
296 Results

Comment Number
Use of VO tools: TOPCAT 81
Use of VO tools: Aladin 65
Use of VO tools: VOSA 16
Use of VO tools: Vizier 11
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD 9
VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper. Use of Millenium database. 8
VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper. Use of Multidark database. 4
Use of VO tools: STILTS 3
Use of VO services. Theoretical model service provided by SVO. 3
VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper 3
Use of VO tools: Splat-VO 2
VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper. 2
Use of VO tools: CASSIS 1
VO project (JVO) acknowledged in the paper. 1
Use of VO tools: Sky View 1
Use of VO services. TMAD provided by GAVO 1
VO publication of data collections. Using and accessing SVOCat 1
Other. Description of a VO-compliant library to handle gamma-ray data. 1
Use of VO services. theoretical Astrophysical Observatory provided by ASVO 1

Bibcode Title author Comment Citation
2015A&A...582A.107W Constrained correlation functions from the Millennium Simulation Wilking, P.,Röseler, R.,Schneider, P. VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper
2015A&A...582A...1D Bipolar H II regions - Morphology and star formation in their vicinity. I. G319.88+00.79 and G010.32-00.15 Deharveng, L.,Zavagno, A.,Samal, M. R.,Anderson, L. D.,LeLeu, G.,Brevot, D.,Duarte-Cabral, A.,Molinari, S.,Pestalozzi, M.,Foster, J. B.,Rathborne, J. M.,Jackson, J. M. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2015A&A...582A..22L A homogeneous analysis of disks around brown dwarfs Liu, Y.;Joergens, V.;Bayo, A.;Nielbock, M.;Wang, H. Use of VO tools: VOSA
2015A&A...582A..28P Planck intermediate results. XXV. The Andromeda galaxy as seen by Planck Planck Collaboration;Ade, P. A. R.;Aghanim, N.;Arnaud, M.;Ashdown, M.;Aumont, J.;Baccigalupi, C.;Banday, A. J.;Barreiro, R. B.;Bartolo, N.;Battaner, E.;Battye, R.;Benabed, K.;Bendo, G. J.;Benoit-Lévy, A.;Bernard, J. -P.;Bersanelli, M.;Bielewicz, P.;Bonaldi, A.;Bonavera, L.;Bond, J. R.;Borrill, J.;Bouchet, F. R.;Burigana, C.;Butler, R. C.;Calabrese, E.;Cardoso, J. -F.;Catalano, A.;Chamballu, A.;Chary, R. -R.;Chen, X.;Chiang, H. C.;Christensen, P. R.;Clements, D. L.;Colombo, L. P. L.;Combet, C.;Couchot, F.;Coulais, A.;Crill, B. P.;Curto, A.;Cuttaia, F.;Danese, L.;Davies, R. D.;Davis, R. J.;de Bernardis, P.;de Rosa, A.;de Zotti, G.;Delabrouille, J.;Dickinson, C.;Diego, J. M.;Dole, H.;Donzelli, S.;Doré, O.;Douspis, M.;Ducout, A.;Dupac, X.;Efstathiou, G.;Elsner, F.;Enßlin, T. A.;Eriksen, H. K.;Finelli, F.;Forni, O.;Frailis, M.;Fraisse, A. A.;Franceschi, E.;Frejsel, A.;Galeotta, S.;Ganga, K.;Giard, M.;Giraud-Héraud, Y.;Gjerløw, E.;González-Nuevo, J.;Górski, K. M.;Gregorio, A.;Gruppuso, A.;Hansen, F. K.;Hanson, D.;Harrison, D. L.;Henrot-Versillé, S.;Hernández-Monteagudo, C.;Herranz, D.;Hildebrandt, S. R.;Hivon, E.;Hobson, M.;Holmes, W. A.;Hornstrup, A.;Hovest, W.;Huffenberger, K. M.;Hurier, G.;Israel, F. P.;Jaffe, A. H.;Jaffe, T. R.;Jones, W. C.;Juvela, M.;Keihänen, E.;Keskitalo, R.;Kisner, T. S.;Kneissl, R.;Knoche, J.;Kunz, M.;Kurki-Suonio, H.;Lagache, G.;Lähteenmäki, A.;Lamarre, J. -M.;Lasenby, A.;Lattanzi, M.;Lawrence, C. R.;Leonardi, R.;Levrier, F.;Liguori, M.;Lilje, P. B.;Linden-Vørnle, M.;López-Caniego, M.;Lubin, P. M.;Macías-Pérez, J. F.;Madden, S.;Maffei, B.;Maino, D.;Mandolesi, N.;Maris, M.;Martin, P. G.;Martínez-González, E.;Masi, S.;Matarrese, S.;Mazzotta, P.;Mendes, L.;Mennella, A.;Migliaccio, M.;Miville-Deschênes, M. -A.;Moneti, A.;Montier, L.;Morgante, G.;Mortlock, D.;Munshi, D.;Murphy, J. A.;Naselsky, P.;Nati, F.;Natoli, P.;Nørgaard-Nielsen, H. U.;Noviello, F. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2015A&A...582A..30P Planck intermediate results. XXVII. High-redshift infrared galaxy overdensity candidates and lensed sources discovered by Planck and confirmed by Herschel-SPIRE Planck Collaboration,Aghanim, N.,Altieri, B.,Arnaud, M.,Ashdown, M.,Aumont, J.,Baccigalupi, C.,Banday, A. J.,Barreiro, R. B.,Bartolo, N.,Battaner, E.,Beelen, A.,Benabed, K.,Benoit-Lévy, A.,Bernard, J. -P.,Bersanelli, M.,Bethermin, M.,Bielewicz, P.,Bonavera, L.,Bond, J. R.,Borrill, J.,Bouchet, F. R.,Boulanger, F.,Burigana, C.,Calabrese, E.,Canameras, R.,Cardoso, J. -F.,Catalano, A.,Chamballu, A.,Chary, R. -R.,Chiang, H. C.,Christensen, P. R.,Clements, D. L.,Colombi, S.,Couchot, F.,Crill, B. P.,Curto, A.,Danese, L.,Dassas, K.,Davies, R. D.,Davis, R. J.,de Bernardis, P.,de Rosa, A.,de Zotti, G.,Delabrouille, J.,Diego, J. M.,Dole, H.,Donzelli, S.,Doré, O.,Douspis, M.,Ducout, A.,Dupac, X.,Efstathiou, G.,Elsner, F.,Enßlin, T. A.,Falgarone, E.,Flores-Cacho, I.,Forni, O.,Frailis, M.,Fraisse, A. A.,Franceschi, E.,Frejsel, A.,Frye, B.,Galeotta, S.,Galli, S.,Ganga, K.,Giard, M.,Gjerløw, E.,González-Nuevo, J.,Górski, K. M.,Gregorio, A.,Gruppuso, A.,Guéry, D.,Hansen, F. K.,Hanson, D.,Harrison, D. L.,Helou, G.,Hernández-Monteagudo, C.,Hildebrandt, S. R.,Hivon, E.,Hobson, M.,Holmes, W. A.,Hovest, W.,Huffenberger, K. M.,Hurier, G.,Jaffe, A. H.,Jaffe, T. R.,Keihänen, E.,Keskitalo, R.,Kisner, T. S.,Kneissl, R.,Knoche, J.,Kunz, M.,Kurki-Suonio, H.,Lagache, G.,Lamarre, J. -M.,Lasenby, A.,Lattanzi, M.,Lawrence, C. R.,Le Floc'h, E.,Leonardi, R.,Levrier, F.,Liguori, M.,Lilje, P. B.,Linden-Vørnle, M.,López-Caniego, M.,Lubin, P. M.,Macías-Pérez, J. F.,MacKenzie, T.,Maffei, B.,Mandolesi, N.,Maris, M.,Martin, P. G.,Martinache, C.,Martínez-González, E.,Masi, S.,Matarrese, S.,Mazzotta, P.,Melchiorri, A.,Mennella, A.,Migliaccio, M.,Moneti, A.,Montier, L.,Morgante, G.,Mortlock, D.,Munshi, D.,Murphy, J. A.,Natoli, P.,Negrello, M.,Nesvadba, N. P. H.,Novikov, D.,Novikov, I.,Omont, A.,Pagano, L.,Pajot, F.,Pasian, F.,Perdereau, O.,Perotto, L.,Perrotta, F.,Pettorino, V.,Piacentini, F.,Piat, M.,Plaszczynski, S.,Pointecouteau, E.,Polenta, G.,Popa, L.,Pratt, G. W.,Prunet, S.,Puget, J. -L., Use of VO tools: Aladin
2015A&A...582A..68E A database of circumstellar OH masers Engels, D.,Bunzel, F. VO publication of data collections. Using and accessing SVOCat
2015A&A...582L...3V Hyperfine structure of the cyanomethyl radical (CH2CN) in the L1544 prestellar core Vastel, C.;Yamamoto, S.;Lefloch, B.;Bachiller, R. - 8
2015A&A...583A.122F The variability behaviour of CoRoT M-giant stars⋆ Ferreira Lopes, C. E.,Neves, V.,Leão, I. C.,de Freitas, D. B.,Canto Martins, B. L.,da Costa, A. D.,Paz-Chinchón, F.,Das Chagas, M. L.,Baglin, A.,Janot-Pacheco, E.,De Medeiros, J. R. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2015A&A...583A.124D Ophiuchus: An optical view of a very massive cluster of galaxies hidden behind the Milky Way ⋆ Durret, F.,Wakamatsu, K.,Nagayama, T.,Adami, C.,Biviano, A. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2015A&A...583A..79M New dwarf galaxy candidates in the Centaurus group Müller, Oliver;Jerjen, Helmut;Binggeli, Bruno - 48
2015A&A...583A..85A Reaching the boundary between stellar kinematic groups and very wide binaries. III. Sixteen new stars and eight new wide systems in the β Pictoris moving group Alonso-Floriano, F. J.,Caballero, J. A.,Cortés-Contreras, M.,Solano, E.,Montes, D. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: STILTS
2015A&A...584A.118S Herschel HIFI observations of the Sgr A +50 km s-1 Cloud. Deep searches for O2 in emission and foreground absorption Sandqvist, Aa.;Larsson, B.;Hjalmarson, Å.;Encrenaz, P.;Gerin, M.;Goldsmith, P. F.;Lis, D. C.;Liseau, R.;Pagani, L.;Roueff, E.;Viti, S. - 8
2015A&A...584A.120B The evolution of streams in a time-dependent potential Buist, Hans J. T.;Helmi, Amina - 11
2015A&A...584A.128L An eclipsing double-line spectroscopic binary at the stellar/substellar boundary in the Upper Scorpius OB association Lodieu, N.,Alonso, R.,González Hernández, J. I.,Sanchis-Ojeda, R.,Narita, N.,Kawashima, Y.,Kawauchi, K.,Suárez Mascareño, A.,Deeg, H.,Prieto Arranz, J.,Rebolo, R.,Pallé, E.,Béjar, V. J. S.,Ferragamo, A.,Rubiño-Martín, J. A. Use of VO tools: VOSA
2015A&A...584A..21A First X-ray detection of the young variable V1180 Cassiopeiae Antoniucci, S.,Nucita, A. A.,Giannini, T.,Lorenzetti, D.,Stelzer, B.,Gerardi, D.,Delle Rose, S.,Di Paola, A.,Giordano, M.,Manni, L.,Strafella, F. Use of VO tools: VOSA
2015A&A...584A..22R Herschel-PACS observations of discs in the η Chamaeleontis association Riviere-Marichalar, P.,Elliott, P.,Rebollido, I.,Bayo, A.,Ribas, A.,Merín, B.,Kamp, I.,Dent, W. R. F.,Montesinos, B. Use of VO tools: VOSA
2015A&A...584A..26B Cosmography of OB stars in the solar neighbourhood Bouy, H.,Alves, J. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
2015A&A...584A..77N Open cluster Dolidze 25: Stellar parameters and the metallicity in the Galactic anticentre Negueruela, I.,Simón-Díaz, S.,Lorenzo, J.,Castro, N.,Herrero, A. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2015A&A...584A...7G Spectroscopic and photometric analysis of the early-type spectroscopic binary HD 161853 in the centre of an H II Gamen, R.,Putkuri, C.,Morrell, N. I.,Barbá, R. H.,Arias, J. I.,Maíz Apellániz, J.,Walborn, N. R.,Sota, A.,Alfaro, E. J. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2015A&A...584A..80M Cepheid distances from the SpectroPhoto-Interferometry of Pulsating Stars (SPIPS). Application to the prototypes δ Cephei and η Aquilae Mérand, A.,Kervella, P.,Breitfelder, J.,Gallenne, A.,Coudé du Foresto, V.,ten Brummelaar, T. A.,McAlister, H. A.,Ridgway, S.,Sturmann, L.,Sturmann, J.,Turner, N. H. Use of VO services. Theoretical model service provided by SVO.
