry, C. M.;Longo, G. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Vizier
Use of VO tools: STILTS
2019MNRAS.489L..22A Giant cold satellites from low-concentration haloes Amorisco, Nicola C. - 7
2019MNRAS.490.1026H Signatures of resonance and phase mixing in the Galactic disc Hunt, Jason A. S.;Bub, Mathew W.;Bovy, Jo;Mackereth, J. Ted;Trick, Wilma H.;Kawata, Daisuke Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2019MNRAS.490..157M Gaia DR2 in 6D: searching for the fastest stars in the Galaxy Marchetti, T.;Rossi, E. M.;Brown, A. G. A. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2019MNRAS.490.1803R Ground-based observation of ZZ Ceti stars and the discovery of four new variables Romero, Alejandra D.;Amaral, L. Antunes;Klippel, T.;Sanmartim, D.;Fraga, L.;Ourique, G.;Pelisoli, I.;Lauffer, G. R.;Kepler, S. O.;Koester, D. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2019MNRAS.490.2086B Towards the analysis of JWST exoplanet spectra: the effective temperature in the context of direct imaging Baudino, Jean-Loup;Taylor, J.;Irwin, P. G. J.;Garland, R. VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper.
Use of VO tools: VOSA
2019MNRAS.490.2183M Search for RR Lyrae stars in DES ultrafaint systems: Grus I, Kim 2, Phoenix II, and Grus II Martínez-Vázquez, C. E.;Vivas, A. K.;Gurevich, M.;Walker, A. R.;McCarthy, M.;Pace, A. B.;Stringer, K. M.;Santiago, B.;Hounsell, R.;Macri, L.;Li, T. S.;Bechtol, K.;Riley, A. H.;Kim, A. G.;Simon, J. D.;Drlica-Wagner, A.;Nadler, E. O.;Marshall, J. L.;Annis, J.;Avila, S.;Bertin, E.;Brooks, D.;Buckley-Geer, E.;Burke, D. L.;Carnero Rosell, A.;Carrasco Kind, M.;da Costa, L. N.;De Vicente, J.;Desai, S.;Diehl, H. T.;Doel, P.;Everett, S.;Frieman, J.;García-Bellido, J.;Gaztanaga, E.;Gruen, D.;Gruendl, R. A.;Gschwend, J.;Gutierrez, G.;Hollowood, D. L.;Honscheid, K.;James, D. J.;Kuehn, K.;Kuropatkin, N.;Maia, M. A. G.;Menanteau, F.;Miller, C. J.;Miquel, R.;Paz-Chinchón, F.;Plazas, A. A.;Sanchez, E.;Scarpine, V.;Serrano, S.;Sevilla-Noarbe, I.;Smith, M.;Soares-Santos, M.;Sobreira, F.;Swanson, M. E. C.;Tarle, G.;Vikram, V.;DES Collaboration Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
2019MNRAS.490.2241A The Pristine survey - VI. The first three years of medium-resolution follow-up spectroscopy of Pristine EMP star candidates Aguado, David S.;Youakim, Kris;González Hernández, Jonay I.;Allende Prieto, Carlos;Starkenburg, Else;Martin, Nicolas;Bonifacio, Piercarlo;Arentsen, Anke;Caffau, Elisabetta;Peralta de Arriba, Luis;Sestito, Federico;Garcia-Dias, Rafael;Fantin, Nicholas;Hill, Vanessa;Jablonca, Pascale;Jahandar, Farbod;Kielty, Collin;Longeard, Nicolas;Lucchesi, Romain;Sánchez-Janssen, Rubén;Osorio, Yeisson;Palicio, Pedro A.;Tolstoy, Eline;Wilson, Thomas G.;Côté, Patrick;Kordopatis, Georges;Lardo, Carmela;Navarro, Julio F.;Thomas, Guillaume F.;Venn, Kim - 29
2019MNRAS.490.2448R The chemical composition of HIP 34407/HIP 34426 and other twin-star comoving pairs Ramírez, I.;Khanal, S.;Lichon, S. J.;Chanamé, J.;Endl, M.;Meléndez, J.;Lambert, D. L. Use of VO tools: VOSA
2019MNRAS.490.2588B Young stars raining through the galactic halo: the nature and orbit of price-whelan 1 Bellazzini, Michele;Ibata, Rodrigo A.;Martin, Nicolas;Malhan, Khyati;Marasco, Antonino;Famaey, Benoit Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2019MNRAS.490.3046C Identification of asteroids using the Virtual Observatory: the WFCAM Transit Survey Cortés-Contreras, M.;Jiménez-Esteban, F. M.;Mahlke, M.;Solano, E.;Durech, J.;Barceló Forteza, S.;Rodrigo, C.;Velasco, A.;Carry, B. VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper.
Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: Vizier
Use of VO tools: STILTS
Use of VO tools: SkyBot
Use of VO tool: MIriade
2019MNRAS.490.3158C A catalogue of stellar diameters and fluxes for mid-infrared interferometry Cruzalèbes, P.;Petrov, R. G.;Robbe-Dubois, S.;Varga, J.;Burtscher, L.;Allouche, F.;Berio, P.;Hofmann, K. -H.;Hron, J.;Jaffe, W.;Lagarde, S.;Lopez, B.;Matter, A.;Meilland, A.;Meisenheimer, K.;Millour, F.;Schertl, D. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2019MNRAS.490.3329N The nascent wind of AGB star R doradus: evidence for a recent episode of enhanced mass loss Nhung, P. T.;Hoai, D. T.;Tuan-Anh, P.;Darriulat, P.;Diep, P. N.;Phuong, N. T.;Thai, T. T. VO project (JVO) acknowledged in the paper.
2019MNRAS.490.3508L The southern stellar stream spectroscopic survey (S5): Overview, target selection, data reduction, validation, and early science Li, T. S.;Koposov, S. E.;Zucker, D. B.;Lewis, G. F.;Kuehn, K.;Simpson, J. D.;Ji, A. P.;Shipp, N.;Mao, Y. -Y.;Geha, M.;Pace, A. B.;Mackey, A. D.;Allam, S.;Tucker, D. L.;Da Costa, G. S.;Erkal, D.;Simon, J. D.;Mould, J. R.;Martell, S. L.;Wan, Z.;De Silva, G. M.;Bechtol, K.;Balbinot, E.;Belokurov, V.;Bland-Hawthorn, J.;Casey, A. R.;Cullinane, L.;Drlica-Wagner, A.;Sharma, S.;Vivas, A. K.;Wechsler, R. H.;Yanny, B.;S5 Collaboration Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Australian All-Sky Virtual Observatory (ASVO)
2019MNRAS.490.3532J Extensions to the halo occupation distribution model for more accurate clustering predictions Jiménez, Esteban;Contreras, Sergio;Padilla, Nelson;Zehavi, Idit;Baugh, Carlton M.;Gonzalez-Perez, Violeta VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper. Use of Millenium database.
2019MNRAS.490.4080A Astroinformatics-based search for globular clusters in the Fornax Deep Survey Angora, G.;Brescia, M.;Cavuoti, S.;Paolillo, M.;Longo, G.;Cantiello, M.;Capaccioli, M.;D'Abrusco, R.;D'Ago, G.;Hilker, M.;Iodice, E.;Mieske, S.;Napolitano, N.;Peletier, R.;Pota, V.;Puzia, T.;Riccio, G.;Spavone, M. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2019MNRAS.490.4107B Selection of M-dwarfs using Gaia, WISE, and 2MASS Bentley, J.;Tinney, C. G.;Sharma, S.;Wright, D. - -
2019MNRAS.490.4368S MusE GAs FLOw and Wind (MEGAFLOW) - III. Galactic wind properties using background quasars Schroetter, Ilane;Bouché, Nicolas F.;Zabl, Johannes;Contini, Thierry;Wendt, Martin;Schaye, Joop;Mitchell, Peter;Muzahid, Sowgat;Marino, Raffaella A.;Bacon, Roland;Lilly, Simon J.;Richard, Johan;Wisotzki, Lutz - 45
2019MNRAS.490.4465R The K2 Galactic Caps Project - going beyond the Kepler field and ageing the Galactic disc Rendle, B. M.;Miglio, A.;Chiappini, C.;Valentini, M.;Davies, G. R.;Mosser, B.;Elsworth, Y.;García, R. A.;Mathur, S.;Jofré, P.;Worley, C. C.;Casagrande, L.;Girardi, L.;Lund, M. N.;Feuillet, D. K.;Gavel, A.;Magrini, L.;Khan, S.;Rodrigues, T. S.;Johnson, J. A.;Cunha, K.;Lane, R. L.;Nitschelm, C.;Chaplin, W. J. - 21
2019MNRAS.490..455P Heterogeneity of inverted calcium II H:K ratio cluster galaxies Pimbblet, K. A.;Crossett, J. P.;Fraser-McKelvie, A. - -
2019MNRAS.490.4721K Revealing the cosmic evolution of boxy/peanut-shaped bulges from HST COSMOS and SDSS Kruk, Sandor J.;Erwin, Peter;Debattista, Victor P.;Lintott, Chris Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2019MNRAS.490.4898H A GMRT 150 MHz search for variables and transients in Stripe 82 Hajela, A.;Mooley, K. P.;Intema, H. T.;Frail, D. A. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2019MNRAS.490.5218I An unusually large gaseous transit in a debris disc Iglesias, Daniela P.;Olofsson, Johan;Bayo, Amelia;Zieba, Sebastian;Montesinos, Matías;Smoker, Jonathan;Kennedy, Grant M.;Godoy, Nicolás;Pantoja, Blake;Talens, Geert Jan;Wahhaj, Zahed;Zamora, Catalina VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper.
Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2019MNRAS.490.5317G A SCUBA-2 selected Herschel-SPIRE dropout and the nature of this population Greenslade, J.;Aguilar, E.;Clements, D. L.;Dannerbauer, H.;Cheng, T.;Petitpas, G.;Yang, C.;Messias, H.;Oteo, I.;Farrah, D.;Michałowski, M. J.;Pérez Fournon, I.;Aretxaga, I.;Yun, M. S.;Eales, S.;Dunne, L.;Cooray, A.;Andreani, P.;Hughes, D. H.;Velázquez, M.;Sánchez-Argüelles, D.;Ponthieu, N. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2019MNRAS.490.5615B Quasar and galaxy classification in Gaia Data Release 2 Bailer-Jones, Coryn A. L.;Fouesneau, Morgan;Andrae, Rene Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2019MNRAS.490.5647M Searching for correlations in Gaia DR2 unbound star trajectories Montanari, F.;Barrado, D.;García-Bellido, J. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: STILTS
2019MNRAS.490..566J The environment of H I-bearing ultra-diffuse galaxies in the ALFALFA survey Janowiecki, Steven;Jones, Michael G.;Leisman, Lukas;Webb, Andrew Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2019MNRAS.490.5798D Radio spectral properties of cores and extended regions in blazars in the MHz regime d'Antonio, D.;Giroletti, M.;Giovannini, G.;Maini, A. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2019MNRAS.490..613S H0LiCOW - X. Spectroscopic/imaging survey and galaxy-group identification around the strong gravitational lens system WFI 2033-4723 Sluse, D.;Rusu, C. E.;Fassnacht, C. D.;Sonnenfeld, A.;Richard, J.;Auger, M. W.;Coccato, L.;Wong, K. C.;Suyu, S. H.;Treu, T.;Agnello, A.;Birrer, S.;Bonvin, V.;Collett, T.;Courbin, F.;Hilbert, S.;Koopmans, L. V. E.;Tihhanova, O.;Marshall, P. J.;Meylan, G.;Shajib, A. J.;Annis, J.;Avila, S.;Bertin, E.;Brooks, D.;Buckley-Geer, E.;Burke, D. L.;Carnero Rosell, A.;Carrasco Kind, M.;Carretero, J.;Castander, F. J.;da Costa, L. N.;De Vicente, J.;Desai, S.;Doel, P.;Evrard, A. E.;Flaugher, B.;Frieman, J.;García-Bellido, J.;Gerdes, D. W.;Goldstein, D. A.;Gruendl, R. A.;Gschwend, J.;Hartley, W. G.;Hollowood, D. L.;Honscheid, K.;James, D. J.;Kim, A. G.;Krause, E.;Kuehn, K.;Kuropatkin, N.;Lima, M.;Lin, H.;Maia, M. A. G.;Marshall, J. L.;Melchior, P.;Menanteau, F.;Miquel, R.;Plazas, A. A.;Sanchez, E.;Serrano, S.;Sevilla-Noarbe, I.;Smith, M.;Soares-Santos, M.;Sobreira, F.;Suchyta, E.;Swanson, M. E. C.;Tarle, G. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2019MNRAS.490..634S HELP: a catalogue of 170 million objects, selected at 0.36-4.5 μm, from 1270 deg2 of prime extragalactic fields Shirley, Raphael;Roehlly, Yannick;Hurley, Peter D.;Buat, Veronique;Campos Varillas, María del Carmen;Duivenvoorden, Steven;Duncan, Kenneth J.;Efstathiou, Andreas;Farrah, Duncan;González Solares, Eduardo;Malek, Katarzyna;Marchetti, Lucia;McCheyne, Ian;Papadopoulos, Andreas;Pons, Estelle;Scipioni, Roberto;Vaccari, Mattia;Oliver, Seb Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2019MNRAS.490..657H Limits on a population of collisional-triples as progenitors of Type-Ia supernovae Hallakoun, Na'ama;Maoz, Dan Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2019MNRAS.490..741S A nitrogen-enhanced metal-poor star discovered in the globular cluster ESO280-SC06 Simpson, Jeffrey D.;Martell, Sarah L. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2019MNRAS.490..773R `Observing' unrelaxed clusters in dark matter simulations Roberts, Ian D.;Parker, Laura C. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2019MNRAS.490..868L Oxygen yields as a constraint on feedback processes in galaxies Lara-López, Maritza A.;De Rossi, Maria Emilia;Pilyugin, Leonid S.;Gallazzi, Anna;Hughes, Thomas M.;Zinchenko, Igor A. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2019PASP..131j8003L Preliminary Results of Using k-Nearest Neighbors Regression to Estimate the Redshift of Radio-selected Data Sets Luken, Kieran J.;Norris, Ray P.;Park, Laurence A. F. - 7
