
339 Results

Comment Number
Use of VO tools: TOPCAT 136
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD 86
Use of VO tools: Vizier 71
Use of VO tools: Aladin 52
Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service. 34
Use of VO tools: VOSA 32
VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper. 12
Australian All-Sky Virtual Observatory (ASVO) 11
Use of VO tools: STILTS 10
Use of VO tools: CASSIS 8
VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper 5
Use of VO tools: SkyBot 5
Use of VO tools: CDS Cross-match 4
Use of VO tools: ESASky 4
Use of VO services. Theoretical model service provided by SVO. 3
Use of VO tools: Sky View 3
VO project (China-VO) acknowledged in the paper 2
VO project (JVO) acknowledged in the paper. 2
VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper. Use of Millenium database. 2
Use of VO tools: Splat-VO 1
Use of VO services: JVO 1
Use of VO tool: MIriade 1
Use of VO services. theoretical Astrophysical Observatory provided by ASVO 1

Bibcode Title author Comment Citation
2021A&A...653A.107R Preparing for LSST data. Estimating the physical properties of z < 2.5 main-sequence galaxies Riccio, G.;Małek, K.;Nanni, A.;Boquien, M.;Buat, V.;Burgarella, D.;Donevski, D.;Hamed, M.;Hurley, P.;Shirley, R.;Pollo, A. - -
2021A&A...653A.118R The surface of (4) Vesta in visible light as seen by Dawn/VIR Rousseau, B.;De Sanctis, M. C.;Raponi, A.;Ciarniello, M.;Ammannito, E.;Frigeri, A.;Carrozzo, F. G.;Tosi, F.;Scarica, P.;Fonte, S.;Raymond, C. A.;Russell, C. T. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
2021A&A...653A.151T Search for candidate strongly lensed dusty galaxies in the Planck satellite catalogues Trombetti, T.;Burigana, C.;Bonato, M.;Herranz, D.;De Zotti, G.;Negrello, M.;Galluzzi, V.;Massardi, M. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
2021A&A...653A..41D Warm terrestrial planet with half the mass of Venus transiting a nearby star Demangeon, O. D. S.;Zapatero Osorio, M. R.;Alibert, Y.;Barros, S. C. C.;Adibekyan, V.;Tabernero, H. M.;Antoniadis-Karnavas, A.;Camacho, J. D.;Suárez Mascareño, A.;Oshagh, M.;Micela, G.;Sousa, S. G.;Lovis, C.;Pepe, F. A.;Rebolo, R.;Cristiani, S.;Santos, N. C.;Allart, R.;Allende Prieto, C.;Bossini, D.;Bouchy, F.;Cabral, A.;Damasso, M.;Di Marcantonio, P.;D'Odorico, V.;Ehrenreich, D.;Faria, J.;Figueira, P.;Génova Santos, R.;Haldemann, J.;Hara, N.;González Hernández, J. I.;Lavie, B.;Lillo-Box, J.;Lo Curto, G.;Martins, C. J. A. P.;Mégevand, D.;Mehner, A.;Molaro, P.;Nunes, N. J.;Pallé, E.;Pasquini, L.;Poretti, E.;Sozzetti, A.;Udry, S. Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021A&A...653A..88A Characterizing the morphology of the debris disk around the low-mass star GSC 07396-00759 Adam, C.;Olofsson, J.;van Holstein, R. G.;Bayo, A.;Milli, J.;Boccaletti, A.;Kral, Q.;Ginski, C.;Henning, Th.;Montesinos, M.;Pawellek, N.;Zurlo, A.;Langlois, M.;Delboulbé, A.;Pavlov, A.;Ramos, J.;Weber, L.;Wildi, F.;Rigal, F.;Sauvage, J. -F. Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021A&A...653A..98M The all-sky PLATO input catalogue Montalto, M.;Piotto, G.;Marrese, P. M.;Nascimbeni, V.;Prisinzano, L.;Granata, V.;Marinoni, S.;Desidera, S.;Ortolani, S.;Aerts, C.;Alei, E.;Altavilla, G.;Benatti, S.;Börner, A.;Cabrera, J.;Claudi, R.;Deleuil, M.;Fabrizio, M.;Gizon, L.;Goupil, M. J.;Heras, A. M.;Magrin, D.;Malavolta, L.;Mas-Hesse, J. M.;Pagano, I.;Paproth, C.;Pertenais, M.;Pollacco, D.;Ragazzoni, R.;Ramsay, G.;Rauer, H.;Udry, S. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021A&A...654A.107C Clean catalogues of blue horizontal-branch stars using Gaia EDR3 Culpan, R.;Pelisoli, I.;Geier, S. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021A&A...654A.121P Spectroscopic observations of PHz G237.01+42.50: A galaxy protocluster at z = 2.16 in the Cosmos field Polletta, M.;Soucail, G.;Dole, H.;Lehnert, M. D.;Pointecouteau, E.;Vietri, G.;Scodeggio, M.;Montier, L.;Koyama, Y.;Lagache, G.;Frye, B. L.;Cusano, F.;Fumana, M. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021A&A...654A.122G χ1 Fornacis cluster DANCe. Census of stars, structure, and kinematics of the cluster with Gaia-EDR3 Galli, P. A. B.;Bouy, H.;Olivares, J.;Miret-Roig, N.;Sarro, L. M.;Barrado, D.;Berihuete, A. Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021A&A...654A.141L The origin of X-ray emission in 3CRR sources: Hints from mid-infrared Spitzer observations Li, Shuang-Liang;Gu, Minfeng - -
2021A&A...654A.147S Properties of Alpha Monocerotid meteors from the observation of the 2019 outburst in the Czech Republic Shrbený, Lukáš;Borovička, Jiří;Koten, Pavel;Spurný, Pavel;Štork, Rostislav;Hornoch, Kamil;Vojáček, Vlastimil - -
2021A&A...654A..48H V-band photometry of asteroids from ASAS-SN. Finding asteroids with slow spin Hanuš, J.;Pejcha, O.;Shappee, B. J.;Kochanek, C. S.;Stanek, K. Z.;Holoien, T. W. -S. - -
2021A&A...654A..79G Quasar clustering at redshift 6 Greiner, J.;Bolmer, J.;Yates, R. M.;Habouzit, M.;Bañados, E.;Afonso, P. M. J.;Schady, P. - -
2021A&A...655A.113M EMISSA (Exploring Millimeter Indicators of Solar-Stellar Activity). I. The initial millimeter-centimeter main-sequence star sample Mohan, A.;Wedemeyer, S.;Pandit, S.;Saberi, M.;Hauschildt, P. H. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021A&A...655A..17S The SPECFIND V3.0 catalog of radio continuum cross-identifications and spectra: Reaching lower frequencies Stein, Y.;Vollmer, B.;Boch, T.;Landais, G.;Vannier, P.;Brouty, M.;Allen, M. G.;Derriere, S.;Ocvirk, P. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021A&A...655A..33M LBV phenomenon and binarity: The environment of HR Car Mehner, A.;Janssens, S.;Agliozzo, C.;de Wit, W. -J.;Boffin, H. M. J.;Baade, D.;Bodensteiner, J.;Groh, J. H.;Mahy, L.;Vogt, F. P. A. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Australian All-Sky Virtual Observatory (ASVO)
2021A&A...655A..48D An XMM-Newton catalogue of BL Lacs de la Calle Pérez, I.;Álvarez Crespo, N.;Racero, E.;Rouco, A. Use of VO tools: ESASky
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021A&A...655A..49G High-resolution Hα imaging of the northern Galactic plane and the IGAPS image database Greimel, R.;Drew, J. E.;Monguió, M.;Ashley, R. P.;Barentsen, G.;Eislöffel, J.;Mampaso, A.;Morris, R. A. H.;Naylor, T.;Roe, C.;Sabin, L.;Stecklum, B.;Wright, N. J.;Groot, P. J.;Irwin, M. J.;Barlow, M. J.;Fariña, C.;Fernández-Martín, A.;Parker, Q. A.;Phillipps, S.;Scaringi, S.;Zijlstra, A. A. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: CDS Cross-match
Use of VO tools: STILTS
2021A&A...655A..62B Narrow belt of debris around the Sco-Cen star HD 141011 Bonnefoy, M.;Milli, J.;Menard, F.;Delorme, P.;Chomez, A.;Bonavita, M.;Lagrange, A. -M.;Vigan, A.;Augereau, J. C.;Beuzit, J. L.;Biller, B.;Boccaletti, A.;Chauvin, G.;Desidera, S.;Faramaz, V.;Galicher, R.;Gratton, R.;Hinkley, S.;Lazzoni, C.;Matthews, E.;Mesa, D.;Mordasini, C.;Mouillet, D.;Olofsson, J.;Pinte, C. VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper.
Use of VO tools: VOSA
2021A&A...655A..86V Protostellar Interferometric Line Survey of the Cygnus X region (PILS-Cygnus). First results: Observations of CygX-N30 van der Walt, S. J.;Kristensen, L. E.;Jørgensen, J. K.;Calcutt, H.;Manigand, S.;el Akel, M.;Garrod, R. T.;Qiu, K. Use of VO tools: CASSIS
2021A&A...655A..98A The contribution by luminous blue variable stars to the dust content of the Magellanic Clouds Agliozzo, C.;Phillips, N.;Mehner, A.;Baade, D.;Scicluna, P.;Kemper, F.;Asmus, D.;de Wit, W. -J.;Pignata, G. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021A&A...656A.102T Inspecting the Cepheid parallax of pulsation using Gaia EDR3 parallaxes. Projection factor and period-luminosity and period-radius relations Trahin, B.;Breuval, L.;Kervella, P.;Mérand, A.;Nardetto, N.;Gallenne, A.;Hocdé, V.;Gieren, W. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2021A&A...656A.125F A case study of ACV variables discovered in the Zwicky Transient Facility survey Faltová, N.;Kallová, K.;Prišegen, M.;Staněk, P.;Supíková, J.;Xia, C.;Bernhard, K.;Hümmerich, S.;Paunzen, E. Use of VO tools: VOSA
2021A&A...656A..49H Decoding the morphological evolution of open clusters Hu, Qingshun;Zhang, Yu;Esamdin, Ali Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021A&A...656A..64R The bi-modal 7Li distribution of the Milky Way's thin-disk dwarf stars. The role of Galactic-scale events and stellar evolution Roca-Fàbrega, S.;Llorente de Andrés, F.;Chavero, C.;Cifuentes, C.;de la Reza, R. VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper.
2021AJ....162..101V Multicolor Variability of Young Stars in the Lagoon Nebula: Driving Causes and Intrinsic Timescales Venuti, Laura;Cody, Ann Marie;Rebull, Luisa M.;Beccari, Giacomo;Irwin, Mike J.;Thanvantri, Sowmya;Howell, Steve B.;Barentsen, Geert Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
2021AJ....162..102S Large Adaptive Optics Survey for Substellar Objects around Young, Nearby, Low-mass Stars with Robo-AO Salama, Maïssa;Ou, James;Baranec, Christoph;Liu, Michael C.;Bowler, Brendan P.;Barnes, Paul;Bonnet, Morgan;Chun, Mark;Duev, Dmitry A.;Goebel, Sean;Hall, Don;Jacobson, Shane;Jensen-Clem, Rebecca;Law, Nicholas M.;Lockhart, Charles;Riddle, Reed;Situ, Heather;Warmbier, Eric;Zhang, Zhoujian Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021AJ....162..131M 2M17091769+3127589: A Mass-transfer Binary with an Extreme Mass Ratio Miller, Annaliese;Kounkel, Marina;Sun, Meng;Dixon, Don;Boggio, Chase;Covey, K. R.;Stassun, Keivan G.;Mathieu, Robert Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021AJ....162..171Y Extended Tidal Tails of IC 4756 Detected by Gaia EDR3 Ye, Xianhao;Zhao, Jinkun;Zhang, Jiajun;Yang, Yong;Zhao, Gang Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021AJ....162..177P Optical Spectroscopic Observations of Gamma-ray Blazar Candidates. XI. Optical Observations from SOAR, Blanco, NTT and OAN-SPM. The Story So Far Peña-Herazo, Harold A.;Paggi, Alessandro;García-Pérez, Abigail;Amaya-Almazán, Raúl A.;Massaro, Francesco;Ricci, Federica;Chavushyan, Vahram;Marchesini, Ezequiel J.;Masetti, Nicola;Landoni, Marco;D'Abrusco, Raffaele;Milisavljevic, Dan;Jiménez-Bailón, Elena;Patiño-Álvarez, Víctor M.;La Franca, Fabio;Smith, Howard A.;Tosti, Gino Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021AJ....162..199L Far-ultraviolet Variables in M31: Concentration in Spiral Arms and Association with Young Stars Leahy, Denis A.;Buick, Megan;Postma, Joseph E. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021AJ....162..224S Interstellar Extinction in the Direction of the Open Cluster King 7 and New Parameters of the Cluster Straižys, V.;Kazlauskas, A.;Boyle, R. P.;Janusz, R.;Zdanavičius, J.;Raudeliūnas, S.;Černis, K.;Maskoliūnas, M.;Macijauskas, M.;Čepas, V.;Semionov, D. Use of VO tools: Sky View
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021AJ....162..245S Sifting through the Static: Moving Object Detection in Difference Images Smotherman, Hayden;Connolly, Andrew J.;Kalmbach, J. Bryce;Portillo, Stephen K. N.;Bektesevic, Dino;Eggl, Siegfried;Juric, Mario;Moeyens, Joachim;Whidden, Peter J. Use of VO tools: SkyBot
2021AJ....162..251C SCExAO/CHARIS Direct Imaging of A Low-mass Companion At A Saturn-like Separation from an Accelerating Young A7 Star Chilcote, Jeffrey;Tobin, Taylor;Currie, Thayne;Brandt, Timothy D.;Groff, Tyler D.;Kuzuhara, Masayuki;Guyon, Olivier;Lozi, Julien;Jovanovic, Nemanja;Sahoo, Ananya;Deo, Vincent;Akiyama, Eiji;Janson, Markus;Knapp, Jill;Kwon, Jungmi;McElwain, Michael W.;Nishikawa, Jun;Wagner, Kevin;Hełminiak, Krzysztof;Skaf, Nour;Tamura, Motohide Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2021AJ....162..264J High Mass-Ratio Binary Population in Open Clusters: Segregation of Early Type Binaries and an Increasing Binary Fraction with Mass Jadhav, Vikrant V.;Roy, Kaustubh;Joshi, Naman;Subramaniam, Annapurni Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021AJ....162..287C Five New Hot Jupiter Transits Investigated with Swift-UVOT Corrales, Lia;Ravi, Sasikrishna;King, George W.;May, Erin;Rauscher, Emily;Reynolds, Mark Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2021AJ....162..291J The Peculiar Chemical Pattern of the WASP-160 Binary System: Signatures of Planetary Formation and Evolution? Jofré, Emiliano;Petrucci, Romina;Maqueo Chew, Yilen Gómez;Ramírez, Ivan;Saffe, Carlos;Martioli, Eder;Buccino, Andrea P.;Mašek, Martin;García, Luciano;Canul, Eliab F.;Gómez, Mercedes Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021AJ....162..302B Final Targeting Strategy for the Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment 2 North Survey Beaton, Rachael L.;Oelkers, Ryan J.;Hayes, Christian R.;Covey, Kevin R.;Chojnowski, S. D.;De Lee, Nathan;Sobeck, Jennifer S.;Majewski, Steven R.;Cohen, Roger E.;Fernández-Trincado, José;Longa-Peña, Penélope;O'Connell, Julia E.;Santana, Felipe A.;Stringfellow, Guy S.;Zasowski, Gail;Aerts, Conny;Anguiano, Borja;Bender, Chad;Cañas, Caleb I.;Cunha, Katia;Donor, John;Fleming, Scott W.;Frinchaboy, Peter M.;Feuillet, Diane;Harding, Paul;Hasselquist, Sten;Holtzman, Jon A.;Johnson, Jennifer A.;Kollmeier, Juna A.;Kounkel, Marina;Mahadevan, Suvrath;Price-Whelan, Adrian. M.;Rojas-Arriagada, Alvaro;Román-Zúñiga, Carlos;Schlafly, Edward F.;Schultheis, Mathias;Shetrone, Matthew;Simon, Joshua D.;Stassun, Keivan G.;Stutz, Amelia M.;Tayar, Jamie;Teske, Johanna;Tkachenko, Andrew;Troup, Nicholas;Albareti, Franco D.;Bizyaev, Dmitry;Bovy, Jo;Burgasser, Adam J.;Comparat, Johan;Downes, Juan José;Geisler, Doug;Inno, Laura;Manchado, Arturo;Ness, Melissa K.;Pinsonneault, Marc H.;Prada, Francisco;Roman-Lopes, Alexandre;Simonian, Gregory V. A.;Smith, Verne V.;Yan, Renbin;Zamora, Olga Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021ApJ...918...31Y Numerical MHD Simulations of the 3D Morphology and Kinematics of the 2017 September 10 CME-driven Shock from the Sun to Earth Yang, Liping;Wang, Haopeng;Feng, Xueshang;Xiong, Ming;Zhang, Man;Zhu, Bei;Li, Huichao;Zhou, Yufen;Shen, Fang;Zhao, Xinhua;Liu, Xiaojing - -
2021ApJ...918...65S Ionized Gas Outflows in Low-excitation Radio Galaxies Are Radiation Driven Singha, M.;O'Dea, C. P.;Gordon, Y. A.;Lawlor-Forsyth, C.;Baum, S. A. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021ApJ...918L..14K The Discovery of Two LISA Sources within 0.5 kpc Kilic, Mukremin;Brown, Warren R.;Bédard, A.;Kosakowski, Alekzander - -
2021ApJ...919..101P The Ultraviolet Deep Imaging Survey of Galaxies in the Bootes Void. I. Catalog, Color-Magnitude Relations, and Star Formation Pandey, Divya;Saha, Kanak;Pradhan, Ananta C. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJ...919..104D Radiative Transfer Modeling of an SN 1987A Light Echo-AT 2019xis Ding, Jiachen;Wang, Lifan;Brown, Peter;Yang, Ping - -
2021ApJ...919...18E X-Ray Sources in the 1.75 Ms Ultra Narrow Deep Field Observed by XMM-Newton Elías-Chávez, M.;Longinotti, A. L.;Krongold, Y.;Vignali, C.;Nicastro, F.;Rosa-González, D.;Mayya, Y. D.;Mathur, S. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021ApJ...920..127J AT 2019qyl in NGC 300: Internal Collisions in the Early Outflow from a Very Fast Nova in a Symbiotic Binary Jencson, Jacob E.;Andrews, Jennifer E.;Bond, Howard E.;Karambelkar, Viraj;Sand, David J.;van Dyk, Schuyler D.;Blagorodnova, Nadejda;Boyer, Martha L.;Kasliwal, Mansi M.;Lau, Ryan M.;Mohamed, Shazrene;Williams, Robert;Whitelock, Patricia A.;Amaro, Rachael C.;Bostroem, K. Azalee;Dong, Yize;Lundquist, Michael J.;Valenti, Stefano;Wyatt, Samuel D.;Burke, Jamie;De, Kishalay;Jha, Saurabh W.;Johansson, Joel;Rojas-Bravo, César;Coulter, David A.;Foley, Ryan J.;Gehrz, Robert D.;Haislip, Joshua;Hiramatsu, Daichi;Howell, D. Andrew;Kilpatrick, Charles D.;Masci, Frank J.;McCully, Curtis;Ngeow, Chow-Choong;Pan, Yen-Chen;Pellegrino, Craig;Piro, Anthony L.;Kouprianov, Vladimir;Reichart, Daniel E.;Rest, Armin;Rest, Sofia;Smith, Nathan - -
2021ApJ...920...99S Ultracool Dwarfs Observed with the Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph. I. An Accurate Look at the L-to-T Transition at 300 Myr from Optical Through Mid-infrared Spectrophotometry Suárez, Genaro;Metchev, Stanimir;Leggett, Sandy K.;Saumon, Didier;Marley, Mark S. - -
2021ApJ...921..108B Simultaneous Estimation of Large-scale Structure and Milky Way Dust Extinction from Galaxy Surveys Bravo, Matías;Gawiser, Eric;Padilla, Nelson D.;DeRose, Joseph;Wechsler, Risa H.;The LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper. Use of Millenium database.