2015A&ARv..24....2M The extragalactic gamma-ray sky in the Fermi era Massaro, Francesco;Thompson, David J.;Ferrara, Elizabeth C. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2015AJ....150..101Z The First U.S. Naval Observatory Robotic Astrometric Telescope Catalog Zacharias, N.,Finch, C.,Subasavage, J.,Bredthauer, G.,Crockett, C.,Divittorio, M.,Ferguson, E.,Harris, F.,Harris, H.,Henden, A.,Kilian, C.,Munn, J.,Rafferty, T.,Rhodes, A.,Schultheiss, M.,Tilleman, T.,Wieder, G. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2015AJ....150..136H Speckle Interferometry at the U.S. Naval Observatory. XX Hartkopf, William I.,Mason, Brian D. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2015AJ....150..175R YSOVAR: Mid-infrared Variability in NGC 1333 Rebull, L. M.,Stauffer, J. R.,Cody, A. M.,Günther, H. M.,Hillenbrand, L. A.,Poppenhaeger, K.,Wolk, S. J.,Hora, J.,Hernandez, J.,Bayo, A.,Covey, K.,Forbrich, J.,Gutermuth, R.,Morales-Calderón, M.,Plavchan, P.,Song, I.,Bouy, H.,Terebey, S.,Cuillandre, J. C.,Allen, L. E. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2015AJ....150..191R The Young Stellar Population of the Cygnus-X DR15 Region Rivera-Gálvez, S.,Román-Zúñiga, C. G.,Jiménez-Bailón, E.,Ybarra, J. E.,Alves, J. F.,Lada, Elizabeth A. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2015AJ....150...80R Star Formation Across the W3 Complex Román-Zúñiga, Carlos G.,Ybarra, Jason E.,Megías, Guillermo D.,Tapia, Mauricio,Lada, Elizabeth A.,Alves, Joáo F. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: STILTS
2015ApJ...810..130L Environment of the Submillimeter-bright Massive Starburst HFLS3 at z ~ 6.34 Laporte, N.,Pérez-Fournon, I.,Calanog, J. A.,Cooray, A.,Wardlow, J. L.,Bock, J.,Bridge, C.,Burgarella, D.,Bussmann, R. S.,Cabrera-Lavers, A.,Casey, C. M.,Clements, D. L.,Conley, A.,Dannerbauer, H.,Farrah, D.,Fu, H.,Gavazzi, R.,González-Solares, E. A.,Ivison, R. J.,Lo Faro, B.,Ma, B.,Magdis, G.,Marques-Chaves, R.,Martínez-Navajas, P.,Oliver, S. J.,Osage, W. A.,Riechers, D.,Rigopoulou, D.,Scott, D.,Streblyanska, A.,Vieira, J. D. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2015ApJ...811...95P Quasar Classification Using Color and Variability Peters, Christina M.,Richards, Gordon T.,Myers, Adam D.,Strauss, Michael A.,Schmidt, Kasper B.,Ivezić, ½eljko,Ross, Nicholas P.,MacLeod, Chelsea L.,Riegel, Ryan Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: STILTS
2015ApJ...812..168Y Multi-messenger Astronomy of Gravitational-wave Sources with Flexible Wide-area Radio Transient Surveys Yancey, Cregg C.;Bear, Brandon E.;Akukwe, Bernadine;Chen, Kevin;Dowell, Jayce;Gough, Jonathan D.;Kanner, Jonah;Kavic, Michael;Obenberger, Kenneth;Shawhan, Peter;Simonetti, John H.;-Wei Tsai, Gregory B. Taylor, Jr. - 13
2015ApJ...812....4Y The Effect of Halo Mass on the H I Content of Galaxies in Groups and Clusters Yoon, Ilsang,Rosenberg, Jessica L. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2015ApJ...812...56G Outflowing Diffuse Gas in the Active Galactic Nucleus of NGC 1068 Geballe, T. R.;Mason, R. E.;Oka, T. - 3
2015ApJ...812...83N MAGIICAT V. Orientation of Outflows and Accretion Determine the Kinematics and Column Densities of the Circumgalactic Medium Nielsen, Nikole M.;Churchill, Christopher W.;Kacprzak, Glenn G.;Murphy, Michael T.;Evans, Jessica L. - 59
2015ApJ...813..133R Combined Modeling of Acceleration, Transport, and Hydrodynamic Response in Solar Flares. II. Inclusion of Radiative Transfer with RADYN Rubio da Costa, Fatima,Liu, Wei,Petrosian, Vahé,Carlsson, Mats - 5
2015ApJ...813...25S Young Stellar Objects in the Massive Star-forming Region W49 Saral, G.,Hora, J. L.,Willis, S. E.,Koenig, X. P.,Gutermuth, R. A.,Saygac, A. T. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2015ApJ...813...89K Stellar Velocity Dispersion and Anisotropy of the Milky Way Inner Halo King, Charles, III;Brown, Warren R.;Geller, Margaret J.;Kenyon, Scott J. - 34
2015ApJ...813L..15M Unveiling a Rich System of Faint Dwarf Galaxies in the Next Generation Fornax Survey Muñoz, Roberto P.,Eigenthaler, Paul,Puzia, Thomas H.,Taylor, Matthew A.,Ordenes-Briceño, Yasna,Alamo-Martínez, Karla,Ribbeck, Karen X.,Ángel, Simón,Capaccioli, Massimo,Côté, Patrick,Ferrarese, Laura,Galaz, Gaspar,Hempel, Maren,Hilker, Michael,Jordán, Andrés,Lançon, Ariane,Mieske, Steffen,Paolillo, Maurizio,Richtler, Tom,Sánchez-Janssen, Ruben,Zhang, Hongxin Use of VO tools: Aladin
2015ApJ...813L..19J A Keplerian-like Disk around the Forming O-type Star AFGL 4176 Johnston, Katharine G.,Robitaille, Thomas P.,Beuther, Henrik,Linz, Hendrik,Boley, Paul,Kuiper, Rolf,Keto, Eric,Hoare, Melvin G.,van Boekel, Roy Use of VO tools: CASSIS
2015ApJ...814...40W Nearby Galaxy Filaments and the Ly-alpha Forest: Confronting Simulations and the UV Background with Observations Wakker, Bart P.;Hernandez, Audra K.;French, David M.;Kim, Tae-Sun;Oppenheimer, Benjamin D.;Savage, Blair D. - 69
2015ApJ...815..128K Rest-frame UV Single-epoch Black Hole Mass Estimates of Low-luminosity AGNs at Intermediate Redshifts Karouzos, Marios,Woo, Jong-Hak,Matsuoka, Kenta,Kochanek, Christopher S.,Onken, Christopher A.,Kollmeier, Juna A.,Park, Dawoo,Nagao, Tohru,Kim, Sang Chul Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2015ApJ...815...33R A Hubble Diagram for Quasars Risaliti, G.;Lusso, E. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2015ApJS..221...35K The Connections Between the UV and Optical Fe ii Emission Lines in Type 1 AGNs Kovačević-Dojčinović, Jelena,Popović, Luka Č. - 2
2015MNRAS.452.1263P Radio-faint AGN: a tale of two populations Padovani, P.,Bonzini, M.,Kellermann, K. I.,Miller, N.,Mainieri, V.,Tozzi, P. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2015MNRAS.452.3869N On the diversity of superluminous supernovae: ejected mass as the dominant factor Nicholl, M.;Smartt, S. J.;Jerkstrand, A.;Inserra, C.;Sim, S. A.;Chen, T. -W.;Benetti, S.;Fraser, M.;Gal-Yam, A.;Kankare, E.;Maguire, K.;Smith, K.;Sullivan, M.;Valenti, S.;Young, D. R.;Baltay, C.;Bauer, F. E.;Baumont, S.;Bersier, D.;Botticella, M. -T.;Childress, M.;Dennefeld, M.;Della Valle, M.;Elias-Rosa, N.;Feindt, U.;Galbany, L.;Hadjiyska, E.;Le Guillou, L.;Leloudas, G.;Mazzali, P.;McKinnon, R.;Polshaw, J.;Rabinowitz, D.;Rostami, S.;Scalzo, R.;Schmidt, B. P.;Schulze, S.;Sollerman, J.;Taddia, F.;Yuan, F. - 130
2015MNRAS.452..397C Herschel-ATLAS: the surprising diversity of dust-selected galaxies in the local submillimetre Universe Clark, C. J. R.,Dunne, L.,Gomez, H. L.,Maddox, S.,De Vis, P.,Smith, M. W. L.,Eales, S. A.,Baes, M.,Bendo, G. J.,Bourne, N.,Driver, S. P.,Dye, S.,Furlanetto, C.,Grootes, M. W.,Ivison, R. J.,Schofield, S. P.,Robotham, A. S. G.,Rowlands, K.,Valiante, E.,Vlahakis, C.,van der Werf, P.,Wright, A. H.,de Zotti, G. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper
2015MNRAS.453.1305W Sweating the small stuff: simulating dwarf galaxies, ultra-faint dwarf galaxies, and their own tiny satellites Wheeler, Coral;Oñorbe, Jose;Bullock, James S.;Boylan-Kolchin, Michael;Elbert, Oliver D.;Garrison-Kimmel, Shea;Hopkins, Philip F.;Kereš, Dušan - 108
2015MNRAS.453.1644P The impact from survey depth and resolution on the morphological classification of galaxies Pović, M.,Márquez, I.,Masegosa, J.,Perea, J.,Olmo, A. del,Simpson, C.,Aguerri, J. A. L.,Ascaso, B.,Jiménez-Teja, Y.,López-Sanjuan, C.,Molino, A.,Pérez-García, A. M.,Viironen, K.,Husillos, C.,Cristóbal-Hornillos, D.,Caldwell, C.,Benítez, N.,Alfaro, E.,Aparicio-Villegas, T.,Broadhurst, T.,Cabrera-Caño, J.,Castander, F. J.,Cepa, J.,Cerviño, M.,Fernández-Soto, A.,Delgado, R. M. González,Infante, L.,Martínez, V. J.,Moles, M.,Prada, F.,Quintana, J. M. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2015MNRAS.453.1965H Star-forming compact groups (SFCGs): an ultraviolet search for a local sample Hernández-Fernández, Jonathan D.,Mendes de Oliveira, C. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2015MNRAS.453.2220M New members of the TW Hydrae Association and two accreting M-dwarfs in Scorpius-Centaurus Murphy, Simon J.,Lawson, Warrick A.,Bento, Joao Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: VOSA
2015MNRAS.453.2848V Non-parametric transient classification using adaptive wavelets Varughese, Melvin M.;von Sachs, Rainer;Stephanou, Michael;Bassett, Bruce A. - 15
2015MNRAS.453.3024C Population synthesis of accreting white dwarfs - II. X-ray and UV emission Chen, Hai-Liang,Woods, T. E.,Yungelson, L. R.,Gilfanov, M.,Han, Zhanwen Use of VO services. TMAD provided by GAVO
2015MNRAS.453.3474L Properties of eclipsing binaries from all-sky surveys - I. Detached eclipsing binaries in ASAS, NSVS, and LINEAR Lee, Chien-Hsiu - 4
2015MNRAS.453.3519P Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): the bright void galaxy population in the optical and mid-IR Penny, S. J.,Brown, M. J. I.,Pimbblet, K. A.,Cluver, M. E.,Croton, D. J.,Owers, M. S.,Lange, R.,Alpaslan, M.,Baldry, I.,Bland-Hawthorn, J.,Brough, S.,Driver, S. P.,Holwerda, B. W.,Hopkins, A. M.,Jarrett, T. H.,Jones, D. Heath,Kelvin, L. S.,Lara-López, M. A.,Liske, J.,López-Sánchez, A. R.,Loveday, J.,Meyer, M.,Norberg, P.,Robotham, A. S. G.,Rodrigues, M. Use of VO services. theoretical Astrophysical Observatory provided by ASVO
2015MNRAS.453.3685M Shapley Supercluster Survey: construction of the photometric catalogues and i-band data release Mercurio, A.,Merluzzi, P.,Busarello, G.,Grado, A.,Limatola, L.,Haines, C. P.,Brescia, M.,Cavuoti, S.,Dopita, M.,Dall'Ora, M.,Capaccioli, M.,Napolitano, N.,Pimbblet, K. A. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
2015MNRAS.453.3848D MAGGIE: Models and Algorithms for Galaxy Groups, Interlopers and Environment Duarte, Manuel,Mamon, Gary A. VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper. Use of Millenium database.
2015MNRAS.453.4244W The faint radio source population at 15.7 GHz - II. Multi-wavelength properties Whittam, I. H.;Riley, J. M.;Green, D. A.;Jarvis, M. J.;Vaccari, M. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2015MNRAS.454.1976R Local associations and the barium puzzle Reddy, Arumalla B. S.,Lambert, David L. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2015MNRAS.454.2228N The nature of voids - I. Watershed void finders and their connection with theoretical models Nadathur, S.,Hotchkiss, S. VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper. Use of Multidark database.
2015MNRAS.454.2946L Properties of eclipsing binaries from all-sky surveys - II. Detached eclipsing binaries in Catalina Sky Surveys Lee, Chien-Hsiu - 6
2015MNRAS.454.3073S Neutrino-driven explosions of ultra-stripped Type Ic supernovae generating binary neutron stars Suwa, Yudai;Yoshida, Takashi;Shibata, Masaru;Umeda, Hideyuki;Takahashi, Koh - 57
2015MNRAS.454.4054B Spectrophotometric characterization of high proper motion sources from WISE Beamín, J. C.,Ivanov, V. D.,Minniti, D.,Smart, R. L.,Mužić, K.,Mendez, R. A.,Beletsky, Y.,Bayo, A.,Gromadzki, M.,Kurtev, R. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: Aladin
2015MNRAS.454.4293P Massive stars exploding in a He-rich circumstellar medium - VIII. PSN J07285387+3349106, a highly reddened supernova Ibn Pastorello, A.;Tartaglia, L.;Elias-Rosa, N.;Morales-Garoffolo, A.;Terreran, G.;Taubenberger, S.;Noebauer, U. M.;Benetti, S.;Cappellaro, E.;Ciabattari, F.;Dennefeld, M.;Dimai, A.;Ishida, E. E. O.;Harutyunyan, A.;Leonini, S.;Ochner, P.;Sollerman, J.;Taddia, F.;Zaggia, S. - 15
2015MNRAS.454..724J The 2003-2004 multisite photometric campaign for the β Cephei and eclipsing star 16 (EN) Lacertae with an appendix on 2 Andromedae, the variable comparison star Jerzykiewicz, M.,Handler, G.,Daszyńska-Daszkiewicz, J.,Pigulski, A.,Poretti, E.,Rodríguez, E.,Amado, P. J.,Kołaczkowski, Z.,Uytterhoeven, K.,Dorokhova, T. N.,Dorokhov, N. I.,Lorenz, D.,Zsuffa, D.,Kim, S. -L.,Bourge, P. -O.,Acke, B.,De Ridder, J.,Verhoelst, T.,Drummond, R.,Movchan, A. I.,Lee, J. -A.,Stȩślicki, M.,Molenda-Żakowicz, J.,Garrido, R.,Kim, S. -H.,Michalska, G.,Paparó, M.,Antoci, V.,Aerts, C. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2015MNRAS.454..889N The nature of voids - II. Tracing underdensities with biased galaxies Nadathur, S.,Hotchkiss, S. VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper. Use of Multidark database.
2016A&A...585A.109B Constraints on the structure of 16 Cygni A and 16 Cygni B using inversion techniques Buldgen, G.;Reese, D. R.;Dupret, M. A. - 27
2016A&A...585A.162M The population of X-ray supernova remnants in the Large Magellanic Cloud Maggi, P.,Haberl, F.,Kavanagh, P. J.,Sasaki, M.,Bozzetto, L. M.,Filipović, M. D.,Vasilopoulos, G.,Pietsch, W.,Points, S. D.,Chu, Y. -H.,Dickel, J.,Ehle, M.,Williams, R.,Greiner, J. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2016A&A...585A..31S The dark cloud TGU H994 P1 (LDN 1399, LDN 1400, and LDN 1402): Interstellar extinction and distance Straižys, V.,Čepas, V.,Boyle, R. P.,Munari, U.,Zdanavičius, J.,Maskoliūnas, M.,Kazlauskas, A.,Zdanavičius, K. - 1
2016A&A...585A..82C OB stars at the lowest Local Group metallicity. GTC-OSIRIS observations of Sextans A Camacho, I.,Garcia, M.,Herrero, A.,Simón-Díaz, S. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016A&A...586A.132P Planck intermediate results. XXIX. All-sky dust modelling with Planck, IRAS, and WISE observations Planck Collaboration;Ade, P. A. R.;Aghanim, N.;Alves, M. I. R.;Aniano, G.;Arnaud, M.;Ashdown, M.;Aumont, J.;Baccigalupi, C.;Banday, A. J.;Barreiro, R. B.;Bartolo, N.;Battaner, E.;Benabed, K.;Benoit-Lévy, A.;Bernard, J. -P.;Bersanelli, M.;Bielewicz, P.;Bonaldi, A.;Bonavera, L.;Bond, J. R.;Borrill, J.;Bouchet, F. R.;Boulanger, F.;Burigana, C.;Butler, R. C.;Calabrese, E.;Cardoso, J. -F.;Catalano, A.;Chamballu, A.;Chiang, H. C.;Christensen, P. R.;Clements, D. L.;Colombi, S.;Colombo, L. P. L.;Couchot, F.;Crill, B. P.;Curto, A.;Cuttaia, F.;Danese, L.;Davies, R. D.;Davis, R. J.;de Bernardis, P.;de Rosa, A.;de Zotti, G.;Delabrouille, J.;Dickinson, C.;Diego, J. M.;Dole, H.;Donzelli, S.;Doré, O.;Douspis, M.;Draine, B. T.;Ducout, A.;Dupac, X.;Efstathiou, G.;Elsner, F.;Enßlin, T. A.;Eriksen, H. K.;Falgarone, E.;Finelli, F.;Forni, O.;Frailis, M.;Fraisse, A. A.;Franceschi, E.;Frejsel, A.;Galeotta, S.;Galli, S.;Ganga, K.;Ghosh, T.;Giard, M.;Gjerløw, E.;González-Nuevo, J.;Górski, K. M.;Gregorio, A.;Gruppuso, A.;Guillet, V.;Hansen, F. K.;Hanson, D.;Harrison, D. L.;Henrot-Versillé, S.;Hernández-Monteagudo, C.;Herranz, D.;Hildebrandt, S. R.;Hivon, E.;Holmes, W. A.;Hovest, W.;Huffenberger, K. M.;Hurier, G.;Jaffe, A. H.;Jaffe, T. R.;Jones, W. C.;Keihänen, E.;Keskitalo, R.;Kisner, T. S.;Kneissl, R.;Knoche, J.;Kunz, M.;Kurki-Suonio, H.;Lagache, G.;Lamarre, J. -M.;Lasenby, A.;Lattanzi, M.;Lawrence, C. R.;Leonardi, R.;Levrier, F.;Liguori, M.;Lilje, P. B.;Linden-Vørnle, M.;López-Caniego, M.;Lubin, P. M.;Macías-Pérez, J. F.;Maffei, B.;Maino, D.;Mandolesi, N.;Maris, M.;Marshall, D. J.;Martin, P. G.;Martínez-González, E.;Masi, S.;Matarrese, S.;Mazzotta, P.;Melchiorri, A.;Mendes, L.;Mennella, A.;Migliaccio, M.;Miville-Deschênes, M. -A.;Moneti, A.;Montier, L.;Morgante, G.;Mortlock, D.;Munshi, D.;Murphy, J. A.;Naselsky, P.;Natoli, P.;Nørgaard-Nielsen, H. U.;Novikov, D.;Novikov, I.;Oxborrow, C. A.;Pagano, L. - 118
2016A&A...586A.155A Absolute magnitudes and phase coefficients of trans-Neptunian objects Alvarez-Candal, A.;Pinilla-Alonso, N.;Ortiz, J. L.;Duffard, R.;Morales, N.;Santos-Sanz, P.;Thirouin, A.;Silva, J. S. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016A&A...586A.160H The role of binaries in the enrichment of the early Galactic halo. II. Carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars: CEMP-no stars Hansen, T. T.;Andersen, J.;Nordström, B.;Beers, T. C.;Placco, V. M.;Yoon, J.;Buchhave, L. A. - 68
2016A&A...586A..40K Fossil groups in the Millennium simulation. From the brightest to the faintest galaxies during the past 8 Gyr Kanagusuku, María José,Díaz-Giménez, Eugenia,Zandivarez, Ariel VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper. Use of Millenium database.