2019PASP..131j8004N A Comparison of Photometric Redshift Techniques for Large Radio Surveys Norris, Ray P.;Salvato, M.;Longo, G.;Brescia, M.;Budavari, T.;Carliles, S.;Cavuoti, S.;Farrah, D.;Geach, J.;Luken, K.;Musaeva, A.;Polsterer, K.;Riccio, G.;Seymour, N.;Smolčić, V.;Vaccari, M.;Zinn, P. - 12
2019PASP..131k5002R ALTSched: Improved Scheduling for Time-domain Science with LSST Rothchild, Daniel;Stubbs, Christopher;Yoachim, Peter - 5
2019PASP..131k8002M RAPID: Early Classification of Explosive Transients Using Deep Learning Muthukrishna, Daniel;Narayan, Gautham;Mandel, Kaisey S.;Biswas, Rahul;Hložek, Renée - 127
2019SerAJ.199...55J Optical Variability of Some Quasars Important to ICRF-GAIA CRF Link Jovanović, M. D. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2020A&A...633A.118L Molecular complexity in pre-stellar cores: a 3 mm-band study of L183 and L1544 Lattanzi, Valerio;Bizzocchi, Luca;Vasyunin, Anton I.;Harju, Jorma;Giuliano, Barbara M.;Vastel, Charlotte;Caselli, Paola Use of VO tools: CASSIS
2020A&A...633A.122F Pulsational properties of ten new slowly pulsating B stars Fedurco, M.;Paunzen, E.;Hümmerich, S.;Bernhard, K.;Parimucha, Š. Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2020A&A...633A.124P A new take on the low-mass brown dwarf companions on wide orbits in Upper-Scorpius Petrus, S.;Bonnefoy, M.;Chauvin, G.;Babusiaux, C.;Delorme, P.;Lagrange, A. -M.;Florent, N.;Bayo, A.;Janson, M.;Biller, B.;Manjavacas, E.;Marleau, G. -D.;Kopytova, T. Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2020A&A...633A.141M Extended radio emission associated with a breakout eruption from the back side of the Sun Morosan, D. E.;Palmerio, E.;Lynch, B. J.;Kilpua, E. K. J. - 3
2020A&A...633A.152C USco1621 B and USco1556 B: Two wide companions at the deuterium-burning mass limit in Upper Scorpius Chinchilla, Patricia;Béjar, Víctor J. S.;Lodieu, Nicolas;Gauza, Bartosz;Zapatero Osorio, Maria Rosa;Rebolo, Rafael;Garrido, Antonio Pérez;Alvarez, Carlos;Manjavacas, Elena Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2020A&A...633A.164F Testing massive star evolution, star-formation history, and feedback at low metallicity. Photometric analysis of OB stars in the SMC Wing Fulmer, Leah M.;Gallagher, John S.;Hamann, Wolf-Rainer;Oskinova, Lida M.;Ramachandran, Varsha Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020A&A...633A...1L The Gaia reference frame for bright sources examined using VLBI observations of radio stars Lindegren, Lennart Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2020A&A...633A..37S Time-resolved photometry of the young dipper RX J1604.3-2130A. Unveiling the structure and mass transport through the innermost disk Sicilia-Aguilar, A.;Manara, C. F.;de Boer, J.;Benisty, M.;Pinilla, P.;Bouvier, J. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
Use of VO tools: SkyBot
2020A&A...633A..47H A thin shell of ionized gas as the explanation for infrared excess among classical Cepheids Hocdé, V.;Nardetto, N.;Lagadec, E.;Niccolini, G.;Domiciano de Souza, A.;Mérand, A.;Kervella, P.;Gallenne, A.;Marengo, M.;Trahin, B.;Gieren, W.;Pietrzyński, G.;Borgniet, S.;Breuval, L.;Javanmardi, B. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2020A&A...633A...6E The XXL Survey. XXXIX. Polarised radio sources in the XXL-South field Eyles, R. A. J.;Birkinshaw, M.;Smolčić, V.;Horellou, C.;Huynh, M.;Butler, A.;Delhaize, J.;Vignali, C.;Pierre, M. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020A&A...633A..98W Full orbital solution for the binary system in the northern Galactic disc microlensing event Gaia16aye Wyrzykowski, Ł.;Mróz, P.;Rybicki, K. A.;Gromadzki, M.;Kołaczkowski, Z.;Zieliński, M.;Zieliński, P.;Britavskiy, N.;Gomboc, A.;Sokolovsky, K.;Hodgkin, S. T.;Abe, L.;Aldi, G. F.;AlMannaei, A.;Altavilla, G.;Al Qasim, A.;Anupama, G. C.;Awiphan, S.;Bachelet, E.;Bakıș, V.;Baker, S.;Bartlett, S.;Bendjoya, P.;Benson, K.;Bikmaev, I. F.;Birenbaum, G.;Blagorodnova, N.;Blanco-Cuaresma, S.;Boeva, S.;Bonanos, A. Z.;Bozza, V.;Bramich, D. M.;Bruni, I.;Burenin, R. A.;Burgaz, U.;Butterley, T.;Caines, H. E.;Caton, D. B.;Calchi Novati, S.;Carrasco, J. M.;Cassan, A.;Čepas, V.;Cropper, M.;Chruślińska, M.;Clementini, G.;Clerici, A.;Conti, D.;Conti, M.;Cross, S.;Cusano, F.;Damljanovic, G.;Dapergolas, A.;D'Ago, G.;de Bruijne, J. H. J.;Dennefeld, M.;Dhillon, V. S.;Dominik, M.;Dziedzic, J.;Erece, O.;Eselevich, M. V.;Esenoglu, H.;Eyer, L.;Figuera Jaimes, R.;Fossey, S. J.;Galeev, A. I.;Grebenev, S. A.;Gupta, A. C.;Gutaev, A. G.;Hallakoun, N.;Hamanowicz, A.;Han, C.;Handzlik, B.;Haislip, J. B.;Hanlon, L.;Hardy, L. K.;Harrison, D. L.;van Heerden, H. J.;Hoette, V. L.;Horne, K.;Hudec, R.;Hundertmark, M.;Ihanec, N.;Irtuganov, E. N.;Itoh, R.;Iwanek, P.;Jovanovic, M. D.;Janulis, R.;Jelínek, M.;Jensen, E.;Kaczmarek, Z.;Katz, D.;Khamitov, I. M.;Kilic, Y.;Klencki, J.;Kolb, U.;Kopacki, G.;Kouprianov, V. V.;Kruszyńska, K.;Kurowski, S.;Latev, G.;Lee, C. -H.;Leonini, S.;Leto, G.;Lewis, F.;Li, Z.;Liakos, A.;Littlefair, S. P.;Lu, J.;Manser, C. J.;Mao, S.;Maoz, D.;Martin-Carrillo, A.;Marais, J. P.;Maskoliūnas, M.;Maund, J. R.;Meintjes, P. J.;Melnikov, S. S.;Ment, K.;Mikołajczyk, P.;Morrell, M.;Mowlavi, N.;Moździerski, D.;Murphy, D.;Nazarov, S.;Netzel, H.;Nesci, R.;Ngeow, C. -C.;Norton, A. J.;Ofek, E. O.;Pakštienė, E.;Palaversa, L.;Pandey, A.;Paraskeva, E.;Pawlak, M.;Penny, M. T.;Penprase, B. E.;Piascik, A.;Prieto, J. L.;Qvam, J. K. T.;Ranc, C.;Rebassa-Mansergas, A.;Reichart, D. E.;Reig, P.;Rhodes, L.;Rivet, J. -P.;Rixon, G. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2020A&A...633A..99C Clusters and mirages: cataloguing stellar aggregates in the Milky Way Cantat-Gaudin, T.;Anders, F. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2020A&A...633L...2M A dusty benchmark brown dwarf near the ice line of HD 72946 Maire, A. -L.;Baudino, J. -L.;Desidera, S.;Messina, S.;Brandner, W.;Godoy, N.;Cantalloube, F.;Galicher, R.;Bonnefoy, M.;Hagelberg, J.;Olofsson, J.;Absil, O.;Chauvin, G.;Henning, T.;Langlois, M. Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2020A&A...634A.107Y Present-day mass-metallicity relation for galaxies using a new electron temperature method Yates, R. M.;Schady, P.;Chen, T. -W.;Schweyer, T.;Wiseman, P. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020A&A...634A.115M APEX observations of ortho-H2D+ towards dense cores in the Orion B9 filament Miettinen, O. - 9
2020A&A...634A..11D Structural analysis of massive galaxies using HST deep imaging at z < 0.5 dos Reis, Sandra N.;Buitrago, Fernando;Papaderos, Polychronis;Matute, Israel;Afonso, José;Amarantidis, Stergios;Breda, Iris;Gomes, Jean M.;Humphrey, Andrew;Lobo, Catarina;Lorenzoni, Silvio;Pappalardo, Cirino;Paulino-Afonso, Ana;Scott, Tom Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
2020A&A...634A.124B The strange case of the peculiar spiral galaxy NGC 5474. New pieces of a galactic puzzle Bellazzini, M.;Annibali, F.;Tosi, M.;Mucciarelli, A.;Cignoni, M.;Beccari, G.;Nipoti, C.;Pascale, R. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2020A&A...634A.125Q λ = 2 mm spectroscopy observations toward the circumnuclear disk of NGC 1068 Qiu, Jianjie;Zhang, Jiangshui;Zhang, Yong;Jia, Lanwei;Tang, Xindi - 7
2020A&A...634A.139W Cloud formation in the atomic and molecular phase: H I self absorption (HISA) towards a giant molecular filament Wang, Y.;Bihr, S.;Beuther, H.;Rugel, M. R.;Soler, J. D.;Ott, J.;Kainulainen, J.;Schneider, N.;Klessen, R. S.;Glover, S. C. O.;McClure-Griffiths, N. M.;Goldsmith, P. F.;Johnston, K. G.;Menten, K. M.;Ragan, S.;Anderson, L. D.;Urquhart, J. S.;Linz, H.;Roy, N.;Smith, R. J.;Bigiel, F.;Henning, T.;Longmore, S. N. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020A&A...634A..14B A search for the origin of the interstellar comet 2I/Borisov Bailer-Jones, Coryn A. L.;Farnocchia, Davide;Ye, Quanzhi;Meech, Karen J.;Micheli, Marco Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2020A&A...634A..29J Gemini-GRACES high-quality spectra of Kepler evolved stars with transiting planets. I. Detailed characterization of multi-planet systems Kepler-278 and Kepler-391 Jofré, E.;Almenara, J. M.;Petrucci, R.;Díaz, R. F.;Gómez Maqueo Chew, Y.;Martioli, E.;Ramírez, I.;García, L.;Saffe, C.;Canul, E. F.;Buccino, A.;Gómez, M.;Moreno Hilario, E. VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper.
Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2020A&A...634A..32S Web application for galaxy-targeted follow-up of electromagnetic counterparts to gravitational wave sources Salmon, L.;Hanlon, L.;Jeffrey, R. M.;Martin-Carrillo, A. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2020A&A...634A..83W The HI/OH/Recombination line survey of the inner Milky Way (THOR): data release 2 and H I overview Wang, Y.;Beuther, H.;Rugel, M. R.;Soler, J. D.;Stil, J. M.;Ott, J.;Bihr, S.;McClure-Griffiths, N. M.;Anderson, L. D.;Klessen, R. S.;Goldsmith, P. F.;Roy, N.;Glover, S. C. O.;Urquhart, J. S.;Heyer, M.;Linz, H.;Smith, R. J.;Bigiel, F.;Dempsey, J.;Henning, T. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020A&A...634A..98G Corona-Australis DANCe. I. Revisiting the census of stars with Gaia-DR2 data Galli, P. A. B.;Bouy, H.;Olivares, J.;Miret-Roig, N.;Sarro, L. M.;Barrado, D.;Berihuete, A.;Brandner, W. VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper.
Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2020A&A...634L..11J Spiral arms and instability within the AFGL 4176 mm1 disc Johnston, Katharine G.;Hoare, Melvin G.;Beuther, Henrik;Kuiper, Rolf;Kee, Nathaniel Dylan;Linz, Hendrik;Boley, Paul;Maud, Luke T.;Ahmadi, Aida;Robitaille, Thomas P. Use of VO tools: CASSIS
2020A&A...635A.128A Planetary nebulae seen with TESS: Discovery of new binary central star candidates from Cycle 1 Aller, A.;Lillo-Box, J.;Jones, D.;Miranda, L. F.;Barceló Forteza, S. VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper.
Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2020A&A...635A.182S MIRACLES: atmospheric characterization of directly imaged planets and substellar companions at 4-5 μm. I. Photometric analysis of β Pic b, HIP 65426 b, PZ Tel B, and HD 206893 B Stolker, T.;Quanz, S. P.;Todorov, K. O.;Kühn, J.;Mollière, P.;Meyer, M. R.;Currie, T.;Daemgen, S.;Lavie, B. Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2020A&A...635A.188L Physical and chemical modeling of the starless core L 1512 Lin, Sheng-Jun;Pagani, Laurent;Lai, Shih-Ping;Lefèvre, Charlène;Lique, François Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2020A&A...635A.189F Seeds of Life in Space (SOLIS). VII. Discovery of a cold dense methanol blob toward the L1521F VeLLO system Favre, C.;Vastel, C.;Jimenez-Serra, I.;Quénard, D.;Caselli, P.;Ceccarelli, C.;Chacón-Tanarro, A.;Fontani, F.;Holdship, J.;Oya, Y.;Punanova, A.;Sakai, N.;Spezzano, S.;Yamamoto, S.;Neri, R.;López-Sepulcre, A.;Alves, F.;Bachiller, R.;Balucani, N.;Bianchi, E.;Bizzocchi, L.;Codella, C.;Caux, E.;De Simone, M.;Enrique Romero, J.;Dulieu, F.;Feng, S.;Jaber Al-Edhari, A.;Lefloch, B.;Ospina-Zamudio, J.;Pineda, J.;Podio, L.;Rimola, A.;Segura-Cox, D.;Sims, I. R.;Taquet, V.;Testi, L.;Theulé, P.;Ugliengo, P.;Vasyunin, A. I.;Vazart, F.;Viti, S.;Witzel, A. Use of VO tools: CASSIS
2020A&A...635A.193G The population of hot subdwarf stars studied with Gaia. III. Catalogue of known hot subdwarf stars: Data Release 2 Geier, S. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
Australian All-Sky Virtual Observatory (ASVO)
2020A&A...635A.203R Spectral and atmospheric characterisation of a new benchmark brown dwarf HD 13724 B Rickman, E. L.;Ségransan, D.;Hagelberg, J.;Beuzit, J. -L.;Cheetham, A.;Delisle, J. -B.;Forveille, T.;Udry, S. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2020A&A...635A..29P Multiplicity of the red supergiant population in the young massive cluster NGC 330 Patrick, L. R.;Lennon, D. J.;Evans, C. J.;Sana, H.;Bodensteiner, J.;Britavskiy, N.;Dorda, R.;Herrero, A.;Negueruela, I.;de Koter, A. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020A&A...635A..33G Analysing the spectral energy distributions of Galactic classical Cepheids Groenewegen, M. A. T. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2020A&A...635A..45C Hunting for open clusters in Gaia DR2: 582 new open clusters in the Galactic disc Castro-Ginard, A.;Jordi, C.;Luri, X.;Álvarez Cid-Fuentes, J.;Casamiquela, L.;Anders, F.;Cantat-Gaudin, T.;Monguió, M.;Balaguer-Núñez, L.;Solà, S.;Badia, R. M. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2020A&A...635A...4H HCN-to-HNC intensity ratio: a new chemical thermometer for the molecular ISM Hacar, A.;Bosman, A. D.;van Dishoeck, E. F. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020A&A...635A..54S Small Bodies: Near and Far Database for thermal infrared observations of small bodies in the Solar System Szakáts, Róbert;Müller, Thomas;Alí-Lagoa, Víctor;Marton, Gábor;Farkas-Takács, Anikó;Bányai, Evelin;Kiss, Csaba Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2020A&A...635A..60D MASCARA-4 b/bRing-1 b: A retrograde hot Jupiter around a bright A-type star Dorval, P.;Talens, G. J. J.;Otten, G. P. P. L.;Brahm, R.;Jordán, A.;Torres, P.;Vanzi, L.;Zapata, A.;Henry, T.;Paredes, L.;Jao, W. C.;James, H.;Hinojosa, R.;Bakos, G. A.;Csubry, Z.;Bhatti, W.;Suc, V.;Osip, D.;Mamajek, E. E.;Mellon, S. N.;Wyttenbach, A.;Stuik, R.;Kenworthy, M.;Bailey, J.;Ireland, M.;Crawford, S.;Lomberg, B.;Kuhn, R.;Snellen, I. Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2020A&A...635A..69L The H IX galaxy survey. III. The gas-phase metallicity in H I eXtreme galaxies Lutz, K. A.;Kilborn, V.;Catinella, B.;Cortese, L.;Brown, T. H.;Koribalski, B. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2020A&A...635A...8C Differential abundances of open clusters and their tidal tails: Chemical tagging and chemical homogeneity Casamiquela, L.;Tarricq, Y.;Soubiran, C.;Blanco-Cuaresma, S.;Jofré, P.;Heiter, U.;Tucci Maia, M. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2020A&A...636A..18R Evolution of grain size distribution in galactic discs Relaño, M.;Lisenfeld, U.;Hou, K. -C.;De Looze, I.;Vílchez, J. M.;Kennicutt, R. C. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020A&A...636A..47S The properties of He IIλ1640 emitters at z ∼ 2.5-5 from the VANDELS survey Saxena, A.;Pentericci, L.;Mirabelli, M.;Schaerer, D.;Schneider, R.;Cullen, F.;Amorin, R.;Bolzonella, M.;Bongiorno, A.;Carnall, A. C.;Castellano, M.;Cucciati, O.;Fontana, A.;Fynbo, J. P. U.;Garilli, B.;Gargiulo, A.;Guaita, L.;Hathi, N. P.;Hutchison, T. A.;Koekemoer, A. M.;Marchi, F.;McLeod, D. J.;McLure, R. J.;Papovich, C.;Pozzetti, L.;Talia, M.;Zamorani, G. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020A&A...636A..48G The VMC Survey. XXXVII. Pulsation periods of dust-enshrouded AGB stars in the Magellanic Clouds Groenewegen, M. A. T.;Nanni, A.;Cioni, M. -R. L.;Girardi, L.;de Grijs, R.;Ivanov, V. D.;Marconi, M.;Moretti, M. -I.;Oliveira, J. M.;Petr-Gotzens, M. G.;Ripepi, V.;van Loon, J. Th. Use of VO tools: CASSIS
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2020A&A...636A..58A A hot terrestrial planet orbiting the bright M dwarf L 168-9 unveiled by TESS Astudillo-Defru, N.;Cloutier, R.;Wang, S. X.;Teske, J.;Brahm, R.;Hellier, C.;Ricker, G.;Vanderspek, R.;Latham, D.;Seager, S.;Winn, J. N.;Jenkins, J. M.;Collins, K. A.;Stassun, K. G.;Ziegler, C.;Almenara, J. M.;Anderson, D. R.;Artigau, E.;Bonfils, X.;Bouchy, F.;Briceño, C.;Butler, R. P.;Charbonneau, D.;Conti, D. M.;Crane, J.;Crossfield, I. J. M.;Davies, M.;Delfosse, X.;Díaz, R. F.;Doyon, R.;Dragomir, D.;Eastman, J. D.;Espinoza, N.;Essack, Z.;Feng, F.;Figueira, P.;Forveille, T.;Gan, T.;Glidden, A.;Guerrero, N.;Hart, R.;Henning, Th.;Horch, E. P.;Isopi, G.;Jenkins, J. S.;Jordán, A.;Kielkopf, J. F.;Law, N.;Lovis, C.;Mallia, F.;Mann, A. W.;de Medeiros, J. R.;Melo, C.;Mennickent, R. E.;Mignon, L.;Murgas, F.;Nusdeo, D. A.;Pepe, F.;Relles, H. M.;Rose, M.;Santos, N. C.;Ségransan, D.;Shectman, S.;Shporer, A.;Smith, J. C.;Torres, P.;Udry, S.;Villasenor, J.;Winters, J. G.;Zhou, G. Use of VO tools: VOSA
2020A&A...636A..84N The OTELO survey. Nature and mass-metallicity relation for Hα emitters at z ∼ 0.4 Nadolny, Jakub;Lara-López, Maritza A.;Cerviño, Miguel;Bongiovanni, Ángel;Cepa, Jordi;de Diego, José A.;Pérez García, Ana María;Pérez Martínez, Ricardo;Sánchez-Portal, Miguel;Alfaro, Emilio;Castañeda, Héctor O.;Gallego, Jesús;González, J. Jesús;González-Serrano, J. Ignacio;Padilla Torres, Carmen P.;Pintos-Castro, Irene;Pović, Mirjana Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: STILTS
2020A&A...636A..86D Accretion in low-mass members of the Orion Nebula Cluster with young transition disks de Albuquerque, R. M. G.;Gameiro, J. F.;Alencar, S. H. P.;Lima, J. J. G.;Sauty, C.;Melo, C. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2020A&A...636L...8B Discovery of a 30-degree-long ultraviolet arc in Ursa Major Bracco, A.;Benjamin, R. A.;Alves, M. I. R.;Lehmann, A.;Boulanger, F.;Montier, L.;Mittelman, D.;di Cicco, D.;Walker, S. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2020A&A...637A..22R Rotation-activity relations and flares of M dwarfs with K2 long- and short-cadence data Raetz, St.;Stelzer, B.;Damasso, M.;Scholz, A. Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2020A&A...637A..24V High-resolution, 3D radiative transfer modelling. II. The early-type spiral galaxy M 81 Verstocken, Sam;Nersesian, Angelos;Baes, Maarten;Viaene, Sébastien;Bianchi, Simone;Casasola, Viviana;Clark, Christopher J. R.;Davies, Jonathan I.;De Looze, Ilse;De Vis, Pieter;Dobbels, Wouter;Galliano, Frédéric;Jones, Anthony P.;Madden, Suzanne C.;Mosenkov, Aleksandr V.;Trčka, Ana;Xilouris, Emmanuel M. Use of VO tools: Vizier
Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2020A&A...637A...4R Stellar laboratories. X. New Cu IV-VII oscillator strengths and the first detection of copper and indium in hot white dwarfs Rauch, T.;Gamrath, S.;Quinet, P.;Demleitner, M.;Knörzer, M.;Werner, K.;Kruk, J. W. VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper
Use of VO services. TMAD provided by GAVO
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO services. TOSS
2020A&A...637A..53K Hypervelocity stars in the Gaia era. Revisiting the most extreme stars from the MMT HVS survey Kreuzer, S.;Irrgang, A.;Heber, U. Use of VO tools: Vizier
Australian All-Sky Virtual Observatory (ASVO)
2020A&A...637A..74O Correlation between UV resilience and wavelength of narrow diffuse interstellar bands Omont, A.;Bettinger, H. F. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020A&A...637A..95P Sixteen overlooked open clusters in the fourth Galactic quadrant. A combined analysis of UBVI photometry and Gaia DR2 with ASteCA Perren, G. I.;Giorgi, E. E.;Moitinho, A.;Carraro, G.;Pera, M. S.;Vázquez, R. A. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2020A&A...638A.103C Searching for central stars of planetary nebulae in Gaia DR2 Chornay, N.;Walton, N. A. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2020A&A...638A.104R Full 5D characterisation of the Sagittarius stream with Gaia DR2 RR Lyrae Ramos, P.;Mateu, C.;Antoja, T.;Helmi, A.;Castro-Ginard, A.;Balbinot, E.;Carrasco, J. M. - 26
2020A&A...638A..10H Transit least-squares survey. III. A 1.9 R transit candidate in the habitable zone of Kepler-160 and a nontransiting planet characterized by transit-timing variations Heller, René;Hippke, Michael;Freudenthal, Jantje;Rodenbeck, Kai;Batalha, Natalie M.;Bryson, Steve Use of VO tools: Aladin
2020A&A...638A.112V The GOGREEN Survey: A deep stellar mass function of cluster galaxies at 1.0 < z < 1.4 and the complex nature of satellite quenching van der Burg, Remco F. J.;Rudnick, Gregory;Balogh, Michael L.;Muzzin, Adam;Lidman, Chris;Old, Lyndsay J.;Shipley, Heath;Gilbank, David;McGee, Sean;Biviano, Andrea;Cerulo, Pierluigi;Chan, Jeffrey C. C.;Cooper, Michael;De Lucia, Gabriella;Demarco, Ricardo;Forrest, Ben;Gwyn, Stephen;Jablonka, Pascale;Kukstas, Egidijus;Marchesini, Danilo;Nantais, Julie;Noble, Allison;Pintos-Castro, Irene;Poggianti, Bianca;Reeves, Andrew M. M.;Stefanon, Mauro;Vulcani, Benedetta;Webb, Kristi;Wilson, Gillian;Yee, Howard;Zaritsky, Dennis - 1
2020A&A...638A.128M The γ-ray sky seen at X-ray energies. II. The Swift hunt of Fermi BL Lac objects among unidentified γ-ray sources Marchesini, E. J.;Paggi, A.;Massaro, F.;Masetti, N.;D'Abrusco, R.;Andruchow, I. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020A&A...638A.145T The GALAH survey: multiple stars and our Galaxy. I. A comprehensive method for deriving properties of FGK binary stars Traven, G.;Feltzing, S.;Merle, T.;Van der Swaelmen, M.;Čotar, K.;Church, R.;Zwitter, T.;Ting, Y. -S.;Sahlholdt, C.;Asplund, M.;Bland-Hawthorn, J.;De Silva, G.;Freeman, K.;Martell, S.;Sharma, S.;Zucker, D.;Buder, S.;Casey, A.;D'Orazi, V.;Kos, J.;Lewis, G.;Lin, J.;Lind, K.;Simpson, J.;Stello, D.;Munari, U.;Wittenmyer, R. A. - 45
2020A&A...638A.146B Optical validation and characterisation of Planck PSZ1 sources at the Canary Islands observatories. II. Second year of ITP13 observations Barrena, R.;Ferragamo, A.;Rubiño-Martín, J. A.;Streblyanska, A.;Aguado-Barahona, A.;Tramonte, D.;Génova-Santos, R. T.;Hempel, A.;Lietzen, H.;Aghanim, N.;Arnaud, M.;Böhringer, H.;Chon, G.;Dahle, H.;Douspis, M.;Lasenby, A. N.;Mazzotta, P.;Melin, J. B.;Pointecouteau, E.;Pratt, G. W.;Rossetti, M. - -
2020A&A...638A.154K The HR 1614 moving group is not a dissolving cluster Kushniruk, Iryna;Bensby, Thomas;Feltzing, Sofia;Sahlholdt, Christian L.;Feuillet, Diane;Casagrande, Luca - 7
2020A&A...638A..18M IGAPS: the merged IPHAS and UVEX optical surveys of the northern Galactic plane Monguió, M.;Greimel, R.;Drew, J. E.;Barentsen, G.;Groot, P. J.;Irwin, M. J.;Casares, J.;Gänsicke, B. T.;Carter, P. J.;Corral-Santana, J. M.;Gentile-Fusillo, N. P.;Greiss, S.;van Haaften, L. M.;Hollands, M.;Jones, D.;Kupfer, T.;Manser, C. J.;Murphy, D. N. A.;McLeod, A. F.;Oosting, T.;Parker, Q. A.;Pyrzas, S.;Rodríguez-Gil, P.;van Roestel, J.;Scaringi, S.;Schellart, P.;Toloza, O.;Vaduvescu, O.;van Spaandonk, L.;Verbeek, K.;Wright, N. J.;Eislöffel, J.;Fabregat, J.;Harris, A.;Morris, R. A. H.;Phillipps, S.;Raddi, R.;Sabin, L.;Unruh, Y.;Vink, J. S.;Wesson, R.;Cardwell, A.;de Burgos, A.;Cochrane, R. K.;Doostmohammadi, S.;Mocnik, T.;Stoev, H.;Suárez-Andrés, L.;Tudor, V.;Wilson, T. G.;Zegmott, T. J. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2020A&A...638A..21V Catalogue of new Herbig Ae/Be and classical Be stars. A machine learning approach to Gaia DR2 Vioque, M.;Oudmaijer, R. D.;Schreiner, M.;Mendigutía, I.;Baines, D.;Mowlavi, N.;Pérez-Martínez, R. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2020A&A...638A..48S The LOFAR view of intergalactic magnetic fields with giant radio galaxies Stuardi, C.;O'Sullivan, S. P.;Bonafede, A.;Brüggen, M.;Dabhade, P.;Horellou, C.;Morganti, R.;Carretti, E.;Heald, G.;Iacobelli, M.;Vacca, V. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
