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SIMBAD database :

Basic data and identifiers for the object

Type: Star
ICRS 2000.0 = 07 53 18.1586 -48 06 10.562 A [4.72 3.31  97] 1997A&A...323L..49P
FK5 1950.0 = 07 51 49.98 -47 58 18.1 A [26.92 19.29  95] 1997A&A...323L..49P
FK4 1950 = 07 51 49.98 -47 58 18.1 A [26.92 19.29  96] 1997A&A...323L..49P
 gal = 262.06 -10.42
 mb, mv =  4.086      4.234  ---  sp type = B0.5Ib
 pm = -4.90 5.89 A [   .53    .38  96] 1997A&A...323L..49P
 rv = v +41 C [ 5] 1953GCRV..C......0W
 plx = 1.68 A [.50] 1997A&A...323L..49P
HD 64760                  * J Pup                   [B10] 2095
CD-47 3396                CEL 2083                  CPC 0 4996
CPD-47 1644               EUVE J0753-48.1           GC 10689
GCRV 5258                 GEN# +1.00064760          GSC 08139-04578
HIC 38518                 HIP 38518                 HR 3090
JP11 1612                 LS 850                    PPM 312271
ROT 1272                  SAO 219111                SKY# 14689
TD1 11329                 TYC 8139 4578 1           UBV 7643
UBV M 13789               uvby98 100064760
PM: 1     UBV: 5    TD1: 1    CEL: 1    MK: 4     JP11: 2   ROT: 2
SAO: 1    IUE:17    oRV: 2    uvby1: 2  Hbet1: 4
References: 118

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