2016A&A...586A..64S XMM-Newton study of the Draco dwarf spheroidal galaxy Saeedi, Sara,Sasaki, Manami,Ducci, Lorenzo Use of VO tools: Vizier
2016A&A...587A.112T Long-term R and V-band monitoring of some suitable targets for the link between ICRF and the future Gaia celestial reference frame Taris, F.,Andrei, A.,Roland, J.,Klotz, A.,Vachier, F.,Souchay, J. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016A&A...587A.117B Observational calibration of the projection factor of Cepheids. II. Application to nine Cepheids with HST/FGS parallax measurements Breitfelder, J.,Mérand, A.,Kervella, P.,Gallenne, A.,Szabados, L.,Anderson, R. I.,Le Bouquin, J. -B. Use of VO services. Theoretical model service provided by SVO.
2016A&A...587A.118P Deuterium fractionation in the Ophiuchus molecular cloud Punanova, A.,Caselli, P.,Pon, A.,Belloche, A.,André, Ph. - 3
2016A&A...587A.122A Dust properties of Lyman-break galaxies at z ~ 3 Álvarez-Márquez, J.,Burgarella, D.,Heinis, S.,Buat, V.,Lo Faro, B.,Béthermin, M.,López-Fortín, C. E.,Cooray, A.,Farrah, D.,Hurley, P.,Ibar, E.,Ilbert, O.,Koekemoer, A. M.,Lemaux, B. C.,Pérez-Fournon, I.,Rodighiero, G.,Salvato, M.,Scott, D.,Taniguchi, Y.,Vieira, J. D.,Wang, L. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016A&A...587A.153M VISION - Vienna survey in Orion. I. VISTA Orion A Survey Meingast, Stefan,Alves, João,Mardones, Diego,Teixeira, Paula Stella,Lombardi, Marco,Großschedl, Josefa,Ascenso, Joana,Bouy, Herve,Forbrich, Jan,Goodman, Alyssa,Hacar, Alvaro,Hasenberger, Birgit,Kainulainen, Jouni,Kubiak, Karolina,Lada, Charles,Lada, Elizabeth,Moitinho, André,Petr-Gotzens, Monika,Rodrigues, Lara,Román-Zúñiga, Carlos G. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016A&A...587A...2B SP_Ace: a new code to derive stellar parameters and elemental abundances Boeche, C.,Grebel, E. K. - 3
2016A&A...587A..39R Stellar laboratories. VI. New Mo iv-vii oscillator strengths and the molybdenum abundance in the hot white dwarfs G191-B2B and RE 0503-289 Rauch, T.,Quinet, P.,Hoyer, D.,Werner, K.,Demleitner, M.,Kruk, J. W. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016A&A...587A..61C BlackCAT: A catalogue of stellar-mass black holes in X-ray transients Corral-Santana, J. M.,Casares, J.,Muñoz-Darias, T.,Bauer, F. E.,Martínez-Pais, I. G.,Russell, D. M. - 14
2016A&A...587A..75D Proper motions of embedded protostellar jets in Serpens Djupvik, A. A.;Liimets, T.;Zinnecker, H.;Barzdis, A.;Rastorgueva-Foi, E. A.;Petersen, L. R. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016A&A...587A..81B X-ray deficiency on strongly accreting T Tauri stars. Comparing Orion with Taurus Bustamante, I.,Merín, B.,Bouy, H.,Manara, C. F.,Ribas, Á.,Riviere-Marichalar, P. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016A&A...588A.130M The close circumstellar environment of Betelgeuse. IV. VLTI/PIONIER interferometric monitoring of the photosphere Montargès, M.,Kervella, P.,Perrin, G.,Chiavassa, A.,Le Bouquin, J. -B.,Aurière, M.,López Ariste, A.,Mathias, P.,Ridgway, S. T.,Lacour, S.,Haubois, X.,Berger, J. -P. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016A&A...588A..63C The embedded clusters DBS 77, 78, 102, and 160-161, and their link with the interstellar medium Corti, M. A.,Baume, G. L.,Panei, J. A.,Suad, L. A.,Testori, J. C.,Borissova, J.,Kurtev, R.,Chené, A. N.,Ramirez Alegría, S. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016A&A...588A..89J DGSAT: Dwarf Galaxy Survey with Amateur Telescopes. I. Discovery of low surface brightness systems around nearby spiral galaxies Javanmardi, B.,Martinez-Delgado, D.,Kroupa, P.,Henkel, C.,Crawford, K.,Teuwen, K.,Gabany, R. J.,Hanson, M.,Chonis, T. S.,Neyer, F. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016A&A...589A.108C Recent SFR calibrations and the constant SFR approximation Cerviño, M.,Bongiovanni, A.,Hidalgo, S. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016A&A...589A.126V Level of helium enhancement among M3's horizontal branch stars Valcarce, A. A. R.;Catelan, M.;Alonso-García, J.;Contreras Ramos, R.;Alves, S. - 15
2016A&A...589A..57R HD 16771: A lithium-rich giant in the red-clump stage Reddy, Arumalla B. S.,Lambert, David L. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016A&A...589A..65G Serendipitous discovery of the faint solar twin Inti 1 Galarza, Jhon Yana;Meléndez, Jorge;Cohen, Judith G. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016A&A...589L...2H Unveiling the origin of the radio emission in radio-quiet quasars Herrera Ruiz, N.,Middelberg, E.,Norris, R. P.,Maini, A. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016A&A...590A..11V Investigating magnetic activity in very stable stellar magnetic fields. Long-term photometric and spectroscopic study of the fully convective M4 dwarf V374 Pegasi Vida, K.,Kriskovics, L.,Oláh, K.,Leitzinger, M.,Odert, P.,Kővári, Zs.,Korhonen, H.,Greimel, R.,Robb, R.,Csák, B.,Kovács, J. - 4
2016A&A...590A.128R Stellar laboratories. VII. New Kr iv - vii oscillator strengths and an improved spectral analysis of the hot, hydrogen-deficient DO-type white dwarf RE 0503-289 Rauch, T.,Quinet, P.,Hoyer, D.,Werner, K.,Richter, P.,Kruk, J. W.,Demleitner, M. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2016A&A...590A..13E Search for associations containing young stars (SACY). VII. New stellar and substellar candidate members in the young associations Elliott, P.,Bayo, A.,Melo, C. H. F.,Torres, C. A. O.,Sterzik, M. F.,Quast, G. R.,Montes, D.,Brahm, R. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: VOSA
2016A&A...590A...1R The XMM-Newton serendipitous survey. VII. The third XMM-Newton serendipitous source catalogue Rosen, S. R.,Webb, N. A.,Watson, M. G.,Ballet, J.,Barret, D.,Braito, V.,Carrera, F. J.,Ceballos, M. T.,Coriat, M.,Della Ceca, R.,Denkinson, G.,Esquej, P.,Farrell, S. A.,Freyberg, M.,Grisé, F.,Guillout, P.,Heil, L.,Koliopanos, F.,Law-Green, D.,Lamer, G.,Lin, D.,Martino, R.,Michel, L.,Motch, C.,Nebot Gomez-Moran, A.,Page, C. G.,Page, K.,Page, M.,Pakull, M. W.,Pye, J.,Read, A.,Rodriguez, P.,Sakano, M.,Saxton, R.,Schwope, A.,Scott, A. E.,Sturm, R.,Traulsen, I.,Yershov, V.,Zolotukhin, I. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016A&A...590A..21S Dark clouds in the vicinity of the emission nebula Sh2-205: interstellar extinction and distances Straižys, V.,Čepas, V.,Boyle, R. P.,Zdanavičius, J.,Maskoliūnas, M.,Kazlauskas, A.,Zdanavičius, K.,Černis, K. - -
2016A&A...590L...6C The ALMA-PILS survey: First detections of deuterated formamide and deuterated isocyanic acid in the interstellar medium Coutens, A.;Jørgensen, J. K.;van der Wiel, M. H. D.;Müller, H. S. P.;Lykke, J. M.;Bjerkeli, P.;Bourke, T. L.;Calcutt, H.;Drozdovskaya, M. N.;Favre, C.;Fayolle, E. C.;Garrod, R. T.;Jacobsen, S. K.;Ligterink, N. F. W.;Öberg, K. I.;Persson, M. V.;van Dishoeck, E. F.;Wampfler, S. F. - 46
2016A&A...591A.108O Azimuthal asymmetries in the debris disk around HD 61005. A massive collision of planetesimals? Olofsson, J.,Samland, M.,Avenhaus, H.,Caceres, C.,Henning, Th.,Moór, A.,Milli, J.,Canovas, H.,Quanz, S. P.,Schreiber, M. R.,Augereau, J. -C.,Bayo, A.,Bazzon, A.,Beuzit, J. -L.,Boccaletti, A.,Buenzli, E.,Casassus, S.,Chauvin, G.,Dominik, C.,Desidera, S.,Feldt, M.,Gratton, R.,Janson, M.,Lagrange, A. -M.,Langlois, M.,Lannier, J.,Maire, A. -L.,Mesa, D.,Pinte, C.,Rouan, D.,Salter, G.,Thalmann, C.,Vigan, A. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: VOSA
2016A&A...591A.124K Absolute parameters for AI Phoenicis using WASP photometry Kirkby-Kent, J. A.,Maxted, P. F. L.,Serenelli, A. M.,Turner, O. D.,Evans, D. F.,Anderson, D. R.,Hellier, C.,West, R. G. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016A&A...591A.145G Mapping the outer bulge with RRab stars from the VVV Survey Gran, F.,Minniti, D.,Saito, R. K.,Zoccali, M.,Gonzalez, O. A.,Navarrete, C.,Catelan, M.,Contreras Ramos, R.,Elorrieta, F.,Eyheramendy, S.,Jordán, A. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016A&A...591A..96P Robust detection of CID double stars in SDSS Pourbaix, D.,Knapp, G. R.,Gunn, J. E.,Lupton, R. H.,Ivezić, Ž.,Siopis, C.,Rigaux, M.,Rubbens, A. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016A&A...591L...2V Abundance of HOCO+ and CO2 in the outer layers of the L1544 prestellar core Vastel, C.;Ceccarelli, C.;Lefloch, B.;Bachiller, R. - 12
2016A&A...592A.112H 7.1 keV sterile neutrino constraints from X-ray observations of 33 clusters of galaxies with Chandra ACIS Hofmann, F.,Sanders, J. S.,Nandra, K.,Clerc, N.,Gaspari, M. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016A&A...592A.149M Stellar populations in the Carina region. The Galactic plane at l = 291° Molina-Lera, J. A.,Baume, G.,Gamen, R.,Costa, E.,Carraro, G. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016A&A...592A..16D Spectral type, temperature, and evolutionary stage in cool supergiants Dorda, Ricardo,Negueruela, Ignacio,González-Fernández, Carlos,Tabernero, Hugo M. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016A&A...592A..25K Towards automatic classification of all WISE sources Kurcz, A.,Bilicki, M.,Solarz, A.,Krupa, M.,Pollo, A.,Małek, K. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016A&A...592A..30A The effect of local and large-scale environments on nuclear activity and star formation Argudo-Fernández, M.,Shen, S.,Sabater, J.,Duarte Puertas, S.,Verley, S.,Yang, X. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016A&A...592A..42K An observational study of dust nucleation in Mira (o Ceti). I. Variable features of AlO and other Al-bearing species Kamiński, T.,Wong, K. T.,Schmidt, M. R.,Müller, H. S. P.,Gottlieb, C. A.,Cherchneff, I.,Menten, K. M.,Keller, D.,Brünken, S.,Winters, J. M.,Patel, N. A. - 2
2016A&A...592A..48K An alternative validation strategy for the Planck cluster catalogue and y-distortion maps Khatri, Rishi Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016A&A...592A..82G Tiling strategies for optical follow-up of gravitational-wave triggers by telescopes with a wide field of view Ghosh, Shaon;Bloemen, Steven;Nelemans, Gijs;Groot, Paul J.;Price, Larry R. - 26
2016A&A...592A..88P First stars of the ρ Ophiuchi dark cloud. XMM-Newton view of ρ Oph and its neighbors Pillitteri, I.,Wolk, S. J.,Chen, H. H.,Goodman, A. Use of VO tools: VOSA
2016A&A...593A..19G Near-infrared spatially resolved spectroscopy of (136108) Haumea's multiple system Gourgeot, F.;Carry, B.;Dumas, C.;Vachier, F.;Merlin, F.;Lacerda, P.;Barucci, M. A.;Berthier, J. - 1
2016A&A...593A...1K GammaLib and ctools. A software framework for the analysis of astronomical gamma-ray data Knödlseder, J.,Mayer, M.,Deil, C.,Cayrou, J. -B.,Owen, E.,Kelley-Hoskins, N.,Lu, C. -C.,Buehler, R.,Forest, F.,Louge, T.,Siejkowski, H.,Kosack, K.,Gerard, L.,Schulz, A.,Martin, P.,Sanchez, D.,Ohm, S.,Hassan, T.,Brau-Nogué, S. Other. Description of a VO-compliant library to handle gamma-ray data.
Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016A&A...593A..39P An accurate measurement of the baryonic Tully-Fisher relation with heavily gas-dominated ALFALFA galaxies Papastergis, E.,Adams, E. A. K.,van der Hulst, J. M. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016A&A...593A...9C Effect of the star formation histories on the SFR-M∗ relation at z ≥ 2 Cassarà, L. P.,Maccagni, D.,Garilli, B.,Scodeggio, M.,Thomas, R.,Le Fèvre, O.,Zamorani, G.,Schaerer, D.,Lemaux, B. C.,Cassata, P.,Le Brun, V.,Pentericci, L.,Tasca, L. A. M.,Vanzella, E.,Zucca, E.,Amorín, R.,Bardelli, S.,Castellano, M.,Cimatti, A.,Cucciati, O.,Durkalec, A.,Fontana, A.,Giavalisco, M.,Grazian, A.,Hathi, N. P.,Ilbert, O.,Paltani, S.,Ribeiro, B.,Sommariva, V.,Talia, M.,Tresse, L.,Vergani, D.,Capak, P.,Charlot, S.,Contini, T.,de la Torre, S.,Dunlop, J.,Fotopoulou, S.,Guaita, L.,Koekemoer, A.,López-Sanjuan, C.,Mellier, Y.,Pforr, J.,Salvato, M.,Scoville, N.,Taniguchi, Y.,Wang, P. W. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016A&A...594A..16P Planck 2015 results. XVI. Isotropy and statistics of the CMB Planck Collaboration;Ade, P. A. R.;Aghanim, N.;Akrami, Y.;Aluri, P. K.;Arnaud, M.;Ashdown, M.;Aumont, J.;Baccigalupi, C.;Banday, A. J.;Barreiro, R. B.;Bartolo, N.;Basak, S.;Battaner, E.;Benabed, K.;Benoît, A.;Benoit-Lévy, A.;Bernard, J. -P.;Bersanelli, M.;Bielewicz, P.;Bock, J. J.;Bonaldi, A.;Bonavera, L.;Bond, J. R.;Borrill, J.;Bouchet, F. R.;Boulanger, F.;Bucher, M.;Burigana, C.;Butler, R. C.;Calabrese, E.;Cardoso, J. -F.;Casaponsa, B.;Catalano, A.;Challinor, A.;Chamballu, A.;Chiang, H. C.;Christensen, P. R.;Church, S.;Clements, D. L.;Colombi, S.;Colombo, L. P. L.;Combet, C.;Contreras, D.;Couchot, F.;Coulais, A.;Crill, B. P.;Cruz, M.;Curto, A.;Cuttaia, F.;Danese, L.;Davies, R. D.;Davis, R. J.;de Bernardis, P.;de Rosa, A.;de Zotti, G.;Delabrouille, J.;Désert, F. -X.;Diego, J. M.;Dole, H.;Donzelli, S.;Doré, O.;Douspis, M.;Ducout, A.;Dupac, X.;Efstathiou, G.;Elsner, F.;Enßlin, T. A.;Eriksen, H. K.;Fantaye, Y.;Fergusson, J.;Fernandez-Cobos, R.;Finelli, F.;Forni, O.;Frailis, M.;Fraisse, A. A.;Franceschi, E.;Frejsel, A.;Frolov, A.;Galeotta, S.;Galli, S.;Ganga, K.;Gauthier, C.;Ghosh, T.;Giard, M.;Giraud-Héraud, Y.;Gjerløw, E.;González-Nuevo, J.;Górski, K. M.;Gratton, S.;Gregorio, A.;Gruppuso, A.;Gudmundsson, J. E.;Hansen, F. K.;Hanson, D.;Harrison, D. L.;Henrot-Versillé, S.;Hernández-Monteagudo, C.;Herranz, D.;Hildebrandt, S. R.;Hivon, E.;Hobson, M.;Holmes, W. A.;Hornstrup, A.;Hovest, W.;Huang, Z.;Huffenberger, K. M.;Hurier, G.;Jaffe, A. H.;Jaffe, T. R.;Jones, W. C.;Juvela, M.;Keihänen, E.;Keskitalo, R.;Kim, J.;Kisner, T. S.;Knoche, J.;Kunz, M.;Kurki-Suonio, H.;Lagache, G.;Lähteenmäki, A.;Lamarre, J. -M.;Lasenby, A.;Lattanzi, M.;Lawrence, C. R.;Leonardi, R.;Lesgourgues, J.;Levrier, F.;Liguori, M.;Lilje, P. B.;Linden-Vørnle, M.;Liu, H.;López-Caniego, M.;Lubin, P. M.;Macías-Pérez, J. F.;Maggio, G.;Maino, D.;Mandolesi, N.;Mangilli, A.;Marinucci, D.;Maris, M.;Martin, P. G.;Martínez-González, E. - 282
2016A&A...594A..18P Planck 2015 results. XVIII. Background geometry and topology of the Universe Planck Collaboration;Ade, P. A. R.;Aghanim, N.;Arnaud, M.;Ashdown, M.;Aumont, J.;Baccigalupi, C.;Banday, A. J.;Barreiro, R. B.;Bartolo, N.;Basak, S.;Battaner, E.;Benabed, K.;Benoît, A.;Benoit-Lévy, A.;Bernard, J. -P.;Bersanelli, M.;Bielewicz, P.;Bock, J. J.;Bonaldi, A.;Bonavera, L.;Bond, J. R.;Borrill, J.;Bouchet, F. R.;Bucher, M.;Burigana, C.;Butler, R. C.;Calabrese, E.;Cardoso, J. -F.;Catalano, A.;Challinor, A.;Chamballu, A.;Chiang, H. C.;Christensen, P. R.;Church, S.;Clements, D. L.;Colombi, S.;Colombo, L. P. L.;Combet, C.;Couchot, F.;Coulais, A.;Crill, B. P.;Curto, A.;Cuttaia, F.;Danese, L.;Davies, R. D.;Davis, R. J.;de Bernardis, P.;de Rosa, A.;de Zotti, G.;Delabrouille, J.;Désert, F. -X.;Diego, J. M.;Dole, H.;Donzelli, S.;Doré, O.;Douspis, M.;Ducout, A.;Dupac, X.;Efstathiou, G.;Elsner, F.;Enßlin, T. A.;Eriksen, H. K.;Feeney, S.;Fergusson, J.;Finelli, F.;Forni, O.;Frailis, M.;Fraisse, A. A.;Franceschi, E.;Frejsel, A.;Galeotta, S.;Galli, S.;Ganga, K.;Giard, M.;Giraud-Héraud, Y.;Gjerløw, E.;González-Nuevo, J.;Górski, K. M.;Gratton, S.;Gregorio, A.;Gruppuso, A.;Gudmundsson, J. E.;Hansen, F. K.;Hanson, D.;Harrison, D. L.;Henrot-Versillé, S.;Hernández-Monteagudo, C.;Herranz, D.;Hildebrandt, S. R.;Hivon, E.;Hobson, M.;Holmes, W. A.;Hornstrup, A.;Hovest, W.;Huffenberger, K. M.;Hurier, G.;Jaffe, A. H.;Jaffe, T. R.;Jones, W. C.;Juvela, M.;Keihänen, E.;Keskitalo, R.;Kisner, T. S.;Knoche, J.;Kunz, M.;Kurki-Suonio, H.;Lagache, G.;Lähteenmäki, A.;Lamarre, J. -M.;Lasenby, A.;Lattanzi, M.;Lawrence, C. R.;Leonardi, R.;Lesgourgues, J.;Levrier, F.;Liguori, M.;Lilje, P. B.;Linden-Vørnle, M.;López-Caniego, M.;Lubin, P. M.;Macías-Pérez, J. F.;Maggio, G.;Maino, D.;Mandolesi, N.;Mangilli, A.;Maris, M.;Martin, P. G.;Martínez-González, E.;Masi, S.;Matarrese, S.;McEwen, J. D.;McGehee, P.;Meinhold, P. R.;Melchiorri, A.;Mendes, L.;Mennella, A.;Migliaccio, M.;Mitra, S.;Miville-Deschênes, M. -A. - 78
2016A&A...594A...1P Planck 2015 results. I. Overview of products and scientific results Planck Collaboration;Adam, R.;Ade, P. A. R.;Aghanim, N.;Akrami, Y.;Alves, M. I. R.;Argüeso, F.;Arnaud, M.;Arroja, F.;Ashdown, M.;Aumont, J.;Baccigalupi, C.;Ballardini, M.;Banday, A. J.;Barreiro, R. B.;Bartlett, J. G.;Bartolo, N.;Basak, S.;Battaglia, P.;Battaner, E.;Battye, R.;Benabed, K.;Benoît, A.;Benoit-Lévy, A.;Bernard, J. -P.;Bersanelli, M.;Bertincourt, B.;Bielewicz, P.;Bikmaev, I.;Bock, J. J.;Böhringer, H.;Bonaldi, A.;Bonavera, L.;Bond, J. R.;Borrill, J.;Bouchet, F. R.;Boulanger, F.;Bucher, M.;Burenin, R.;Burigana, C.;Butler, R. C.;Calabrese, E.;Cardoso, J. -F.;Carvalho, P.;Casaponsa, B.;Castex, G.;Catalano, A.;Challinor, A.;Chamballu, A.;Chary, R. -R.;Chiang, H. C.;Chluba, J.;Chon, G.;Christensen, P. R.;Church, S.;Clemens, M.;Clements, D. L.;Colombi, S.;Colombo, L. P. L.;Combet, C.;Comis, B.;Contreras, D.;Couchot, F.;Coulais, A.;Crill, B. P.;Cruz, M.;Curto, A.;Cuttaia, F.;Danese, L.;Davies, R. D.;Davis, R. J.;de Bernardis, P.;de Rosa, A.;de Zotti, G.;Delabrouille, J.;Delouis, J. -M.;Désert, F. -X.;Di Valentino, E.;Dickinson, C.;Diego, J. M.;Dolag, K.;Dole, H.;Donzelli, S.;Doré, O.;Douspis, M.;Ducout, A.;Dunkley, J.;Dupac, X.;Efstathiou, G.;Eisenhardt, P. R. M.;Elsner, F.;Enßlin, T. A.;Eriksen, H. K.;Falgarone, E.;Fantaye, Y.;Farhang, M.;Feeney, S.;Fergusson, J.;Fernandez-Cobos, R.;Feroz, F.;Finelli, F.;Florido, E.;Forni, O.;Frailis, M.;Fraisse, A. A.;Franceschet, C.;Franceschi, E.;Frejsel, A.;Frolov, A.;Galeotta, S.;Galli, S.;Ganga, K.;Gauthier, C.;Génova-Santos, R. T.;Gerbino, M.;Ghosh, T.;Giard, M.;Giraud-Héraud, Y.;Giusarma, E.;Gjerløw, E.;González-Nuevo, J.;Górski, K. M.;Grainge, K. J. B.;Gratton, S.;Gregorio, A.;Gruppuso, A.;Gudmundsson, J. E.;Hamann, J.;Handley, W.;Hansen, F. K.;Hanson, D.;Harrison, D. L.;Heavens, A.;Helou, G.;Henrot-Versillé, S.;Hernández-Monteagudo, C.;Herranz, D.;Hildebrandt, S. R.;Hivon, E.;Hobson, M.;Holmes, W. A.;Hornstrup, A.;Hovest, W. - 945
2016A&A...594A..26P Planck 2015 results. XXVI. The Second Planck Catalogue of Compact Sources Planck Collaboration,Ade, P. A. R.,Aghanim, N.,Argüeso, F.,Arnaud, M.,Ashdown, M.,Aumont, J.,Baccigalupi, C.,Banday, A. J.,Barreiro, R. B.,Bartolo, N.,Battaner, E.,Beichman, C.,Benabed, K.,Benoît, A.,Benoit-Lévy, A.,Bernard, J. -P.,Bersanelli, M.,Bielewicz, P.,Bock, J. J.,Böhringer, H.,Bonaldi, A.,Bonavera, L.,Bond, J. R.,Borrill, J.,Bouchet, F. R.,Boulanger, F.,Bucher, M.,Burigana, C.,Butler, R. C.,Calabrese, E.,Cardoso, J. -F.,Carvalho, P.,Catalano, A.,Challinor, A.,Chamballu, A.,Chary, R. -R.,Chiang, H. C.,Christensen, P. R.,Clemens, M.,Clements, D. L.,Colombi, S.,Colombo, L. P. L.,Combet, C.,Couchot, F.,Coulais, A.,Crill, B. P.,Curto, A.,Cuttaia, F.,Danese, L.,Davies, R. D.,Davis, R. J.,de Bernardis, P.,de Rosa, A.,de Zotti, G.,Delabrouille, J.,Désert, F. -X.,Dickinson, C.,Diego, J. M.,Dole, H.,Donzelli, S.,Doré, O.,Douspis, M.,Ducout, A.,Dupac, X.,Efstathiou, G.,Elsner, F.,Enßlin, T. A.,Eriksen, H. K.,Falgarone, E.,Fergusson, J.,Finelli, F.,Forni, O.,Frailis, M.,Fraisse, A. A.,Franceschi, E.,Frejsel, A.,Galeotta, S.,Galli, S.,Ganga, K.,Giard, M.,Giraud-Héraud, Y.,Gjerløw, E.,González-Nuevo, J.,Górski, K. M.,Gratton, S.,Gregorio, A.,Gruppuso, A.,Gudmundsson, J. E.,Hansen, F. K.,Hanson, D.,Harrison, D. L.,Helou, G.,Henrot-Versillé, S.,Hernández-Monteagudo, C.,Herranz, D.,Hildebrandt, S. R.,Hivon, E.,Hobson, M.,Holmes, W. A.,Hornstrup, A.,Hovest, W.,Huffenberger, K. M.,Hurier, G.,Jaffe, A. H.,Jaffe, T. R.,Jones, W. C.,Juvela, M.,Keihänen, E.,Keskitalo, R.,Kisner, T. S.,Kneissl, R.,Knoche, J.,Kunz, M.,Kurki-Suonio, H.,Lagache, G.,Lähteenmäki, A.,Lamarre, J. -M.,Lasenby, A.,Lattanzi, M.,Lawrence, C. R.,Leahy, J. P.,Leonardi, R.,León-Tavares, J.,Lesgourgues, J.,Levrier, F.,Liguori, M.,Lilje, P. B.,Linden-Vørnle, M.,López-Caniego, M.,Lubin, P. M.,Macías-Pérez, J. F.,Maggio, G.,Maino, D.,Mandolesi, N.,Mangilli, A.,Maris, M.,Marshall, D. J.,Martin, P. G.,Martínez-González, E.,Masi, S.,Matarrese, S.,McGehee, P.,Meinhold, P. R.,Melchiorri, A.,Mende Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016A&A...594A..34R Detailed photometric analysis of young star groups in the galaxy NGC 300 Rodríguez, M. J.,Baume, G.,Feinstein, C. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016A&A...594A..36S CALIFA, the Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area survey. IV. Third public data release Sánchez, S. F.;García-Benito, R.;Zibetti, S.;Walcher, C. J.;Husemann, B.;Mendoza, M. A.;Galbany, L.;Falcón-Barroso, J.;Mast, D.;Aceituno, J.;Aguerri, J. A. L.;Alves, J.;Amorim, A. L.;Ascasibar, Y.;Barrado-Navascues, D.;Barrera-Ballesteros, J.;Bekeraitè, S.;Bland-Hawthorn, J.;Cano Díaz, M.;Cid Fernandes, R.;Cavichia, O.;Cortijo, C.;Dannerbauer, H.;Demleitner, M.;Díaz, A.;Dettmar, R. J.;de Lorenzo-Cáceres, A.;del Olmo, A.;Galazzi, A.;García-Lorenzo, B.;Gil de Paz, A.;González Delgado, R.;Holmes, L.;Iglésias-Páramo, J.;Kehrig, C.;Kelz, A.;Kennicutt, R. C.;Kleemann, B.;Lacerda, E. A. D.;López Fernández, R.;López Sánchez, A. R.;Lyubenova, M.;Marino, R.;Márquez, I.;Mendez-Abreu, J.;Mollá, M.;Monreal-Ibero, A.;Ortega Minakata, R.;Torres-Papaqui, J. P.;Pérez, E.;Rosales-Ortega, F. F.;Roth, M. M.;Sánchez-Blázquez, P.;Schilling, U.;Spekkens, K.;Vale Asari, N.;van den Bosch, R. C. E.;van de Ven, G.;Vilchez, J. M.;Wild, V.;Wisotzki, L.;Yıldırım, A.;Ziegler, B. - 9
2016A&A...595A..22R Nine new open clusters within 500 pc from the Sun Röser, Siegfried;Schilbach, Elena;Goldman, Bertrand Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016A&A...595A..43R Dust properties in H II regions in M 33 Relaño, M.;Kennicutt, R.;Lisenfeld, U.;Verley, S.;Hermelo, I.;Boquien, M.;Albrecht, M.;Kramer, C.;Braine, J.;Pérez-Montero, E.;De Looze, I.;Xilouris, M.;Kovács, A.;Staguhn, J. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016A&A...595A..61C Detection of the secondary eclipse of Qatar-1b in the Ks band Cruz, Patricia;Barrado, David;Lillo-Box, Jorge;Diaz, Marcos;Birkby, Jayne;López-Morales, Mercedes;Fortney, Jonathan J. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016A&AT...29..445B Evolution of molecular cores in the Spitzer/EGO sources Bayandina, O. S.;Val'tts, I. E.;Kurtz, S. E. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016AJ....151...13G LAMOST Observations in the Kepler Field: Spectral Classification with the MKCLASS Code Gray, R. O.,Corbally, C. J.,De Cat, P.,Fu, J. N.,Ren, A. B.,Shi, J. R.,Luo, A. L.,Zhang, H. T.,Wu, Y.,Cao, Z.,Li, G.,Zhang, Y.,Hou, Y.,Wang, Y. - 2
2016AJ....151..141P MCG+08-22-082: A Double Core and Boxy Appearance Dwarf Lenticular Galaxy Suspected to be a Merger Remnant Pak, Mina,Paudel, Sanjaya,Lee, Youngdae,Kim, Sang Chul Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016AJ....151..160F Parallax Results from Urat Epoch Data Finch, Charlie T.,Zacharias, Norbert Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016AJ....151..166O Stellar Variability and Flare Rates from Dome A, Antarctica, Using 2009 and 2010 CSTAR Observations Oelkers, Ryan J.,Macri, Lucas M.,Wang, Lifan,Ashley, Michael C. B.,Cui, Xiangqun,Feng, Long-Long,Gong, Xuefei,Lawrence, Jon S.,Qiang, Liu,Luong-Van, Daniel,Pennypacker, Carl R.,Yuan, Xiangyan,York, Donald G.,Zhou, Xu,Zhu, Zhenxi - 3
2016AJ....151...17J The Possible Orbital Decay and Transit Timing Variations of the Planet WASP-43b Jiang, Ing-Guey,Lai, Chien-Yo,Savushkin, Alexander,Mkrtichian, David,Antonyuk, Kirill,Griv, Evgeny,Hsieh, He-Feng,Yeh, Li-Chin - 4
2016AJ....151...20K Erratum: “Mining for Dust in Type 1 Quasars” (2015, AJ, 149, 203) Krawczyk, Coleman M.,Richards, Gordon T.,Gallagher, S. C.,Leighly, Karen M.,Hewett, Paul C.,Ross, Nicholas P.,Hall, P. B. - -
2016AJ....151...23P The Gray Extinction of the Ionizing Cluster in NGC 3603 from Ultraviolet to Optical Wavelengths Pang, Xiaoying,Pasquali, Anna,Grebel, Eva K. - -