2021ApJ...921...24S The Occurrence-weighted Median Planets Discovered by Transit Surveys Orbiting Solar-type Stars and Their Implications for Planet Formation and Evolution Schlaufman, Kevin C.;Halpern, Noah D. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021ApJ...922..105Y Tracing the Origin of Moving Groups. III. Detecting Moving Groups in LAMOST DR7 Yang, Yong;Zhao, Jingkun;Zhang, Jiajun;Ye, Xianhao;Zhao, Gang Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJ...922..189V The Flattening Metallicity Gradient in the Milky Way's Thin Disk Vickers, John J.;Shen, Juntai;Li, Zhao-Yu Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJ...922...26T Impact of Water-latent Heat on the Thermal Structure of Ultra-cool Objects: Brown Dwarfs and Free-floating Planets Tang, Shih-Yun;Robinson, Tyler D.;Marley, Mark S.;Batalha, Natasha E.;Lupu, Roxana;Prato, L. Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2021ApJ...922....2D EPIC 228782059: Asteroseismology of What Could Be the Coolest Pulsating Helium-atmosphere White Dwarf (DBV) Known Duan, R. M.;Zong, W.;Fu, J. -N.;Chen, Y. H.;Hermes, J. J.;Vanderbosch, Zachary P.;Ma, X. Y.;Charpinet, S. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2021ApJ...922....5L Discovery of a 310 Day Period from the Enshrouded Massive System NaSt1 (WR 122) Lau, Ryan M.;Tinyanont, Samaporn;Hankins, Matthew J.;Ashley, Michael C. B.;De, Kishalay;Filippenko, Alexei V.;Hillenbrand, Lynne A.;Kasliwal, Mansi M.;Mauerhan, Jon C.;Moffat, Anthony F. J.;Moore, Anna M.;Smith, Nathan;Soon, Jamie;Soria, Roberto;Travouillon, Tony;van der Hucht, Karel A.;Williams, Peredur M.;Zheng, WeiKang Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2021ApJ...922...90C M17 MIR: A Massive Protostar with Multiple Accretion Outbursts Chen, Zhiwei;Sun, Wei;Chini, Rolf;Haas, Martin;Jiang, Zhibo;Chen, Xuepeng VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper.
Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2021ApJ...923...10A Modeling the Hα Emission Surrounding Spica Using the Lyman Continuum from a Gravity-darkened Central Star Aufdenberg, Jason P.;Hammill, Joseph M. VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper.
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021ApJ...923..157L A Preliminary Calibration of the JAGB Method Using Gaia EDR3 Lee, Abigail J.;Freedman, Wendy L.;Madore, Barry F.;Owens, Kayla A.;Sung Jang, In Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021ApJ...923..162R AstroSat Study of the Globular Cluster NGC 2298: Probable Evolutionary Scenarios of Hot Horizontal Branch Stars Rani, Sharmila;Pandey, Gajendra;Subramaniam, Annapurni;Chung, Chul;Sahu, Snehalata;Kameswara Rao, N. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: Aladin
2021ApJ...923...18M Ubiquitous [O II] Emission in Quiescent Galaxies at z ≍ 0.85 from the LEGA-C Survey Maseda, Michael V.;van der Wel, Arjen;Franx, Marijn;Bell, Eric F.;Bezanson, Rachel;Muzzin, Adam;Sobral, David;D'Eugenio, Francesco;Gallazzi, Anna;de Graaff, Anna;Leja, Joel;Straatman, Caroline;Whitaker, Katherine E.;Williams, Christina C.;Wu, Po-Feng Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJ...923..218F The Far-away Blues: Exploring the Furthest Extents of the Boötes I Ultra-faint Dwarf Galaxy Filion, Carrie;Wyse, Rosemary F. G. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJ...923..232R The Sample of Red Supergiants in 12 Low-mass Galaxies of the Local Group Ren, Yi;Jiang, Biwei;Yang, Ming;Wang, Tianding;Ren, Tongtian Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJ...923...23H Stellar Spins in the Pleiades, Praesepe, and M35 Open Clusters Healy, Brian F.;McCullough, P. R.;Schlaufman, Kevin C. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2021ApJ...923..243G Swift/XRT Deep Galactic Plane Survey Discovery of a New Intermediate Polar Cataclysmic Variable, Swift J183920.1-045350 Gorgone, Nicholas M.;Woudt, Patrick A.;Buckley, David;Mukai, Koji;Kouveliotou, Chryssa;Huppenkothen, Daniela;Göğüş, Ersin;Bellm, Eric;Linford, Justin D.;van der Horst, Alexander J.;Baring, Matthew G.;Hartmann, Dieter;Barrett, Paul;Cenko, Bradley;Graham, Melissa;Granot, Johnathan;Harrison, Fiona;Kennea, Jamie;O'Connor, Brendan M.;Potter, Stephen;Stern, Daniel;Slane, Patrick;Wijers, Ralph Use of VO tools: VOSA
2021ApJ...923..273P Angular Momentum and Morphological Sequence of Massive Galaxies through Dark Sage Porras-Valverde, Antonio J.;Holley-Bockelmann, Kelly;Berlind, Andreas A.;Stevens, Adam R. H. Use of VO services. theoretical Astrophysical Observatory provided by ASVO
2021ApJ...923...48F A Wide Planetary Mass Companion Discovered through the Citizen Science Project Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 Faherty, Jacqueline K.;Gagné, Jonathan;Popinchalk, Mark;Vos, Johanna M.;Burgasser, Adam J.;Schümann, Jörg;Schneider, Adam C.;Kirkpatrick, J. Davy;Meisner, Aaron M.;Kuchner, Marc J.;Bardalez Gagliuffi, Daniella C.;Marocco, Federico;Caselden, Dan;Gonzales, Eileen C.;Rothermich, Austin;Casewell, Sarah L.;Debes, John H.;Aganze, Christian;Ayala, Andrew;Hsu, Chih-Chun;Cooper, William J.;Smart, R. L.;Gerasimov, Roman;Theissen, Christopher A.;Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 Collaboration Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021ApJS..256...11B Background Short-period Eclipsing Binaries in the Original Kepler Field Bienias, John;Bódi, Attila;Forró, Adrienn;Hajdu, Tamás;Szabó, Róbert Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021ApJS..256....1T MG1-688432: A Peculiar Variable System Tucker, Roy A.;Craine, Eric R.;Craine, Brian L.;Kulessa, Andy S.;Corbally, Christopher J.;Kraus, Adam L. Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021ApJS..256...28L Hot Subdwarf Atmospheric Parameters, Kinematics, and Origins Based on 1587 Hot Subdwarf Stars Observed in Gaia DR2 and LAMOST DR7 Luo, Yangping;Németh, Péter;Wang, Kun;Wang, Xi;Han, Zhanwen Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJS..256....3P Census of High- and Medium-mass Protostars. V. CO Abundance and the Galactic XCO Factor Pitts, Rebecca L.;Barnes, Peter J. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021ApJS..256...41P A Grid of Synthetic Spectra for Subdwarfs: Non-LTE Line-blanketed Atmosphere Models Pacheco, Thayse A.;Diaz, Marcos P.;Levenhagen, Ronaldo S.;Coelho, Paula R. T. Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021ApJS..256....5R Astro-COLIBRI-The COincidence LIBrary for Real-time Inquiry for Multimessenger Astrophysics Reichherzer, P.;Schüssler, F.;Lefranc, V.;Yusafzai, A.;Alkan, A. K.;Ashkar, H.;Becker Tjus, J. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2021ApJS..257...30M Characterising the Extended Morphologies of BL Lacertae Objects at 144 MHz with LOFAR Mooney, Seán;Massaro, Francesco;Quinn, John;Capetti, Alessandro;Baldi, Ranieri D.;Gürkan, Gülay;Hardcastle, Martin J.;Horellou, Cathy;Mingo, Beatriz;Morganti, Raffaella;O'Sullivan, Shane;Pajdosz-Śmierciak, Urszula;Pandey-Pommier, Mamta;Röttgering, Huub Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJS..257...64K Hard X-Ray Irradiation Potentially Drives Negative AGN Feedback by Altering Molecular Gas Properties Kawamuro, Taiki;Ricci, Claudio;Izumi, Takuma;Imanishi, Masatoshi;Baba, Shunsuke;Nguyen, Dieu D.;Onishi, Kyoko VO project (JVO) acknowledged in the paper.
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021Icar..36714541A Multiscale spectral discrimination of poorly crystalline and intermixed alteration phases using aerial and ground-based ExoMars rover emulator data Allender, E. J.;Cousins, C. R.;Gunn, M. D.;Mare, E. R. - -
2021MNRAS.506.1595G Hamilton's Object - a clumpy galaxy straddling the gravitational caustic of a galaxy cluster: constraints on dark matter clumping Griffiths, Richard E.;Rudisel, Mitchell;Wagner, Jenny;Hamilton, Timothy;Huang, Po-Chieh;Villforth, Carolin Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021MNRAS.506.1651L Identification of BASS DR3 sources as stars, galaxies, and quasars by XGBoost Li, Changhua;Zhang, Yanxia;Cui, Chenzhou;Fan, Dongwei;Zhao, Yongheng;Wu, Xue-Bing;He, Boliang;Xu, Yunfei;Li, Shanshan;Han, Jun;Tao, Yihan;Mi, Linying;Yang, Hanxi;Yang, Sisi Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.506.1978L High-resolution ALMA and HST images of q1 Eri: an asymmetric debris disc with an eccentric Jupiter Lovell, J. B.;Marino, S.;Wyatt, M. C.;Kennedy, G. M.;MacGregor, M. A.;Stapelfeldt, K.;Dent, B.;Krist, J.;Matrà, L.;Kral, Q.;Panić, O.;Pearce, T. D.;Wilner, D. - -
2021MNRAS.506.2471G The probabilistic random forest applied to the selection of quasar candidates in the QUBRICS survey Guarneri, Francesco;Calderone, Giorgio;Cristiani, Stefano;Fontanot, Fabio;Boutsia, Konstantina;Cupani, Guido;Grazian, Andrea;D'Odorico, Valentina - -
2021MNRAS.506.3224S High-contrast observations of brown dwarf companion HR 2562 B with the vector Apodizing Phase Plate coronagraph Sutlieff, Ben J.;Bohn, Alexander J.;Birkby, Jayne L.;Kenworthy, Matthew A.;Morzinski, Katie M.;Doelman, David S.;Males, Jared R.;Snik, Frans;Close, Laird M.;Hinz, Philip M.;Charbonneau, David Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021MNRAS.506.3962W SOFIA 2 - an automated, parallel H I source finding pipeline for the WALLABY survey Westmeier, T.;Kitaeff, S.;Pallot, D.;Serra, P.;van der Hulst, J. M.;Jurek, R. J.;Elagali, A.;For, B. -Q.;Kleiner, D.;Koribalski, B. S.;Lee-Waddell, K.;Mould, J. R.;Reynolds, T. N.;Rhee, J.;Staveley-Smith, L. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
2021MNRAS.506.4151M Spectroscopic and photometric analysis of symbiotic candidates - I. Ten candidates on classical symbiotic stars Merc, J.;Gális, R.;Wolf, M.;Velez, P.;Buil, C.;Sims, F.;Bohlsen, T.;Vrašťák, M.;Boussin, C.;Boussier, H.;Cazzato, P.;Diarrasouba, I.;Teyssier, F. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021MNRAS.506.4447L The link between gas and stars in the S254-S258 star-forming region Ladeyschikov, D. A.;Kirsanova, M. S.;Sobolev, A. M.;Thomasson, M.;Ossenkopf-Okada, V.;Juvela, M.;Khaibrakhmanov, S. A.;Popova, E. A. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.506.5201R White dwarf-main-sequence binaries from Gaia EDR3: the unresolved 100 pc volume-limited sample Rebassa-Mansergas, A.;Solano, E.;Jiménez-Esteban, F. M.;Torres, S.;Rodrigo, C.;Ferrer-Burjachs, A.;Calcaferro, L. M.;Althaus, L. G.;Córsico, A. H. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021MNRAS.506..581M Dynamical confirmation of a stellar mass black hole in the transient X-ray dipping binary MAXI J1305-704 Mata Sánchez, D.;Rau, A.;Álvarez Hernández, A.;van Grunsven, T. F. J.;Torres, M. A. P.;Jonker, P. G. - -
2021MNRAS.506L..55D Clusters' far-reaching influence on narrow-angle tail radio galaxies de Vos, K.;Hatch, N. A.;Merrifield, M. R.;Mingo, B. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.507.1034L HCN/HNC chemistry in shocks: a study of L1157-B1 with ASAI Lefloch, B.;Busquet, G.;Viti, S.;Vastel, C.;Mendoza, E.;Benedettini, M.;Codella, C.;Podio, L.;Schutzer, A.;Rivera-Ortiz, P. R.;Lépine, J. R. D.;Bachiller, R. - -
2021MNRAS.507.1937B Deep Learning assessment of galaxy morphology in S-PLUS Data Release 1 Bom, C. R.;Cortesi, A.;Lucatelli, G.;Dias, L. O.;Schubert, P.;Oliveira Schwarz, G. B.;Cardoso, N. M.;Lima, E. V. R.;Mendes de Oliveira, C.;Sodre, L.;Smith Castelli, A. V.;Ferrari, F.;Damke, G.;Overzier, R.;Kanaan, A.;Ribeiro, T.;Schoenell, W. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.507.2087D Stark broadening of Zn II spectral lines Dimitrijević, Milan S.;Christova, Magdalena D.;Milovanović, Nenad;Sahal-Bréchot, Sylvie - -
2021MNRAS.507.2373P UOCS - VI. UVIT/AstroSat detection of low-mass white dwarf companions to four more blue stragglers in M67 Pandey, Sindhu;Subramaniam, Annapurni;Jadhav, Vikrant V. Use of VO tools: VOSA
2021MNRAS.507..282V Role of host galaxy in the formation of multiple stellar populations: analysis of NGC 1786 and NGC 1898 Vanaraj, Viswajith;Niederhofer, Florian;Goudfrooij, Paul Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.507.3125A SN2017jgh: a high-cadence complete shock cooling light curve of a SN IIb with the Kepler telescope Armstrong, P.;Tucker, B. E.;Rest, A.;Ridden-Harper, R.;Zenati, Y.;Piro, A. L.;Hinton, S.;Lidman, C.;Margheim, S.;Narayan, G.;Shaya, E.;Garnavich, P.;Kasen, D.;Villar, V.;Zenteno, A.;Arcavi, I.;Drout, M.;Foley, R. J.;Wheeler, J.;Anais, J.;Campillay, A.;Coulter, D.;Dimitriadis, G.;Jones, D.;Kilpatrick, C. D.;Muñoz-Elgueta, N.;Rojas-Bravo, C.;Vargas-González, J.;Bulger, J.;Chambers, K.;Huber, M.;Lowe, T.;Magnier, E.;Shappee, B. J.;Smartt, S.;Smith, K. W.;Barclay, T.;Barentsen, G.;Dotson, J.;Gully-Santiago, M.;Hedges, C.;Howell, S.;Cody, A.;Auchettl, K.;Bódi, A.;Bognár, Zs;Brimacombe, J.;Brown, P.;Cseh, B.;Galbany, L.;Hiramatsu, D.;Holoien, T. W. -S.;Howell, D. A.;Jha, S. W.;Könyves-Tóth, R.;Kriskovics, L.;McCully, C.;Milne, P.;Muñoz, J.;Pan, Y.;Pál, A.;Sai, H.;Sárneczky, K.;Smith, N.;Sódor, Á.;Szabó, R.;Szakáts, R.;Valenti, S.;Vinkó, J.;Wang, X.;Zhang, K.;Zsidi, G. VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper.
Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2021MNRAS.507.3810K Dark cloud-type chemistry in photodissociation regions with moderate ultraviolet field Kirsanova, Maria S.;Punanova, Anna F.;Semenov, Dmitry A.;Vasyunin, Anton I. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021MNRAS.507..496B Asteroseismology of overmassive, undermassive, and potential past members of the open cluster NGC 6791 Brogaard, K.;Arentoft, T.;Jessen-Hansen, J.;Miglio, A. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021MNRAS.507.5805A The intermediate polar cataclysmic variable GK Persei 120 years after the nova explosion: a first dynamical mass study Álvarez-Hernández, A.;Torres, M. A. P.;Rodríguez-Gil, P.;Shahbaz, T.;Anupama, G. C.;Gazeas, K. D.;Pavana, M.;Raj, A.;Hakala, P.;Stone, G.;Gomez, S.;Jonker, P. G.;Ren, J. -J.;Cannizzaro, G.;Pastor-Marazuela, I.;Goff, W.;Corral-Santana, J. M.;Sabo, R. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2021MNRAS.507..781N Four 'Peculiar' RRd stars observed by K2 Nemec, James M.;Moskalik, Paweł Use of VO tools: Aladin
2021MNRAS.507...90M Unveiling the nature of clusters in the Cygnus region. I. The embedded cluster DB2001-22 Molina Lera, J. A.;Gamen, R.;Cichowolski, S.;Baume, G.;Cárdenas, S. B. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021MNRAS.507L..30K The magnetic system SMSS J1606-1000 as a period bouncer Kawka, Adela;Vennes, Stéphane;Ferrario, Lilia;Bessell, M. S.;Keller, S. C.;Paunzen, E.;Buckley, D. A. H.;Groenewald, D.;Janík, J.;Zejda, M. - -
2021MNRAS.507L...6C SMILE: Search for MIlli-LEnses Casadio, C.;Blinov, D.;Readhead, A. C. S.;Browne, I. W. A.;Wilkinson, P. N.;Hovatta, T.;Mandarakas, N.;Pavlidou, V.;Tassis, K.;Vedantham, H. K.;Zensus, J. A.;Diamantopoulos, V.;Dolapsaki, K. E.;Gkimisi, K.;Kalaitzidakis, G.;Mastorakis, M.;Nikolaou, K.;Ntormousi, E.;Pelgrims, V.;Psarras, K. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2021MNRAS.508.1555Z The formation of M101-alike galaxies in the cold dark matter model Zhang, Dali;Luo, Yu;Kang, Xi;Qu, Han VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper
2021MNRAS.508.1788A GALE XTIN: an alternative online tool to determine the interstellar extinction in the Milky Way Amôres, Eduardo B.;Jesus, Ricardo M.;Moitinho, André;Arsenijevic, Vladan;Levenhagen, Ronaldo S.;Marshall, Douglas J.;Kerber, Leandro O.;Künzel, Roseli;Moura, Rodrigo A. Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021MNRAS.508.2370Q Revisiting the Cygnus OB associations Quintana, Alexis L.;Wright, Nicholas J. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021MNRAS.508.2412D Limits on long-time-scale radio transients at 150 MHz using the TGSS ADR1 and LoTSS DR2 catalogues de Ruiter, Iris;Leseigneur, Guillaume;Rowlinson, Antonia;Wijers, Ralph A. M. J.;Drabent, Alexander;Intema, Huib T.;Shimwell, Timothy W. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
2021MNRAS.508.2688G Isochrone fitting of Galactic globular clusters - III. NGC 288, NGC 362, and NGC 6218 (M12) Gontcharov, George A.;Khovritchev, Maxim Yu;Mosenkov, Aleksandr V.;Il'in, Vladimir B.;Marchuk, Alexander A.;Savchenko, Sergey S.;Smirnov, Anton A.;Usachev, Pavel A.;Poliakov, Denis M. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
Australian All-Sky Virtual Observatory (ASVO)
2021MNRAS.508.3084S The infrared excess emission from nearby Gaia DR2 M dwarfs Sgro, Lauren A.;Song, Inseok Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021MNRAS.508.3388G Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey of Cygnus OB2 Complex - I. Introduction, photometry, and source catalogue Gupta, Saumya;Jose, Jessy;More, Surhud;Das, Swagat R.;Herczeg, Gregory J.;Samal, Manash R.;Guo, Zhen;Prakash, Prem;Damian, Belinda;Takami, Michihiro;Takahashi, Satoko;Ogura, Katsuo;Terai, Tsuyoshi;Pyo, Tae-Soo Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021MNRAS.508.3710R The influence of the environment on the spin evolution of low-mass stars - I. External photoevaporation of circumstellar discs Roquette, J.;Matt, S. P.;Winter, A. J.;Amard, L.;Stasevic, S. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021MNRAS.508.4096Q Optical turbulence and wind speed distributions above the Tibetan Plateau from balloon-borne microthermal measurements Qing, Chun;Luo, Tao;Bi, Cuicui;Li, Xuebin;Cui, Shengcheng;Yang, Qike;Su, Changdong;Wu, Su;Qian, Xianmei;Wu, Xiaoqing;Zhu, Wenyue - -
2021MNRAS.508.5259M An ACA 1 mm survey of HzRGs ipn the ELAIS-S1: survey description and first results Messias, Hugo G.;Hatziminaoglou, Evanthia;Hibon, Pascale;Mroczkowski, Tony;Matute, Israel;Lacy, Mark;Mason, Brian;Martín, Sergio;Afonso, José M.;Fomalont, Edward;Amarantidis, Stergios;Antón, Sonia;Cortés, Paulo C.;Demarco, Ricardo;Gendron-Marsolais, Marie-Lou;Hopkins, Andrew M.;Kneissl, Rüdiger;Lopez, Cristian;Rebolledo, David;Yang, Chentao Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.508..737T Modelling type 1 quasar colours in the era of Rubin and Euclid Temple, Matthew J.;Hewett, Paul C.;Banerji, Manda VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper.
Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2021PASP..133i4501L Probing the Astrometric Properties of Gaia EDR3 Quasars at the Faintest Magnitudes Liao, Shilong;Wu, Qiqi;Qi, Zhaoxiang;Tang, Zhenghong;Luo, Hao;Cao, Zihuang Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021PASP..133i5001A Archival Weather Conditions at Siding Spring Observatory Abbot, Harrison J.;Munro, Josephine;Travouillon, Tony;Lidman, Christopher;Tucker, Bradley E. - -
2022A&A...657A..10S Gas phase Elemental abundances in Molecular cloudS (GEMS) V. Methanol in Taurus Spezzano, S.;Fuente, A.;Caselli, P.;Vasyunin, A.;Navarro-Almaida, D.;Rodríguez-Baras, M.;Punanova, A.;Vastel, C.;Wakelam, V. Use of VO tools: CASSIS
2022A&A...657A.136E SOLIS. XIII. Nitrogen fractionation towards the protocluster OMC-2 FIR4 Evans, L.;Fontani, F.;Vastel, C.;Ceccarelli, C.;Caselli, P.;López-Sepulcre, A.;Neri, R.;Alves, F.;Chahine, L.;Favre, C.;Lattanzi, V. Use of VO tools: CASSIS
2022A&A...657A..27M A Kepler K2 view of subdwarf A-type stars Mösenlechner, G.;Paunzen, E.;Pelisoli, I.;Seelig, J.;Stidl, S.;Maitzen, H. M. Use of VO tools: VOSA
2022A&A...657A..50G The peculiar abundances of HE 1005-1439. A carbon-enhanced extremely metal-poor star contaminated with products of both s- and i-process nucleosynthesis Goswami, Partha Pratim;Goswami, Aruna VO project (JVO) acknowledged in the paper.
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2022A&A...657A..53B Unveiling wide-orbit companions to K-type stars in Sco-Cen with Gaia EDR3 Bohn, Alexander J.;Ginski, Christian;Kenworthy, Matthew A.;Mamajek, Eric E.;Meshkat, Tiffany;Pecaut, Mark J.;Reggiani, Maddalena;Seay, Christopher R.;Brown, Anthony G. A.;Cugno, Gabriele;Henning, Thomas;Launhardt, Ralf;Quirrenbach, Andreas;Rickman, Emily L.;Ségransan, Damien Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2022A&A...657A..80A Phase curves of small bodies from the SLOAN Moving Objects Catalog Alvarez-Candal, A.;Benavidez, P. G.;Campo Bagatin, A.;Santana-Ros, T. VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper.
2022A&A...658A.109S Multifilter photometry of Solar System objects from the SkyMapper Southern Survey Sergeyev, A. V.;Carry, B.;Onken, C. A.;Devillepoix, H. A. R.;Wolf, C.;Chang, S. -W. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: CDS Cross-match
Use of VO tools: STILTS
Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
Use of VO tools: SkyBot
Australian All-Sky Virtual Observatory (ASVO)
2022A&A...658A.131Z Chemical exploration of Galactic cold cores Zhou, Chenlin;Vastel, Charlotte;Montillaud, Julien;Ceccarelli, Cecilia;Demyk, Karine;Harju, Jorma;Juvela, Mika;Ristorcelli, Isabelle;Liu, Tie Use of VO tools: CASSIS
2022A&A...658A.175P XXL-HSC: An updated catalogue of high-redshift (z ≥ 3.5) X-ray AGN in the XMM-XXL northern field. Constraints on the bright end of the soft log N-log S Pouliasis, E.;Georgantopoulos, I.;Ruiz, A.;Gilli, R.;Koulouridis, E.;Akiyama, M.;Ueda, Y.;Chiappetti, L.;Garrel, C.;Horellou, C.;Nagao, T.;Paltani, S.;Pierre, M.;Toba, Y.;Vignali, C. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2022A&A...658A..31N The PLATO field selection process. I. Identification and content of the long-pointing fields Nascimbeni, V.;Piotto, G.;Börner, A.;Montalto, M.;Marrese, P. M.;Cabrera, J.;Marinoni, S.;Aerts, C.;Altavilla, G.;Benatti, S.;Claudi, R.;Deleuil, M.;Desidera, S.;Fabrizio, M.;Gizon, L.;Goupil, M. J.;Granata, V.;Heras, A. M.;Magrin, D.;Malavolta, L.;Mas-Hesse, J. M.;Ortolani, S.;Pagano, I.;Pollacco, D.;Prisinzano, L.;Ragazzoni, R.;Ramsay, G.;Rauer, H.;Udry, S. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: STILTS
2022A&A...658A..38V K2 discovery of a circumsecondary disk transiting EPIC 220208795 van der Kamp, L.;van Dam, D. M.;Kenworthy, M. A.;Mamajek, E. E.;Pojmański, G. Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2022A&A...659A.100E Unlocking the sulphur chemistry in intermediate-mass protostars of Cygnus X. Connecting the cold and warm chemistry el Akel, M.;Kristensen, L. E.;Le Gal, R.;van der Walt, S. J.;Pitts, R. L.;Dulieu, F. - -
2022A&A...659A.145G A WISE view on extreme AGB stars Groenewegen, M. A. T. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2022A&A...659A..29B A major asymmetric ice trap in a planet-forming disk. III. First detection of dimethyl ether Brunken, Nashanty G. C.;Booth, Alice S.;Leemker, Margot;Nazari, Pooneh;van der Marel, Nienke;van Dishoeck, Ewine F. Use of VO tools: CASSIS
2022A&A...659A..32P Turin-SyCAT: A multifrequency catalog of Seyfert galaxies Peña-Herazo, H. A.;Massaro, F.;Chavushyan, V.;Masetti, N.;Paggi, A.;Capetti, A. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2022A&A...659L...4B CHEOPS geometric albedo of the hot Jupiter HD 209458 b Brandeker, A.;Heng, K.;Lendl, M.;Patel, J. A.;Morris, B. M.;Broeg, C.;Guterman, P.;Beck, M.;Maxted, P. F. L.;Demangeon, O.;Delrez, L.;Demory, B. -O.;Kitzmann, D.;Santos, N. C.;Singh, V.;Alibert, Y.;Alonso, R.;Anglada, G.;Bárczy, T.;Barrado y Navascues, D.;Barros, S. C. C.;Baumjohann, W.;Beck, T.;Benz, W.;Billot, N.;Bonfils, X.;Bruno, G.;Cabrera, J.;Charnoz, S.;Collier Cameron, A.;Corral van Damme, C.;Csizmadia, Sz.;Davies, M. B.;Deleuil, M.;Deline, A.;Ehrenreich, D.;Erikson, A.;Farinato, J.;Fortier, A.;Fossati, L.;Fridlund, M.;Gandolfi, D.;Gillon, M.;Güdel, M.;Hoyer, S.;Isaak, K. G.;Kiss, L.;Laskar, J.;Lecavelier des Etangs, A.;Lovis, C.;Luntzer, A.;Magrin, D.;Nascimbeni, V.;Olofsson, G.;Ottensamer, R.;Pagano, I.;Pallé, E.;Peter, G.;Piotto, G.;Pollacco, D.;Queloz, D.;Ragazzoni, R.;Rando, N.;Rauer, H.;Ribas, I.;Scandariato, G.;Ségransan, D.;Simon, A. E.;Smith, A. M. S.;Sousa, S. G.;Steller, M.;Szabó, G. M.;Thomas, N.;Udry, S.;Van Grootel, V.;Walton, N.;Wolter, D. Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2022AJ....163..116K Discovery of 16 New Members of the Solar Neighborhood Using Proper Motions from CatWISE2020 Kota, Tarun;Kirkpatrick, J. Davy;Caselden, Dan;Marocco, Federico;Schneider, Adam C.;Gagné, Jonathan;Faherty, Jacqueline K.;Meisner, Aaron M.;Kuchner, Marc J.;Casewell, Sarah;Kacholia, Kanishk;Bickle, Tom;Beaulieu, Paul;Colin, Guillaume;Hamlet, Leslie K.;Schümann, Jörg;Tanner, Christopher;Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 Collaboration Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2022AJ....163..133E A Transiting, Temperate Mini-Neptune Orbiting the M Dwarf TOI-1759 Unveiled by TESS Espinoza, Néstor;Pallé, Enric;Kemmer, Jonas;Luque, Rafael;Caballero, José A.;Cifuentes, Carlos;Herrero, Enrique;Sánchez Béjar, Víctor J.;Stock, Stephan;Molaverdikhani, Karan;Morello, Giuseppe;Kossakowski, Diana;Schlecker, Martin;Amado, Pedro J.;Bluhm, Paz;Cortés-Contreras, Miriam;Henning, Thomas;Kreidberg, Laura;Kürster, Martin;Lafarga, Marina;Lodieu, Nicolas;Morales, Juan Carlos;Oshagh, Mahmoudreza;Passegger, Vera M.;Pavlov, Alexey;Quirrenbach, Andreas;Reffert, Sabine;Reiners, Ansgar;Ribas, Ignasi;Rodríguez, Eloy;López, Cristina Rodríguez;Schweitzer, Andreas;Trifonov, Trifon;Chaturvedi, Priyanka;Dreizler, Stefan;Jeffers, Sandra V.;Kaminski, Adrian;López-González, María José;Lillo-Box, Jorge;Montes, David;Nowak, Grzegorz;Pedraz, Santos;Vanaverbeke, Siegfried;Zapatero Osorio, Maria R.;Zechmeister, Mathias;Collins, Karen A.;Girardin, Eric;Guerra, Pere;Naves, Ramon;Crossfield, Ian J. M.;Matthews, Elisabeth C.;Howell, Steve B.;Ciardi, David R.;Gonzales, Erica;Matson, Rachel A.;Beichman, Charles A.;Schlieder, Joshua E.;Barclay, Thomas;Vezie, Michael;Villaseñor, Jesus Noel;Daylan, Tansu;Mireies, Ismael;Dragomir, Diana;Twicken, Joseph D.;Jenkins, Jon;Winn, Joshua N.;Latham, David;Ricker, George;Seager, Sara Use of VO tools: VOSA
2022AJ....163...23C Identify Light-curve Signals with Deep Learning Based Object Detection Algorithm. I. Transit Detection Cui, Kaiming;Liu, Junjie;Feng, Fabo;Liu, Jifeng VO project (China-VO) acknowledged in the paper
2022AJ....163...44H Unbound Close Stellar Encounters in the Solar Neighborhood Hansen, Bradley M. S. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2022AJ....163...49L Investigating the Baryon Cycle in Interacting Dwarfs with the Very Large Array and Pan-STARRS Luber, N.;Pearson, Sarah;Putman, Mary E.;Besla, Gurtina;Stierwalt, Sabrina;Meyers, Joel P. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2022AJ....163...62S High-contrast Imaging with Fizeau Interferometry: the Case of Altair Spalding, E.;Morzinski, K. M.;Hinz, P.;Males, J.;Meyer, M.;Quanz, S. P.;Leisenring, J.;Power, J. VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper.
Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2022AN....34310032M Detailed investigation of two high-speed evolved Galactic stars Matas Pinto, Aroa del Mar;Caffau, Elisabetta;François, Patrick;Spite, Monique;Bonifacio, Piercarlo;Wanajo, Shinya;Aoki, Wako;Monaco, Lorenzo;Suda, Takuma;Spite, François;Sbordone, Luca;Lombardo, Linda;Mucciarelli, Alessio Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2022AN....34310113L Orbital Elements of visual binary stars with very short arcs: With application to double stars from the 1829 southern double star catalog of James Dunlop Letchford, Roderick R.;White, Graeme L.;Brown, Carolyn J. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2022ApJ...924..128A Thermal and Nonthermal Emission in the Optical-UV Spectrum of PSR B0950+08 Abramkin, Vadim;Pavlov, George G.;Shibanov, Yuriy;Kargaltsev, Oleg Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2022ApJ...924..133R Consistent Analysis of the AGN LF in X-Ray and MIR in the XMM-LSS Field Runburg, Jack;Farrah, Duncan;Sajina, Anna;Lacy, Mark;Lidua, Jenna;Hatziminaoglou, Evanthia;Brandt, W. N.;Chen, Chien-Ting J.;Nyland, Kristina;Shirley, Raphael;Clements, D. L.;Pitchford, Lura K. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2022ApJ...924L...4Q Improving Planet Detection with Disk Modeling: Keck/NIRC2 Imaging of the HD 34282 Single-armed Protoplanetary Disk Quiroz, Juan;Wallack, Nicole L.;Ren, Bin;Dong, Ruobing;Xuan, Jerry W.;Mawet, Dimitri;Millar-Blanchaer, Maxwell A.;Ruane, Garreth Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2022ApJ...925..215P Viewing Angle Observations and Effects of Evolution with Redshift, Black Hole Mass, and Eddington Ratio in Quasar-based Cosmology Prince, Raj;Hryniewicz, Krzysztof;Panda, Swayamtrupta;Czerny, Bożena;Pollo, Agnieszka Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2022ApJ...925....3S A Spectral Survey of CH3CCH in the Hot Molecular Core G331.512-0.103 Santos, Julia C.;Bronfman, Leonardo;Mendoza, Edgar;Lépine, Jacques R. D.;Duronea, Nicolas U.;Merello, Manuel;Finger, Ricardo Use of VO tools: CASSIS
2022ApJ...926..106M Estimate of the Mass and Radial Profile of the Orphan-Chenab Stream's Dwarf-galaxy Progenitor Using MilkyWay@home Mendelsohn, Eric J.;Newberg, Heidi Jo;Shelton, Siddhartha;Widrow, Lawrence M.;Thompson, Jeffery M.;Grillmair, Carl J. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2022ApJ...926..210R New Clues to the Evolution of Dwarf Carbon Stars From Their Variability and X-Ray Emission Roulston, Benjamin R.;Green, Paul J.;Montez, Rodolfo;Filippazzo, Joseph;Drake, Jeremy J.;Toonen, Silvia;Anderson, Scott F.;Eracleous, Michael;Frank, Adam Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2022ApJ...926...67C Near-infrared Polarization from Unresolved Disks around Brown Dwarfs and Young Stellar Objects Clemens, Dan P.;Pillai, Thushara G. S.;Rilinger, Anneliese M.;Espaillat, Catherine C. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2022ApJ...926...78V Variable Stars in the Giant Satellite Galaxy Antlia 2 Vivas, A. Katherina;Martínez-Vázquez, Clara E.;Walker, Alistair R.;Belokurov, Vasily;Li, Ting S.;Erkal, Denis Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2022ApJ...926...99D A Census of Above-horizontal-branch Stars in Galactic Globular Clusters Davis, Brian D.;Bond, Howard E.;Siegel, Michael H.;Ciardullo, Robin Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2022ApJ...926L..15J AGC 226178 and NGVS 3543: Two Deceptive Dwarfs toward Virgo Jones, Michael G.;Sand, David J.;Bellazzini, Michele;Spekkens, Kristine;Cannon, John M.;Mutlu-Pakdil, Burçin;Karunakaran, Ananthan;Beccari, Giacomo;Magrini, Laura;Cresci, Giovanni;Inoue, John L.;Fuson, Jackson;Adams, Elizabeth A. K.;Battaglia, Giuseppina;Bennet, Paul;Crnojević, Denija;Caldwell, Nelson;Guhathakurta, Puragra;Haynes, Martha P.;Muñoz, Ricardo R.;Seth, Anil;Strader, Jay;Toloba, Elisa;Zaritsky, Dennis Use of VO tools: Aladin
2022ApJ...927...12P Long-term Photometric and Low-resolution Spectroscopic Analysis of Five Contact Binaries Panchal, A.;Joshi, Y. C.;De Cat, Peter;Tiwari, S. N. Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2022ApJ...927..169N Mira Ceti, Atypical Archetype Nhung, Pham T.;Hoai, Do T.;Tuan-Anh, Pham;Darriulat, Pierre;Diep, Pham N.;Ngoc, Nguyen B.;Thai, Tran T. Use of VO services: JVO
2022ApJ...927...17K Robust Absolute Solar Flux Density Calibration for the Murchison Widefield Array Kansabanik, Devojyoti;Mondal, Surajit;Oberoi, Divya;Biswas, Ayan;Bhunia, Shilpi Use of VO tools: Aladin
2022ApJ...927...57L Strong [O III] λ5007 Emission-line Compact Galaxies in LAMOST DR9: Blueberries, Green Peas, and Purple Grapes Liu, Siqi;Luo, A. -Li;Yang, Huan;Shen, Shi-Yin;Wang, Jun-Xian;Zhang, Hao-Tong;Zheng, Zhenya;Song, Yi-Han;Kong, Xiao;Wang, Jian-Ling;Chen, Jian-Jun Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2022ApJ...927...99M Probing the Local Interstellar Medium with Scintillometry of the Bright Pulsar B1133 + 16 McKee, James W.;Zhu, Hengrui;Stinebring, Daniel R.;Cordes, James M. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2022ApJ...927L..31R Gaia 0007-1605: An Old Triple System with an Inner Brown Dwarf-White Dwarf Binary and an Outer White Dwarf Companion Rebassa-Mansergas, Alberto;Xu, Siyi;Raddi, Roberto;Pala, Anna F.;Solano, Enrique;Torres, Santiago;Jiménez-Esteban, Francisco;Cruz, Patricia Use of VO tools: VOSA
2022ApJ...928....8F New Time-resolved, Multi-band Flares in the GJ 65 System with gPhoton Fleming, Scott W.;Million, Chase;Osten, Rachel A.;Kolotkov, Dmitrii Y.;Brasseur, C. E. Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2022ApJ...928...95C Kinematical Analysis of Substructure in the Southern Periphery of the Large Magellanic Cloud Cheng, Xinlun;Choi, Yumi;Olsen, Knut;Nidever, David L.;Majewski, Steven R.;Monachesi, Antonela;Besla, Gurtina;Muñoz Gonzalez, César;Anguiano, Borja;Almeida, Andres;Muñoz, Ricardo R.;Lane, Richard R.;Nitschelm, Christian Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2022ApJS..258...43M A Fresh Look at AGB Stars in Galactic Open Clusters with Gaia: Impact on Stellar Models and the Initial-Final Mass Relation Marigo, Paola;Bossini, Diego;Trabucchi, Michele;Addari, Francesco;Girardi, Léo;Cummings, Jeffrey D.;Pastorelli, Giada;Dal Tio, Piero;Costa, Guglielmo;Bressan, Alessandro Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2022ApJS..259...11X A Catalog of LAMOST Variable Sources Based on Time-domain Photometry of ZTF Xu, Tingting;Liu, Chao;Wang, Feng;Huang, Weirong;Deng, Hui;Mei, Ying;Cao, Zhong Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2022ApJS..259...12W Dust Extinction Law in Nearby Star-resolved Galaxies. I. M31 Traced by Supergiants Wang, Yuxi;Gao, Jian;Ren, Yi Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2022Icar..37514854S Hargraves Crater, Mars: Insights into the internal structure of layered ejecta deposits Sacks, Leah E.;Tornabene, Livio L.;Osinski, Gordon R.;Sopoco, Racel - -
2022MNRAS.509.2289L Photometric redshift estimation of BASS DR3 quasars by machine learning Li, Changhua;Zhang, Yanxia;Cui, Chenzhou;Fan, Dongwei;Zhao, Yongheng;Wu, Xue-Bing;Zhang, Jing-Yi;Han, Jun;Xu, Yunfei;Tao, Yihan;Li, Shanshan;He, Boliang VO project (China-VO) acknowledged in the paper
2022MNRAS.509.2377D The southern hemisphere narrow-line seyfert 1 infrared survey Durré, Mark;Mould, Jeremy Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2022MNRAS.509.3355L Close substellar-mass companions in stellar wide binaries: discovery and characterization with APOGEE and Gaia DR2 Lewis, Hannah M.;Anguiano, Borja;Majewski, Steven R.;Nidever, David L.;Badenes, Carles;De Lee, Nathan;Hasselquist, Sten;Mazzola Daher, Christine;Stassun, Keivan G.;Bizyaev, Dmitry;Godoy-Rivera, Diego;Nitschelm, Christian;Oravetz, Audrey;Pan, Kaike;Roman-Lopes, Alexandre Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2022MNRAS.509.5030B Hiding in plain sight: observing planet-starspot crossings with the James Webb Space Telescope Bruno, Giovanni;Lewis, Nikole K.;Valenti, Jeff A.;Pagano, Isabella;Wilson, Tom J.;Schlawin, Everett;Lothringer, Joshua;Lanza, Antonino F.;Fraine, Jonathan;Scandariato, Gaetano;Micela, Giuseppina;Cracchiolo, Gianluca VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper.
Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2022MNRAS.509.5511C Kepler binary stars in NGC 6791 open cluster: KIC 2437060, KIC 2437149, and KIC 2438490 Çakırlı, Ömür;Hoyman, Barış Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2022MNRAS.509..586R Indicator power spectra: surgical excision of non-linearities and covariance matrices for counts in cells Repp, Andrew;Szapudi, István VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper. Use of Millenium database.
2022MNRAS.509..831L AGN orientation through the spectroscopic correlations and model of dusty cone shell Lakićević, M.;Kovačević-Dojčinović, J.;Popović, L. Č. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2022MNRAS.510.1083D The detection of radio emission from known X-ray flaring star EXO 040830-7134.7 Driessen, L. N.;Williams, D. R. A.;McDonald, I.;Stappers, B. W.;Buckley, D. A. H.;Fender, R. P.;Woudt, P. A. Use of VO tools: Vizier
2022MNRAS.510.1148S Lack of other molecules in CO-rich debris discs: is it primordial or secondary gas? Smirnov-Pinchukov, Grigorii V.;Moór, Attila;Semenov, Dmitry A.;Ábrahám, Péter;Henning, Thomas;Kóspál, Ágnes;Hughes, A. Meredith;di Folco, Emmanuel Use of VO tools: Vizier
2022MNRAS.510.1248M High-resolution ALMA observations of V4046 Sgr: a circumbinary disc with a thin ring Martinez-Brunner, Rafael;Casassus, Simon;Pérez, Sebastián;Hales, Antonio;Weber, Philipp;Cárcamo, Miguel;Arce-Tord, Carla;Cieza, Lucas;Garufi, Antonio;Marino, Sebastián;Zurlo, Alice Use of VO tools: Vizier
2022MNRAS.510.1404M Hen 3-860: new southern eclipsing symbiotic star observed in the outburst Merc, J.;Gális, R.;Wolf, M.;Velez, P.;Bohlsen, T.;Barlow, B. N. Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2022MNRAS.510.1515K Double-lined spectroscopic binaries in M11 Kovalev, Mikhail;Straumit, Ilya Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2022MNRAS.510.1733A Chemo-dynamics and asteroseismic ages of seven metal-poor red giants from the Kepler field Alencastro Puls, Arthur;Casagrande, Luca;Monty, Stephanie;Yong, David;Liu, Fan;Stello, Dennis;Aguirre Børsen-Koch, Victor;Freeman, Ken C. Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2022MNRAS.510.1837L Physical modelling of viscous disc evolution around magnetized neutron star. Aql X-1 2013 outburst decay Lipunova, Galina;Malanchev, Konstantin;Tsygankov, Sergey;Shakura, Nikolai;Tavleev, Andrei;Kolesnikov, Dmitry Use of VO tools: Vizier
Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2022MNRAS.510.2041C The GALAH Survey: improving our understanding of confirmed and candidate planetary systems with large stellar surveys Clark, Jake T.;Wright, Duncan J.;Wittenmyer, Robert A.;Horner, Jonathan;Hinkel, Natalie R.;Clerté, Mathieu;Carter, Brad D.;Buder, Sven;Hayden, Michael R.;Bland-Hawthorn, Joss;Casey, Andrew R.;De Silva, Gayandhi M.;D'Orazi, Valentina;Freeman, Ken C.;Kos, Janez;Lewis, Geraint F.;Lin, Jane;Lind, Karin;Martell, Sarah L.;Schlesinger, Katharine J.;Sharma, Sanjib;Simpson, Jeffrey D.;Stello, Dennis;Zucker, Daniel B.;Zwitter, Tomaž;Munari, Ulisse;Nordlander, Thomas Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2022MNRAS.510.2139M Near-infrared detection of H2 flows in the core of the Mon R1 association Magakian, T. Yu;Tatarnikov, A. M.;Movsessian, T. A.;Andreasyan, H. R. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2022MNRAS.510.2448H A 2+1 + 1 quadruple star system containing the most eccentric, low-mass, short-period, eclipsing binary known Han, E.;Rappaport, S. A.;Vanderburg, A.;Tofflemire, B. M.;Borkovits, T.;Schwengeler, H. M.;Zasche, P.;Krolikowski, D. M.;Muirhead, P. S.;Kristiansen, M. H.;Terentev, I. A.;Omohundro, M.;Gagliano, R.;Jacobs, T.;LaCourse, D. Use of VO services. Theoretical model service provided by SVO.
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2022MNRAS.510.2707I SU Lyn - a transient symbiotic star Iłkiewicz, Krystian;Mikołajewska, Joanna;Scaringi, Simone;Teyssier, François;Stoyanov, Kiril A.;Fratta, Matteo Use of VO tools: VOSA
2022MNRAS.510.3132M Red supergiants in M31: the Humphreys-Davidson limit at high metallicity McDonald, Sarah L. E.;Davies, Ben;Beasor, Emma R. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2022MNRAS.510.3658P The MAVERIC Survey: The first radio and X-ray limits on the detached black holes in NGC 3201 Paduano, Alessandro;Bahramian, Arash;Miller-Jones, James C. A.;Kawka, Adela;Göttgens, Fabian;Strader, Jay;Chomiuk, Laura;Kamann, Sebastian;Dreizler, Stefan;Heinke, Craig O.;Husser, Tim-Oliver;Maccarone, Thomas J.;Tremou, Evangelia;Zhao, Yue Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2022MNRAS.510.3727P APOGEE detection of N-rich stars in the tidal tails of Palomar 5 Phillips, Siân G.;Schiavon, Ricardo P.;Mackereth, J. Ted;Allende Prieto, Carlos;Anguiano, Borja;Beaton, Rachael L.;Cohen, Roger E.;García-Hernández, D. A.;Geisler, Douglas;Horta, Danny;Jönsson, Henrik;Kisku, Shobhit;Lane, Richard R.;Majewski, Steven R.;Mason, Andrew;Minniti, Dante;Schultheis, Mathias;Taylor, Dominic Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2022MNRAS.510..433L Distances, extinctions, and stellar parameters for stars in SkyMapper DR3 Lin, Jane;Casagrande, Luca;Asplund, Martin - -
2022MNRAS.510.4504T Radio Galaxy Zoo: giant radio galaxy classification using multidomain deep learning Tang, H.;Scaife, A. M. M.;Wong, O. I.;Shabala, S. S. Use of VO tools: Sky View
2022MNRAS.510.4779S Type Ia supernova magnitude step from the local dark matter environment Steigerwald, Heinrich;Rodrigues, Davi;Profumo, Stefano;Marra, Valerio Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2022MNRAS.510.5330L Assessment of the accuracy of measures in the 1829 southern double star catalogue of James Dunlop Letchford, Roderick R.;White, Graeme L.;Brown, Carolyn J. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2022MNRAS.510.5695A Investigating Galactic binary cluster candidates with Gaia EDR3 Angelo, M. S.;Santos, J. F. C.;Maia, F. F. S.;Corradi, W. J. B. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2022MNRAS.510..593T A low-frequency pilot survey of southern H II regions in the vela constellation Tremblay, Chenoa D.;Bourke, Tyler L.;Green, James A.;Dickey, John M.;Wong, O. Ivy;Galvin, Tim J. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Sky View
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2022MNRAS.511.1317C Dust distributions in the magellanic clouds Chen, B. -Q.;Guo, H. -L.;Gao, J.;Yang, M.;Liu, Y. -L.;Jiang, B. -W. Australian All-Sky Virtual Observatory (ASVO)
2021A&A...653A.120D EC 22536−5304: a lead-rich and metal-poor long-period binary Dorsch, M.;Jeffery, C. S.;Irrgang, A.;Woolf, V.;Heber, U. - 1
2021A&A...653A.160S Gaia Early Data Release 3. Updated radial velocities from Gaia DR2 Seabroke, G. M.;Fabricius, C.;Teyssier, D.;Sartoretti, P.;Katz, D.;Cropper, M.;Antoja, T.;Benson, K.;Smith, M.;Dolding, C.;Gosset, E.;Panuzzo, P.;Thévenin, F.;Allende Prieto, C.;Blomme, R.;Guerrier, A.;Huckle, H.;Jean-Antoine, A.;Haigron, R.;Marchal, O.;Baker, S.;Damerdji, Y.;David, M.;Frémat, Y.;Janßen, K.;Jasniewicz, G.;Lobel, A.;Samaras, N.;Plum, G.;Soubiran, C.;Vanel, O.;Zwitter, T.;Ajaj, M.;Caffau, E.;Chemin, L.;Royer, F.;Brouillet, N.;Crifo, F.;Guy, L. P.;Hambly, N. C.;Leclerc, N.;Mastrobuono-Battisti, A.;Viala, Y. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
2021A&A...653A..22K Deep transfer learning for the classification of variable sources Kim, Dae-Won;Yeo, Doyeob;Bailer-Jones, Coryn A. L.;Lee, Giyoung - 1
2021A&A...653A..35S Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA). Tracing galaxy environment using the marked correlation function Sureshkumar, U.;Durkalec, A.;Pollo, A.;Bilicki, M.;Loveday, J.;Farrow, D. J.;Holwerda, B. W.;Hopkins, A. M.;Liske, J.;Pimbblet, K. A.;Taylor, E. N.;Wright, A. H. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021A&A...653A..36M Calibration of mid- to far-infrared spectral lines in galaxies Mordini, Sabrina;Spinoglio, Luigi;Fernández-Ontiveros, Juan Antonio - 1
2021A&A...654A.137L The evolution of lithium in FGK dwarf stars. The lithium-rotation connection and the Li desert Llorente de Andrés, F.;Chavero, C.;de la Reza, R.;Roca-Fàbrega, S.;Cifuentes, C. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021A&A...654A.150G Comparing the spatial and kinematic distribution of gas and young stars around the shell-like structure in the CMa OB1 association Gregorio-Hetem, J.;Lefloch, B.;Hetem, A.;Montmerle, T.;Fernandes, B.;Mendoza, E. F.;De Simone, M. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2021A&A...654A..55H The distribution and origin of C2H in NGC 253 from ALCHEMI Holdship, J.;Viti, S.;Martín, S.;Harada, N.;Mangum, J.;Sakamoto, K.;Muller, S.;Tanaka, K.;Yoshimura, Y.;Nakanishi, K.;Herrero-Illana, R.;Mühle, S.;Aladro, R.;Colzi, L.;Emig, K. L.;García-Burillo, S.;Henkel, C.;Humire, P.;Meier, D. S.;Rivilla, V. M.;van der Werf, P. - 1
2021A&A...654A..77Z Stellar Population Astrophysics (SPA) with TNG. Atmospheric parameters of members of 16 unstudied open clusters Zhang, R.;Lucatello, S.;Bragaglia, A.;Carrera, R.;Spina, L.;Alonso-Santiago, J.;Andreuzzi, G.;Casali, G.;Carretta, E.;Frasca, A.;Fu, X.;Magrini, L.;Origlia, L.;D'Orazi, V.;Vallenari, A. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021A&A...655A..15Z The HD 98800 quadruple pre-main sequence system. Towards full orbital characterisation using long-baseline infrared interferometry Zúñiga-Fernández, S.;Olofsson, J.;Bayo, A.;Haubois, X.;Corral-Santana, J. M.;Lopera-Mejía, A.;Ronco, M. P.;Tokovinin, A.;Gallenne, A.;Kennedy, G. M.;Berger, J. -P. VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper.
Use of VO tools: VOSA
2021A&A...655A..31V Confirming NGC 6231 as the parent cluster of the runaway high-mass X-ray binary HD 153919/4U 1700-37 with Gaia DR2 van der Meij, Vincent;Guo, Difeng;Kaper, Lex;Renzo, Mathieu Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
2021A&A...655A..47M J-PLUS: A first glimpse at the spectrophotometry of asteroids. The MOOJa catalog Morate, David;Marcio Carvano, Jorge;Alvarez-Candal, Alvaro;De Prá, Mário;Licandro, Javier;Galarza, Andrés;Mahlke, Max;Solano-Márquez, Enrique;Cenarro, Javier;Cristóbal-Hornillos, David;Hernández-Monteagudo, Carlos;López-Sanjuan, Carlos;Marín-Franch, Antonio;Moles, Mariano;Varela, Jesús;Vázquez Ramió, Héctor;Alcaniz, Jailson;Dupke, Renato;Ederoclite, Alessandro;Sodré, Laerte;Angulo, Raul E.;Jiménez-Esteban, Francisco M.;Siffert, Beatriz B.;J-PLUS Collaboration Use of VO tools: SkyBot
2021A&A...655A..65T Which molecule traces what: Chemical diagnostics of protostellar sources Tychoniec, Łukasz;van Dishoeck, Ewine F.;van't Hoff, Merel L. R.;van Gelder, Martijn L.;Tabone, Benoît;Chen, Yuan;Harsono, Daniel;Hull, Charles L. H.;Hogerheijde, Michiel R.;Murillo, Nadia M.;Tobin, John J. Use of VO tools: CASSIS
2021A&A...656A.119L Detection of OH in the ultra-hot Jupiter WASP-76b Landman, R.;Sánchez-López, A.;Mollière, P.;Kesseli, A. Y.;Louca, A. J.;Snellen, I. A. G. VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper.