2020A&A...638A..59B Unveiling the power spectra of δ Scuti stars with TESS. The temperature, gravity, and frequency scaling relation Barceló Forteza, S.;Moya, A.;Barrado, D.;Solano, E.;Martín-Ruiz, S.;Suárez, J. C.;García Hernández, A. Use of VO tools: VOSA
2020A&A...638A..76Q From the bulge to the outer disc: StarHorse stellar parameters, distances, and extinctions for stars in APOGEE DR16 and other spectroscopic surveys Queiroz, A. B. A.;Anders, F.;Chiappini, C.;Khalatyan, A.;Santiago, B. X.;Steinmetz, M.;Valentini, M.;Miglio, A.;Bossini, D.;Barbuy, B.;Minchev, I.;Minniti, D.;García Hernández, D. A.;Schultheis, M.;Beaton, R. L.;Beers, T. C.;Bizyaev, D.;Brownstein, J. R.;Cunha, K.;Fernández-Trincado, J. G.;Frinchaboy, P. M.;Lane, R. R.;Majewski, S. R.;Nataf, D.;Nitschelm, C.;Pan, K.;Roman-Lopes, A.;Sobeck, J. S.;Stringfellow, G.;Zamora, O. Use of VO tools: VOSA
2020A&A...638A..85R A 3D view of the Taurus star-forming region by Gaia and Herschel. Multiple populations related to the filamentary molecular cloud Roccatagliata, V.;Franciosini, E.;Sacco, G. G.;Randich, S.;Sicilia-Aguilar, A. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2020A&A...638A...9R A census of the nearby Pisces-Eridanus stellar stream. Commonalities with and disparities from the Pleiades Röser, Siegfried;Schilbach, Elena Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2020A&A...638L...4G Evidence for magnetic activity at starbirth: a powerful X-ray flare from the Class 0 protostar HOPS 383 Grosso, Nicolas;Hamaguchi, Kenji;Principe, David A.;Kastner, Joel H. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020A&AT...31..411A Variable stars: a net of complementary methods for time series analysis. Application to RY UMa Andronov, I. L.;Chinarova, L. L. - 4
2020A&AT...31..451K RV Tau stars Kudashkina, L. S. - 1
2020A&AT...32...71M Ultraviolet Luminous Objects in GALEX data: search and possible explanation of their nature Malkov, O. Yu.;Karpov, S. V.;Zhao, G. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2020AJ....159..105L Discovery of Two Nearby Post-T Tauri Stellar Associations Liu, Jiaming;Fang, Min;Liu, Chao Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2020AJ....159..108V Diffuser-assisted Infrared Transit Photometry for Four Dynamically Interacting Kepler Systems Vissapragada, Shreyas;Jontof-Hutter, Daniel;Shporer, Avi;Knutson, Heather A.;Liu, Leo;Thorngren, Daniel;Lee, Eve J.;Chachan, Yayaati;Mawet, Dimitri;Millar-Blanchaer, Maxwell A.;Nilsson, Ricky;Tinyanont, Samaporn;Vasisht, Gautam;Wright, Jason T. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2020AJ....159..149B Arecibo Radar Astrometry of the Galilean Satellites from 1999 to 2016 Brozović, Marina;Nolan, Michael C.;Magri, Christopher;Folkner, William M.;Jacobson, Robert A.;Harcke, Leif J.;McMichael, Joseph G.;Richardson, James E.;Harmon, John K.;Taylor, Patrick A.;Benner, Lance A. M.;Giorgini, Jon D.;Ostro, Steven J.;Perillat, Philip J.;Hine, Alice A.;Naidu, Shantanu P.;Slade, Martin A.;Rożek, Agata;Rodriguez-Ford, Linda A.;Zambrano-Marin, Luisa F. - 2
2020AJ....159..168A Probing UV-sensitive Pathways for CN and HCN Formation in Protoplanetary Disks with the Hubble Space Telescope Arulanantham, Nicole;France, Kevin;Cazzoletti, Paolo;Miotello, Anna;Manara, Carlo F.;Schneider, P. Christian;Hoadley, Keri;van Dishoeck, Ewine F.;Günther, Hans Moritz Use of VO tools: CASSIS
2020AJ....159..200M A Random Forest Approach to Identifying Young Stellar Object Candidates in the Lupus Star-forming Region Melton, Elizabeth Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2020AJ....159..257B The Hawaii Infrared Parallax Program. IV. A Comprehensive Parallax Survey of L0-T8 Dwarfs with UKIRT Best, William M. J.;Liu, Michael C.;Magnier, Eugene A.;Dupuy, Trent J. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2020AJ....159..278V Constraints on Metastable Helium in the Atmospheres of WASP-69b and WASP-52b with Ultranarrowband Photometry Vissapragada, Shreyas;Knutson, Heather A.;Jovanovic, Nemanja;Harada, Caleb K.;Oklopčić, Antonija;Eriksen, James;Mawet, Dimitri;Millar-Blanchaer, Maxwell A.;Tinyanont, Samaporn;Vasisht, Gautam Use of VO tools: Aladin
2020AJ....159...59R A Study of the Blue Straggler Population of the Old Open Cluster Collinder 261 Rain, M. J.;Carraro, G.;Ahumada, J. A.;Villanova, S.;Boffin, H.;Monaco, L.;Beccari, G. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2020AJ....159...60G Stellar Flares from the First TESS Data Release: Exploring a New Sample of M Dwarfs Günther, Maximilian N.;Zhan, Zhuchang;Seager, Sara;Rimmer, Paul B.;Ranjan, Sukrit;Stassun, Keivan G.;Oelkers, Ryan J.;Daylan, Tansu;Newton, Elisabeth;Kristiansen, Martti H.;Olah, Katalin;Gillen, Edward;Rappaport, Saul;Ricker, George R.;Vanderspek, Roland K.;Latham, David W.;Winn, Joshua N.;Jenkins, Jon M.;Glidden, Ana;Fausnaugh, Michael;Levine, Alan M.;Dittmann, Jason A.;Quinn, Samuel N.;Krishnamurthy, Akshata;Ting, Eric B. - 18
2020AJ....159...82B An Updated Small Magellanic Cloud and Magellanic Bridge Catalog of Star Clusters, Associations, and Related Objects Bica, Eduardo;Westera, Pieter;Kerber, Leandro de O.;Dias, Bruno;Maia, Francisco;Santos, João F. C., Jr.;Barbuy, Beatriz;Oliveira, Raphael A. P. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2020AN....341..430Z Flickering of the jet-ejecting symbiotic star MWC 560 Zamanov, R. K.;Boeva, S.;Stoyanov, K. A.;Latev, G.;Spassov, B.;Kurtenkov, A.;Nikolov, G. - 3
2020ApJ...888..108B The Strength of the 2175 Å Feature in the Attenuation Curves of Galaxies at 0.1 < z ≲ 3 Battisti, A. J.;Cunha, E. da;Shivaei, I.;Calzetti, D. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020ApJ...888...27N Hydrogen Molecules in the Dark Ages Halos: Thermal Emission versus Resonant Scattering Novosyadlyj, B.;Shulga, V.;Kulinich, Yu.;Han, W. - -
2020ApJ...888...37D The Mass Relations between Supermassive Black Holes and Their Host Galaxies at 1 < z < 2 HST-WFC3 Ding, Xuheng;Silverman, John;Treu, Tommaso;Schulze, Andreas;Schramm, Malte;Birrer, Simon;Park, Daeseong;Jahnke, Knud;Bennert, Vardha N.;Kartaltepe, Jeyhan S.;Koekemoer, Anton M.;Malkan, Matthew A.;Sanders, David Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020ApJ...888...54M Discovery of a Rare Late-type, Low-mass Wolf-Rayet Star in the LMC Margon, Bruce;Manea, Catherine;Williams, Robert;Bond, Howard E.;Prochaska, J. Xavier;Szymański, Michał K.;Morrell, Nidia - 4
2020ApJ...889..103L The CO(3─2)/CO(1─0) Luminosity Line Ratio in Nearby Star-forming Galaxies and Active Galactic Nuclei from xCOLD GASS, BASS, and SLUGS Lamperti, Isabella;Saintonge, Amélie;Koss, Michael;Viti, Serena;Wilson, Christine D.;He, Hao;Shimizu, T. Taro;Greve, Thomas R.;Mushotzky, Richard;Treister, Ezequiel;Kramer, Carsten;Sanders, David;Schawinski, Kevin;Tacconi, Linda J. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020ApJ...889..176F WISE 2150-7520AB: A Very Low-mass, Wide Comoving Brown Dwarf System Discovered through the Citizen Science Project Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 Faherty, Jacqueline K.;Goodman, Sam;Caselden, Dan;Colin, Guillaume;Kuchner, Marc J.;Meisner, Aaron M.;Gagné, Jonathan;Schneider, Adam C.;Gonzales, Eileen C.;Bardalez Gagliuffi, Daniella C.;Logsdon, Sarah E.;Allers, Katelyn;Burgasser, Adam J. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2020ApJ...889...17A Accretion History of AGNs. II. Constraints on AGN Spectral Parameters Using the Cosmic X-Ray Background Ananna, Tonima Tasnim;Treister, Ezequiel;Urry, C. Megan;Ricci, C.;Hickox, Ryan C.;Padmanabhan, Nikhil;Marchesi, Stefano;Kirkpatrick, Allison Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020ApJ...889...25J OGLE-ing the Magellanic System: Cepheids in the Bridge Jacyszyn-Dobrzeniecka, Anna M.;Soszyński, Igor;Udalski, Andrzej;Szymański, Michał K.;Skowron, Dorota M.;Skowron, Jan;Mróz, Przemek;Kruszyńska, Katarzyna;Iwanek, Patryk;Pietrukowicz, Paweł;Poleski, Radosław;Kozłowski, Szymon;Ulaczyk, Krzysztof;Rybicki, Krzysztof;Wrona, Marcin - 10
2020ApJ...889...26J OGLE-ing the Magellanic System: RR Lyrae Stars in the Bridge Jacyszyn-Dobrzeniecka, Anna M.;Mróz, Przemek;Kruszyńska, Katarzyna;Soszyński, Igor;Skowron, Dorota M.;Udalski, Andrzej;Szymański, Michał K.;Iwanek, Patryk;Skowron, Jan;Pietrukowicz, Paweł;Poleski, Radosław;Kozłowski, Szymon;Ulaczyk, Krzysztof;Rybicki, Krzysztof;Wrona, Marcin - 11
2020ApJ...889...46S Initial Results from a Systematic Search for Changing-look Active Galactic Nuclei Selected via Mid-infrared Variability Sheng, Zhenfeng;Wang, Tinggui;Jiang, Ning;Ding, Jiani;Cai, Zheng;Guo, Hengxiao;Sun, Luming;Dou, Liming;Yang, Chenwei Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020ApJ...889...49B The ELM Survey. VIII. Ninety-eight Double White Dwarf Binaries Brown, Warren R.;Kilic, Mukremin;Kosakowski, Alekzander;Andrews, Jeff J.;Heinke, Craig O.;Agüeros, Marcel A.;Camilo, Fernando;Gianninas, A.;Hermes, J. J.;Kenyon, Scott J. - 38
2020ApJ...889...50Y Young Stars near Cometary Globule CG 30 in the Tumultuous Gum Nebula Yep, Alexandra C.;White, Russel J. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2020ApJ...889...63H Metallicity and α-Element Abundance Gradients along the Sagittarius Stream as Seen by APOGEE Hayes, Christian R.;Majewski, Steven R.;Hasselquist, Sten;Anguiano, Borja;Shetrone, Matthew;Law, David R.;Schiavon, Ricardo P.;Cunha, Katia;Smith, Verne V.;Beaton, Rachael L.;Price-Whelan, Adrian M.;Allende Prieto, Carlos;Battaglia, Giuseppina;Bizyaev, Dmitry;Brownstein, Joel R.;Cohen, Roger E.;Frinchaboy, Peter M.;García-Hernández, D. A.;Lacerna, Ivan;Lane, Richard R.;Mészáros, Szabolcs;Bidin, Christian Moni;Mũnoz, Ricardo R.;Nidever, David L.;Oravetz, Audrey;Oravetz, Daniel;Pan, Kaike;Roman-Lopes, Alexandre;Sobeck, Jennifer;Stringfellow, Guy Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020ApJ...889...74M Expanding the Y Dwarf Census with Spitzer Follow-up of the Coldest CatWISE Solar Neighborhood Discoveries Meisner, Aaron M.;Caselden, Dan;Kirkpatrick, J. Davy;Marocco, Federico;Gelino, Christopher R.;Cushing, Michael C.;Eisenhardt, Peter R. M.;Wright, Edward L.;Faherty, Jacqueline K.;Koontz, Renata;Marchese, Elijah J.;Khalil, Mohammed;Fowler, John W.;Schlafly, Edward F. - 16
2020ApJ...889L..13G The Extreme CNO-enhanced Composition of the Primitive Iron-poor Dwarf Star J0815+4729 González Hernández, Jonay I.;Aguado, David S.;Allende Prieto, Carlos;Burgasser, Adam J.;Rebolo, Rafael - 4
2020ApJ...890..128F The Next Generation Virgo Cluster Survey (NGVS). XIV. The Discovery of Low-mass Galaxies and a New Galaxy Catalog in the Core of the Virgo Cluster Ferrarese, Laura;Côté, Patrick;MacArthur, Lauren A.;Durrell, Patrick R.;Gwyn, S. D. J.;Duc, Pierre-Alain;Sánchez-Janssen, Rúben;Santos, Matthew;Blakeslee, John P.;Boselli, Alessandro;Boyer, Fred;Cantiello, Michele;Courteau, Stéphane;Cuillandre, Jean-Charles;Emsellem, Eric;Erben, Thomas;Gavazzi, Giuseppe;Guhathakurta, Puragra;Huertas-Company, Marc;Jordán, Andrés;Lançon, Ariane;Liu, Chengze;Mei, Simona;Mihos, J. Christopher;Peng, Eric W.;Puzia, Thomas H.;Roediger, Joel;Schade, David;Taylor, James E.;Toloba, Elisa;Zhang, Hongxin - -
2020ApJ...890..146P Secular Extragalactic Parallax: Measurement Methods and Predictions for Gaia Paine, Jennie;Darling, Jeremy;Graziani, Romain;Courtois, Hèléne M. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020ApJ...890..152M Modeling the Strongest Silicate Emission Features of Local Type 1 AGNs Martínez-Paredes, M.;González-Martín, O.;Esparza-Arredondo, D.;Kim, M.;Alonso-Herrero, A.;Krongold, Y.;Hoang, T.;Almeida, C. Ramos;Aretxaga, I.;Dultzin, D.;Hodgson, J. - -
2020ApJ...890...27Z Local Group Analogs in ΛCDM Cosmological Simulations Zhai, Meng;Guo, Qi;Zhao, Gang;Gu, Qing;Liu, Ang VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper. Use of Millenium database.