2016AJ....151...24A The Large Sky Area Multi-object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope Quasar Survey: Quasar Properties from the First Data Release Ai, Y. L.,Wu, Xue-Bing,Yang, Jinyi,Yang, Qian,Wang, Feige,Guo, Rui,Zuo, Wenwen,Dong, Xiaoyi,Zhang, Y. -X.,Yuan, H. -L.,Song, Y. -H.,Wang, Jianguo,Dong, Xiaobo,Yang, M.,-Wu, H.,Shen, S. -Y.,Shi, J. -R.,He, B. -L.,Lei, Y. -J.,Li, Y. -B.,Luo, A. -L.,Zhao, Y. -H.,Zhang, H. -T. - 1
2016AJ....151...27S Search for Low-mass Objects in the Globular Cluster M4. I. Detection of Variable Stars Safonova, M.,Mkrtichian, D.,Hasan, P.,Sutaria, F.,Brosch, N.,Gorbikov, E.,Joseph, P. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016AJ....151...32A Optical Spectroscopic Observations of Gamma-ray Blazar Candidates. V. TNG, KPNO, and OAN Observations of Blazar Candidates of Uncertain Type in the Northern Hemisphere Álvarez Crespo, N.,Masetti, N.,Ricci, F.,Landoni, M.,Patiño-Álvarez, V.,Massaro, F.,D'Abrusco, R.,Paggi, A.,Chavushyan, V.,Jiménez-Bailón, E.,Torrealba, J.,Latronico, L.,La Franca, F.,Smith, Howard A.,Tosti, G. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016AJ....151...52S The Parkes H I Zone of Avoidance Survey Staveley-Smith, L.,Kraan-Korteweg, R. C.,Schröder, A. C.,Henning, P. A.,Koribalski, B. S.,Stewart, I. M.,Heald, G. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2016AJ....151...59C The Catalog of Earth-Like Exoplanet Survey Targets (CELESTA): A Database of Habitable Zones Around Nearby Stars Chandler, Colin Orion,McDonald, Iain,Kane, Stephen R. Use of VO tools: Vizier
2016AJ....151...95A Optical Spectroscopic Observations of Gamma-Ray Blazar Candidates. VI. Further Observations from TNG, WHT, OAN, SOAR, and Magellan Telescopes Álvarez Crespo, N.,Massaro, F.,Milisavljevic, D.,Landoni, M.,Chavushyan, V.,Patiño-Álvarez, V.,Masetti, N.,Jiménez-Bailón, E.,Strader, J.,Chomiuk, L.,Katagiri, H.,Kagaya, M.,Cheung, C. C.,Paggi, A.,D'Abrusco, R.,Ricci, F.,La Franca, F.,Smith, Howard A.,Tosti, G. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016AJ....151...99V A Global Correction to PPMXL Proper Motions Vickers, John J.,Röser, Siegfried,Grebel, Eva K. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016AJ....152...29E The Orbital and Physical Parameters, and the Distance of the Eclipsing Binary System OGLE-LMC-ECL-25658 in the Large Magellanic Cloud Elgueta, S. S.,Graczyk, D.,Gieren, W.,Pietrzyński, G.,Thompson, I. B.,Konorski, P.,Pilecki, B.,Villanova, S.,Udalski, A.,Soszyński, I.,Suchomska, K.,Karczmarek, P.,Górski, M.,Wielgórski, P. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016AJ....152...31A Spectral Classification and Properties of the OVz Stars in the Galactic O Star Spectroscopic Survey (GOSSS) Arias, Julia I.,Walborn, Nolan R.,Simón Díaz, Sergio,Barbá, Rodolfo H.,Maíz Apellániz, Jesús,Sabín-Sanjulián, Carolina,Gamen, Roberto C.,Morrell, Nidia I.,Sota, Alfredo,Marco, Amparo,Negueruela, Ignacio,Leão, João R. S.,Herrero, Artemio,Alfaro, Emilio J. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016AJ....152...50T Cosmicflows-3 Tully, R. Brent;Courtois, Hélène M.;Sorce, Jenny G. - 232
2016AJ....152...82T A Multi-resolution, Multi-epoch Low Radio Frequency Survey of the Kepler K2 Mission Campaign 1 Field Tingay, S. J.;Hancock, P. J.;Wayth, R. B.;Intema, H.;Jagannathan, P.;Mooley, K. - 7
2016ApJ...816...86V Mergers and Star Formation: The Environment and Stellar Mass Growth of the Progenitors of Ultra-massive Galaxies since z = 2 Vulcani, Benedetta,Marchesini, Danilo,De Lucia, Gabriella,Muzzin, Adam,Stefanon, Mauro,Brammer, Gabriel B.,Labbé, Ivo,Le Fèvre, Olivier,Milvang-Jensen, Bo - 8
2016ApJ...816...98Z Galaxies in X-Ray Selected Clusters and Groups in Dark Energy Survey Data. I. Stellar Mass Growth of Bright Central Galaxies since z~1.2 Zhang, Y.,Miller, C.,McKay, T.,Rooney, P.,Evrard, A. E.,Romer, A. K.,Perfecto, R.,Song, J.,Desai, S.,Mohr, J.,Wilcox, H.,Bermeo-Hernandez, A.,Jeltema, T.,Hollowood, D.,Bacon, D.,Capozzi, D.,Collins, C.,Das, R.,Gerdes, D.,Hennig, C.,Hilton, M.,Hoyle, B.,Kay, S.,Liddle, A.,Mann, R. G.,Mehrtens, N.,Nichol, R. C.,Papovich, C.,Sahlén, M.,Soares-Santos, M.,Stott, J.,Viana, P. T.,Abbott, T.,Abdalla, F. B.,Banerji, M.,Bauer, A. H.,Benoit-Lévy, A.,Bertin, E.,Brooks, D.,Buckley-Geer, E.,Burke, D. L.,Carnero Rosell, A.,Castander, F. J.,Diehl, H. T.,Doel, P.,Cunha, C. E.,Eifler, T. F.,Fausti Neto, A.,Fernandez, E.,Flaugher, B.,Fosalba, P.,Frieman, J.,Gaztanaga, E.,Gruen, D.,Gruendl, R. A.,Honscheid, K.,James, D.,Kuehn, K.,Kuropatkin, N.,Lahav, O.,Maia, M. A. G.,Makler, M.,Marshall, J. L.,Martini, Paul,Miquel, R.,Ogando, R.,Plazas, A. A.,Roodman, A.,Rykoff, E. S.,Sako, M.,Sanchez, E.,Scarpine, V.,Schubnell, M.,Sevilla, I.,Smith, R. C.,Sobreira, F.,Suchyta, E.,Swanson, M. E. C.,Tarle, G.,Thaler, J.,Tucker, D.,Vikram, V.,da Costa, L. N. - 7
2016ApJ...816L...2V LAMOST 1: A Disrupted Satellite in the Constellation Draco Vickers, John J.,Smith, Martin C.,Hou, Yonghui,Wang, Yuefei,Zhang, Yong Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016ApJ...817..112S A Proper Motion Survey Using the First Sky Pass of NEOWISE-reactivation Data Schneider, Adam C.,Greco, Jennifer,Cushing, Michael C.,Kirkpatrick, J. Davy,Mainzer, Amy,Gelino, Christopher R.,Fajardo-Acosta, Sergio B.,Bauer, James Use of VO tools: Vizier
2016ApJ...817..126L On the Observation and Simulation of Solar Coronal Twin Jets Liu, Jiajia;Fang, Fang;Wang, Yuming;McIntosh, Scott W.;Fan, Yuhong;Zhang, Quanhao - 6
2016ApJ...817...50G The Enigmatic and Ephemeral M Dwarf System KOI 6705: Cheshire Cat or Wild Goose? Gaidos, Eric,Mann, Andrew W.,Ansdell, Megan Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016ApJ...817...73H Finding, Characterizing, and Classifying Variable Sources in Multi-epoch Sky Surveys: QSOs and RR Lyrae in PS1 3π data Hernitschek, Nina,Schlafly, Edward F.,Sesar, Branimir,Rix, Hans-Walter,Hogg, David W.,Ivezić, Željko,Grebel, Eva K.,Bell, Eric F.,Martin, Nicolas F.,Burgett, W. S.,Flewelling, H.,Hodapp, K. W.,Kaiser, N.,Magnier, E. A.,Metcalfe, N.,Wainscoat, R. J.,Waters, C. - 5
2016ApJ...817...85X The Detection and Statistics of Giant Arcs behind CLASH Clusters Xu, Bingxiao;Postman, Marc;Meneghetti, Massimo;Seitz, Stella;Zitrin, Adi;Merten, Julian;Maoz, Dani;Frye, Brenda;Umetsu, Keiichi;Zheng, Wei;Bradley, Larry;Vega, Jesus;Koekemoer, Anton - 20
2016ApJ...817...88Z A Search for Hyperluminous X-Ray Sources in the XMM-Newton Source Catalog Zolotukhin, I.,Webb, N. A.,Godet, O.,Bachetti, M.,Barret, D. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016ApJ...818...10G The Caterpillar Project: A Large Suite of Milky Way Sized Halos Griffen, Brendan F.;Ji, Alexander P.;Dooley, Gregory A.;Gómez, Facundo A.;Vogelsberger, Mark;O'Shea, Brian W.;Frebel, Anna - 65
2016ApJ...818..145B Pan-chromatic Observations of the Recurrent Nova LMC 2009a (LMC 1971b) Bode, M. F.,Darnley, M. J.,Beardmore, A. P.,Osborne, J. P.,Page, K. L.,Walter, F. M.,Krautter, J.,Melandri, A.,Ness, J. -U.,O'Brien, T. J.,Orio, M.,Schwarz, G. J.,Shara, M. M.,Starrfield, S. Use of VO tools: Vizier
2016ApJ...818..155B The ELM Survey. VII. Orbital Properties of Low-Mass White Dwarf Binaries Brown, Warren R.;Gianninas, A.;Kilic, Mukremin;Kenyon, Scott J.;Allende Prieto, Carlos - 99
2016ApJ...818...95L Interactions of the Infrared Bubble N4 with Its Surroundings Liu, Hong-Li;Li, Jin-Zeng;Wu, Yuefang;Yuan, Jing-Hua;Liu, Tie;Dubner, G.;Paron, S.;Ortega, M. E.;Molinari, Sergio;Huang, Maohai;Zavagno, Annie;Samal, Manash R.;Huang, Ya-Fang;Zhang, Si-Ju Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016ApJ...819..119L On Detecting Halo Assembly Bias with Galaxy Populations Lin, Yen-Ting,Mandelbaum, Rachel,Huang, Yun-Hsin,Huang, Hung-Jin,Dalal, Neal,Diemer, Benedikt,Jian, Hung-Yu,Kravtsov, Andrey VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper. Use of Millenium database.
2016ApJ...819..148K Unraveling the Complex Structure of AGN-driven Outflows. I. Kinematics and Sizes Karouzos, Marios,Woo, Jong-Hak,Bae, Hyun-Jin Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016ApJ...819..154L The Tight Relation between X-Ray and Ultraviolet Luminosity of Quasars Lusso, E.,Risaliti, G. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016ApJ...819..165C MUSE-ings on AM1354-250: Collisions, Shocks, and Rings Conn, Blair C.,Fogarty, L. M. R.,Smith, Rory,Candlish, Graeme N. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016ApJ...819...24W A Survey of Luminous High-redshift Quasars with SDSS and WISE. I. Target Selection and Optical Spectroscopy Wang, Feige;Wu, Xue-Bing;Fan, Xiaohui;Yang, Jinyi;Yi, Weimin;Bian, Fuyan;McGreer, Ian D.;Yang, Qian;Ai, Yanli;Dong, Xiaoyi;Zuo, Wenwen;Jiang, Linhua;Green, Richard;Wang, Shu;Cai, Zheng;Wang, Ran;Yue, Minghao - 65
2016ApJ...820..115S Photometric and Spectroscopic Footprint Corrections in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey’s 6th Data Release Specian, Mike A.;Szalay, Alex S. - 1
2016ApJ...820..119K KIM 3: An Ultra-faint Star Cluster in the Constellation of Centaurus Kim, Dongwon,Jerjen, Helmut,Mackey, Dougal,Da Costa, Gary S.,Milone, Antonino P. - 3
2016ApJ...820...46T Search for Hyperluminous Infrared Dust-obscured Galaxies Selected with WISE and SDSS Toba, Y.,Nagao, T. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016ApJ...820...59K Population III Stars Around the Milky Way Komiya, Yutaka;Suda, Takuma;Fujimoto, Masayuki Y. - 11
2016ApJ...820...98L Young Galaxy Candidates in the Hubble Frontier Fields. III. MACS J0717.5+3745 Laporte, N.,Infante, L.,Troncoso Iribarren, P.,Zheng, W.,Molino, A.,Bauer, F. E.,Bina, D.,Broadhurst, Tom,Chilingarian, I.,Huang, X.,Garcia, S.,Kim, S.,Marques-Chaves, R.,Moustakas, J.,Pelló, R.,Pérez-Fournon, I.,Shu, X.,Streblyanska, A.,Zitrin, A. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016ApJ...821..117K Cold Milky Way HI Gas in Filaments Kalberla, P. M. W.;Kerp, J.;Haud, U.;Winkel, B.;Ben Bekhti, N.;Flöer, L.;Lenz, D. - 51
2016ApJ...821..120A Brown Dwarfs in Young Moving Groups from Pan-STARRS1. I. AB Doradus Aller, Kimberly M.,Liu, Michael C.,Magnier, Eugene A.,Best, William M. J.,Kotson, Michael C.,Burgett, William S.,Chambers, Kenneth C.,Hodapp, Klaus W.,Flewelling, Heather,Kaiser, Nick,Metcalf, Nigel,Tonry, John L.,Wainscoat, Richard J.,Waters, Christopher Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016ApJ...821L...8S Isotopic Ratios of Carbon and Oxygen in Titan’s CO using ALMA Serigano, Joseph,Nixon, C. A.,Cordiner, M. A.,Irwin, P. G. J.,Teanby, N. A.,Charnley, S. B.,Lindberg, J. E. - 1
2016ApJ...822...16C Characterizing the SHARDS of Disrupted Milky Way Satellites with LAMOST Carlin, Jeffrey L.,Liu, Chao,Newberg, Heidi Jo,Beers, Timothy C.,Deng, Licai,Guhathakurta, Puragra,Cao, Zihuang,Hou, Yonghui,Wang, Yuefei,Wu, Yue,Zhang, Yong Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016ApJ...822...41M Inferring Gravitational Potentials from Mass Densities in Cluster-sized Halos Miller, Christopher J.,Stark, Alejo,Gifford, Daniel,Kern, Nicholas - -
2016ApJ...822...48G Unbound Debris Streams and Remnants Resulting from the Tidal Disruptions of Stars by Supermassive Black Holes Guillochon, James;McCourt, Michael;Chen, Xian;Johnson, Michael D.;Berger, Edo - 33
2016ApJ...823...59L Selecting M Giants with Infrared Photometry: Distances, Metallicities, and the Sagittarius Stream Li, Jing;Smith, Martin C.;Zhong, Jing;Hou, Jinliang;Carlin, Jeffrey L.;Newberg, Heidi Jo;Liu, Chao;Chen, Li;Li, Linlin;Shao, Zhengyi;Small, Emma;Tian, Hao - 24
2016ApJ...824..140R Evolution of Galaxy Groups in the Illustris Simulation Raouf, Mojtaba,Khosroshahi, Habib G.,Dariush, A. - -
2016ApJ...824...52R Massive Quiescent Cores in Orion. VI. The Internal Structures and a Candidate of Transiting Core in NGC 2024 Filament Ren, Zhiyuan,Li, Di Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016ApJ...824...83B Revisiting the Microlensing Event OGLE 2012-BLG-0026: A Solar Mass Star with Two Cold Giant Planets Beaulieu, J. -P.,Bennett, D. P.,Batista, V.,Fukui, A.,Marquette, J. -B.,Brillant, S.,Cole, A. A.,Rogers, L. A.,Sumi, T.,Abe, F.,Bhattacharya, A.,Koshimoto, N.,Suzuki, D.,Tristram, P. J.,Han, C.,Gould, A.,Pogge, R.,Yee, J. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016ApJ...824...94R GARROTXA Cosmological Simulations of Milky Way-sized Galaxies: General Properties, Hot-gas Distribution, and Missing Baryons Roca-Fàbrega, Santi;Valenzuela, Octavio;Colín, Pedro;Figueras, Francesca;Krongold, Yair;Velázquez, Héctor;Avila-Reese, Vladimir;Ibarra-Medel, Hector - 21
2016ApJ...825....2T Orion’s Veil: Magnetic Field Strengths and Other Properties of a PDR in Front of the Trapezium Cluster Troland, T. H.;Goss, W. M.;Brogan, C. L.;Crutcher, R. M.;Roberts, D. A. - 19
2016ApJ...825L...6B A Dipole on the Sky: Predictions for Hypervelocity Stars from the Large Magellanic Cloud Boubert, Douglas;Evans, N. Wyn - 42
2016ApJ...826..114T A Systematic Survey of Protoclusters at z ~ 3-6 in the CFHTLS Deep Fields Toshikawa, Jun,Kashikawa, Nobunari,Overzier, Roderik,Malkan, Matthew A.,Furusawa, Hisanori,Ishikawa, Shogo,Onoue, Masafusa,Ota, Kazuaki,Tanaka, Masayuki,Niino, Yuu,Uchiyama, Hisakazu VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper. Use of Millenium database.