2021A&A...656A.145K YY Hya and its interstellar environment Kimeswenger, Stefan;Thorstensen, John R.;Fesen, Robert A.;Drechsler, Marcel;Strottner, Xavier;Germiniani, Maicon;Steindl, Thomas;Przybilla, Norbert;Weil, Kathryn E.;Rupert, Justin Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2021A&A...656A.147M CLASH-VLT: Abell S1063. Cluster assembly history and spectroscopic catalogue Mercurio, A.;Rosati, P.;Biviano, A.;Annunziatella, M.;Girardi, M.;Sartoris, B.;Nonino, M.;Brescia, M.;Riccio, G.;Grillo, C.;Balestra, I.;Caminha, G. B.;De Lucia, G.;Gobat, R.;Seitz, S.;Tozzi, P.;Scodeggio, M.;Vanzella, E.;Angora, G.;Bergamini, P.;Borgani, S.;Demarco, R.;Meneghetti, M.;Strazzullo, V.;Tortorelli, L.;Umetsu, K.;Fritz, A.;Gruen, D.;Kelson, D.;Lombardi, M.;Maier, C.;Postman, M.;Rodighiero, G.;Ziegler, B. Use of VO tools: STILTS
2021A&A...656A..51G Planetary nebulae in Gaia EDR3: Central star identification, properties, and binarity González-Santamaría, I.;Manteiga, M.;Manchado, A.;Ulla, A.;Dafonte, C.;López Varela, P. Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021A&A...656A..57L Wavelength calibration and resolving power of the JWST MIRI Medium Resolution Spectrometer Labiano, A.;Argyriou, I.;Álvarez-Márquez, J.;Glasse, A.;Glauser, A.;Patapis, P.;Law, D.;Brandl, B. R.;Justtanont, K.;Lahuis, F.;Martínez-Galarza, J. R.;Mueller, M.;Noriega-Crespo, A.;Royer, P.;Shaughnessy, B.;Vandenbussche, B. Use of VO tools: ESASky
2021A&A...656A..66T Semi-regular red giants as distance indicators. I. The period-luminosity relations of semi-regular variables revisited Trabucchi, M.;Mowlavi, N.;Lebzelter, T. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: STILTS
2021AJ....162..143M THOR: An Algorithm for Cadence-independent Asteroid Discovery Moeyens, Joachim;Jurić, Mario;Ford, Jes;Bektešević, Dino;Connolly, Andrew J.;Eggl, Siegfried;Ivezić, Željko;Jones, R. Lynne;Kalmbach, J. Bryce;Smotherman, Hayden - 1
2021AJ....162..144A TOI-1278 B: SPIRou Unveils a Rare Brown Dwarf Companion in Close-in Orbit around an M Dwarf Artigau, Étienne;Hébrard, Guillaume;Cadieux, Charles;Vandal, Thomas;Cook, Neil J.;Doyon, René;Gagné, Jonathan;Moutou, Claire;Martioli, Eder;Frasca, Antonio;Jahandar, Farbod;Lafrenière, David;Malo, Lison;Donati, Jean-François;Cortés-Zuleta, Pía;Boisse, Isabelle;Delfosse, Xavier;Carmona, Andres;Fouqué, Pascal;Morin, Julien;Rowe, Jason;Marino, Giuseppe;Papini, Riccardo;Ciardi, David R.;Lund, Michael B.;Martins, Jorge H. C.;Pelletier, Stefan;Arnold, Luc;Bouchy, François;Forveille, Thierry;Santos, Nuno C.;Bonfils, Xavier;Figueira, Pedro;Fausnaugh, Michael;Ricker, George;Latham, David W.;Seager, Sara;Winn, Joshua N.;Jenkins, Jon M.;Ting, Eric B.;Torres, Guillermo;Gomes da Silva, João Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021AJ....162..184K Double-lined Spectroscopic Binaries in the APOGEE DR16 and DR17 Data Kounkel, Marina;Covey, Kevin R.;Stassun, Keivan G.;Price-Whelan, Adrian M.;Holtzman, Jon;Chojnowski, Drew;Longa-Peña, Penélope;Román-Zúñiga, Carlos G.;Hernandez, Jesus;Serna, Javier;Badenes, Carles;De Lee, Nathan;Majewski, Steven;Stringfellow, Guy S.;Kratter, Kaitlin M.;Moe, Maxwell;Frinchaboy, Peter M.;Beaton, Rachael L.;Fernández-Trincado, José G.;Mahadevan, Suvrath;Minniti, Dante;Beers, Timothy C.;Schneider, Donald P.;Barba, Rodolfo;Brownstein, Joel R.;García-Hernández, Domingo Aníbal;Pan, Kaike;Bizyaev, Dmitry Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021AJ....162..229R The Most Metal-poor Stars in the Magellanic Clouds Are r-process Enhanced Reggiani, Henrique;Schlaufman, Kevin C.;Casey, Andrew R.;Simon, Joshua D.;Ji, Alexander P. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
Australian All-Sky Virtual Observatory (ASVO)
2021AJ....162...87B TOI-1231 b: A Temperate, Neptune-sized Planet Transiting the Nearby M3 Dwarf NLTT 24399 Burt, Jennifer A.;Dragomir, Diana;Mollière, Paul;Youngblood, Allison;García Muñoz, Antonio;McCann, John;Kreidberg, Laura;Huang, Chelsea X.;Collins, Karen A.;Eastman, Jason D.;Abe, Lyu;Almenara, Jose M.;Crossfield, Ian J. M.;Ziegler, Carl;Rodriguez, Joseph E.;Mamajek, Eric E.;Stassun, Keivan G.;Halverson, Samuel P.;Villanueva, Steven;Butler, R. Paul;Wang, Sharon Xuesong;Schwarz, Richard P.;Ricker, George R.;Vanderspek, Roland;Latham, David W.;Seager, S.;Winn, Joshua N.;Jenkins, Jon M.;Agabi, Abdelkrim;Bonfils, Xavier;Ciardi, David;Cointepas, Marion;Crane, Jeffrey D.;Crouzet, Nicolas;Dransfield, Georgina;Feng, Fabo;Furlan, Elise;Guillot, Tristan;Gupta, Arvind F.;Howell, Steve B.;Jensen, Eric L. N.;Law, Nicholas;Mann, Andrew W.;Marie-Sainte, Wenceslas;Matson, Rachel A.;Matthews, Elisabeth C.;Mékarnia, Djamel;Pepper, Joshua;Scott, Nic;Shectman, Stephen A.;Schlieder, Joshua E.;Schmider, François-Xavier;Stevens, Daniel J.;Teske, Johanna K.;Triaud, Amaury H. M. J.;Charbonneau, David;Berta-Thompson, Zachory K.;Burke, Christopher J.;Daylan, Tansu;Barclay, Thomas;Wohler, Bill;Brasseur, C. E. Use of VO tools: VOSA
2021ApJ...918...29M The CaFe Project: Optical Fe II and Near-infrared Ca II Triplet Emission in Active Galaxies. II. The Driver(s) of the Ca II and Fe II and Its Potential Use as a Chemical Clock Martínez-Aldama, Mary Loli;Panda, Swayamtrupta;Czerny, Bożena;Marinello, Murilo;Marziani, Paola;Dultzin, Deborah Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJ...919...85B On the Use of Field RR Lyrae as Galactic Probes. V. Optical and Radial Velocity Curve Templates Braga, V. F.;Crestani, J.;Fabrizio, M.;Bono, G.;Sneden, C.;Preston, G. W.;Storm, J.;Kamann, S.;Latour, M.;Lala, H.;Lemasle, B.;Prudil, Z.;Altavilla, G.;Chaboyer, B.;Dall'Ora, M.;Ferraro, I.;Gilligan, C. K.;Fiorentino, G.;Iannicola, G.;Inno, L.;Kwak, S.;Marengo, M.;Marinoni, S.;Marrese, P. M.;Martínez-Vázquez, C. E.;Monelli, M.;Mullen, J. P.;Matsunaga, N.;Neeley, J.;Stetson, P. B.;Valenti, E.;Zoccali, M. - 1
2021ApJ...921..145S Exploring the Stellar Rotation of Early-type Stars in the LAMOST Medium-resolution Survey. II. Statistics Sun, Weijia;Duan, Xiao-Wei;Deng, Licai;de Grijs, Richard Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJ...921...42S Gaia GraL: Gaia DR2 Gravitational Lens Systems. VI. Spectroscopic Confirmation and Modeling of Quadruply Imaged Lensed Quasars Stern, D.;Djorgovski, S. G.;Krone-Martins, A.;Sluse, D.;Delchambre, L.;Ducourant, C.;Teixeira, R.;Surdej, J.;Boehm, C.;den Brok, J.;Dobie, D.;Drake, A.;Galluccio, L.;Graham, M. J.;Jalan, P.;Klüter, J.;Le Campion, J. -F.;Mahabal, A.;Mignard, F.;Murphy, T.;Nierenberg, A.;Scarano, S., Jr.;Simon, J.;Slezak, E.;Spindola-Duarte, C.;Wambsganss, J. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021ApJ...922L...8C Recurrent Activity from Active Asteroid (248370) 2005 QN173: A Main-belt Comet Chandler, Colin Orion;Trujillo, Chadwick A.;Hsieh, Henry H. Use of VO tools: Vizier
Use of VO tools: SkyBot
2021ApJ...922L...9H Physical Characterization of Main-belt Comet (248370) 2005 QN173 Hsieh, Henry H.;Chandler, Colin O.;Denneau, Larry;Fitzsimmons, Alan;Erasmus, Nicolas;Kelley, Michael S. P.;Knight, Matthew M.;Lister, Tim A.;Pittichová, Jana;Sheppard, Scott S.;Thirouin, Audrey;Trujillo, Chadwick A.;Usher, Helen;Gomez, Edward;Chatelain, Joey;Greenstreet, Sarah;Angel, Tony;Miles, Richard;Roche, Paul;Wooding, Ben Australian All-Sky Virtual Observatory (ASVO)
2021ApJ...923..167W SN 2018agk: A Prototypical Type Ia Supernova with a Smooth Power-law Rise in Kepler (K2) Wang, Qinan;Rest, Armin;Zenati, Yossef;Ridden-Harper, Ryan;Dimitriadis, Georgios;Narayan, Gautham;Villar, V. Ashley;Magee, Mark R.;Foley, Ryan J.;Shaya, Edward J.;Garnavich, Peter;Wang, Lifan;Hu, Lei;Bódi, Attila;Armstrong, Patrick;Auchettl, Katie;Barclay, Thomas;Barentsen, Geert;Bognár, Zsófia;Brimacombe, Joseph;Bulger, Joanna;Burke, Jamison;Challis, Peter;Chambers, Kenneth;Coulter, David A.;Csörnyei, Géza;Cseh, Borbála;Deckers, Maxime;Dotson, Jessie L.;Galbany, Lluís;González-Gaitán, Santiago;Gromadzki, Mariusz;Gully-Santiago, Michael;Hanyecz, Ottó;Hedges, Christina;Hiramatsu, Daichi;Hosseinzadeh, Griffin;Howell, D. Andrew;Howell, Steve B.;Huber, Mark E.;Jha, Saurabh W.;Jones, David O.;Könyves-Tóth, Réka;Kalup, Csilla;Kilpatrick, Charles D.;Kriskovics, Levente;Li, Wenxiong;Lowe, Thomas B.;Margheim, Steven;McCully, Curtis;Mitra, Ayan;Muñoz, Jose A.;Nicholl, Matt;Nordin, Jakob;Pál, András;Pan, Yen-Chen;Piro, Anthony L.;Rest, Sofia;Rino-Silvestre, João;Rojas-Bravo, César;Sárneczky, Krisztián;Siebert, Matthew R.;Smartt, Stephen J.;Smith, Ken;Sódor, Ádám;Stritzinger, Maximilian D.;Szabó, Róbert;Szakáts, Róbert;Tucker, Brad E.;Vinkó, József;Wang, Xiaofeng;Wheeler, J. Craig;Young, David R.;Zenteno, Alfredo;Zhang, KaiCheng;Zsidi, Gabriella Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2021ApJS..257...45H The Brown Dwarf Kinematics Project (BDKP). V. Radial and Rotational Velocities of T Dwarfs from Keck/NIRSPEC High-resolution Spectroscopy Hsu, Chih-Chun;Burgasser, Adam J.;Theissen, Christopher A.;Gelino, Christopher R.;Birky, Jessica L.;Diamant, Sharon J. M.;Bardalez Gagliuffi, Daniella C.;Aganze, Christian;Blake, Cullen H.;Faherty, Jacqueline K. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021ApJS..257...61Y Comprehensive Broadband X-Ray and Multiwavelength Study of Active Galactic Nuclei in 57 Local Luminous and Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies Observed with NuSTAR and/or Swift/BAT Yamada, Satoshi;Ueda, Yoshihiro;Tanimoto, Atsushi;Imanishi, Masatoshi;Toba, Yoshiki;Ricci, Claudio;Privon, George C. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021MNRAS.506.1896K The Heraklion Extragalactic Catalogue (HECATE): a value-added galaxy catalogue for multimessenger astrophysics Kovlakas, K.;Zezas, A.;Andrews, J. J.;Basu-Zych, A.;Fragos, T.;Hornschemeier, A.;Kouroumpatzakis, K.;Lehmer, B.;Ptak, A. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021MNRAS.506.3540P The ASKAP-EMU Early Science Project: 888 MHz radio continuum survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud Pennock, Clara M.;van Loon, Jacco Th;Filipović, Miroslav D.;Andernach, Heinz;Haberl, Frank;Kothes, Roland;Lenc, Emil;Rudnick, Lawrence;White, Sarah V.;Agliozzo, Claudia;Antón, Sonia;Bojičić, Ivan;Bomans, Dominik J.;Collier, Jordan D.;Crawford, Evan J.;Hopkins, Andrew M.;Jeganathan, Kanapathippillai;Kavanagh, Patrick J.;Koribalski, Bärbel S.;Leahy, Denis;Maggi, Pierre;Maitra, Chandreyee;Marvil, Josh;Michałowski, Michał J.;Norris, Ray P.;Oliveira, Joana M.;Payne, Jeffrey L.;Sano, Hidetoshi;Sasaki, Manami;Staveley-Smith, Lister;Vardoulaki, Eleni Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021MNRAS.507.2885F Radio continuum sources behind the Large Magellanic Cloud Filipović, M. D.;Bojičić, I. S.;Grieve, K. R.;Norris, R. P.;Tothill, N. F. H.;Shobhana, D.;Rudnick, L.;Prandoni, I.;Andernach, H.;Hurley-Walker, N.;Alsaberi, R. Z. E.;Anderson, C. S.;Collier, J. D.;Crawford, E. J.;For, B. -Q.;Galvin, T. J.;Haberl, F.;Hopkins, A. M.;Ingallinera, A.;Kavanagh, P. J.;Koribalski, B. S.;Kothes, R.;Leahy, D.;Leverenz, H.;Maggi, P.;Maitra, C.;Marvil, J.;Pannuti, T. G.;Park, L. A. F.;Payne, J. L.;Pennock, C. M.;Riggi, S.;Rowell, G.;Sano, H.;Sasaki, M.;Staveley-Smith, L.;Trigilio, C.;Umana, G.;Urošević, D.;van Loon, J. Th;Vardoulaki, E. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021MNRAS.507.4389G Galaxy zoo: stronger bars facilitate quenching in star-forming galaxies Géron, Tobias;Smethurst, R. J.;Lintott, Chris;Kruk, Sandor;Masters, Karen L.;Simmons, Brooke;Stark, David V. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.507.5690G X-ray spectra, light curves and SEDs of blazars frequently observed by Swift Giommi, Paolo;Perri, M.;Capalbi, M.;D'Elia, V.;Barres de Almeida, U.;Brandt, C. H.;Pollock, A. M. T.;Arneodo, F.;Di Giovanni, A.;Chang, Y. L.;Civitarese, O.;De Angelis, M.;Leto, C.;Verrecchia, F.;Ricard, N.;Di Pippo, S.;Middei, R.;Penacchioni, A. V.;Ruffini, R.;Sahakyan, N.;Israyelyan, D.;Turriziani, S. - 1
2021MNRAS.507.5847N On the discovery of stars, quasars, and galaxies in the Southern Hemisphere with S-PLUS DR2 Nakazono, L.;Mendes de Oliveira, C.;Hirata, N. S. T.;Jeram, S.;Queiroz, C.;Eikenberry, Stephen S.;Gonzalez, A. H.;Abramo, R.;Overzier, R.;Espadoto, M.;Martinazzo, A.;Sampedro, L.;Herpich, F. R.;Almeida-Fernandes, F.;Werle, A.;Barbosa, C. E.;Sodré, L., Jr.;Lima, E. V.;Buzzo, M. L.;Cortesi, A.;Menéndez-Delmestre, K.;Akras, S.;Alvarez-Candal, Alvaro;Lopes, A. R.;Telles, E.;Schoenell, W.;Kanaan, A.;Ribeiro, T. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021MNRAS.508.2964A An ALMA study of hub-filament systems - I. On the clump mass concentration within the most massive cores Anderson, Michael;Peretto, Nicolas;Ragan, Sarah E.;Rigby, Andrew J.;Avison, Adam;Duarte-Cabral, Ana;Fuller, Gary A.;Shirley, Yancy L.;Traficante, Alessio;Williams, Gwenllian M. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.508.3649D Blast from the past: constraining progenitor models of SN 1972E Do, Aaron;Shappee, Benjamin J.;De Cuyper, Jean-Pierre;Tonry, John L.;Hunt, Cynthia;Schweizer, François;Phillips, Mark M.;Burns, Christopher R.;Beaton, Rachael;Hainaut, Olivier Use of VO tools: Vizier
Australian All-Sky Virtual Observatory (ASVO)
2021MNRAS.508.4047R Cepheid metallicity in the Leavitt law (C-metall) survey - I. HARPS-N@TNG spectroscopy of 47 classical Cepheids and 1 BL Her variables Ripepi, V.;Catanzaro, G.;Molinaro, R.;Gatto, M.;De Somma, G.;Marconi, M.;Romaniello, M.;Leccia, S.;Musella, I.;Trentin, E.;Clementini, G.;Testa, V.;Cusano, F.;Storm, J. Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021MNRAS.508.4952D Proper motions of OB stars in the far Carina Arm Drew, J. E.;Monguió, M.;Wright, N. J. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2022A&A...657A..38M Accreting protoplanets: Spectral signatures and magnitude of gas and dust extinction at H α Marleau, G. -D.;Aoyama, Y.;Kuiper, R.;Follette, K.;Turner, N. J.;Cugno, G.;Manara, C. F.;Haffert, S. Y.;Kitzmann, D.;Ringqvist, S. C.;Wagner, K. R.;van Boekel, R.;Sallum, S.;Janson, M.;Schmidt, T. O. B.;Venuti, L.;Lovis, Ch.;Mordasini, C. Use of VO services. Theoretical model service provided by SVO.
Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2022A&A...658A.138G A multi-planetary system orbiting the early-M dwarf TOI-1238 González-Álvarez, E.;Zapatero Osorio, M. R.;Sanz-Forcada, J.;Caballero, J. A.;Reffert, S.;Béjar, V. J. S.;Hatzes, A. P.;Herrero, E.;Jeffers, S. V.;Kemmer, J.;López-González, M. J.;Luque, R.;Molaverdikhani, K.;Morello, G.;Nagel, E.;Quirrenbach, A.;Rodríguez, E.;Rodríguez-López, C.;Schlecker, M.;Schweitzer, A.;Stock, S.;Passegger, V. M.;Trifonov, T.;Amado, P. J.;Baker, D.;Boyd, P. T.;Cadieux, C.;Charbonneau, D.;Collins, K. A.;Doyon, R.;Dreizler, S.;Espinoza, N.;Fűrész, G.;Furlan, E.;Hesse, K.;Howell, S. B.;Jenkins, J. M.;Kidwell, R. C.;Latham, D. W.;McLeod, K. K.;Montes, D.;Morales, J. C.;O'Dwyer, T.;Pallé, E.;Pedraz, S.;Reiners, A.;Ribas, I.;Quinn, S. N.;Schnaible, C.;Seager, S.;Skinner, B.;Smith, J. C.;Schwarz, R. P.;Shporer, A.;Vanderspek, R.;Winn, J. N. Use of VO tools: VOSA
2022A&A...658A..14C OCCASO. IV. Radial velocities and open cluster kinematics Carrera, R.;Casamiquela, L.;Carbajo-Hijarrubia, J.;Balaguer-Núñez, L.;Jordi, C.;Romero-Gómez, M.;Blanco-Cuaresma, S.;Cantat-Gaudin, T.;Lillo-Box, J.;Masana, E.;Pancino, E. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2022A&A...658A..22R Kinematic properties of white dwarfs. Galactic orbital parameters and age-velocity dispersion relation Raddi, Roberto;Torres, Santiago;Rebassa-Mansergas, Alberto;Maldonado, Jesús;Camisassa, María E.;Koester, Detlev;Gentile Fusillo, Nicola Pietro;Tremblay, Pier-Emmanuel;Dimpel, Markus;Heber, Ulrich;Cunningham, Tim;Ren, Juan-Juan Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
Use of VO tools: STILTS
2022A&A...658A..79L J-PLUS: Spectral evolution of white dwarfs by PDF analysis López-Sanjuan, C.;Tremblay, P. -E.;Ederoclite, A.;Vázquez Ramió, H.;Carrasco, J. M.;Varela, J.;Cenarro, A. J.;Marín-Franch, A.;Civera, T.;Daflon, S.;Gänsicke, B. T.;Gentile Fusillo, N. P.;Jiménez-Esteban, F. M.;Alcaniz, J.;Angulo, R. E.;Cristóbal-Hornillos, D.;Dupke, R. A.;Hernández-Monteagudo, C.;Moles, M.;Sodré, L. VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper.
2022A&A...658A..80T Gaia-ESO Survey: Detailed elemental abundances in red giants of the peculiar globular cluster NGC 1851 Tautvaišienė, G.;Drazdauskas, A.;Bragaglia, A.;Martell, S. L.;Pancino, E.;Lardo, C.;Mikolaitis, Š.;Minkevičiūtė, R.;Stonkutė, E.;Ambrosch, M.;Bagdonas, V.;Chorniy, Y.;Sanna, N.;Franciosini, E.;Smiljanic, R.;Randich, S.;Gilmore, G.;Bensby, T.;Bergemann, M.;Gonneau, A.;Guiglion, G.;Carraro, G.;Heiter, U.;Korn, A.;Magrini, L.;Morbidelli, L.;Zaggia, S. Use of VO tools: Splat-VO
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2022A&A...658A..98P [C II] 158 μm line emission from Orion A. II. Photodissociation region physics Pabst, C. H. M.;Goicoechea, J. R.;Hacar, A.;Teyssier, D.;Berné, O.;Wolfire, M. G.;Higgins, R. D.;Chambers, E. T.;Kabanovic, S.;Güsten, R.;Stutzki, J.;Kramer, C.;Tielens, A. G. G. M. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2022A&A...658L...1T The period-age relation of long-period variables Trabucchi, M.;Mowlavi, N. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
Use of VO tools: STILTS
2022A&A...659A.122C Metallicity of the globular cluster NGC 6388 based on high-resolution spectra of more than 160 giant stars⋆ Carretta, Eugenio;Bragaglia, Angela Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2022A&A...659A..38R ESASky SSOSS: Solar System Object Search Service and the case of Psyche Racero, E.;Giordano, F.;Carry, B.;Berthier, J.;Müller, T.;Mahlke, M.;Valtchanov, I.;Baines, D.;Kruk, S.;Merín, B.;Besse, S.;Küppers, M.;Puga, E.;González Núñez, J.;Rodríguez, P.;de la Calle, I.;López-Marti, B.;Norman, H.;Wångblad, M.;López-Caniego, M.;Álvarez Crespo, N. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: ESASky
Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
Use of VO tools: SkyBot
Use of VO tool: MIriade
2022A&A...659A..47K Tidally excited oscillations in MACHO 80.7443.1718: Changing amplitudes and frequencies, high-frequency tidally excited mode, and a decrease in the orbital period Kołaczek-Szymański, P. A.;Pigulski, A.;Wrona, M.;Ratajczak, M.;Udalski, A. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2022A&A...659A..59T Structural parameters of 389 local open clusters Tarricq, Y.;Soubiran, C.;Casamiquela, L.;Castro-Ginard, A.;Olivares, J.;Miret-Roig, N.;Galli, P. A. B. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2022A&A...659A..85F Gaia-ESO Survey: Role of magnetic activity and starspots on pre-main-sequence lithium evolution Franciosini, E.;Tognelli, E.;Degl'Innocenti, S.;Prada Moroni, P. G.;Randich, S.;Sacco, G. G.;Magrini, L.;Pancino, E.;Lanzafame, A. C.;Smiljanic, R.;Prisinzano, L.;Sanna, N.;Roccatagliata, V.;Bonito, R.;de Laverny, P.;Gutiérrez Albarrán, M. L.;Montes, D.;Jiménez-Esteban, F.;Gilmore, G.;Bergemann, M.;Carraro, G.;Damiani, F.;Gonneau, A.;Hourihane, A.;Morbidelli, L.;Worley, C. C.;Zaggia, S. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2022AJ....163..128W The Influence of 10 Unique Chemical Elements in Shaping the Distribution of Kepler Planets Wilson, Robert F.;Cañas, Caleb I.;Majewski, Steven R.;Cunha, Katia;Smith, Verne V.;Bender, Chad F.;Mahadevan, Suvrath;Fleming, Scott W.;Teske, Johanna;Ghezzi, Luan;Jönsson, Henrik;Beaton, Rachael L.;Hasselquist, Sten;Stassun, Keivan;Nitschelm, Christian;García-Hernández, D. A.;Hayes, Christian R.;Tayar, Jamie Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2022ApJ...924...62G The Space Density of Ultra-luminous QSOs at the End of Reionization Epoch by the QUBRICS Survey and the AGN Contribution to the Hydrogen Ionizing Background Grazian, Andrea;Giallongo, Emanuele;Boutsia, Konstantina;Calderone, Giorgio;Cristiani, Stefano;Cupani, Guido;Fontanot, Fabio;Guarneri, Francesco;Ozdalkiran, Yacob Australian All-Sky Virtual Observatory (ASVO)
2022ApJ...924...73G On the Variation in Stellar α-enhancements of Star-forming Galaxies in the EAGLE Simulation Gebek, Andrea;Matthee, Jorryt Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2022MNRAS.509.2885R Period-change rates in Large Magellanic Cloud Cepheids revisited Rodríguez-Segovia, N.;Hajdu, G.;Catelan, M.;Espinoza-Arancibia, F.;Boggiano, G.;Cenzano, C.;Garcés, E. H.;Joachimi, K.;Muñoz-López, C.;Ordenes-Huanca, C.;Orquera-Rojas, C.;Torres, P.;Valenzuela-Navarro, Á. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2022MNRAS.509.3889D Quenching, bursting, and galaxy shapes: colour transformation as a function of morphology de Sá-Freitas, C.;Gonçalves, T. S.;de Carvalho, R. R.;Menéndez-Delmestre, K.;Barchi, P. H.;Sampaio, V. M.;Basu-Zych, Antara;Darvish, Behnam;Martin, Christopher Use of VO tools: Aladin
2022MNRAS.510.1857K New photometry of 12 ultrashort-period late-type binary stars Koen, C. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2022MNRAS.510.3885G Astrometric excess noise in Gaia EDR3 and the search for X-ray binaries Gandhi, P.;Buckley, D. A. H.;Charles, P. A.;Hodgkin, S.;Scaringi, S.;Knigge, C.;Rao, A.;Paice, J. A.;Zhao, Y. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2022MNRAS.510..687R The viewing angle in AGN SED models: a data-driven analysis Ramos Padilla, Andrés F.;Wang, Lingyu;Małek, Katarzyna;Efstathiou, Andreas;Yang (杨光), Guang Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: CASSIS
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2022MNRAS.511.1484I AMICO galaxy clusters in KiDS-DR3: measurement of the halo bias and power spectrum normalization from a stacked weak lensing analysis Ingoglia, Lorenzo;Covone, Giovanni;Sereno, Mauro;Giocoli, Carlo;Bardelli, Sandro;Bellagamba, Fabio;Castignani, Gianluca;Farrens, Samuel;Hildebrandt, Hendrik;Joudaki, Shahab;Jullo, Eric;Lanzieri, Denise;Lesci, Giorgio F.;Marulli, Federico;Maturi, Matteo;Moscardini, Lauro;Nanni, Lorenza;Puddu, Emanuela;Radovich, Mario;Roncarelli, Mauro;Sapio, Feliciana;Schimd, Carlo Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2022MNRAS.511..572O Ultraluminous high-redshift quasars from SkyMapper - II. New quasars and the bright end of the luminosity function Onken, Christopher A.;Wolf, Christian;Bian, Fuyan;Fan, Xiaohui;Hon, Wei Jeat;Raithel, David;Tisserand, Patrick;Lai, Samuel Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
Australian All-Sky Virtual Observatory (ASVO)
2021A&A...653A.119N Constraining bright optical counterparts of fast radio bursts Núñez, C.;Tejos, N.;Pignata, G.;Kilpatrick, C. D.;Prochaska, J. X.;Heintz, K. E.;Bannister, K. W.;Bhandari, S.;Day, C. K.;Deller, A. T.;Flynn, C.;Mahony, E. K.;Majewski, D.;Marnoch, L.;Qiu, H.;Ryder, S. D.;Shannon, R. M. - 2
2021A&A...654A..90L SUPER. V. ALMA continuum observations of z ∼ 2 AGN and the elusive evidence of outflows influencing star formation Lamperti, I.;Harrison, C. M.;Mainieri, V.;Kakkad, D.;Perna, M.;Circosta, C.;Scholtz, J.;Carniani, S.;Cicone, C.;Alexander, D. M.;Bischetti, M.;Calistro Rivera, G.;Chen, C. -C.;Cresci, G.;Feruglio, C.;Fiore, F.;Mannucci, F.;Marconi, A.;Martínez-Ramírez, L. N.;Netzer, H.;Piconcelli, E.;Puglisi, A.;Rosario, D. J.;Schramm, M.;Vietri, G.;Vignali, C.;Zappacosta, L. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021A&A...655A.109B The Chandra view of the relation between X-ray and UV emission in quasars Bisogni, S.;Lusso, E.;Civano, F.;Nardini, E.;Risaliti, G.;Elvis, M.;Fabbiano, G. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: CDS Cross-match
2021AJ....162..282M Untangling the Galaxy. III. Photometric Search for Pre-main-sequence Stars with Deep Learning McBride, Aidan;Lingg, Ryan;Kounkel, Marina;Covey, Kevin;Hutchinson, Brian Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJ...918....3D Blueshifted Hydrogen Emission and Shock Wave of RR Lyrae Variables in SDSS and LAMOST Duan, Xiao-Wei;Chen, Xiaodian;Sun, Weijia;Deng, Licai;Zhang, Huawei;Yang, Fan;Liu, Chao Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJ...919...72J Evidence for Ultra-diffuse Galaxy Formation through Tidal Heating of Normal Dwarfs Jones, Michael G.;Bennet, Paul;Mutlu-Pakdil, Burçin;Sand, David J.;Spekkens, Kristine;Crnojević, Denija;Karunakaran, Ananthan;Zaritsky, Dennis Use of VO tools: Aladin
2021ApJ...919...98A Connecting the Low to the High Corona: A Method to Isolate Transients in STEREO/COR1 Images Alzate, Nathalia;Morgan, Huw;Viall, Nicholeen;Vourlidas, Angelos - 2
2021ApJ...921...35C The Quest for the Missing Dust. I. Restoring Large-scale Emission in Herschel Maps of Local Group Galaxies Clark, Christopher J. R.;Roman-Duval, Julia C.;Gordon, Karl D.;Bot, Caroline;Smith, Matthew W. L. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021ApJ...921...95Z Uniform Forward-modeling Analysis of Ultracool Dwarfs. II. Atmospheric Properties of 55 Late-T Dwarfs Zhang, Zhoujian;Liu, Michael C.;Marley, Mark S.;Line, Michael R.;Best, William M. J. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJ...922..257P Photospheric Prompt Emission From Long Gamma-ray Burst Simulations. I. Optical Emission Parsotan, Tyler;Lazzati, Davide Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2021ApJ...922...28P Observational Evidence Points at AGB Stars as Possible Progenitors of CEMP-s and CEMP-r/s Stars Purandardas, Meenakshi;Goswami, Aruna Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021ApJS..257...22S Exploring the Stellar Rotation of Early-type Stars in the LAMOST Medium-resolution Survey. I. Catalog Sun, Weijia;Duan, Xiao-Wei;Deng, Licai;de Grijs, Richard;Zhang, Bo;Liu, Chao Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJS..257...23I Multiwavelength Properties of Miras Iwanek, Patryk;Kozłowski, Szymon;Gromadzki, Mariusz;Soszyński, Igor;Wrona, Marcin;Skowron, Jan;Ratajczak, Milena;Udalski, Andrzej;Szymański, Michał K.;Pietrukowicz, Paweł;Ulaczyk, Krzysztof;Poleski, Radosław;Mróz, Przemysław;Skowron, Dorota M.;Rybicki, Krzysztof Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.507..398H A bottom-heavy initial mass function for the likely-accreted blue-halo stars of the Milky Way Hallakoun, Na'ama;Maoz, Dan Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.508.4202Z The GALAH+ survey: a new library of observed stellar spectra improves radial velocities and hints at motions within M67 Zwitter, Tomaž;Kos, Janez;Buder, Sven;Čotar, Klemen;Asplund, Martin;Bland-Hawthorn, Joss;Casey, Andrew R.;De Silva, Gayandhi M.;D'Orazi, Valentina;Freeman, Ken C.;Hayden, Michael R.;Lewis, Geraint F.;Lin, Jane;Lind, Karin;Martell, Sarah L.;Schlesinger, Katharine J.;Sharma, Sanjib;Simpson, Jeffrey D.;Stello, Dennis;Zucker, Daniel B.;Beeson, Kevin L.;de Grijs, Richard;Nordlander, Thomas;Ting, Yuan-Sen;Traven, Gregor;Vogrinčič, Rok;Watson, Fred;Wittenmyer, Rob Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2022A&A...657A.138T Probabilistic classification of X-ray sources applied to Swift-XRT and XMM-Newton catalogs Tranin, Hugo;Godet, Olivier;Webb, Natalie;Primorac, Daria Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2022A&A...658A.133G Near-infrared transmission spectrum of TRAPPIST-1 h using Hubble WFC3 G141 observations Gressier, A.;Mori, M.;Changeat, Q.;Edwards, B.;Beaulieu, J. P.;Marcq, E.;Charnay, B. Use of VO services. Theoretical model service provided by SVO.