2020ApJ...890...49S Mars: Quantitative Evaluation of Crocus Melting behind Boulders Schorghofer, Norbert - 2
2020ApJ...890...64X Application of Convolutional Neural Networks to Identify Stellar Feedback Bubbles in CO Emission Xu, Duo;Offner, Stella S. R.;Gutermuth, Robert;Oort, Colin Van - -
2020ApJ...891..171Z COol Companions ON Ultrawide orbiTS (COCONUTS). I. A High-gravity T4 Benchmark around an Old White Dwarf and a Re-examination of the Surface-gravity Dependence of the L/T Transition Zhang, Zhoujian;Liu, Michael C.;Hermes, J. J.;Magnier, Eugene A.;Marley, Mark S.;Tremblay, Pier-Emmanuel;Tucker, Michael A.;Do, Aaron;Payne, Anna V.;Shappee, Benjamin J. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2020ApJ...891....8C Stellar Metallicities from SkyMapper Photometry I: A Study of the Tucana II Ultra-faint Dwarf Galaxy Chiti, Anirudh;Frebel, Anna;Jerjen, Helmut;Kim, Dongwon;Norris, John E. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2020ApJ...892..146V GASP XXIV. The History of Abruptly Quenched Galaxies in Clusters Vulcani, Benedetta;Fritz, Jacopo;Poggianti, Bianca M.;Bettoni, Daniela;Franchetto, Andrea;Moretti, Alessia;Gullieuszik, Marco;Jaffé, Yara;Biviano, Andrea;Radovich, Mario;Mingozzi, Matilde Use of VO tools: Splat-VO
2020ApJ...892...30H A Comprehensive Study of Hα Emitters at z ∼ 0.62 in the DAWN Survey: The Need for Deep and Wide Regions Harish, Santosh;Coughlin, Alicia;Rhoads, James E.;Malhotra, Sangeeta;Finkelstein, Steven L.;Stevans, Matthew;Tilvi, Vithal S.;Khostovan, Ali Ahmad;Veilleux, Sylvain;Wang, Junxian;Hibon, Pascale;Zabl, Johnnes;Joshi, Bhavin;Pharo, John;Wold, Isak;Perez, Lucia A.;Zheng, Zhen-Ya;Probst, Ronald;Swaters, Rob;Mobasher, Bahram;Jiang, Tianxing;Yang, Huan Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020ApJ...892...31B Temperatures and Metallicities of M Dwarfs in the APOGEE Survey Birky, Jessica;Hogg, David W.;Mann, Andrew W.;Burgasser, Adam Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020ApJ...892L..38C Cometary Activity Discovered on a Distant Centaur: A Nonaqueous Sublimation Mechanism Chandler, Colin Orion;Kueny, Jay K.;Trujillo, Chadwick A.;Trilling, David E.;Oldroyd, William J. Use of VO tools: Vizier
Use of VO tools: SkyBot
2020ApJ...893...46V The Fourth Fermi-GBM Gamma-Ray Burst Catalog: A Decade of Data von Kienlin, A.;Meegan, C. A.;Paciesas, W. S.;Bhat, P. N.;Bissaldi, E.;Briggs, M. S.;Burns, E.;Cleveland, W. H.;Gibby, M. H.;Giles, M. M.;Goldstein, A.;Hamburg, R.;Hui, C. M.;Kocevski, D.;Mailyan, B.;Malacaria, C.;Poolakkil, S.;Preece, R. D.;Roberts, O. J.;Veres, P.;Wilson-Hodge, C. A. - 61
2020ApJ...894...10L Constraining the Milky Way Mass Profile with Phase-space Distribution of Satellite Galaxies Li, Zhao-Zhou;Qian, Yong-Zhong;Han, Jiaxin;Li, Ting S.;Wang, Wenting;Jing, Y. P. VO project (China-VO) acknowledged in the paper
2020ApJ...894..127W The Gravitational Wave Treasure Map: A Tool to Coordinate, Visualize, and Assess the Electromagnetic Follow-up of Gravitational-wave Events Wyatt, Samuel D.;Tohuvavohu, Aaron;Arcavi, Iair;Lundquist, Michael J.;Howell, D. Andrew;Sand, David J. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2020ApJ...894..157M Molecular Gas and Dust Heating in Active Galaxies: Growing Black Holes or Tidal Shocks? Minsley, Rebecca;Petric, Andreea;Lambrides, Erini;Diamond-Stanic, Aleksandar M.;Merhi, Maya;Chiaberge, Marco;Flagey, Nicolas - 7
2020ApJ...894...34D The Metallicity Gradient and Complex Formation History of the Outermost Halo of the Milky Way Dietz, Sarah E.;Yoon, Jinmi;Beers, Timothy C.;Placco, Vinicius M. Use of VO tools: STILTS
2020ApJ...894...53K The ELM Survey South. I. An Effective Search for Extremely Low Mass White Dwarfs Kosakowski, Alekzander;Kilic, Mukremin;Brown, Warren R.;Gianninas, Alexandros - 10
2020ApJ...894....5R Spectral Classification of B Stars: The Empirical Sequence Using SDSS-IV/APOGEE Near-IR Data Ramírez-Preciado, Valeria G.;Roman-Lopes, Alexandre;Román-Zúñiga, Carlos G.;Hernández, Jesús;García-Hernández, D. A.;Stassun, Keivan;Stringfellow, Guy S.;Kim, Jinyoung Serena Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020ApJ...894...86F Optical and Infrared Study of the Obscured B[e] Supergiant High-mass X-Ray Binary IGR J16318-4848 Fortin, Francis;Chaty, Sylvain;Sander, Andreas VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper.
Use of VO tools: VOSA
2020ApJ...895..119T ALMA ACA and Nobeyama Observations of Two Orion Cores in Deuterated Molecular Lines Tatematsu, Ken'ichi;Liu, Tie;Kim, Gwanjeong;Yi, Hee-Weon;Lee, Jeong-Eun;Hirano, Naomi;Liu, Sheng-Yuan;Ohashi, Satoshi;Sanhueza, Patricio;Francesco, James Di;Evans, Neal J., II;Fuller, Gary A.;Kandori, Ryo;Choi, Minho;Kang, Miju;Feng, Siyi;Hirota, Tomoya;Sakai, Takeshi;Lu, Xing;Lu'o'ng, Quang Nguyên;Thompson, Mark A.;Wu, Yuefang;Li, Di;Kim, Kee-Tae;Wang, Ke;Ristorcelli, Isabelle;Juvela, Mika;Tóth, L. Viktor - 1
2020ApJ...895..135K AGN X-Ray Irradiation of CO Gas in NGC 2110 Revealed by Chandra and ALMA Kawamuro, Taiki;Izumi, Takuma;Onishi, Kyoko;Imanishi, Masatoshi;Nguyen, Dieu D.;Baba, Shunsuke - 2
2020ApJ...895..147C Multiwavelength Observations of SDSS J105621.45+313822.1, a Broad-line, Low-metallicity AGN Cann, Jenna M.;Satyapal, Shobita;Bohn, Thomas;Sexton, Remington O.;Pfeifle, Ryan W.;Manzano-King, Christina;Canalizo, Gabriela;Rothberg, Barry;Gliozzi, Mario;Secrest, Nathan J.;Blecha, Laura Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020ApJ...895...66M Using the Modified Lognormal Power-law Distribution to Model the Mass Function of NGC 1711 Madaan, Deepakshi;Lianou, Sophia;Basu, Shantanu Use of VO tools: Aladin
2020ApJ...895...86G Identification of Prebiotic Molecules Containing Peptide-like Bonds in a Hot Molecular Core, G10.47+0.03 Gorai, Prasanta;Bhat, Bratati;Sil, Milan;Mondal, Suman K.;Ghosh, Rana;Chakrabarti, Sandip K.;Das, Ankan - -
2020ApJ...895L..48K Grain Growth in Newly Discovered Young Eruptive Stars Kóspál, Á.;Ábrahám, P.;Carmona, A.;Chen, L.;Green, J. D.;van Boekel, R.;White, J. A. - -
2020ApJ...895L...6Z A Fast Radio Burst Discovered in FAST Drift Scan Survey Zhu, Weiwei;Li, Di;Luo, Rui;Miao, Chenchen;Zhang, Bing;Spitler, Laura;Lorimer, Duncan;Kramer, Michael;Champion, David;Yue, Youling;Cameron, Andrew;Cruces, Marilyn;Duan, Ran;Feng, Yi;Han, Jun;Hobbs, George;Niu, Chenhui;Niu, Jiarui;Pan, Zhichen;Qian, Lei;Shi, Dai;Tang, Ningyu;Wang, Pei;Wang, Hongfeng;Yuan, Mao;Zhang, Lei;Zhang, Xinxin;Cao, Shuyun;Feng, Li;Gan, Hengqian;Gao, Long;Gu, Xuedong;Guo, Minglei;Hao, Qiaoli;Huang, Lin;Huang, Menglin;Jiang, Peng;Jin, Chengjin;Li, Hui;Li, Qi;Li, Qisheng;Liu, Hongfei;Pan, Gaofeng;Peng, Bo;Qian, Hui;Shi, Xiangwei;Song, Jinyuo;Song, Liqiang;Sun, Caihong;Sun, Jinghai;Wang, Hong;Wang, Qiming;Wang, Yi;Xie, Xiaoyao;Yan, Jun;Yang, Li;Yang, Shimo;Yao, Rui;Yu, Dongjun;Yu, Jinglong;Zhang, Chengmin;Zhang, Haiyan;Zhang, Shuxin;Zheng, Xiaonian;Zhou, Aiying;Zhu, Boqin;Zhu, Lichun;Zhu, Ming;Zhu, Wenbai;Zhu, Yan VO project (China-VO) acknowledged in the paper
2020ApJ...896...26C Connecting the Local Stellar Halo and Its Dark Matter Density to Dwarf Galaxies via Blue Stragglers Casagrande, Luca - 8
2020ApJ...896...35J A Detailed View of the Circumstellar Environment and Disk of the Forming O-star AFGL 4176 Johnston, Katharine G.;Hoare, Melvin G.;Beuther, Henrik;Linz, Hendrik;Boley, Paul;Kuiper, Rolf;Kee, Nathaniel Dylan;Robitaille, Thomas P. - -
2020ApJ...896...39A Blasts from the Past: Supernova Shock Breakouts among X-Ray Transients in the XMM-Newton Archive Alp, Dennis;Larsson, Josefin Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2020ApJ...896...93H Large Population of ALMA Galaxies at z > 6 with Very High [O iii] 88 μm to [C ii] 158 μm Flux Ratios: Evidence of Extremely High Ionization Parameter or PDR Deficit? Harikane, Yuichi;Ouchi, Masami;Inoue, Akio K.;Matsuoka, Yoshiki;Tamura, Yoichi;Bakx, Tom;Fujimoto, Seiji;Moriwaki, Kana;Ono, Yoshiaki;Nagao, Tohru;Tadaki, Ken-ichi;Kojima, Takashi;Shibuya, Takatoshi;Egami, Eiichi;Ferrara, Andrea;Gallerani, Simona;Hashimoto, Takuya;Kohno, Kotaro;Matsuda, Yuichi;Matsuo, Hiroshi;Pallottini, Andrea;Sugahara, Yuma;Vallini, Livia - 9
2020ApJS..246...74W The Solar Probe ANalyzers—Electrons on the Parker Solar Probe Whittlesey, Phyllis L.;Larson, Davin E.;Kasper, Justin C.;Halekas, Jasper;Abatcha, Mamuda;Abiad, Robert;Berthomier, M.;Case, A. W.;Chen, Jianxin;Curtis, David W.;Dalton, Gregory;Klein, Kristopher G.;Korreck, Kelly E.;Livi, Roberto;Ludlam, Michael;Marckwordt, Mario;Rahmati, Ali;Robinson, Miles;Slagle, Amanda;Stevens, M. L.;Tiu, Chris;Verniero, J. L. - 49
2020ApJS..247...33A Fermi Large Area Telescope Fourth Source Catalog Abdollahi, S.;Acero, F.;Ackermann, M.;Ajello, M.;Atwood, W. B.;Axelsson, M.;Baldini, L.;Ballet, J.;Barbiellini, G.;Bastieri, D.;Becerra Gonzalez, J.;Bellazzini, R.;Berretta, A.;Bissaldi, E.;Blandford, R. D.;Bloom, E. D.;Bonino, R.;Bottacini, E.;Brandt, T. J.;Bregeon, J.;Bruel, P.;Buehler, R.;Burnett, T. H.;Buson, S.;Cameron, R. A.;Caputo, R.;Caraveo, P. A.;Casandjian, J. M.;Castro, D.;Cavazzuti, E.;Charles, E.;Chaty, S.;Chen, S.;Cheung, C. C.;Chiaro, G.;Ciprini, S.;Cohen-Tanugi, J.;Cominsky, L. R.;Coronado-Blázquez, J.;Costantin, D.;Cuoco, A.;Cutini, S.;D'Ammando, F.;DeKlotz, M.;Torre Luque, P. de la;de Palma, F.;Desai, A.;Digel, S. W.;Lalla, N. Di;Mauro, M. Di;Venere, L. Di;Domínguez, A.;Dumora, D.;Dirirsa, F. Fana;Fegan, S. J.;Ferrara, E. C.;Franckowiak, A.;Fukazawa, Y.;Funk, S.;Fusco, P.;Gargano, F.;Gasparrini, D.;Giglietto, N.;Giommi, P.;Giordano, F.;Giroletti, M.;Glanzman, T.;Green, D.;Grenier, I. A.;Griffin, S.;Grondin, M. -H.;Grove, J. E.;Guiriec, S.;Harding, A. K.;Hayashi, K.;Hays, E.;Hewitt, J. W.;Horan, D.;Jóhannesson, G.;Johnson, T. J.;Kamae, T.;Kerr, M.;Kocevski, D.;Kovac'evic', M.;Kuss, M.;Landriu, D.;Larsson, S.;Latronico, L.;Lemoine-Goumard, M.;Li, J.;Liodakis, I.;Longo, F.;Loparco, F.;Lott, B.;Lovellette, M. N.;Lubrano, P.;Madejski, G. M.;Maldera, S.;Malyshev, D.;Manfreda, A.;Marchesini, E. J.;Marcotulli, L.;Martí-Devesa, G.;Martin, P.;Massaro, F.;Mazziotta, M. N.;McEnery, J. E.;Mereu, I.;Meyer, M.;Michelson, P. F.;Mirabal, N.;Mizuno, T.;Monzani, M. E.;Morselli, A.;Moskalenko, I. V.;Negro, M.;Nuss, E.;Ojha, R.;Omodei, N.;Orienti, M.;Orlando, E.;Ormes, J. F.;Palatiello, M.;Paliya, V. S.;Paneque, D.;Pei, Z.;Peña-Herazo, H.;Perkins, J. S.;Persic, M.;Pesce-Rollins, M.;Petrosian, V.;Petrov, L.;Piron, F.;Poon, H.;Porter, T. A.;Principe, G.;Rainò, S.;Rando, R.;Razzano, M.;Razzaque, S.;Reimer, A.;Reimer, O.;Remy, Q.;Reposeur, T.;Romani, R. W.;Parkinson, P. M. Saz Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2020ApJS..247...35V Gaia RR Lyrae Stars in Nearby Ultra-faint Dwarf Satellite Galaxies Vivas, A. Katherina;Martínez-Vázquez, Clara;Walker, Alistair R. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