2016ApJ...826..123M New Debris Disks in Nearby Young Moving Groups Moór, A.,Kóspál, Á.,Ábrahám, P.,Balog, Z.,Csengeri, T.,Henning, Th.,Juhász, A.,Kiss, Cs. - -
2016ApJ...826..150D Forbidden Iron Lines and Dust Destruction in Supernova Remnant Shocks: The Case of N49 in the Large Magellanic Cloud Dopita, Michael A.,Seitenzahl, Ivo R.,Sutherland, Ralph S.,Vogt, Frédéric P. A.,Winkler, P. Frank,Blair, William P. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016ApJ...826..165W Constraints on the Presence of SiO Gas in the Debris Disk of HD172555 Wilson, T. L.,Nilsson, R.,Chen, C. H.,Lisse, C. M.,Moerchen, M.,Käufl, H. -U.,Banzatti, A. - -
2016ApJ...826..228J The Fermi-GBM Three-year X-Ray Burst Catalog Jenke, P. A.;Linares, M.;Connaughton, V.;Beklen, E.;Camero-Arranz, A.;Finger, M. H.;Wilson-Hodge, C. A. - 11
2016ApJ...826...81S Investigating the Circumstellar Disk of the Be Shell Star 48 Librae Silaj, J.,Jones, C. E.,Carciofi, A. C.,Escolano, C.,Okazaki, A. T.,Tycner, C.,Rivinius, T.,Klement, R.,Bednarski, D. Use of VO tools: VOSA
2016ApJ...826....9I Where are the Low-mass Population III Stars? Ishiyama, Tomoaki;Sudo, Kae;Yokoi, Shingo;Hasegawa, Kenji;Tominaga, Nozomu;Susa, Hajime - 54
2016ApJ...827...33J Panchromatic Hubble Andromeda Treasury. XVI. Star Cluster Formation Efficiency and the Clustered Fraction of Young Stars Johnson, L. Clifton,Seth, Anil C.,Dalcanton, Julianne J.,Beerman, Lori C.,Fouesneau, Morgan,Lewis, Alexia R.,Weisz, Daniel R.,Williams, Benjamin F.,Bell, Eric F.,Dolphin, Andrew E.,Larsen, Søren S.,Sandstrom, Karin,Skillman, Evan D. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016ApJ...827...42P Kompaneets Model Fitting of the Orion-Eridanus Superbubble. II. Thinking Outside of Barnard’s Loop Pon, Andy,Ochsendorf, Bram B.,Alves, João,Bally, John,Basu, Shantanu,Tielens, Alexander G. G. M. Use of VO tools: Sky View
2016ApJ...827...58S Obscured AGNs in Bulgeless Hosts discovered by WISE: The Case Study of SDSS J1224+5555 Satyapal, S.,Secrest, N. J.,Rothberg, B.,O'Connor, J. A.,Ellison, S. L.,Hickox, R. C.,Constantin, A.,Gliozzi, M.,Rosenberg, J. L. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016ApJ...827...67M The Infrared-Gamma-Ray Connection: A WISE View of the Extragalactic Gamma-Ray Sky Massaro, F.,D'Abrusco, R. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016ApJ...827...68P Submillimeter H2O Megamasers in NGC 4945 and the Circinus Galaxy Pesce, D. W.,Braatz, J. A.,Impellizzeri, C. M. V. - 1
2016ApJ...827...81I Do Circumnuclear Dense Gas Disks Drive Mass Accretion onto Supermassive Black Holes? Izumi, Takuma,Kawakatu, Nozomu,Kohno, Kotaro VO project (JVO) acknowledged in the paper.
2016ApJ...827L...4W Detection of Forbidden Line Components of Lithium-like Carbon in Stellar Spectra Werner, Klaus,Rauch, Thomas,Hoyer, Denny,Quinet, Pascal VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper.
2016ApJ...827L...5M Numerical Simulations Challenged on the Prediction of Massive Subhalo Abundance in Galaxy Clusters: The Case of Abell 2142 Munari, E.,Grillo, C.,De Lucia, G.,Biviano, A.,Annunziatella, M.,Borgani, S.,Lombardi, M.,Mercurio, A.,Rosati, P. VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper. Use of Millenium database.
2016ApJ...828...59S The Distant Outer Gas Arm between l=35 and l=45 Su, Yang,Sun, Yan,Li, Chong,Zhang, Shaobo,Zhou, Xin,Fang, Min,Yang, Ji,Chen, Xuepeng Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016ApJ...828...67L :[The Metal Abundances across Cosmic Time (MACT) Survey. II. Evolution of the Mass-metallicity Relation over 8 Billion Years, Using [OIII]4363AA-based Metallicities]},{bibcode:2016ApJS..223....9B,date:2016-03-01T00:00:00Z,authorBernyk, Maksym,Croton, Darren J.,Tonini, Chiara,Hodkinson, Luke,Hassan, Amr H.,Garel, Thibault,Duffy, Alan R.,Mutch, Simon J.,Poole, Gregory B.,Hegarty, Sarah Ly, Chun,Malkan, Matthew A.,Rigby, Jane R.,Nagao, Tohru - 2
2016ApJ...828....7R Intra-binary Shock Heating of Black Widow Companions Romani, Roger W.,Sanchez, Nicolas Use of VO services. Theoretical model service provided by SVO.
2016ApJ...829..112L Low-Γ Jets from Compact Stellar Mergers: Candidate Electromagnetic Counterparts to Gravitational Wave Sources Lamb, Gavin P.;Kobayashi, Shiho - 21
2016ApJ...829...83U Solar Wind Charge Exchange Contribution to the ROSAT All Sky Survey Maps Uprety, Y.;Chiao, M.;Collier, M. R.;Cravens, T.;Galeazzi, M.;Koutroumpa, D.;Kuntz, K. D.;Lallement, R.;Lepri, S. T.;Liu, W.;McCammon, D.;Morgan, K.;Porter, F. S.;Prasai, K.;Snowden, S. L.;Thomas, N. E.;Ursino, E.;Walsh, B. M. - 7
2016ApJ...830..109S On Escaping a Galaxy Cluster in an Accelerating Universe Stark, Alejo;Miller, Christopher J.;Gifford, Daniel Use of VO tools: Vizier
2016ApJ...830...13P Host-galaxy Properties of 32 Low-redshift Superluminous Supernovae from the Palomar Transient Factory Perley, D. A.;Quimby, R. M.;Yan, L.;Vreeswijk, P. M.;De Cia, A.;Lunnan, R.;Gal-Yam, A.;Yaron, O.;Filippenko, A. V.;Graham, M. L.;Laher, R.;Nugent, P. E. - 139
2016ApJ...830...19L Cosmic-Ray Small-scale Anisotropies and Local Turbulent Magnetic Fields López-Barquero, V.;Farber, R.;Xu, S.;Desiati, P.;Lazarian, A. - 23
2016ApJS..222...22C Semi-Analytic Galaxy Evolution (SAGE): Model Calibration and Basic Results Croton, Darren J.,Stevens, Adam R. H.,Tonini, Chiara,Garel, Thibault,Bernyk, Maksym,Bibiano, Antonio,Hodkinson, Luke,Mutch, Simon J.,Poole, Gregory B.,Shattow, Genevieve M. - 11
2016ApJS..223....9B The Theoretical Astrophysical Observatory: Cloud-based Mock Galaxy Catalogs Bernyk, Maksym,Croton, Darren J.,Tonini, Chiara,Hodkinson, Luke,Hassan, Amr H.,Garel, Thibault,Duffy, Alan R.,Mutch, Simon J.,Poole, Gregory B.,Hegarty, Sarah Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016ApJS..224...26M A Comprehensive Statistical Description of Radio-through-Gamma-Ray Spectral Energy Distributions of All Known Blazars Mao, Peiyuan,Urry, C. Megan,Massaro, Francesco,Paggi, Alessandro,Cauteruccio, Joe,Künzel, Soren R. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016ApJS..224...38A Shocked POststarbust Galaxy Survey. I. Candidate Post-starbust Galaxies with Emission Line Ratios Consistent with Shocks Alatalo, Katherine,Cales, Sabrina L.,Rich, Jeffrey A.,Appleton, Philip N.,Kewley, Lisa J.,Lacy, Mark,Lanz, Lauranne,Medling, Anne M.,Nyland, Kristina Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016ApJS..224....3N Light Curves of 213 Type Ia Supernovae from the ESSENCE Survey Narayan, G.;Rest, A.;Tucker, B. E.;Foley, R. J.;Wood-Vasey, W. M.;Challis, P.;Stubbs, C.;Kirshner, R. P.;Aguilera, C.;Becker, A. C.;Blondin, S.;Clocchiatti, A.;Covarrubias, R.;Damke, G.;Davis, T. M.;Filippenko, A. V.;Ganeshalingam, M.;Garg, A.;Garnavich, P. M.;Hicken, M.;Jha, S. W.;Krisciunas, K.;Leibundgut, B.;Li, W.;Matheson, T.;Miknaitis, G.;Pignata, G.;Prieto, J. L.;Riess, A. G.;Schmidt, B. P.;Silverman, J. M.;Smith, R. C.;Sollerman, J.;Spyromilio, J.;Suntzeff, N. B.;Tonry, J. L.;Zenteno, A. - 18
2016ApJS..225....1T SpIES: The Spitzer IRAC Equatorial Survey Timlin, John D.,Ross, Nicholas P.,Richards, Gordon T.,Lacy, Mark,Ryan, Erin L.,Stone, Robert B.,Bauer, Franz E.,Brandt, W. N.,Fan, Xiaohui,Glikman, Eilat,Haggard, Daryl,Jiang, Linhua,LaMassa, Stephanie M.,Lin, Yen-Ting,Makler, Martin,McGehee, Peregrine,Myers, Adam D.,Schneider, Donald P.,Urry, C. Megan,Wollack, Edward J.,Zakamska, Nadia L. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016ApJS..225....5B WISE × SuperCOSMOS Photometric Redshift Catalog: 20 Million Galaxies over 3/pi Steradians Bilicki, Maciej,Peacock, John A.,Jarrett, Thomas H.,Cluver, Michelle E.,Maddox, Natasha,Brown, Michael J. I.,Taylor, Edward N.,Hambly, Nigel C.,Solarz, Aleksandra,Holwerda, Benne W.,Baldry, Ivan,Loveday, Jon,Moffett, Amanda,Hopkins, Andrew M.,Driver, Simon P.,Alpaslan, Mehmet,Bland-Hawthorn, Joss Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016ApJS..225....8A Supplement: “Localization and Broadband Follow-up of the Gravitational-wave Transient GW150914” (2016, ApJL, 826, L13) Abbott, B. P.;Abbott, R.;Abbott, T. D.;Abernathy, M. R.;Acernese, F.;Ackley, K.;Adams, C.;Adams, T.;Addesso, P.;Adhikari, R. X.;Adya, V. B.;Affeldt, C.;Agathos, M.;Agatsuma, K.;Aggarwal, N.;Aguiar, O. D.;Aiello, L.;Ain, A.;Ajith, P.;Allen, B.;Allocca, A.;Altin, P. A.;Anderson, S. B.;Anderson, W. G.;Arai, K.;Araya, M. C.;Arceneaux, C. C.;Areeda, J. S.;Arnaud, N.;Arun, K. G.;Ascenzi, S.;Ashton, G.;Ast, M.;Aston, S. M.;Astone, P.;Aufmuth, P.;Aulbert, C.;Babak, S.;Bacon, P.;Bader, M. K. M.;Baker, P. T.;Baldaccini, F.;Ballardin, G.;Ballmer, S. W.;Barayoga, J. C.;Barclay, S. E.;Barish, B. C.;Barker, D.;Barone, F.;Barr, B.;Barsotti, L.;Barsuglia, M.;Barta, D.;Barthelmy, S.;Bartlett, J.;Bartos, I.;Bassiri, R.;Basti, A.;Batch, J. C.;Baune, C.;Bavigadda, V.;Bazzan, M.;Behnke, B.;Bejger, M.;Bell, A. S.;Bell, C. J.;Berger, B. K.;Bergman, J.;Bergmann, G.;Berry, C. P. L.;Bersanetti, D.;Bertolini, A.;Betzwieser, J.;Bhagwat, S.;Bhandare, R.;Bilenko, I. A.;Billingsley, G.;Birch, J.;Birney, R.;Biscans, S.;Bisht, A.;Bitossi, M.;Biwer, C.;Bizouard, M. A.;Blackburn, J. K.;Blair, C. D.;Blair, D. G.;Blair, R. M.;Bloemen, S.;Bock, O.;Bodiya, T. P.;Boer, M.;Bogaert, G.;Bogan, C.;Bohe, A.;Bojtos, P.;Bond, C.;Bondu, F.;Bonnand, R.;Boom, B. A.;Bork, R.;Boschi, V.;Bose, S.;Bouffanais, Y.;Bozzi, A.;Bradaschia, C.;Brady, P. R.;Braginsky, V. B.;Branchesi, M.;Brau, J. E.;Briant, T.;Brillet, A.;Brinkmann, M.;Brisson, V.;Brockill, P.;Brooks, A. F.;Brown, D. A.;Brown, D. D.;Brown, N. M.;Buchanan, C. C.;Buikema, A.;Bulik, T.;Bulten, H. J.;Buonanno, A.;Buskulic, D.;Buy, C.;Byer, R. L.;Cadonati, L.;Cagnoli, G.;Cahillane, C.;Bustillo, J. C.;Callister, T.;Calloni, E.;Camp, J. B.;Cannon, K. C.;Cao, J.;Capano, C. D.;Capocasa, E.;Carbognani, F.;Caride, S.;Diaz, J. C.;Casentini, C.;Caudill, S.;Cavagliá, M.;Cavalier, F.;Cavalieri, R.;Cella, G.;Cepeda, C. B.;Baiardi, L. C.;Cerretani, G.;Cesarini, E.;Chakraborty, R. - 47
2016ARA&A..54..181G Interstellar Hydrides Gerin, Maryvonne;Neufeld, David A.;Goicoechea, Javier R. - 114
2016Icar..268..340C Spectral properties of near-Earth and Mars-crossing asteroids using Sloan photometry Carry, B.,Solano, E.,Eggl, S.,DeMeo, F. E. - 3
2016Icar..271..360P Thermal and microstructural properties of fine-grained material at the Viking Lander 1 site Paton, M. D.;Harri, A. -M.;Savijärvi, H.;Mäkinen, T.;Hagermann, A.;Kemppinen, O.;Johnston, A. - 7
2016MNRAS.455.1294D H I-deficient galaxies in intermediate-density environments Dénes, H.;Kilborn, V. A.;Koribalski, B. S.;Wong, O. I. - 21
2016MNRAS.455.1728M Interacting binaries W Serpentids and double periodic variables Mennickent, R. E.,Otero, S.,Kołaczkowski, Z. Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2016MNRAS.455.2345W Integral field spectroscopy of massive young stellar objects in the N113 H II region in the Large Magellanic Cloud Ward, J. L.,Oliveira, J. M.,van Loon, J. Th.,Sewiło, M. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2016MNRAS.455.2363H An enhanced merger fraction within the galaxy population of the SSA22 protocluster at z = 3.1 Hine, N. K.,Geach, J. E.,Alexander, D. M.,Lehmer, B. D.,Chapman, S. C.,Matsuda, Y. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016MNRAS.455.3020L The RedGOLD cluster detection algorithm and its cluster candidate catalogue for the CFHT-LS W1 Licitra, Rossella,Mei, Simona,Raichoor, Anand,Erben, Thomas,Hildebrandt, Hendrik - 4
2016MNRAS.455.3126C Characterizing star cluster formation with WISE: 652 newly found star clusters and candidates Camargo, D.,Bica, E.,Bonatto, C. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016MNRAS.455.3136M Extended Tully-Fisher relations using H I stacking Meyer, Scott A.,Meyer, Martin,Obreschkow, Danail,Staveley-Smith, Lister Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016MNRAS.455.3911D Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): Panchromatic Data Release (far-UV-far-IR) and the low-z energy budget Driver, Simon P.,Wright, Angus H.,Andrews, Stephen K.,Davies, Luke J.,Kafle, Prajwal R.,Lange, Rebecca,Moffett, Amanda J.,Mannering, Elizabeth,Robotham, Aaron S. G.,Vinsen, Kevin,Alpaslan, Mehmet,Andrae, Ellen,Baldry, Ivan K.,Bauer, Amanda E.,Bamford, Steven P.,Bland-Hawthorn, Joss,Bourne, Nathan,Brough, Sarah,Brown, Michael J. I.,Cluver, Michelle E.,Croom, Scott,Colless, Matthew,Conselice, Christopher J.,da Cunha, Elisabete,De Propris, Roberto,Drinkwater, Michael,Dunne, Loretta,Eales, Steve,Edge, Alastair,Frenk, Carlos,Graham, Alister W.,Grootes, Meiert,Holwerda, Benne W.,Hopkins, Andrew M.,Ibar, Edo,van Kampen, Eelco,Kelvin, Lee S.,Jarrett, Tom,Jones, D. Heath,Lara-Lopez, Maritza A.,Liske, Jochen,Lopez-Sanchez, Angel R.,Loveday, Jon,Maddox, Steve J.,Madore, Barry,Mahajan, Smriti,Meyer, Martin,Norberg, Peder,Penny, Samantha J.,Phillipps, Steven,Popescu, Cristina,Tuffs, Richard J.,Peacock, John A.,Pimbblet, Kevin A.,Prescott, Matthew,Rowlands, Kate,Sansom, Anne E.,Seibert, Mark,Smith, Matthew W. L.,Sutherland, Will J.,Taylor, Edward N.,Valiante, Elisabetta,Vazquez-Mata, J. Antonio,Wang, Lingyu,Wilkins, Stephen M.,Williams, Richard Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016MNRAS.455.4031C The complex stellar populations in the background of open clusters in the third Galactic quadrant Carraro, Giovanni,Seleznev, Anton F.,Baume, Gustavo,Turner, David. G. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016MNRAS.455.4212D A Pan-STARRS 1 study of the relationship between wide binarity and planet occurrence in the Kepler field Deacon, N. R.,Kraus, A. L.,Mann, A. W.,Magnier, E. A.,Chambers, K. C.,Wainscoat, R. J.,Tonry, J. L.,Kaiser, N.,Waters, C.,Flewelling, H.,Hodapp, K. W.,Burgett, W. S. Use of VO tools: Vizier