2022A&A...658A.148A Relativistic corrections for measuring Hubble's constant to 1% using stellar standard candles Anderson, Richard I. Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2022A&A...658A..66W Non-local thermodynamic equilibrium spectral analysis of five hot, hydrogen-deficient pre-white dwarfs Werner, Klaus;Reindl, Nicole;Dorsch, Matti;Geier, Stephan;Munari, Ulisse;Raddi, Roberto Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2022A&A...658L..13B Constraining the cosmic-ray ionization rate and spectrum with NIR spectroscopy of dense clouds. A testbed for JWST Bialy, Shmuel;Belli, Sirio;Padovani, Marco Use of VO tools: ESASky
2022A&A...659A.124H The Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS). IFU survey data and the BH mass dependence of long-term AGN variability Husemann, B.;Singha, M.;Scharwächter, J.;McElroy, R.;Neumann, J.;Smirnova-Pinchukova, I.;Urrutia, T.;Baum, S. A.;Bennert, V. N.;Combes, F.;Croom, S. M.;Davis, T. A.;Fournier, Y.;Galkin, A.;Gaspari, M.;Enke, H.;Krumpe, M.;O'Dea, C. P.;Pérez-Torres, M.;Rose, T.;Tremblay, G. R.;Walcher, C. J. Australian All-Sky Virtual Observatory (ASVO)
2022A&A...659A.188B An expanded ultraluminous X-ray source catalogue Bernadich, M. C.;Schwope, A. D.;Kovlakas, K.;Zezas, A.;Traulsen, I. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: CDS Cross-match
Use of VO tools: STILTS
2022ApJ...926..104P Photospheric Prompt Emission From Long Gamma Ray Burst Simulations. II. Spectropolarimetry Parsotan, Tyler;Lazzati, Davide Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2022ApJ...926..121L The Fast Radio Burst-emitting Magnetar SGR 1935+2154-Proper Motion and Variability from Long-term Hubble Space Telescope Monitoring Lyman, J. D.;Levan, A. J.;Wiersema, K.;Kouveliotou, C.;Chrimes, A. A.;Fruchter, A. S. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2022ApJ...926...98D Late-onset Circumstellar Medium Interactions are Rare: An Unbiased GALEX View of Type Ia Supernovae Dubay, Liam O.;Tucker, Michael A.;Do, Aaron;Shappee, Benjamin J.;Anand, Gagandeep S. Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2022ApJ...927...18F FRAMEx. II. Simultaneous X-Ray and Radio Variability in Active Galactic Nuclei-The Case of NGC 2992 Fernandez, Luis C.;Secrest, Nathan J.;Johnson, Megan C.;Schmitt, Henrique R.;Fischer, Travis C.;Cigan, Phillip J.;Dorland, Bryan N. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2022ApJS..259...16W The OGLE Collection of Variable Stars: One Thousand Heartbeat Stars in the Galactic Bulge and Magellanic Clouds Wrona, Marcin;Ratajczak, Milena;Kołaczek-Szymański, Piotr A.;Kozłowski, Szymon;Soszyński, Igor;Iwanek, Patryk;Udalski, Andrzej;Szymański, Michał K.;Pietrukowicz, Paweł;Skowron, Dorota M.;Skowron, Jan;Mróz, Przemek;Poleski, Radosław;Gromadzki, Mariusz;Ulaczyk, Krzysztof;Rybicki, Krzysztof Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2022MNRAS.509.4962G Hidden in the haystack: low-luminosity globular clusters towards the Milky Way bulge Gran, F.;Zoccali, M.;Saviane, I.;Valenti, E.;Rojas-Arriagada, A.;Contreras Ramos, R.;Hartke, J.;Carballo-Bello, J. A.;Navarrete, C.;Rejkuba, M.;Olivares Carvajal, J. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2022MNRAS.509.5275S The ZTF-BTS Type Ia supernovae luminosity function is consistent with a single progenitor channel for the explosions Sharon, Amir;Kushnir, Doron Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2022MNRAS.510.6110P Constraining the evolution of cataclysmic variables via the masses and accretion rates of their underlying white dwarfs Pala, A. F.;Gänsicke, B. T.;Belloni, D.;Parsons, S. G.;Marsh, T. R.;Schreiber, M. R.;Breedt, E.;Knigge, C.;Sion, E. M.;Szkody, P.;Townsley, D.;Bildsten, L.;Boyd, D.;Cook, M. J.;De Martino, D.;Godon, P.;Kafka, S.;Kouprianov, V.;Long, K. S.;Monard, B.;Myers, G.;Nelson, P.;Nogami, D.;Oksanen, A.;Pickard, R.;Poyner, G.;Reichart, D. E.;Rodriguez Perez, D.;Shears, J.;Stubbings, R.;Toloza, O. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2022MNRAS.511...54H SkyMapper colours of Seyfert galaxies and changing-look AGN - II. Newly discovered changing-look AGN Hon, Wei Jeat;Wolf, Christian;Onken, Christopher A.;Webster, Rachel;Auchettl, Katie - 2
2022MNRAS.511L..66W Discovery of hot subdwarfs covered with helium-burning ash Werner, Klaus;Reindl, Nicole;Geier, Stephan;Pritzkuleit, Max VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021A&A...653A..57M (216) Kleopatra, a low density critically rotating M-type asteroid Marchis, F.;Jorda, L.;Vernazza, P.;Brož, M.;Hanuš, J.;Ferrais, M.;Vachier, F.;Rambaux, N.;Marsset, M.;Viikinkoski, M.;Jehin, E.;Benseguane, S.;Podlewska-Gaca, E.;Carry, B.;Drouard, A.;Fauvaud, S.;Birlan, M.;Berthier, J.;Bartczak, P.;Dumas, C.;Dudziński, G.;Ďurech, J.;Castillo-Rogez, J.;Cipriani, F.;Colas, F.;Fetick, R.;Fusco, T.;Grice, J.;Kryszczynska, A.;Lamy, P.;Marciniak, A.;Michalowski, T.;Michel, P.;Pajuelo, M.;Santana-Ros, T.;Tanga, P.;Vigan, A.;Witasse, O.;Yang, B. - 3
2021AJ....162..290R Deep Exploration of the Planets HR 8799 b, c, and d with Moderate-resolution Spectroscopy Ruffio, Jean-Baptiste;Konopacky, Quinn M.;Barman, Travis;Macintosh, Bruce;Hoch, Kielan K. W.;De Rosa, Robert J.;Wang, Jason J.;Czekala, Ian;Marois, Christian Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2021ApJ...922...33R Unexpected Short-period Variability in Dwarf Carbon Stars from the Zwicky Transient Facility Roulston, Benjamin R.;Green, Paul J.;Toonen, Silvia;Hermes, J. J. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.506.6014T An AMUSING look at the host of the periodic nuclear transient ASASSN-14ko reveals a second AGN Tucker, M. A.;Shappee, B. J.;Hinkle, J. T.;Neustadt, J. M. M.;Eracleous, M.;Kochanek, C. S.;Prieto, J. L.;Payne, A. V.;Galbany, L.;Anderson, J. P.;Auchettl, K.;Auge, C.;Holoien, Thomas W. -S. - 3
2021MNRAS.507.1684M Years delayed gamma-ray and radio afterglows originated from TDE wind-torus interactions Mou, Guobin;Wang, Wei - 3
2021MNRAS.507.3187F Correcting correlation functions for redshift-dependent interloper contamination Farrow, Daniel J.;Sánchez, Ariel G.;Ciardullo, Robin;Cooper, Erin Mentuch;Davis, Dustin;Fabricius, Maximilian;Gawiser, Eric;Grasshorn Gebhardt, Henry S.;Gebhardt, Karl;Hill, Gary J.;Jeong, Donghui;Komatsu, Eiichiro;Landriau, Martin;Liu, Chenxu;Saito, Shun;Snigula, Jan;Wold, Isak G. B. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2022A&A...658A.183B Probing inner and outer disk misalignments in transition disks. Constraints from VLTI/GRAVITY and ALMA observations Bohn, A. J.;Benisty, M.;Perraut, K.;van der Marel, N.;Wölfer, L.;van Dishoeck, E. F.;Facchini, S.;Manara, C. F.;Teague, R.;Francis, L.;Berger, J. -P.;Garcia-Lopez, R.;Ginski, C.;Henning, T.;Kenworthy, M.;Kraus, S.;Ménard, F.;Mérand, A.;Pérez, L. M. Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021A&A...653A..82B Bright galaxy sample in the Kilo-Degree Survey Data Release 4. Selection, photometric redshifts, and physical properties Bilicki, M.;Dvornik, A.;Hoekstra, H.;Wright, A. H.;Chisari, N. E.;Vakili, M.;Asgari, M.;Giblin, B.;Heymans, C.;Hildebrandt, H.;Holwerda, B. W.;Hopkins, A.;Johnston, H.;Kannawadi, A.;Kuijken, K.;Nakoneczny, S. J.;Shan, H. Y.;Sonnenfeld, A.;Valentijn, E. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021A&A...654A...9L Follow-up of non-transiting planets detected by Kepler. Confirmation of three hot-Jupiters and validation of three other planets Lillo-Box, J.;Millholland, S.;Laughlin, G. - 4
2021A&A...656A.162M The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. Stellar atmospheric parameters of target stars with SteParSyn Marfil, E.;Tabernero, H. M.;Montes, D.;Caballero, J. A.;Lázaro, F. J.;González Hernández, J. I.;Nagel, E.;Passegger, V. M.;Schweitzer, A.;Ribas, I.;Reiners, A.;Quirrenbach, A.;Amado, P. J.;Cifuentes, C.;Cortés-Contreras, M.;Dreizler, S.;Duque-Arribas, C.;Galadí-Enríquez, D.;Henning, Th.;Jeffers, S. V.;Kaminski, A.;Kürster, M.;Lafarga, M.;López-Gallifa, Á.;Morales, J. C.;Shan, Y.;Zechmeister, M. Use of VO tools: VOSA
2021ApJ...923...20P Disruption of Hierarchical Clustering in the Vela OB2 Complex and the Cluster Pair Collinder 135 and UBC 7 with Gaia EDR3: Evidence of Supernova Quenching Pang, Xiaoying;Yu, Zeqiu;Tang, Shih-Yun;Hong, Jongsuk;Yuan, Zhen;Pasquato, Mario;Kouwenhoven, M. B. N. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021MNRAS.507..129S HELP: the Herschel Extragalactic Legacy Project Shirley, R.;Duncan, K.;Campos Varillas, M. C.;Hurley, P. D.;Małek, K.;Roehlly, Y.;Smith, M. W. L.;Aussel, H.;Bakx, T.;Buat, V.;Burgarella, D.;Christopher, N.;Duivenvoorden, S.;Eales, S.;Efstathiou, A.;González Solares, E. A.;Griffin, M.;Jarvis, M.;Faro, B. Lo;Marchetti, L.;McCheyne, I.;Papadopoulos, A.;Penner, K.;Pons, E.;Prescott, M.;Rigby, E.;Rottgering, H.;Saxena, A.;Scudder, J.;Vaccari, M.;Wang, L.;Oliver, S. J. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2022A&A...657A.115C Probing modified Newtonian dynamics with hypervelocity stars Chakrabarty, Sankha Subhra;Ostorero, Luisa;Gallo, Arianna;Ebagezio, Stefano;Diaferio, Antonaldo Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2022A&A...658A..91A Photo-astrometric distances, extinctions, and astrophysical parameters for Gaia EDR3 stars brighter than G = 18.5 Anders, F.;Khalatyan, A.;Queiroz, A. B. A.;Chiappini, C.;Ardèvol, J.;Casamiquela, L.;Figueras, F.;Jiménez-Arranz, Ó.;Jordi, C.;Monguió, M.;Romero-Gómez, M.;Altamirano, D.;Antoja, T.;Assaad, R.;Cantat-Gaudin, T.;Castro-Ginard, A.;Enke, H.;Girardi, L.;Guiglion, G.;Khan, S.;Luri, X.;Miglio, A.;Minchev, I.;Ramos, P.;Santiago, B. X.;Steinmetz, M. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: STILTS
Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2022A&A...659A.144W J-PLUS: Support vector machine applied to STAR-GALAXY-QSO classification Wang, C.;Bai, Y.;López-Sanjuan, C.;Yuan, H.;Wang, S.;Liu, J.;Sobral, D.;Baqui, P. O.;Martín, E. L.;Andres Galarza, C.;Alcaniz, J.;Angulo, R. E.;Cenarro, A. J.;Cristóbal-Hornillos, D.;Dupke, R. A.;Ederoclite, A.;Hernández-Monteagudo, C.;Marín-Franch, A.;Moles, M.;Sodré, L.;Vázquez Ramió, H.;Varela, J. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2022ApJ...926..132H Reconstructing the Pleiades with Gaia EDR3 Heyl, Jeremy;Caiazzo, Ilaria;Richer, Harvey B. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2022MNRAS.509.4094T PHANGS-HST: new methods for star cluster identification in nearby galaxies Thilker, David A.;Whitmore, Bradley C.;Lee, Janice C.;Deger, Sinan;Chandar, Rupali;Larson, Kirsten L.;Hannon, Stephen;Ubeda, Leonardo;Dale, Daniel A.;Glover, Simon C. O.;Grasha, Kathryn;Klessen, Ralf S.;Kruijssen, J. M. Diederik;Rosolowsky, Erik;Schruba, Andreas;White, Richard L.;Williams, Thomas G. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: STILTS
2022MNRAS.510.2980A Galaxy velocity bias in cosmological simulations: towards per cent-level calibration Anbajagane, Dhayaa;Aung, Han;Evrard, August E.;Farahi, Arya;Nagai, Daisuke;Barnes, David J.;Cui, Weiguang;Dolag, Klaus;McCarthy, Ian G.;Rasia, Elena;Yepes, Gustavo VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper
2021A&A...654A.123M Characterization of dense Planck clumps observed with Herschel and SCUBA-2 Mannfors, E.;Juvela, M.;Bronfman, L.;Eden, D. J.;He, J.;Kim, G.;Kim, K. -T.;Kirppu, H.;Liu, T.;Montillaud, J.;Parsons, H.;Sanhueza, P.;Shang, H.;Soam, A.;Tatematsu, K.;Traficante, A.;Väisälä, M. S.;Lee, C. W. - 5
2021AJ....162..231C Alert Classification for the ALeRCE Broker System: The Real-time Stamp Classifier Carrasco-Davis, R.;Reyes, E.;Valenzuela, C.;Förster, F.;Estévez, P. A.;Pignata, G.;Bauer, F. E.;Reyes, I.;Sánchez-Sáez, P.;Cabrera-Vives, G.;Eyheramendy, S.;Catelan, M.;Arredondo, J.;Castillo-Navarrete, E.;Rodríguez-Mancini, D.;Ruz-Mieres, D.;Moya, A.;Sabatini-Gacitúa, L.;Sepúlveda-Cobo, C.;Mahabal, A. A.;Silva-Farfán, J.;Camacho-Iñiguez, E.;Galbany, L. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021ApJ...918...74A A Blueprint for the Milky Way's Stellar Populations. III. Spatial Distributions and Population Fractions of Local Halo Stars An, Deokkeun;Beers, Timothy C. - 5
2021MNRAS.506.3155J The assembly bias of emission-line galaxies Jiménez, Esteban;Padilla, Nelson;Contreras, Sergio;Zehavi, Idit;Baugh, Carlton M.;Orsi, Álvaro - 5
2022A&A...658A.146V Apertif: Phased array feeds for the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope. System overview and performance characteristics van Cappellen, W. A.;Oosterloo, T. A.;Verheijen, M. A. W.;Adams, E. A. K.;Adebahr, B.;Braun, R.;Hess, K. M.;Holties, H.;van der Hulst, J. M.;Hut, B.;Kooistra, E.;van Leeuwen, J.;Loose, G. M.;Morganti, R.;Moss, V. A.;Orrú, E.;Ruiter, M.;Schoenmakers, A. P.;Vermaas, N. J.;Wijnholds, S. J.;van Amesfoort, A. S.;Arts, M. J.;Attema, J. J.;Bakker, L.;Bassa, C. G.;Bast, J. E.;Benthem, P.;Beukema, R.;Blaauw, R.;de Blok, W. J. G.;Bouwhuis, M.;van den Brink, R. H.;Connor, L.;Coolen, A. H. W. M.;Damstra, S.;van Diepen, G. N. J.;de Goei, R.;Dénes, H.;Drost, M.;Ebbendorf, N.;Frank, B. S.;Gardenier, D. W.;Gerbers, M.;Grange, Y. G.;Grit, T.;Gunst, A. W.;Gupta, N.;Ivashina, M. V.;Józsa, G. I. G.;Janssen, G. H.;Koster, A.;Kruithof, G. H.;Kuindersma, S. J.;Kutkin, A.;Lucero, D. M.;Maan, Y.;Maccagni, F. M.;van der Marel, J.;Mika, A.;Morawietz, J.;Mulder, H.;Mulder, E.;Norden, M. J.;Offringa, A. R.;Oostrum, L. C.;Overeem, R. E.;Paragi, Z.;Pepping, H. J.;Petroff, E.;Pisano, D. J.;Polatidis, A. G.;Prasad, P.;de Reijer, J. P. R.;Romein, J. W.;Schaap, J.;Schoonderbeek, G. W.;Schulz, R.;van der Schuur, D.;Sclocco, A.;Sluman, J. J.;Smits, R.;Stappers, B. W.;Straal, S. M.;Stuurwold, K. J. C.;Verstappen, J.;Vohl, D.;Wierenga, K. J.;Woestenburg, E. E. M.;Zanting, A. W.;Ziemke, J. VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper
2022A&A...658A..29R The iron and oxygen content of LMC Classical Cepheids and its implications for the extragalactic distance scale and Hubble constant. Equivalent width analysis with Kurucz stellar atmosphere models Romaniello, Martino;Riess, Adam;Mancino, Sara;Anderson, Richard I.;Freudling, Wolfram;Kudritzki, Rolf-Peter;Macrì, Lucas;Mucciarelli, Alessio;Yuan, Wenlong Use of VO tools: Aladin