2020ApJS..247...71M Deciphering the Large-scale Environment of Radio Galaxies in the Local Universe. II. A Statistical Analysis of Environmental Properties Massaro, F.;Capetti, A.;Paggi, A.;Baldi, R. D.;Tramacere, A.;Pillitteri, I.;Campana, R.;Jimenez-Gallardo, A.;Missaglia, V. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: STILTS
2020ApJS..248...15Z Searching for Molecular Outflows with Support Vector Machines: The Dark Cloud Complex in Cygnus Zhang, Shaobo;Yang, Ji;Xu, Ye;Chen, Xuepeng;Su, Yang;Sun, Yan;Zhou, Xin;Li, Yingjie;Lu, Dengrong - 16
2020ApJS..248...23D On the Physical Association of Fermi-LAT Blazars with Their Low-energy Counterparts de Menezes, Raniere;D'Abrusco, Raffaele;Massaro, Francesco;Gasparrini, Dario;Nemmen, Rodrigo Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020ApJS..248...26M Solar Cycle of Imaging the Global Heliosphere: Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) Observations from 2009-2019 McComas, D. J.;Bzowski, M.;Dayeh, M. A.;DeMajistre, R.;Funsten, H. O.;Janzen, P. H.;Kowalska-Leszczyńska, I.;Kubiak, M. A.;Schwadron, N. A.;Sokół, J. M.;Szalay, J. R.;Tokumaru, M.;Zirnstein, E. J. - 20
2020ApJS..248...28T The Extended Gaia-PS1-SDSS (GPS1+) Proper Motion Catalog Tian, Hai-Jun;Xu, Yang;Liu, Chao;Rix, Hans-Walter;Sesar, Branimir;Goldman, Bertrand - 1
2020Icar..33613429H Saturn atmospheric dynamics one year after Cassini: Long-lived features and time variations in the drift of the Hexagon Hueso, R.;Sánchez-Lavega, A.;Rojas, J. F.;Simon, A. A.;Barry, T.;Río-Gaztelurrutia, T. del;Antuñano, A.;Sayanagi, K. M.;Delcroix, M.;Fletcher, L. N.;García-Melendo, E.;Pérez-Hoyos, S.;Blalock, J.;Colas, F.;Gómez-Forrellad, J. M.;Gunnarson, J. L.;Peach, D.;Wong, M. H. - 12
2020Icar..33613475I Observations and numerical modelling of a convective disturbance in a large-scale cyclone in Jupiter's South Temperate Belt Iñurrigarro, P.;Hueso, R.;Legarreta, J.;Sánchez-Lavega, A.;Eichstädt, G.;Rogers, J. H.;Orton, G. S.;Hansen, C. J.;Pérez-Hoyos, S.;Rojas, J. F.;Gómez-Forrellad, J. M. - -
2020MNRAS.491..129C The Gran Telescopio Canarias OSIRIS broad-band first data release Cortés-Contreras, M.;Bouy, H.;Solano, E.;Mahlke, M.;Jiménez-Esteban, F.;Alacid, J. M.;Rodrigo, C. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
Use of VO tools: STILTS
Use of VO tools: SkyBot
2020MNRAS.491...13J The ASAS-SN catalogue of variable stars - V. Variables in the Southern hemisphere Jayasinghe, T.;Stanek, K. Z.;Kochanek, C. S.;Shappee, B. J.;Holoien, T. W. -S.;Thompson, T. A.;Prieto, J. L.;Dong, S.;Pawlak, M.;Pejcha, O.;Shields, J. V.;Pojmanski, G.;Otero, S.;Hurst, N.;Britt, C. A.;Will, D. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2020MNRAS.491.1727M Obscuration properties of mid-IR-selected AGN Mountrichas, G.;Georgantopoulos, I.;Ruiz, A.;Kampylis, G. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020MNRAS.491.1970W Ultra-luminous quasars at redshift z > 4.5 from SkyMapper Wolf, Christian;Hon, Wei Jeat;Bian, Fuyan;Onken, Christopher A.;Alonzi, Noura;Bessell, Michael A.;Li, Zefeng;Schmidt, Brian P.;Tisserand, Patrick Australian All-Sky Virtual Observatory (ASVO)
2020MNRAS.491.2465K Discovery of a nearby 1700 km s-1 star ejected from the Milky Way by Sgr A* Koposov, Sergey E.;Boubert, Douglas;Li, Ting S.;Erkal, Denis;Da Costa, Gary S.;Zucker, Daniel B.;Ji, Alexander P.;Kuehn, Kyler;Lewis, Geraint F.;Mackey, Dougal;Simpson, Jeffrey D.;Shipp, Nora;Wan, Zhen;Belokurov, Vasily;Bland-Hawthorn, Joss;Martell, Sarah L.;Nordlander, Thomas;Pace, Andrew B.;De Silva, Gayandhi M.;Wang, Mei-Yu;S5 Collaboration - 51
2020MNRAS.491.3022S CORRFUNC - a suite of blazing fast correlation functions on the CPU Sinha, Manodeep;Garrison, Lehman H. Australian All-Sky Virtual Observatory (ASVO)
2020MNRAS.491.3374S The GALAH Survey: Chemically tagging the Fimbulthul stream to the globular cluster ω Centauri Simpson, Jeffrey D.;Martell, Sarah L.;Da Costa, Gary;Horner, Jonathan;Wyse, Rosemary F. G.;Ting, Yuan-Sen;Asplund, Martin;Bland-Hawthorn, Joss;Buder, Sven;De Silva, Gayandhi M.;Freeman, Ken C.;Kos, Janez;Lewis, Geraint F.;Lind, Karin;Sharma, Sanjib;Zucker, Daniel B.;Zwitter, Tomaž;Čotar, Klemen;Cottrell, Peter L.;Nordlander, Thomas Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020MNRAS.491.3613G Cool white dwarfs as standards for infrared observations Gentile Fusillo, Nicola Pietro;Tremblay, Pier-Emmanuel;Bohlin, Ralph C.;Deustua, Susana E.;Kalirai, Jason S. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020MNRAS.491...39C Photometric flaring fraction of M dwarf stars from the SkyMapper Southern Survey Chang, Seo-Won;Wolf, Christian;Onken, Christopher A. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: SkyBot
Australian All-Sky Virtual Observatory (ASVO)
2020MNRAS.491.4365C Know thy star, know thy planet: chemo-kinematically characterizing TESS targets Carrillo, Andreia;Hawkins, Keith;Bowler, Brendan P.;Cochran, William;Vanderburg, Andrew - 14
2020MNRAS.491.5035S Characterizing the i-band variability of YSOs over six orders of magnitude in time-scale Sergison, Darryl J.;Naylor, Tim;Littlefair, S. P.;Bell, Cameron P. M.;Williams, C. D. H. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: STILTS
2020MNRAS.491.5101A The Smallest Scale of Hierarchy survey (SSH) - I. Survey description Annibali, F.;Beccari, G.;Bellazzini, M.;Tosi, M.;Cusano, F.;Paris, D.;Cignoni, M.;Ciotti, L.;Nipoti, C.;Sacchi, E. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2020MNRAS.491.5361B WASP-52b. The effect of star-spot correction on atmospheric retrievals Bruno, Giovanni;Lewis, Nikole K.;Alam, Munazza K.;López-Morales, Mercedes;Barstow, Joanna K.;Wakeford, Hannah R.;Sing, David K.;Henry, Gregory W.;Ballester, Gilda E.;Bourrier, Vincent;Buchhave, Lars A.;Cohen, Ofer;Mikal-Evans, Thomas;García Muñoz, Antonio;Lavvas, Panayotis;Sanz-Forcada, Jorge Australian All-Sky Virtual Observatory (ASVO)
2020MNRAS.491.5489M Semidetached double-lined eclipsing binaries: Stellar parameters and rare classes Malkov, Oleg Yu Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2020MNRAS.491.5897P Swift UVOT grism observations of nearby Type Ia supernovae - II. Probing the progenitor metallicity of SNe Ia with ultraviolet spectra Pan, Y. -C.;Foley, R. J.;Jones, D. O.;Filippenko, A. V.;Kuin, N. P. M. Australian All-Sky Virtual Observatory (ASVO)
2020MNRAS.492.1370B Identifying stellar streams in Gaia DR2 with data mining techniques Borsato, Nicholas W.;Martell, Sarah L.;Simpson, Jeffrey D. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2020MNRAS.492.1531M NaCo polarimetric observations of Sz 91 transitional disc: a remarkable case of dust filtering Maucó, Karina;Olofsson, Johan;Canovas, Hector;Schreiber, Matthias R.;Christiaens, Valentin;Bayo, Amelia;Zurlo, Alice;Cáceres, Claudio;Pinte, Christophe;Villaver, Eva;Girard, Julien H.;Cieza, Lucas;Montesinos, Matías VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper.
Use of VO tools: VOSA
2020MNRAS.492.1731G Search for the optical counterpart of the GW170814 gravitational wave event with the VLT Survey Telescope Grado, A.;Cappellaro, E.;Covino, S.;Getman, F.;Greco, G.;Limatola, L.;Yang, S.;Amati, L.;Benetti, S.;Branchesi, M.;Brocato, E.;Botticella, M.;Campana, S.;Cantiello, M.;Dadina, M.;D'Ammando, F.;De Cesare, G.;D'Elia, V.;Della Valle, M.;Iodice, E.;Longo, G.;Mapelli, M.;Masetti, N.;Nicastro, L.;Palazzi, E.;Possenti, A.;Radovich, M.;Rossi, A.;Salvaterra, R.;Stella, L.;Stratta, G.;Testa, V.;Tomasella, L. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: SkyBot
2020MNRAS.492.1778M Resolved Lyman-α properties of a luminous Lyman-break galaxy in a large ionized bubble at z = 6.53 Matthee, Jorryt;Sobral, David;Gronke, Max;Pezzulli, Gabriele;Cantalupo, Sebastiano;Röttgering, Huub;Darvish, Behnam;Santos, Sérgio Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020MNRAS.492.2128P Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): Defining passive galaxy samples and searching for the UV upturn Phillipps, S.;Ali, S. S.;Bremer, M. N.;De Propris, R.;Sansom, A. E.;Cluver, M. E.;Alpaslan, M.;Brough, S.;Brown, M. J. I.;Davies, L. J. M.;Driver, S. P.;Grootes, M. W.;Holwerda, B. W.;Hopkins, A. M.;James, P. A.;Pimbblet, K.;Robotham, A. S. G.;Taylor, E. N.;Wang, L. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020MNRAS.492.2528L Difficulties in mid-infrared selection of AGNs in dwarf galaxies Lupi, Alessandro;Sbarrato, Tullia;Carniani, Stefano Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020MNRAS.492.2588D Compact groups from semi-analytical models of galaxy formation - I. A comparative study of frequency and nature Díaz-Giménez, E.;Taverna, A.;Zandivarez, A.;Mamon, G. A. VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper. Use of Millenium database.
2020MNRAS.492.2722O Galactic conformity in both star formation and morphological properties Otter, Justin A.;Masters, Karen L.;Simmons, Brooke;Lintott, Chris J. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020MNRAS.492.3904A The first six months of the Advanced LIGO's and Advanced Virgo's third observing run with GRANDMA Antier, S.;Agayeva, S.;Aivazyan, V.;Alishov, S.;Arbouch, E.;Baransky, A.;Barynova, K.;Bai, J. M.;Basa, S.;Beradze, S.;Bertin, E.;Berthier, J.;Blažek, M.;Boër, M.;Burkhonov, O.;Burrell, A.;Cailleau, A.;Chabert, B.;Chen, J. C.;Christensen, N.;Coleiro, A.;Cordier, B.;Corre, D.;Coughlin, M. W.;Coward, D.;Crisp, H.;Delattre, C.;Dietrich, T.;Ducoin, J. -G.;Duverne, P. -A.;Marchal-Duval, G.;Gendre, B.;Eymar, L.;Fock-Hang, P.;Han, X.;Hello, P.;Howell, E. J.;Inasaridze, R.;Ismailov, N.;Kann, D. A.;Kapanadze, G.;Klotz, A.;Kochiashvili, N.;Lachaud, C.;Leroy, N.;Le Van Su, A.;Lin, W. L.;Li, W. X.;Lognone, P.;Marron, R.;Mo, J.;Moore, J.;Natsvlishvili, R.;Noysena, K.;Perrigault, S.;Peyrot, A.;Samadov, D.;Sadibekova, T.;Simon, A.;Stachie, C.;Teng, J. P.;Thierry, P.;Thöne, C. C.;Tillayev, Y.;Turpin, D.;de Ugarte Postigo, A.;Vachier, F.;Vardosanidze, M.;Vasylenko, V.;Vidadi, Z.;Wang, X. F.;Wang, C. J.;Wei, J.;Yan, S. Y.;Zhang, J. C.;Zhang, J. J.;Zhang, X. H. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2020MNRAS.492..431B The Young Suns Exoplanet Survey: Detection of a wide-orbit planetary-mass companion to a solar-type Sco-Cen member Bohn, A. J.;Kenworthy, M. A.;Ginski, C.;Manara, C. F.;Pecaut, M. J.;de Boer, J.;Keller, C. U.;Mamajek, E. E.;Meshkat, T.;Reggiani, M.;Todorov, K. O.;Snik, F. Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2020MNRAS.492..528L First discovery of trans-iron elements in a DAO-type white dwarf (BD-22°3467) Löbling, L.;Maney, M. A.;Rauch, T.;Quinet, P.;Gamrath, S.;Kruk, J. W.;Werner, K. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2020MNRAS.492.5811B Clusterix 2.0: a virtual observatory tool to estimate cluster membership probability Balaguer-Núñez, L.;López del Fresno, M.;Solano, E.;Galadí-Enríquez, D.;Jordi, C.;Jimenez-Esteban, F.;Masana, E.;Carbajo-Hijarrubia, J.;Paunzen, E. VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper.
Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: Aladin
2020MNRAS.492.6105M Search for L5 Earth Trojans with DECam Markwardt, Larissa;Gerdes, D. W.;Malhotra, R.;Becker, J. C.;Hamilton, S. J.;Adams, F. C. Use of VO tools: SkyBot
2020MNRAS.492..686L Self-intersection of the fallback stream in tidal disruption events Lu, Wenbin;Bonnerot, Clément - 51
2020MNRAS.492..719T The correlations between optical/UV broad lines and X-ray emission for a large sample of quasars Timlin, John D.;Brandt, W. N.;Ni, Q.;Luo, B.;Pu, Xingting;Schneider, D. P.;Vivek, M.;Yi, W. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020MNRAS.492..782W A SkyMapper view of the Large Magellanic Cloud: the dynamics of stellar populations Wan, Zhen;Guglielmo, Magda;Lewis, Geraint F.;Mackey, Dougal;Ibata, Rodrigo A. Australian All-Sky Virtual Observatory (ASVO)
2020MNRAS.493..141S The evolution of rest-frame UV properties, Ly α EWs, and the SFR-stellar mass relation at z ̃ 2-6 for SC4K LAEs Santos, S.;Sobral, D.;Matthee, J.;Calhau, J.;da Cunha, E.;Ribeiro, B.;Paulino-Afonso, A.;Arrabal Haro, P.;Butterworth, J. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020MNRAS.493.1596S Doppler shifts and spectral line profile changes in the starlight scattered from an exoplanet Strachan, John B. P.;Anglada-Escudé, Guillem - 2
2020MNRAS.493.1982J xGASS: cold gas content and quenching in galaxies below the star-forming main sequence Janowiecki, Steven;Catinella, Barbara;Cortese, Luca;Saintonge, Amelie;Wang, Jing Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020MNRAS.493.2140K Distorted surfaces of magnetic helium-peculiar stars: an application to a Cen Krtička, J.;Mikulášek, Z.;Prvák, M.;Niemczura, E.;Leone, F.;Wade, G. Use of VO tools: Splat-VO
2020MNRAS.493.2410W Candidate LBV stars in galaxy NGC 7793 found via HST photometry + MUSE spectroscopy Wofford, Aida;Ramírez, Vanesa;Lee, Janice C.;Thilker, David A.;Della Bruna, Lorenza;Adamo, Angela;Van Dyk, Schuyler D.;Herrero, Artemio;Kim, Hwihyun;Aloisi, Alessandra;Calzetti, Daniela;Chandar, Rupali;Dale, Daniel A.;de Mink, Selma E.;Gallagher, John S.;Gouliermis, Dimitrios A.;Grasha, Kathryn;Grebel, Eva K.;Sacchi, E.;Smith, Linda J.;Úbeda, Leonardo;Walterbos, Rene A. M.;Hannon, Stephen;Messa, Matteo Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020MNRAS.493.3264K Electromagnetic counterparts to gravitational wave events from Gaia Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, Z.;Jonker, P. G.;Hodgkin, S. T.;Eappachen, D.;Harrison, D. L.;Koposov, S. E.;Rixon, G.;Wyrzykowski, Ł.;Yoldas, A.;Breedt, E.;Delgado, A.;van Leeuwen, M.;Wevers, T.;Burgess, P. W.;De Angeli, F.;Evans, D. W.;Osborne, P. J.;Riello, M. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2020MNRAS.493.3341C The X-ray and radio activity of typical and luminous Ly α emitters from z ∼ 2 to z ∼ 6: evidence for a diverse, evolving population Calhau, João;Sobral, David;Santos, Sérgio;Matthee, Jorryt;Paulino-Afonso, Ana;Stroe, Andra;Simmons, Brooke;Barlow-Hall, Cassandra;Adams, Benjamin Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020MNRAS.493.3449R A two-state model for galaxy bias Repp, Andrew;Szapudi, István VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper. Use of Millenium database.
2020MNRAS.493.3473A Characterizing low-contrast Galactic open clusters with Gaia Data Release 2 Angelo, M. S.;Santos, J. F. C.;Corradi, W. J. B. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2020MNRAS.493.3825L Variability and transient search in the SUDARE-VOICE field: a new method to extract the light curves Liu, Dezi;Deng, Wenqiang;Fan, Zuhui;Fu, Liping;Covone, Giovanni;Vaccari, Mattia;Radovich, Mario;Capaccioli, Massimo;De Cicco, Demetra;Grado, Aniello;Marchetti, Lucia;Napolitano, Nicola;Paolillo, Maurizio;Pignata, Giuliano;Ragosta, Fabio - 1
2020MNRAS.493.4045J The ASAS-SN catalogue of variable stars - VII. Contact binaries are different above and below the Kraft break Jayasinghe, T.;Stanek, K. Z.;Kochanek, C. S.;Shappee, B. J.;Pinsonneault, M. H.;Holoien, T. W. -S.;Thompson, Todd A.;Prieto, J. L.;Pawlak, M.;Pejcha, O.;Pojmanski, G.;Otero, S.;Hurst, N.;Will, D. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2020MNRAS.493.4186J The ASAS-SN catalogue of variable stars VI: an all-sky sample of δ Scuti stars Jayasinghe, T.;Stanek, K. Z.;Kochanek, C. S.;Vallely, P. J.;Shappee, B. J.;Holoien, T. W. -S.;Thompson, Todd A.;Prieto, J. L.;Pejcha, O.;Fausnaugh, M.;Otero, S.;Hurst, N.;Will, D. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2020MNRAS.493.4591P Stellar mass as a galaxy cluster mass proxy: application to the Dark Energy Survey redMaPPer clusters Palmese, A.;Annis, J.;Burgad, J.;Farahi, A.;Soares-Santos, M.;Welch, B.;da Silva Pereira, M.;Lin, H.;Bhargava, S.;Hollowood, D. L.;Wilkinson, R.;Giles, P.;Jeltema, T.;Romer, A. K.;Evrard, A. E.;Hilton, M.;Vergara Cervantes, C.;Bermeo, A.;Mayers, J.;DeRose, J.;Gruen, D.;Hartley, W. G.;Lahav, O.;Leistedt, B.;McClintock, T.;Rozo, E.;Rykoff, E. S.;Varga, T. N.;Wechsler, R. H.;Zhang, Y.;Avila, S.;Brooks, D.;Buckley-Geer, E.;Burke, D. L.;Carnero Rosell, A.;Carrasco Kind, M.;Carretero, J.;Castander, F. J.;Collins, C.;da Costa, L. N.;Desai, S.;De Vicente, J.;Diehl, H. T.;Dietrich, J. P.;Doel, P.;Flaugher, B.;Fosalba, P.;Frieman, J.;García-Bellido, J.;Gerdes, D. W.;Gruendl, R. A.;Gschwend, J.;Gutierrez, G.;Honscheid, K.;James, D. J.;Krause, E.;Kuehn, K.;Kuropatkin, N.;Liddle, A.;Lima, M.;Maia, M. A. G.;Mann, R. G.;Marshall, J. L.;Menanteau, F.;Miquel, R.;Ogando, R. L. C.;Plazas, A. A.;Roodman, A.;Rooney, P.;Sahlen, M.;Sanchez, E.;Scarpine, V.;Schubnell, M.;Serrano, S.;Sevilla-Noarbe, I.;Sobreira, F.;Stott, J.;Suchyta, E.;Swanson, M. E. C.;Tarle, G.;Thomas, D.;Tucker, D. L.;Viana, P. T. P.;Vikram, V.;Walker, A. R.;DES Collaboration Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020MNRAS.493.4830A Cross-correlating Planck with VST ATLAS LRGs: a new test for the ISW effect in the Southern hemisphere Ansarinejad, Behzad;Mackenzie, Ruari;Shanks, Tom;Metcalfe, Nigel Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020MNRAS.493.5162R TESS observations of pulsating subdwarf B stars: extraordinarily short-period gravity modes in CD-28° 1974 Reed, M. D.;Shoaf, K. A.;Németh, P.;Vos, J.;Uzundag, M.;Baran, A. S.;Sahoo, S. K.;Jeffery, C. S.;Telting, J. H.;Østensen, R. H. - 4
2020MNRAS.493.5565S A multiwavelength view of the open cluster NGC 2527: discovery of active stars Shah, Nevil;Singh, K. P.;Subramaniam, Annapurni VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper.
Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2020MNRAS.493.5662M Dark Energy Survey Year 1 Results: Wide-field mass maps via forward fitting in harmonic space Mawdsley, B.;Bacon, D.;Chang, C.;Melchior, P.;Rozo, E.;Seitz, S.;Jeffrey, N.;Gatti, M.;Gaztanaga, E.;Gruen, D.;Hartley, W. G.;Hoyle, B.;Samuroff, S.;Sheldon, E.;Troxel, M. A.;Zuntz, J.;Abbott, T. M. C.;Annis, J.;Bertin, E.;Bridle, S. L.;Brooks, D.;Buckley-Geer, E.;Burke, D. L.;Carnero Rosell, A.;Carrasco Kind, M.;Carretero, J.;da Costa, L. N.;De Vicente, J.;Desai, S.;Diehl, H. T.;Doel, P.;Evrard, A. E.;Flaugher, B.;Fosalba, P.;Frieman, J.;García-Bellido, J.;Gerdes, D. W.;Gruendl, R. A.;Gschwend, J.;Gutierrez, G.;Hollowood, D. L.;Honscheid, K.;James, D. J.;Jarvis, M.;Jeltema, T.;Kuehn, K.;Kuropatkin, N.;Lima, M.;Maia, M. A. G.;Marshall, J. L.;Miquel, R.;Plazas, A. A.;Roodman, A.;Sanchez, E.;Scarpine, V.;Serrano, S.;Sevilla-Noarbe, I.;Smith, M.;Smith, R. C.;Sobreira, F.;Suchyta, E.;Swanson, M. E. C.;Tarle, G.;Tucker, D. L.;Vikram, V.;Walker, A. R.;DES Collaboration - 9
2020MNRAS.493...87T A physically motivated definition for the size of galaxies in an era of ultradeep imaging Trujillo, Ignacio;Chamba, Nushkia;Knapen, Johan H. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020MNRAS.494.1784A Local AGN survey (LASr): I. Galaxy sample, infrared colour selection, and predictions for AGN within 100 Mpc Asmus, D.;Greenwell, C. L.;Gandhi, P.;Boorman, P. G.;Aird, J.;Alexander, D. M.;Assef, R. J.;Baldi, R. D.;Davies, R. I.;Hönig, S. F.;Ricci, C.;Rosario, D. J.;Salvato, M.;Shankar, F.;Stern, D. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2020MNRAS.494..293M S2COSMOS: Evolution of gas mass with redshift using dust emission Millard, Jenifer S.;Eales, Stephen A.;Smith, M. W. L.;Gomez, H. L.;Małek, K.;Simpson, J. M.;Peng, Y.;Sawicki, M.;Beeston, R. A.;Bunker, Andrew;Ao, Y.;Babul, A.;Ho, L. C.;Hwang, Ho Seong;Michałowski, M. J.;Scoville, N.;Shim, H.;Toba, Y. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020MNRAS.494.3028N Cluster membership for the long-period Cepheid calibrator SV Vul Negueruela, I.;Dorda, R.;Marco, A. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2020MNRAS.494.3342L Deriving stellar parameters from GALANTE photometry: bias and precision Lorenzo-Gutiérrez, A.;Alfaro, E. J.;Maíz Apellániz, J.;Barbá, R. H.;Marín-Franch, A.;Ederoclite, A.;Cristóbal-Hornillos, D.;Varela, J.;Vázquez Ramió, H.;Cenarro, A. J.;Lennon, D. J.;García-Lario, P.;Daflon, S.;Borges Fernandes, M. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2020MNRAS.494.3596D Superflares and variability in solar-type stars with TESS in the Southern hemisphere Doyle, L.;Ramsay, G.;Doyle, J. G. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Australian All-Sky Virtual Observatory (ASVO)
2020MNRAS.494.3799P A Volume-limited Sample of Cataclysmic Variables from Gaia DR2: Space Density and Population Properties Pala, A. F.;Gänsicke, B. T.;Breedt, E.;Knigge, C.;Hermes, J. J.;Gentile Fusillo, N. P.;Hollands, M. A.;Naylor, T.;Pelisoli, I.;Schreiber, M. R.;Toonen, S.;Aungwerojwit, A.;Cukanovaite, E.;Dennihy, E.;Manser, C. J.;Pretorius, M. L.;Scaringi, S.;Toloza, O. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: STILTS
2020MNRAS.494.4031M PSR J1012+5307: a millisecond pulsar with an extremely low-mass white dwarf companion Mata Sánchez, D.;Istrate, A. G.;van Kerkwijk, M. H.;Breton, R. P.;Kaplan, D. L. VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper.
Use of VO tools: Vizier
Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2020MNRAS.494.4098D Three-dimensional episodic model of star formation in galaxies in the presence of dissipation Das, Sukanta;Chattopadhyay, Tanuka;Mukherjee, Sailajananda Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2020MNRAS.494..425R When the disc's away, the stars will play: dynamical masses in the nova-like variable KR Aur with a pinch of accretion Rodríguez-Gil, P.;Shahbaz, T.;Torres, M. A. P.;Gänsicke, B. T.;Izquierdo, P.;Toloza, O.;Álvarez-Hernández, A.;Steeghs, D.;van Spaandonk, L.;Koester, D.;Rodríguez, D. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2020MNRAS.494.4730P Linking compact dwarf starburst galaxies in the RESOLVE survey to downsized blue nuggets Palumbo, Michael L., III;Kannappan, Sheila J.;Frazer, Elaine M.;Eckert, Kathleen D.;Norman, Dara J.;Fraga, Luciano;Quint, Bruno C.;Amram, Philippe;Mendes de Oliveira, Claudia;Bittner, Ashley S.;Moffett, Amanda J.;Stark, David V.;Norris, Mark A.;Cleaves, Nathaniel T.;Carr, Derrick S. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2020MNRAS.494.4794A The dynamics of the γ Vel cluster and nearby Vela OB2 association Armstrong, Joseph J.;Wright, Nicholas J.;Jeffries, R. D.;Jackson, R. J. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2020MNRAS.494.4891M The Gaia Ultra-Cool Dwarf Sample - III: seven new multiple systems containing at least one Gaia DR2 ultracool dwarf. Marocco, F.;Smart, R. L.;Mamajek, E. E.;Sarro, L. M.;Burgasser, A. J.;Caballero, J. A.;Rees, J. M.;Caselden, D.;Cruz, K. L.;Van Linge, R.;Pinfield, D. J. VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper.
Use of VO tools: VOSA
2020MNRAS.494.4986M Outside the Lyman-break box: detecting Lyman continuum emitters at 3.5 < z < 5.1 with CLAUDS Meštrić, U.;Ryan-Weber, E. V.;Cooke, J.;Bassett, R.;Sawicki, M.;Faisst, A. L.;Kakiichi, K.;Inoue, A. K.;Rafelski, M.;Prichard, L. J.;Arnouts, S.;Moutard, T.;Coupon, J.;Golob, A.;Gwyn, S. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2020MNRAS.494.5029D GASP XXV: neutral hydrogen gas in the striking jellyfish galaxy JO204 Deb, Tirna;Verheijen, Marc A. W.;Gullieuszik, Marco;Poggianti, Bianca M.;van Gorkom, Jacqueline H.;Ramatsoku, Mpati;Serra, Paolo;Moretti, Alessia;Vulcani, Benedetta;Bettoni, Daniela;Jaffé, L. Yara;Tonnesen, Stephanie;Fritz, Jacopo - 14
2020MNRAS.494.5161C H I absorption towards radio active galactic nuclei of different accretion modes Chandola, Yogesh;Saikia, D. J.;Li, Di Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2020MNRAS.494..789R The near and mid-infrared photometric properties of known redshift z ≥ 5 quasars Ross, Nicholas P.;Cross, Nicholas J. G. VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper.
Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2020MNRAS.494..915L The White Dwarf Binary Pathways Survey -III. Contamination from hierarchical triples containing a white dwarf Lagos, F.;Schreiber, M. R.;Parsons, S. G.;Zurlo, A.;Mesa, D.;Gänsicke, B. T.;Brahm, R.;Caceres, C.;Canovas, H.;Hernandez, M. -S.;Jordan, A.;Koester, D.;Schmidtobreick, L.;Tappert, C.;Zorotovic, M. Use of VO tools: VOSA
2020MNRAS.494..923C WISE mid-infrared properties of compact active galactic nuclei selected from the high radio frequency AT20G survey Chhetri, R.;Kimball, A.;Ekers, R. D.;Mahony, E. K.;Sadler, E. M.;Jarrett, T. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2020MNRAS.495.1531G Mon-735: a new low-mass pre-main-sequence eclipsing binary in NGC 2264 Gillen, Edward;Hillenbrand, Lynne A.;Stauffer, John;Aigrain, Suzanne;Rebull, Luisa;Cody, Ann Marie VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper.
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2020MNRAS.495.1593M Particle acceleration in low-power hotspots: modelling the broad-band spectral energy distribution Migliori, G.;Orienti, M.;Coccato, L.;Brunetti, G.;D'Ammando, F.;Mack, K. -H.;Prieto, M. A. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020MNRAS.495.1771L Hypercompact stellar clusters: morphological renditions and spectrophotometric models Lena, D.;Jonker, P. G.;Rauer, J. P.;Hernandez, S.;Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, Z. Use of VO tools: Vizier
Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2020MNRAS.495.1853P An obscured AGN population hidden in the VIPERS galaxies: identification through spectral energy distribution decomposition Pouliasis, E.;Mountrichas, G.;Georgantopoulos, I.;Ruiz, A.;Yang, M.;Bonanos, A. Z. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2020MNRAS.495.1888M The pulsation properties of λ bootis stars I. the southern TESS sample Murphy, S. J.;Paunzen, E.;Bedding, T. R.;Walczak, P.;Huber, D. Use of VO tools: VOSA
2020MNRAS.495.2305G SDSS-IV MaNGA: spatially resolved dust attenuation in spiral galaxies Greener, Michael J.;Aragón-Salamanca, Alfonso;Merrifield, Michael R.;Peterken, Thomas G.;Fraser-McKelvie, Amelia;Masters, Karen L.;Krawczyk, Coleman M.;Boardman, Nicholas F.;Boquien, Médéric;Andrews, Brett H.;Brinkmann, Jonathan;Drory, Niv Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020MNRAS.495.2607O New constraints on the magnetization of the cosmic web using LOFAR Faraday rotation observations O'Sullivan, S. P.;Brüggen, M.;Vazza, F.;Carretti, E.;Locatelli, N. T.;Stuardi, C.;Vacca, V.;Vernstrom, T.;Heald, G.;Horellou, C.;Shimwell, T. W.;Hardcastle, M. J.;Tasse, C.;Röttgering, H. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020MNRAS.495.2844S Mode identification in three pulsating hot subdwarfs observed with TESS satellite Sahoo, S. K.;Baran, A. S.;Heber, U.;Ostrowski, J.;Sanjayan, S.;Silvotti, R.;Irrgang, A.;Uzundag, M.;Reed, M. D.;Shoaf, K. A.;Raddi, R.;Vuckovic, M.;Ghasemi, H.;Zong, W.;Bell, K. J. Use of VO tools: Vizier
Australian All-Sky Virtual Observatory (ASVO)
2020MNRAS.495.2949F Stellar activity with LAMOST. III. Temporal variability pattern in Pleiades, Praesepe, and Hyades Fang, Xiang-Song;Bidin, Christian Moni;Zhao, Gang;Zhang, Li-Yun;Bharat Kumar, Yerra Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2020MNRAS.495.3636M Robust H I kinematics of gas-rich ultra-diffuse galaxies: hints of a weak-feedback formation scenario Mancera Piña, Pavel E.;Fraternali, Filippo;Oman, Kyle A.;Adams, Elizabeth A. K.;Bacchini, Cecilia;Marasco, Antonino;Oosterloo, Tom;Pezzulli, Gabriele;Posti, Lorenzo;Leisman, Lukas;Cannon, John M.;di Teodoro, Enrico M.;Gault, Lexi;Haynes, Martha P.;Reiter, Kameron;Rhode, Katherine L.;Salzer, John J.;Smith, Nicholas J. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2020MNRAS.495.3666T Thermally driven disc winds as a mechanism for X-ray irradiation heating in black hole X-ray binaries: the case study of GX339-4 Tetarenko, B. E.;Dubus, G.;Marcel, G.;Done, C.;Clavel, M. Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2020MNRAS.495.4279M Characterizing brown dwarf companions with IRDIS long-slit spectroscopy: HD 1160 B and HD 19467 B Mesa, D.;D'Orazi, V.;Vigan, A.;Kitzmann, D.;Heng, K.;Gratton, R.;Desidera, S.;Bonnefoy, M.;Lavie, B.;Maire, A. -L.;Peretti, S.;Boccaletti, A. Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2020MNRAS.495..428C The richness-to-mass relation of CAMIRA galaxy clusters from weak-lensing magnification in the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam survey Chiu, I. -Non;Umetsu, Keiichi;Murata, Ryoma;Medezinski, Elinor;Oguri, Masamune Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020MNRAS.495..554R Ram pressure stripping candidates in the coma cluster: evidence for enhanced star formation Roberts, Ian D.;Parker, Laura C. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020MNRAS.495..650G Zodiacal exoplanets in time - X. The orbit and atmosphere of the young 'neptune desert'-dwelling planet K2-100b Gaidos, E.;Hirano, T.;Mann, A. W.;Owens, D. A.;Berger, T. A.;France, K.;Vanderburg, A.;Harakawa, H.;Hodapp, K. W.;Ishizuka, M.;Jacobson, S.;Konishi, M.;Kotani, T.;Kudo, T.;Kurokawa, T.;Kuzuhara, M.;Nishikawa, J.;Omiya, M.;Serizawa, T.;Tamura, M.;Ueda, A. VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper.
Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2020MNRAS.495..726G Evidence for coupling of evolved star atmospheres and spiral arms of the Milky Way Gorski, Mark D.;Barmby, Pauline Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020MNRAS.496.1197B A search for young exoplanets in Sectors 1-5 of the TESS full-frame images Battley, Matthew P.;Pollacco, Don;Armstrong, David J. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020MNRAS.496.1730F The VISTA Variables in the Vía Láctea infrared variability catalogue (VIVA-I) Ferreira Lopes, C. E.;Cross, N. J. G.;Catelan, M.;Minniti, D.;Hempel, M.;Lucas, P. W.;Angeloni, R.;Jablonsky, F.;Braga, V. F.;Leão, I. C.;Herpich, F. R.;Alonso-García, J.;Papageorgiou, A.;Pichara, K.;Saito, R. K.;Bradley, A. J.;Beamin, J. C.;Cortés, C.;De Medeiros, J. R.;Russell, Christopher M. P. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2020MNRAS.496.1834L Atacama Compact Array observations of the pulsar-wind nebula of SNR 0540-69.3 Lundqvist, P.;Lundqvist, N.;Vlahakis, C.;Björnsson, C. -I.;Dickel, J. R.;Matsuura, M.;Shibanov, Yu A.;Zyuzin, D. A.;Olofsson, G. - -
2020MNRAS.496.2021F Discovery and astrophysical properties of Galactic open clusters in dense stellar fields using Gaia DR2 Ferreira, F. A.;Corradi, W. J. B.;Maia, F. F. S.;Angelo, M. S.;Santos, J. F. C., Jr. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2020MNRAS.496.2315G The nature of 500 micron risers I: SMA observations Greenslade, J.;Clements, D. L.;Petitpas, G.;Asboth, V.;Conley, A.;Pérez-Fournon, I.;Riechers, D. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020MNRAS.496.2391J BRITE-Constellation photometry of π5 Orionis, an ellipsoidal SPB variable Jerzykiewicz, M.;Pigulski, A.;Handler, G.;Moffat, A. F. J.;Popowicz, A.;Wade, G. A.;Zwintz, K.;Pablo, H. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2020MNRAS.496.2902M Lithium and beryllium in the Gaia-Enceladus galaxy Molaro, P.;Cescutti, G.;Fu, X. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2020MNRAS.496.3182A An expanded catalogue of low surface brightness galaxies in the Coma cluster using Subaru/Suprime-Cam Alabi, Adebusola B.;Romanowsky, Aaron J.;Forbes, Duncan A.;Brodie, Jean P.;Okabe, Nobuhiro Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020MNRAS.496.3796S X-ray properties of He II λ 1640 emitting galaxies in VANDELS Saxena, A.;Pentericci, L.;Schaerer, D.;Schneider, R.;Amorin, R.;Bongiorno, A.;Calabrò, A.;Castellano, M.;Cimatti, A.;Cullen, F.;Fontana, A.;Fynbo, J. P. U.;Hathi, N.;McLeod, D. J.;Talia, M.;Zamorani, G. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020MNRAS.496.4174B A holistic and probabilistic approach to the ground-based and spaceborne data of HAT-P-19 system Baștürk, Özgür;Yalçınkaya, S.;Esmer, E. M.;Tanrıverdi, T.;Mancini, L.;Daylan, T.;Southworth, J.;Keten, B. - -
2020MNRAS.496.4405H Far-infrared star formation rates of six GRB host galaxies with ALMA Hsiao, Tiger Yu-Yang;Hashimoto, Tetsuya;Chang, Jia-Yuan;Goto, Tomotsugu;Kim, Seong Jin;Ho, Simon C. -C.;Santos, Daryl Joe D.;Lu, Ting-Yi;On, Alvina Y. L.;Wang, Ting-Wen - -
2020MNRAS.496.5176D Wide binaries are rare in open clusters Deacon, N. R.;Kraus, A. L. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2020MNRAS.496..629Y AstroCatR: a mechanism and tool for efficient time series reconstruction of large-scale astronomical catalogues Yu, Ce;Li, Kun;Tang, Shanjiang;Sun, Chao;Ma, Bin;Zhao, Qing VO project (China-VO) acknowledged in the paper
2020MNRAS.496L.116L What has quenched the massive spiral galaxies? Luo, Yu;Li, Zongnan;Kang, Xi;Li, Zhiyuan;Wang, Peng VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper. Use of Millenium database.
2020MNRAS.497.1348T High-sensitivity observations of molecular lines with the Arecibo Telescope Tan, W. S.;Araya, E. D.;Lee, L. E.;Hofner, P.;Kurtz, S.;Linz, H.;Olmi, L. - -
2020MNRAS.497..466S Evolution of galaxies in groups in the Coma Supercluster Seth, Ruchika;Raychaudhury, Somak Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020MNRAS.497...52H Shapley supercluster survey: mapping the dark matter distribution Higuchi, Yuchi;Okabe, Nobuhiro;Merluzzi, Paola;Haines, Christopher Paul;Busarello, Giovanni;Grado, Aniello;Mercurio, Amata - -
2020MNRAS.497.5518A GRANDMA observations of advanced LIGO's and advanced Virgo's third observational campaign Antier, S.;Agayeva, S.;Almualla, M.;Awiphan, S.;Baransky, A.;Barynova, K.;Beradze, S.;Blažek, M.;Boër, M.;Burkhonov, O.;Christensen, N.;Coleiro, A.;Corre, D.;Coughlin, M. W.;Crisp, H.;Dietrich, T.;Ducoin, J. -G.;Duverne, P. -A.;Marchal-Duval, G.;Gendre, B.;Gokuldass, P.;Eggenstein, H. B.;Eymar, L.;Hello, P.;Howell, E. J.;Ismailov, N.;Kann, D. A.;Karpov, S.;Klotz, A.;Kochiashvili, N.;Lachaud, C.;Leroy, N.;Lin, W. L.;Li, W. X.;Mašek, M.;Mo, J.;Menard, R.;Morris, D.;Noysena, K.;Orange, N. B.;Prouza, M.;Rattanamala, R.;Sadibekova, T.;Saint-Gelais, D.;Serrau, M.;Simon, A.;Stachie, C.;Thöne, C. C.;Tillayev, Y.;Turpin, D.;de Ugarte Postigo, A.;Vasylenko, V.;Vidadi, Z.;Was, M.;Wang, X. F.;Zhang, J. J.;Zhang, T. M.;Zhang, X. H. - 9
2020MNRAS.497...67L NLTE spectral analysis of the intermediate helium-rich subdwarf B star CPD-20°1123 Löbling, L. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2020MNRAS.498..332M The TESS light curve of AI Phoenicis Maxted, P. F. L.;Gaulme, Patrick;Graczyk, D.;Hełminiak, K. G.;Johnston, C.;Orosz, Jerome A.;Prša, Andrej;Southworth, John;Torres, Guillermo;Davies, Guy R.;Ball, Warrick;Chaplin, William J. - 5
2020MNRAS.498L...6M Predictions of Gaia's prize microlensing events are flawed McGill, Peter;Everall, Andrew;Boubert, Douglas;Smith, Leigh C. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2020MNRAS.499.2380S The X-ray view of merger-induced active galactic nuclei activity at low redshift Secrest, Nathan J.;Ellison, Sara L.;Satyapal, Shobita;Blecha, Laura Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2020PASP..132c5002K Ondřejov Echelle Spectrograph, Ground Based Support Facility for Exoplanet Missions Kabáth, P.;Skarka, M.;Sabotta, S.;Guenther, E.;Jones, D.;Klocová, T.;Šubjak, J.;Žák, Jiří;Špoková, M.;Blažek, M.;Dvořáková, J.;Dupkala, D.;Fuchs, J.;Hatzes, A.;Kortusová, E.;Novotný, R.;Plávalová, E.;Řezba, L.;Sloup, J.;Škoda, P.;Šlechta, M. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2020PASP..132d4201M An AGB Star with a Thick Circumstellar Shell Mould, Jeremy;Durré, Mark;Uddin, Syed;Wang, Lifan - -

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