2016MNRAS.455..518P A view of Large Magellanic Cloud H II regions N159, N132, and N166 through the 345-GHz window Paron, S.,Ortega, M. E.,Fariña, C.,Cunningham, M.,Jones, P. A.,Rubio, M. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016MNRAS.455..642K Machine learning and cosmological simulations - I. Semi-analytical models Kamdar, Harshil M.,Turk, Matthew J.,Brunner, Robert J. - 3
2016MNRAS.455..668S Population of post-nova supersoft X-ray sources Soraisam, Monika D.,Gilfanov, Marat,Wolf, William M.,Bildsten, Lars - 3
2016MNRAS.456.1700S Cosmology with superluminous supernovae Scovacricchi, D.;Nichol, R. C.;Bacon, D.;Sullivan, M.;Prajs, S. - 29
2016MNRAS.456.1999M The HerMES submillimetre local and low-redshift luminosity functions Marchetti, L.,Vaccari, M.,Franceschini, A.,Arumugam, V.,Aussel, H.,Béthermin, M.,Bock, J.,Boselli, A.,Buat, V.,Burgarella, D.,Clements, D. L.,Conley, A.,Conversi, L.,Cooray, A.,Dowell, C. D.,Farrah, D.,Feltre, A.,Glenn, J.,Griffin, M.,Hatziminaoglou, E.,Heinis, S.,Ibar, E.,Ivison, R. J.,Nguyen, H. T.,O'Halloran, B.,Oliver, S. J.,Page, M. J.,Papageorgiou, A.,Pearson, C. P.,Pérez-Fournon, I.,Pohlen, M.,Rigopoulou, D.,Roseboom, I. G.,Rowan-Robinson, M.,Schulz, B.,Scott, Douglas,Seymour, N.,Shupe, D. L.,Smith, A. J.,Symeonidis, M.,Valtchanov, I.,Viero, M.,Wang, L.,Wardlow, J.,Xu, C. K.,Zemcov, M. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016MNRAS.456.2550R The variable V381 Lac and its possible connection with the R CrB phenomenon Rossi, C.,Dell'Agli, F.,Di Paola, A.,Gigoyan, K. S.,Nesci, R. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2016MNRAS.456.3774W ALFA: an automated line fitting algorithm Wesson, R. - -
2016MNRAS.456.3899R Red galaxies with pseudo-bulges in the SDSS: closer to disc galaxies or to classical bulges? Ribeiro, B.,Lobo, C.,Antón, S.,Gomes, J. M.,Papaderos, P. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016MNRAS.456.4441C Statistical properties of dwarf novae-type cataclysmic variables: the outburst catalogue Coppejans, Deanne L.,Körding, Elmar G.,Knigge, Christian,Pretorius, Magaretha L.,Woudt, Patrick A.,Groot, Paul J.,Van Eck, Cameron L.,Drake, Andrew J. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2016MNRAS.456..885S Extremely isolated galaxies - I. Sample and simulation analysis Spector, O.,Brosch, N. - -
2016MNRAS.457..133J Application of USNO-B1.0 towards selecting objects with displaced blue and red components Jayson, Joel S. Use of VO tools: Vizier
2016MNRAS.457.1675G On the eclipsing binary ELHC 10 with occulting dark disc in the Large Magellanic Cloud Garrido, H. E.,Mennickent, R. E.,Djurašević, G.,Schmidtobreick, L.,Graczyk, D.,Villanova, S.,Barría, D. Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2016MNRAS.457.2192C A method for selecting M dwarfs with an increased likelihood of unresolved ultracool companionship Cook, N. J.,Pinfield, D. J.,Marocco, F.,Burningham, B.,Jones, H. R. A.,Frith, J.,Zhong, J.,Luo, A. L.,Qi, Z. X.,Lucas, P. W.,Gromadzki, M.,Day-Jones, A. C.,Kurtev, R. G.,Guo, Y. X.,Wang, Y. F.,Bai, Y.,Yi, Z. P.,Smart, R. L. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016MNRAS.457.2236K Probing the wind-launching regions of the Herbig Be star HD 58647 with high spectral resolution interferometry Kurosawa, Ryuichi,Kreplin, A.,Weigelt, G.,Natta, A.,Benisty, M.,Isella, Andrea,Tatulli, Eric,Massi, F.,Testi, Leonardo,Kraus, Stefan,Duvert, G.,Petrov, Romain G.,Stee, Ph. Use of VO tools: VOSA
2016MNRAS.457.2814S The evolved-star dust budget of the Small Magellanic Cloud: the critical role of a few key players Srinivasan, S.,Boyer, M. L.,Kemper, F.,Meixner, M.,Sargent, B. A.,Riebel, D. Use of VO tools: Vizier
2016MNRAS.457..328L Bolometric light curves and explosion parameters of 38 stripped-envelope core-collapse supernovae Lyman, J. D.;Bersier, D.;James, P. A.;Mazzali, P. A.;Eldridge, J. J.;Fraser, M.;Pian, E. - 192
2016MNRAS.457.3396P A search for new hot subdwarf stars by means of virtual observatory tools II Pérez-Fernández, E.,Ulla, A.,Solano, E.,Oreiro, R.,Rodrigo, C. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016MNRAS.457.3582P Extreme blazars as counterparts of IceCube astrophysical neutrinos Padovani, P.;Resconi, E.;Giommi, P.;Arsioli, B.;Chang, Y. L. - 105
2016MNRAS.457..389M A systematic search for changing-look quasars in SDSS MacLeod, Chelsea L.,Ross, Nicholas P.,Lawrence, Andy,Goad, Mike,Horne, Keith,Burgett, William,Chambers, Ken C.,Flewelling, Heather,Hodapp, Klaus,Kaiser, Nick,Magnier, Eugene,Wainscoat, Richard,Waters, Christopher - 14
2016MNRAS.457.3963K Is SS 433 a misaligned ultraluminous X-ray source? Constraints from its reflected signal in the Galactic plane Khabibullin, I.;Sazonov, S. - 13
2016MNRAS.457L.113K Bayesian redshift-space distortions correction from galaxy redshift surveys Kitaura, Francisco-Shu,Ata, Metin,Angulo, Raul E.,Chuang, Chia-Hsun,Rodríguez-Torres, Sergio,Monteagudo, Carlos Hernández,Prada, Francisco,Yepes, Gustavo - 3
2016MNRAS.458.2492P Constraining ultracompact dwarf galaxy formation with galaxy clusters in the local universe Pfeffer, J.,Hilker, M.,Baumgardt, H.,Griffen, B. F. - 3
2016MNRAS.458.2648S Abundance analysis of SDSS J134338.67+484426.6; an extremely metal-poor star from the MARVELS pre-survey Susmitha Rani, A.,Sivarani, T.,Beers, T. C.,Fleming, S.,Mahadevan, S.,Ge, J. Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2016MNRAS.458.2762G Brightest group galaxies: stellar mass and star formation rate (paper I) Gozaliasl, Ghassem,Finoguenov, Alexis,Khosroshahi, Habib G.,Mirkazemi, Mohammad,Erfanianfar, Ghazaleh,Tanaka, Masayuki - -
2016MNRAS.458.3314C The γ-ray afterglows of tidal disruption events Chen, Xian;Gómez-Vargas, Germán Arturo;Guillochon, James - 12
2016MNRAS.458.3394B Prediction of transits of Solar system objects in Kepler/K2 images: an extension of the Virtual Observatory service SkyBoT Berthier, J.,Carry, B.,Vachier, F.,Eggl, S.,Santerne, A. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016MNRAS.458..449M The CALYMHA survey: Lyα escape fraction and its dependence on galaxy properties at z = 2.23 Matthee, Jorryt,Sobral, David,Oteo, Iván,Best, Philip,Smail, Ian,Röttgering, Huub,Paulino-Afonso, Ana Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016MNRAS.458.4512G The nuclear and integrated far-infrared emission of nearby Seyfert galaxies García-González, J.,Alonso-Herrero, A.,Hernán-Caballero, A.,Pereira-Santaella, M.,Ramos-Almeida, C.,Acosta-Pulido, J. A.,Díaz-Santos, T.,Esquej, P.,González-Martín, O.,Ichikawa, K.,López-Rodríguez, E.,Povic, M.,Roche, P. F.,Sánchez-Portal, M. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016MNRAS.458..934V The galaxy correlation function as a constraint on galaxy formation physics van Daalen, Marcel P.,Henriques, Bruno M. B.,Angulo, Raul E.,White, Simon D. M. - 1
2016MNRAS.458L...1M Large proper motion of the Thorne-»ytkow object candidate HV 2112 reveals its likely nature as foreground Galactic S-star Maccarone, Thomas J.,de Mink, Selma E. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016MNRAS.459.1069S The GALAH survey: relative throughputs of the 2dF fibre positioner and the HERMES spectrograph from stellar targets Simpson, Jeffrey D.,De Silva, G. M.,Bland-Hawthorn, J.,Freeman, K. C.,Martell, S. L.,Schlesinger, Katharine J.,Sharma, Sanjib,Zucker, D. B.,Zwitter, T.,Kos, J.,Anguiano, Borja,Nataf, David M.,Reid, Warren,Wittenmyer, Robert A. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016MNRAS.459.1179C The 2QDES Pilot: the luminosity and redshift dependence of quasar clustering Chehade, Ben,Shanks, T.,Findlay, J.,Metcalfe, N.,Sawangwit, U.,Irwin, M.,González-Solares, E.,Fine, S.,Drinkwater, M. J.,Croom, S.,Jurek, R. J.,Parkinson, D.,Bielby, R. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016MNRAS.459..121C Capturing the electromagnetic counterparts of binary neutron star mergers through low-latency gravitational wave triggers Chu, Q.;Howell, E. J.;Rowlinson, A.;Gao, H.;Zhang, B.;Tingay, S. J.;Boër, M.;Wen, L. - 43
2016MNRAS.459.1248A GMRT detections of low-mass young stars at 323 and 608 MHz Ainsworth, Rachael E.,Scaife, Anna M. M.,Green, David A.,Coughlan, Colm P.,Ray, Tom P. - 2
2016MNRAS.459.1403R The extended disc and halo of the Andromeda galaxy observed with Spitzer-IRAC Rafiei Ravandi, Masoud,Barmby, Pauline,Ashby, Matthew L. N.,Laine, Seppo,Davidge, T. J.,Zhang, Jenna,Bianchi, Luciana,Babul, Arif,Chapman, S. C. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016MNRAS.459.1646C An empirical determination of the dust mass absorption coefficient, κd, using the Herschel Reference Survey Clark, Christopher J. R.,Schofield, Simon P.,Gomez, Haley L.,Davies, Jonathan I. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016MNRAS.459.1929T The diversity of growth histories of Milky Way-mass galaxies Terrazas, Bryan A.,Bell, Eric F.,Henriques, Bruno M. B.,White, Simon D. M. - 3
2016MNRAS.459.2150W Stellar mass functions: methods, systematics and results for the local Universe Weigel, Anna K.,Schawinski, Kevin,Bruderer, Claudio Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016MNRAS.459.2591G Physical properties of local star-forming analogues to z ̃ 5 Lyman-break galaxies Greis, Stephanie M. L.,Stanway, Elizabeth R.,Davies, Luke J. M.,Levan, Andrew J. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016MNRAS.459.2893M Far-infrared and sub-millimetre imaging of HD 76582's circumstellar disc Marshall, Jonathan P.,Booth, Mark,Holland, Wayne,Matthews, Brenda C.,Greaves, Jane S.,Zuckerman, Ben Use of VO tools: Vizier
2016MNRAS.459..487Y :[GRACES observations of young [α/Fe]-rich stars]},{date:2016-05-01T00:00:00Z,bibcode:2016JPhCS.718b2016S,authorSpiro, M. Yong, David,Casagrande, Luca,Venn, Kim A.,Chené, André-Nicolas,Keown, Jared,Malo, Lison,Martioli, Eder,Alves-Brito, Alan,Asplund, Martin,Dotter, Aaron,Martell, Sarah L.,Meléndez, Jorge,Schlesinger, Katharine J. Use of VO tools: VOSA
2016MNRAS.459..789T Ground-based near-UV observations of 15 transiting exoplanets: constraints on their atmospheres and no evidence for asymmetrical transits Turner, Jake D.,Pearson, Kyle A.,Biddle, Lauren I.,Smart, Brianna M.,Zellem, Robert T.,Teske, Johanna K.,Hardegree-Ullman, Kevin K.,Griffith, Caitlin C.,Leiter, Robin M.,Cates, Ian T.,Nieberding, Megan N.,Smith, Carter-Thaxton W.,Thompson, Robert M.,Hofmann, Ryan,Berube, Michael P.,Nguyen, Chi H.,Small, Lindsay C.,Guvenen, Blythe C.,Richardson, Logan,McGraw, Allison,Raphael, Brandon,Crawford, Benjamin E.,Robertson, Amy N.,Tombleson, Ryan,Carleton, Timothy M.,Towner, Allison P. M.,Walker-LaFollette, Amanda M.,Hume, Jeffrey R.,Watson, Zachary T.,Jones, Christen K.,Lichtenberger, Matthew J.,Hoglund, Shelby R.,Cook, Kendall L.,Crossen, Cory A.,Jorgensen, Curtis R.,Romine, James M.,Thompson, Alejandro R.,Villegas, Christian F.,Wilson, Ashley A.,Sanford, Brent,Taylor, Joanna M.,Henz, Triana N. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016MNRAS.459...84S Modelling the evolution of Ly α blobs and Ly α emitters Smailagić, M.,Micic, M.,Martinović, N. - -
2016MNRAS.459..880M Open clusters in Auriga OB2 Marco, Amparo,Negueruela, Ignacio Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016MNRAS.459L..31W The proper motion of HV2112: a TŻO candidate in the SMC Worley, C. Clare,Irwin, Mike. J.,Tout, Christopher A.,Żytkow, Anna N.,Fraser, Morgan,Izzard, Robert G. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016MNRAS.460.1131S The Gaia-ESO Survey: the selection function of the Milky Way field stars Stonkutė, E.;Koposov, S. E.;Howes, L. M.;Feltzing, S.;Worley, C. C.;Gilmore, G.;Ruchti, G. R.;Kordopatis, G.;Randich, S.;Zwitter, T.;Bensby, T.;Bragaglia, A.;Smiljanic, R.;Costado, M. T.;Tautvaišienė, G.;Casey, A. R.;Korn, A. J.;Lanzafame, A. C.;Pancino, E.;Franciosini, E.;Hourihane, A.;Jofré, P.;Lardo, C.;Lewis, J.;Magrini, L.;Monaco, L.;Morbidelli, L.;Sacco, G. G.;Sbordone, L. - 20
2016MNRAS.460.1457S Connecting massive galaxies to dark matter haloes in BOSS - I. Is galaxy colour a stochastic process in high-mass haloes? Saito, Shun,Leauthaud, Alexie,Hearin, Andrew P.,Bundy, Kevin,Zentner, Andrew R.,Behroozi, Peter S.,Reid, Beth A.,Sinha, Manodeep,Coupon, Jean,Tinker, Jeremy L.,White, Martin,Schneider, Donald P. VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper. Use of Multidark database.
2016MNRAS.460.2245J The DES Science Verification weak lensing shear catalogues Jarvis, M.;Sheldon, E.;Zuntz, J.;Kacprzak, T.;Bridle, S. L.;Amara, A.;Armstrong, R.;Becker, M. R.;Bernstein, G. M.;Bonnett, C.;Chang, C.;Das, R.;Dietrich, J. P.;Drlica-Wagner, A.;Eifler, T. F.;Gangkofner, C.;Gruen, D.;Hirsch, M.;Huff, E. M.;Jain, B.;Kent, S.;Kirk, D.;MacCrann, N.;Melchior, P.;Plazas, A. A.;Refregier, A.;Rowe, B.;Rykoff, E. S.;Samuroff, S.;Sánchez, C.;Suchyta, E.;Troxel, M. A.;Vikram, V.;Abbott, T.;Abdalla, F. B.;Allam, S.;Annis, J.;Benoit-Lévy, A.;Bertin, E.;Brooks, D.;Buckley-Geer, E.;Burke, D. L.;Capozzi, D.;Carnero Rosell, A.;Carrasco Kind, M.;Carretero, J.;Castander, F. J.;Clampitt, J.;Crocce, M.;Cunha, C. E.;D'Andrea, C. B.;da Costa, L. N.;DePoy, D. L.;Desai, S.;Diehl, H. T.;Doel, P.;Fausti Neto, A.;Flaugher, B.;Fosalba, P.;Frieman, J.;Gaztanaga, E.;Gerdes, D. W.;Gruendl, R. A.;Gutierrez, G.;Honscheid, K.;James, D. J.;Kuehn, K.;Kuropatkin, N.;Lahav, O.;Li, T. S.;Lima, M.;March, M.;Martini, P.;Miquel, R.;Mohr, J. J.;Neilsen, E.;Nord, B.;Ogando, R.;Reil, K.;Romer, A. K.;Roodman, A.;Sako, M.;Sanchez, E.;Scarpine, V.;Schubnell, M.;Sevilla-Noarbe, I.;Smith, R. C.;Soares-Santos, M.;Sobreira, F.;Swanson, M. E. C.;Tarle, G.;Thaler, J.;Thomas, D.;Walker, A. R.;Wechsler, R. H. - 145
2016MNRAS.460.2834R YETI observations of the young transiting planet candidate CVSO 30 b Raetz, St.,Schmidt, T. O. B.,Czesla, S.,Klocová, T.,Holmes, L.,Errmann, R.,Kitze, M.,Fernández, M.,Sota, A.,Briceño, C.,Hernández, J.,Downes, J. J.,Dimitrov, D. P.,Kjurkchieva, D.,Radeva, V.,Wu, Z. -Y.,Zhou, X.,Takahashi, H.,Henych, T.,Seeliger, M.,Mugrauer, M.,Adam, Ch.,Marka, C.,Schmidt, J. G.,Hohle, M. M.,Ginski, Ch.,Pribulla, T.,Trepl, L.,Moualla, M.,Pawellek, N.,Gelszinnis, J.,Buder, S.,Masda, S.,Maciejewski, G.,Neuhäuser, R. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016MNRAS.460.3838A The SLUGGS survey: the mass distribution in early-type galaxies within five effective radii and beyond Alabi, Adebusola B.,Forbes, Duncan A.,Romanowsky, Aaron J.,Brodie, Jean P.,Strader, Jay,Janz, Joachim,Pota, Vincenzo,Pastorello, Nicola,Usher, Christopher,Spitler, Lee R.,Foster, Caroline,Jennings, Zachary G.,Villaume, Alexa,Kartha, Sreeja Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016MNRAS.460.3950P Detecting microvariability in type 2 quasars using enhanced F-test Polednikova, J.,Ederoclite, A.,de Diego, J. A.,Cepa, J.,González-Serrano, J. I.,Bongiovanni, A.,Oteo, I.,García, A. M. Pérez,Pérez-Martínez, R.,Pintos-Castro, I.,Ramón-Pérez, M.,Sánchez-Portal, M. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016MNRAS.460.4513P X-ray sources in dwarf galaxies in the Virgo cluster and the nearby field Papadopoulou, Marina,Phillipps, S.,Young, A. J. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016MNRAS.460..673N Morphology and kinematics of the gas envelope of Mira Ceti Nhung, P. T.,Hoai, D. T.,Diep, P. N.,Phuong, N. T.,Thao, N. T.,Tuan-Anh, P.,Darriulat, P. - 2
2016MNRAS.460..884H The EMBLA survey - metal-poor stars in the Galactic bulge Howes, Louise M.;Asplund, Martin;Keller, Stefan C.;Casey, Andrew R.;Yong, David;Lind, Karin;Frebel, Anna;Hays, Austin;Alves-Brito, Alan;Bessell, Michael S.;Casagrande, Luca;Marino, Anna F.;Nataf, David M.;Owen, Christopher I.;Da Costa, Gary S.;Schmidt, Brian P.;Tisserand, Patrick - 56
2016MNRAS.460L.114M No sign (yet) of intergalactic globular clusters in the Local Group Mackey, A. D.;Beasley, M. A.;Leaman, R. - 7
2016MNRAS.461.1539T On the properties of compact groups identified in different photometric bands Taverna, Antonela,Díaz-Giménez, Eugenia,Zandivarez, Ariel,Joray, Francisco,Kanagusuku, María José VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper. Use of Millenium database.
2016MNRAS.461.1734D The bimodal initial mass function in the Orion nebula cloud Drass, H.,Haas, M.,Chini, R.,Bayo, A.,Hackstein, M.,Hoffmeister, V.,Godoy, N.,Vogt, N. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016MNRAS.461.2019S Spectropolarimetry of the Type IIb SN 2008aq* Stevance, H. F.,Maund, J. R.,Baade, D.,Höflich, P.,Patat, F.,Spyromilio, J.,Wheeler, J. C.,Clocchiatti, A.,Wang, L.,Yang, Y.,Zelaya, P. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016MNRAS.461.2174R A new algorithm for optimizing the wavelength coverage for spectroscopic studies: Spectral Wavelength Optimization Code (SWOC) Ruchti, G. R.;Feltzing, S.;Lind, K.;Caffau, E.;Korn, A. J.;Schnurr, O.;Hansen, C. J.;Koch, A.;Sbordone, L.;de Jong, R. S. - 9
2016MNRAS.461..248S The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: dynamical masses for 44 SZ-selected galaxy clusters over 755 square degrees Sifón, Cristóbal,Battaglia, Nick,Hasselfield, Matthew,Menanteau, Felipe,Barrientos, L. Felipe,Bond, J. Richard,Crichton, Devin,Devlin, Mark J.,Dünner, Rolando,Hilton, Matt,Hincks, Adam D.,Hlozek, Renée,Huffenberger, Kevin M.,Hughes, John P.,Infante, Leopoldo,Kosowsky, Arthur,Marsden, Danica,Marriage, Tobias A.,Moodley, Kavilan,Niemack, Michael D.,Page, Lyman A.,Spergel, David N.,Staggs, Suzanne T.,Trac, Hy,Wollack, Edward J. VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper. Use of Multidark database.
2016MNRAS.461.2856L The dustier early-type galaxies deviate from late-type galaxies' scaling relations Lianou, S.,Xilouris, E.,Madden, S. C.,Barmby, P. VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper.
Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016MNRAS.461.3910G Gas and dust around A-type stars at tens of Myr: signatures of cometary breakup Greaves, J. S.,Holland, W. S.,Matthews, B. C.,Marshall, J. P.,Dent, W. R. F.,Woitke, P.,Wyatt, M. C.,Matrà, L.,Jackson, A. - 1
2016MNRAS.461.4151C A high reliability survey of discrete Epoch of Reionization foreground sources in the MWA EoR0 field Carroll, P. A.,Line, J.,Morales, M. F.,Barry, N.,Beardsley, A. P.,Hazelton, B. J.,Jacobs, D. C.,Pober, J. C.,Sullivan, I. S.,Webster, R. L.,Bernardi, G.,Bowman, J. D.,Briggs, F.,Cappallo, R. J.,Corey, B. E.,de Oliveira-Costa, A.,Dillon, J. S.,Emrich, D.,Ewall-Wice, A.,Feng, L.,Gaensler, B. M.,Goeke, R.,Greenhill, L. J.,Hewitt, J. N.,Hurley-Walker, N.,Johnston-Hollitt, M.,Kaplan, D. L.,Kasper, J. C.,Kim, HS.,Kratzenberg, E.,Lenc, E.,Loeb, A.,Lonsdale, C. J.,Lynch, M. J.,McKinley, B.,McWhirter, S. R.,Mitchell, D. A.,Morgan, E.,Neben, A. R.,Oberoi, D.,Offringa, A. R.,Ord, S. M.,Paul, S.,Pindor, B.,Prabu, T.,Procopio, P.,Riding, J.,Rogers, A. E. E.,Roshi, A.,Shankar, N. Udaya,Sethi, S. K.,Srivani, K. S.,Subrahmanyan, R.,Tegmark, M.,Thyagarajan, Nithyanandan,Tingay, S. J.,Trott, C. M.,Waterson, M.,Wayth, R. B.,Whitney, A. R.,Williams, A.,Williams, C. L.,Wu, C.,Wyithe, J. S. B. - 1
2016MNRAS.462.1307S Building up the Population III initial mass function from cosmological initial conditions Stacy, Athena;Bromm, Volker;Lee, Aaron T. - 143
2016MNRAS.462.1405J The influence of weak lensing on measurements of the Hubble constant with quad-image gravitational lenses Jaroszyński, M.,Skowron, J. VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper. Use of Millenium database.
2016MNRAS.462.1630P A new method for testing isotropy with Shannon entropy Pandey, Biswajit VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper. Use of Millenium database.
2016MNRAS.462.1786C Measuring galaxy environment with the synergy of future photometric and spectroscopic surveys Cucciati, O.,Marulli, F.,Cimatti, A.,Merson, A. I.,Norberg, P.,Pozzetti, L.,Baugh, C. M.,Branchini, E. VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper
2016MNRAS.462.1910H LOFAR/H-ATLAS: a deep low-frequency survey of the Herschel-ATLAS North Galactic Pole field Hardcastle, M. J.,Gürkan, G.,van Weeren, R. J.,Williams, W. L.,Best, P. N.,de Gasperin, F.,Rafferty, D. A.,Read, S. C.,Sabater, J.,Shimwell, T. W.,Smith, D. J. B.,Tasse, C.,Bourne, N.,Brienza, M.,Brüggen, M.,Brunetti, G.,Chy¼y, K. T.,Conway, J.,Dunne, L.,Eales, S. A.,Maddox, S. J.,Jarvis, M. J.,Mahony, E. K.,Morganti, R.,Prandoni, I.,Röttgering, H. J. A.,Valiante, E.,White, G. J. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016MNRAS.462.2085P The SuperCOSMOS all-sky galaxy catalogue Peacock, J. A.;Hambly, N. C.;Bilicki, M.;MacGillivray, H. T.;Miller, L.;Read, M. A.;Tritton, S. B. - 28
2016MNRAS.462..421H Early quenching of massive protocluster galaxies around z = 2.2 radio galaxies Husband, K.,Bremer, M. N.,Stott, J. P.,Murphy, D. N. A. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016MNRAS.462..649B Progressive redshifts in the late-time spectra of Type Ia supernovae Black, C. S.,Fesen, R. A.,Parrent, J. T. Use of VO tools: Splat-VO
2016MNRAS.462..794D Chemical composition of evolved stars in the young open clusters NGC 4609 and NGC 5316 Drazdauskas, Arnas,Tautvaišienė, Gražina,Smiljanic, Rodolfo,Bagdonas, Vilius,Chorniy, Yuriy Use of VO tools: Splat-VO
2016PASP..128h4501B Volumetric Survey Speed: A Figure of Merit for Transient Surveys Bellm, Eric C. - 26
2016PASP..128i4101A Determination of Reddening and Age for Ten Large Magellanic Cloud Star Clusters from Integrated Spectroscopy Ahumada, Andrea V.,Vega, Luis R.,Clariá, Juan J.,Oddone, Mónica A.,Palma, Tali Use of VO tools: Aladin

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