2022ApJ...925..165H The 1.28 GHz MeerKAT Galactic Center Mosaic Heywood, I.;Rammala, I.;Camilo, F.;Cotton, W. D.;Yusef-Zadeh, F.;Abbott, T. D.;Adam, R. M.;Adams, G.;Aldera, M. A.;Asad, K. M. B.;Bauermeister, E. F.;Bennett, T. G. H.;Bester, H. L.;Bode, W. A.;Botha, D. H.;Botha, A. G.;Brederode, L. R. S.;Buchner, S.;Burger, J. P.;Cheetham, T.;de Villiers, D. I. L.;Dikgale-Mahlakoana, M. A.;du Toit, L. J.;Esterhuyse, S. W. P.;Fanaroff, B. L.;February, S.;Fourie, D. J.;Frank, B. S.;Gamatham, R. R. G.;Geyer, M.;Goedhart, S.;Gouws, M.;Gumede, S. C.;Hlakola, M. J.;Hokwana, A.;Hoosen, S. W.;Horrell, J. M. G.;Hugo, B.;Isaacson, A. I.;Józsa, G. I. G.;Jonas, J. L.;Joubert, A. F.;Julie, R. P. M.;Kapp, F. B.;Kenyon, J. S.;Kotzé, P. P. A.;Kriek, N.;Kriel, H.;Krishnan, V. K.;Lehmensiek, R.;Liebenberg, D.;Lord, R. T.;Lunsky, B. M.;Madisa, K.;Magnus, L. G.;Mahgoub, O.;Makhaba, A.;Makhathini, S.;Malan, J. A.;Manley, J. R.;Marais, S. J.;Martens, A.;Mauch, T.;Merry, B. C.;Millenaar, R. P.;Mnyandu, N.;Mokone, O. J.;Monama, T. E.;Mphego, M. C.;New, W. S.;Ngcebetsha, B.;Ngoasheng, K. J.;Ockards, M. T.;Oozeer, N.;Otto, A. J.;Passmoor, S. S.;Patel, A. A.;Peens-Hough, A.;Perkins, S. J.;Ramaila, A. J. T.;Ramanujam, N. M. R.;Ramudzuli, Z. R.;Ratcliffe, S. M.;Robyntjies, A.;Salie, S.;Sambu, N.;Schollar, C. T. G.;Schwardt, L. C.;Schwartz, R. L.;Serylak, M.;Siebrits, R.;Sirothia, S. K.;Slabber, M.;Smirnov, O. M.;Sofeya, L.;Taljaard, B.;Tasse, C.;Tiplady, A. J.;Toruvanda, O.;Twum, S. N.;van Balla, T. J.;van der Byl, A.;van der Merwe, C.;Van Tonder, V.;Van Wyk, R.;Venter, A. J.;Venter, M.;Wallace, B. H.;Welz, M. G.;Williams, L. P.;Xaia, B. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2022ApJ...927..164B Toward a Better Understanding of Cosmic Chronometers: Stellar Population Properties of Passive Galaxies at Intermediate Redshift Borghi, Nicola;Moresco, Michele;Cimatti, Andrea;Huchet, Alexandre;Quai, Salvatore;Pozzetti, Lucia Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.507.2592S The proper motion of Andromeda from Gaia EDR3: confirming a nearly radial orbit Salomon, J. -B.;Ibata, R.;Reylé, C.;Famaey, B.;Libeskind, N. I.;McConnachie, A. W.;Hoffman, Y. - 6
2022A&A...659A.200B The Gaia-ESO Survey: Target selection of open cluster stars Bragaglia, A.;Alfaro, E. J.;Flaccomio, E.;Blomme, R.;Donati, P.;Costado, M.;Damiani, F.;Franciosini, E.;Prisinzano, L.;Randich, S.;Friel, E. D.;Hatztidimitriou, D.;Vallenari, A.;Spagna, A.;Balaguer-Nunez, L.;Bonito, R.;Cantat Gaudin, T.;Casamiquela, L.;Jeffries, R. D.;Jordi, C.;Magrini, L.;Drew, J. E.;Jackson, R. J.;Abbas, U.;Caramazza, M.;Hayes, C.;Jiménez-Esteban, F. M.;Re Fiorentin, P.;Wright, N.;Bayo, A.;Bensby, T.;Bergemann, M.;Gilmore, G.;Gonneau, A.;Heiter, U.;Hourihane, A.;Pancino, E.;Sacco, G.;Smiljanic, R.;Zaggia, S.;Vink, J. S. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2022MNRAS.510.2407B The GALAH Survey: chemical tagging and chrono-chemodynamics of accreted halo stars with GALAH+ DR3 and Gaia eDR3 Buder, Sven;Lind, Karin;Ness, Melissa K.;Feuillet, Diane K.;Horta, Danny;Monty, Stephanie;Buck, Tobias;Nordlander, Thomas;Bland-Hawthorn, Joss;Casey, Andrew R.;de Silva, Gayandhi M.;D'Orazi, Valentina;Freeman, Ken C.;Hayden, Michael R.;Kos, Janez;Martell, Sarah L.;Lewis, Geraint F.;Lin, Jane;Schlesinger, Katharine J.;Sharma, Sanjib;Simpson, Jeffrey D.;Stello, Dennis;Zucker, Daniel B.;Zwitter, Tomaž;Ciucă, Ioana;Horner, Jonathan;Kobayashi, Chiaki;Ting, Yuan-Sen;Wyse, Rosemary F. G.;Wyse, Galah Collaboration Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2022MNRAS.510.3758B Transients from ONe white dwarf - neutron star/black hole mergers Bobrick, Alexey;Zenati, Yossef;Perets, Hagai B.;Davies, Melvyn B.;Church, Ross Use of VO tools: VOSA
2022MNRAS.510.4582N The synchrony of production and escape: half the bright Lyα emitters at z ≍ 2 have Lyman continuum escape fractions ≍50 Naidu, Rohan P.;Matthee, Jorryt;Oesch, Pascal A.;Conroy, Charlie;Sobral, David;Pezzulli, Gabriele;Hayes, Matthew;Erb, Dawn;Amorín, Ricardo;Gronke, Max;Schaerer, Daniel;Tacchella, Sandro;Kerutt, Josephine;Paulino-Afonso, Ana;Calhau, João;Llerena, Mario;Röttgering, Huub Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021A&A...654A..61L J-PLUS: Systematic impact of metallicity on photometric calibration with the stellar locus López-Sanjuan, C.;Yuan, H.;Vázquez Ramió, H.;Varela, J.;Cristóbal-Hornillos, D.;Tremblay, P. -E.;Marín-Franch, A.;Cenarro, A. J.;Ederoclite, A.;Alfaro, E. J.;Alvarez-Candal, A.;Daflon, S.;Hernán-Caballero, A.;Hernández-Monteagudo, C.;Jiménez-Esteban, F. M.;Placco, V. M.;Tempel, E.;Alcaniz, J.;Angulo, R. E.;Dupke, R. A.;Moles, M.;Sodré, L. - 7
2021AJ....162..303S Final Targeting Strategy for the SDSS-IV APOGEE-2S Survey Santana, Felipe A.;Beaton, Rachael L.;Covey, Kevin R.;O'Connell, Julia E.;Longa-Peña, Penélope;Cohen, Roger;Fernández-Trincado, José G.;Hayes, Christian R.;Zasowski, Gail;Sobeck, Jennifer S.;Majewski, Steven R.;Chojnowski, S. D.;De Lee, Nathan;Oelkers, Ryan J.;Stringfellow, Guy S.;Almeida, Andrés;Anguiano, Borja;Donor, John;Frinchaboy, Peter M.;Hasselquist, Sten;Johnson, Jennifer A.;Kollmeier, Juna A.;Nidever, David L.;Price-Whelan, Adrian M.;Rojas-Arriagada, Alvaro;Schultheis, Mathias;Shetrone, Matthew;Simon, Joshua D.;Aerts, Conny;Borissova, Jura;Drout, Maria R.;Geisler, Doug;Law, C. Y.;Medina, Nicolas;Minniti, Dante;Monachesi, Antonela;Muñoz, Ricardo R.;Poleski, Radosław;Roman-Lopes, Alexandre;Schlaufman, Kevin C.;Stutz, Amelia M.;Teske, Johanna;Tkachenko, Andrew;Van Saders, Jennifer L.;Weinberger, Alycia J.;Zoccali, Manuela Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021ApJ...919...53C The Origin of Parity Violation in Polarized Dust Emission and Implications for Cosmic Birefringence Clark, S. E.;Kim, Chang-Goo;Hill, J. Colin;Hensley, Brandon S. - 7
2021ApJ...923...31S CHILES VERDES: Radio Variability at an Unprecedented Depth and Cadence in the COSMOS Field Sarbadhicary, Sumit K.;Tremou, Evangelia;Stewart, Adam J.;Chomiuk, Laura;Peters, Charee;Hales, Chris;Strader, Jay;Momjian, Emmanuel;Fender, Rob;Wilcots, Eric M. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ARA&A..59...59B Microarcsecond Astrometry: Science Highlights from Gaia Brown, Anthony G. A. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021A&A...655A..42S Molecular gas budget and characterization of intermediate-mass star-forming galaxies at z ≈ 2-3 Solimano, M.;González-López, J.;Barrientos, L. F.;Aravena, M.;López, S.;Tejos, N.;Sharon, K.;Dahle, H.;Bayliss, M.;Ledoux, C.;Rigby, J. R.;Gladders, M. - 8
2021ApJ...921..118N Distant Relatives: The Chemical Homogeneity of Comoving Pairs Identified in Gaia Nelson, Tyler;Ting, Yuan-Sen;Hawkins, Keith;Ji, Alexander;Kamdar, Harshil;El-Badry, Kareem Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2022A&A...657A...9C Virgo filaments. I. Processing of gas in cosmological filaments around the Virgo cluster Castignani, G.;Combes, F.;Jablonka, P.;Finn, R. A.;Rudnick, G.;Vulcani, B.;Desai, V.;Zaritsky, D.;Salomé, P. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2022MNRAS.511..120S No strong dependence of Lyman continuum leakage on physical properties of star-forming galaxies at ≲ z ≲ 3.5 Saxena, A.;Pentericci, L.;Ellis, R. S.;Guaita, L.;Calabrò, A.;Schaerer, D.;Vanzella, E.;Amorín, R.;Bolzonella, M.;Castellano, M.;Fontanot, F.;Hathi, N. P.;Hibon, P.;Llerena, M.;Mannucci, F.;Saldana-Lopez, A.;Talia, M.;Zamorani, G. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2022AJ....163...80W The Scorpion Planet Survey: Wide-orbit Giant Planets Around Young A-type Stars Wagner, Kevin;Apai, Dániel;Kasper, Markus;McClure, Melissa;Robberto, Massimo - 9
2021ApJ...919...66B Constraints on the Assembly History of the Milky Way's Smooth, Diffuse Stellar Halo from the Metallicity-dependent, Radially Dominated Velocity Anisotropy Profiles Probed with K Giants and BHB Stars Using LAMOST, SDSS/SEGUE, and Gaia Bird, Sarah A.;Xue, Xiang-Xiang;Liu, Chao;Shen, Juntai;Flynn, Chris;Yang, Chengqun;Zhao, Gang;Tian, Hai-Jun Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2022ApJ...925..164H Beyond Spectroscopy. I. Metallicities, Distances, and Age Estimates for Over 20 Million Stars from SMSS DR2 and Gaia EDR3 Huang, Yang;Beers, Timothy C.;Wolf, Christian;Lee, Young Sun;Onken, Christopher A.;Yuan, Haibo;Shank, Derek;Zhang, Huawei;Wang, Chun;Shi, Jianrong;Fan, Zhou Australian All-Sky Virtual Observatory (ASVO)
2021ApJS..256....2D The DECam Local Volume Exploration Survey: Overview and First Data Release Drlica-Wagner, A.;Carlin, J. L.;Nidever, D. L.;Ferguson, P. S.;Kuropatkin, N.;Adamów, M.;Cerny, W.;Choi, Y.;Esteves, J. H.;Martínez-Vázquez, C. E.;Mau, S.;Miller, A. E.;Mutlu-Pakdil, B.;Neilsen, E. H.;Olsen, K. A. G.;Pace, A. B.;Riley, A. H.;Sakowska, J. D.;Sand, D. J.;Santana-Silva, L.;Tollerud, E. J.;Tucker, D. L.;Vivas, A. K.;Zaborowski, E.;Zenteno, A.;Abbott, T. M. C.;Allam, S.;Bechtol, K.;Bell, C. P. M.;Bell, E. F.;Bilaji, P.;Bom, C. R.;Carballo-Bello, J. A.;Crnojević, D.;Cioni, M. -R. L.;Diaz-Ocampo, A.;de Boer, T. J. L.;Erkal, D.;Gruendl, R. A.;Hernandez-Lang, D.;Hughes, A. K.;James, D. J.;Johnson, L. C.;Li, T. S.;Mao, Y. -Y.;Martínez-Delgado, D.;Massana, P.;McNanna, M.;Morgan, R.;Nadler, E. O.;Noël, N. E. D.;Palmese, A.;Peter, A. H. G.;Rykoff, E. S.;Sánchez, J.;Shipp, N.;Simon, J. D.;Smercina, A.;Soares-Santos, M.;Stringfellow, G. S.;Tavangar, K.;van der Marel, R. P.;Walker, A. R.;Wechsler, R. H.;Wu, J. F.;Yanny, B.;Fitzpatrick, M.;Huang, L.;Jacques, A.;Nikutta, R.;Scott, A.;Astro Data Lab - 12
2022ApJ...927..163C Kilonova Detectability with Wide-field Instruments Chase, Eve A.;O'Connor, Brendan;Fryer, Christopher L.;Troja, Eleonora;Korobkin, Oleg;Wollaeger, Ryan T.;Ristic, Marko;Fontes, Christopher J.;Hungerford, Aimee L.;Herring, Angela M. Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2021A&A...653A...9S Cosmic radio dipole: Estimators and frequency dependence Siewert, Thilo M.;Schmidt-Rubart, Matthias;Schwarz, Dominik J. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021A&A...653A..49B The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. Spectroscopic orbits of nine M-dwarf multiple systems, including two triples, two brown dwarf candidates, and one close M-dwarf-white dwarf binary Baroch, D.;Morales, J. C.;Ribas, I.;Béjar, V. J. S.;Reffert, S.;Cardona Guillén, C.;Reiners, A.;Caballero, J. A.;Quirrenbach, A.;Amado, P. J.;Anglada-Escudé, G.;Colomé, J.;Cortés-Contreras, M.;Dreizler, S.;Galadí-Enríquez, D.;Hatzes, A. P.;Jeffers, S. V.;Henning, Th.;Herrero, E.;Kaminski, A.;Kürster, M.;Lafarga, M.;Lodieu, N.;López-González, M. J.;Montes, D.;Pallé, E.;Perger, M.;Pollacco, D.;Rodríguez-López, C.;Rodríguez, E.;Rosich, A.;Schöfer, P.;Schweitzer, A.;Shan, Y.;Tal-Or, L.;Zechmeister, M. - 17
2022ApJ...925..218X The Ionization and Destruction of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Powerful Quasars Xie, Yanxia;Ho, Luis C. - 17
2022ApJ...926...49K Hubble Space Telescope Observations of GW170817: Complete Light Curves and the Properties of the Galaxy Merger of NGC 4993 Kilpatrick, Charles D.;Fong, Wen-fai;Blanchard, Peter K.;Leja, Joel;Nugent, Anya E.;Palmese, Antonella;Paterson, Kerry;Starkenburg, Tjitske;Alexander, Kate D.;Berger, Edo;Chornock, Ryan;Hajela, Aprajita;Margutti, Raffaella - 18
2022ApJ...927..218H ALMA Survey of Orion Planck Galactic Cold Clumps (ALMASOP): A Hot Corino Survey toward Protostellar Cores in the Orion Cloud Hsu, Shih-Ying;Liu, Sheng-Yuan;Liu, Tie;Sahu, Dipen;Lee, Chin-Fei;Tatematsu, Kenichi;Kim, Kee-Tae;Hirano, Naomi;Yang, Yao-Lun;Johnstone, Doug;Liu, Hongli;Juvela, Mika;Bronfman, Leonardo;Chen, Huei-Ru Vivien;Dutta, Somnath;Eden, David J.;Jhan, Kai-Syun;Kuan, Yi-Jehng;Lee, Chang Won;Lee, Jeong-Eun;Li, Shanghuo;Liu, Chun-Fan;Qin, Sheng-Li;Sanhueza, Patricio;Shang, Hsien;Soam, Archana;Traficante, Alessio;Zhou, Jianjun - 19
2022MNRAS.510.2597R A classifier for spurious astrometric solutions in Gaia eDR3 Rybizki, Jan;Green, Gregory M.;Rix, Hans-Walter;El-Badry, Kareem;Demleitner, Markus;Zari, Eleonora;Udalski, Andrzej;Smart, Richard L.;Gould, Andrew Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper
2021A&A...653A..31B The miniJPAS survey: A preview of the Universe in 56 colors Bonoli, S.;Marín-Franch, A.;Varela, J.;Vázquez Ramió, H.;Abramo, L. R.;Cenarro, A. J.;Dupke, R. A.;Vílchez, J. M.;Cristóbal-Hornillos, D.;González Delgado, R. M.;Hernández-Monteagudo, C.;López-Sanjuan, C.;Muniesa, D. J.;Civera, T.;Ederoclite, A.;Hernán-Caballero, A.;Marra, V.;Baqui, P. O.;Cortesi, A.;Cypriano, E. S.;Daflon, S.;de Amorim, A. L.;Díaz-García, L. A.;Diego, J. M.;Martínez-Solaeche, G.;Pérez, E.;Placco, V. M.;Prada, F.;Queiroz, C.;Alcaniz, J.;Alvarez-Candal, A.;Cepa, J.;Maroto, A. L.;Roig, F.;Siffert, B. B.;Taylor, K.;Benitez, N.;Moles, M.;Sodré, L.;Carneiro, S.;Mendes de Oliveira, C.;Abdalla, E.;Angulo, R. E.;Aparicio Resco, M.;Balaguera-Antolínez, A.;Ballesteros, F. J.;Brito-Silva, D.;Broadhurst, T.;Carrasco, E. R.;Castro, T.;Cid Fernandes, R.;Coelho, P.;de Melo, R. B.;Doubrawa, L.;Fernandez-Soto, A.;Ferrari, F.;Finoguenov, A.;García-Benito, R.;Iglesias-Páramo, J.;Jiménez-Teja, Y.;Kitaura, F. S.;Laur, J.;Lopes, P. A. A.;Lucatelli, G.;Martínez, V. J.;Maturi, M.;Overzier, R. A.;Pigozzo, C.;Quartin, M.;Rodríguez-Martín, J. E.;Salzano, V.;Tamm, A.;Tempel, E.;Umetsu, K.;Valdivielso, L.;von Marttens, R.;Zitrin, A.;Díaz-Martín, M. C.;López-Alegre, G.;López-Sainz, A.;Yanes-Díaz, A.;Rueda-Teruel, F.;Rueda-Teruel, S.;Abril Ibañez, J.;L Antón Bravo, J.;Bello Ferrer, R.;Bielsa, S.;Casino, J. M.;Castillo, J.;Chueca, S.;Cuesta, L.;Garzarán Calderaro, J.;Iglesias-Marzoa, R.;Íniguez, C.;Lamadrid Gutierrez, J. L.;Lopez-Martinez, F.;Lozano-Pérez, D.;Maícas Sacristán, N.;Molina-Ibáñez, E. L.;Moreno-Signes, A.;Rodríguez Llano, S.;Royo Navarro, M.;Tilve Rua, V.;Andrade, U.;Alfaro, E. J.;Akras, S.;Arnalte-Mur, P.;Ascaso, B.;Barbosa, C. E.;Beltrán Jiménez, J.;Benetti, M.;Bengaly, C. A. P.;Bernui, A.;Blanco-Pillado, J. J.;Borges Fernandes, M.;Bregman, J. N.;Bruzual, G.;Calderone, G.;Carvano, J. M.;Casarini, L.;Chaves-Montero, J.;Chies-Santos, A. L.;Coutinho de Carvalho, G.;Dimauro, P. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021A&A...656A.156Q The Milky Way bar and bulge revealed by APOGEE and Gaia EDR3 Queiroz, A. B. A.;Chiappini, C.;Perez-Villegas, A.;Khalatyan, A.;Anders, F.;Barbuy, B.;Santiago, B. X.;Steinmetz, M.;Cunha, K.;Schultheis, M.;Majewski, S. R.;Minchev, I.;Minniti, D.;Beaton, R. L.;Cohen, R. E.;da Costa, L. N.;Fernández-Trincado, J. G.;Garcia-Hernández, D. A.;Geisler, D.;Hasselquist, S.;Lane, R. R.;Nitschelm, C.;Rojas-Arriagada, A.;Roman-Lopes, A.;Smith, V.;Zasowski, G. Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2021A&A...653A..68L SSTRED: Data- and metadata-processing pipeline for CHROMIS and CRISP Löfdahl, Mats G.;Hillberg, Tomas;de la Cruz Rodríguez, Jaime;Vissers, Gregal;Andriienko, Oleksii;Scharmer, Göran B.;Haugan, Stein V. H.;Fredvik, Terje - 29
2021A&A...654A.159S The changing face of AU Mic b: stellar spots, spin-orbit commensurability, and transit timing variations as seen by CHEOPS and TESS Szabó, Gy. M.;Gandolfi, D.;Brandeker, A.;Csizmadia, Sz.;Garai, Z.;Billot, N.;Broeg, C.;Ehrenreich, D.;Fortier, A.;Fossati, L.;Hoyer, S.;Kiss, L.;Lecavelier des Etangs, A.;Maxted, P. F. L.;Ribas, I.;Alibert, Y.;Alonso, R.;Anglada Escudé, G.;Bárczy, T.;Barros, S. C. C.;Barrado, D.;Baumjohann, W.;Beck, M.;Beck, T.;Bekkelien, A.;Bonfils, X.;Benz, W.;Borsato, L.;Busch, M. -D.;Cabrera, J.;Charnoz, S.;Collier Cameron, A.;Van Damme, C. Corral;Davies, M. B.;Delrez, L.;Deleuil, M.;Demangeon, O. D. S.;Demory, B. -O.;Erikson, A.;Fridlund, M.;Futyan, D.;García Muñoz, A.;Gillon, M.;Guedel, M.;Guterman, P.;Heng, K.;Isaak, K. G.;Lacedelli, G.;Laskar, J.;Lendl, M.;Lovis, C.;Luntzer, A.;Magrin, D.;Nascimbeni, V.;Olofsson, G.;Osborn, H. P.;Ottensamer, R.;Pagano, I.;Pallé, E.;Peter, G.;Piazza, D.;Piotto, G.;Pollacco, D.;Queloz, D.;Ragazzoni, R.;Rando, N.;Rauer, H.;Santos, N. C.;Scandariato, G.;Ségransan, D.;Serrano, L. M.;Sicilia, D.;Simon, A. E.;Smith, A. M. S.;Sousa, S. G.;Steller, M.;Thomas, N.;Udry, S.;Van Grootel, V.;Walton, N. A.;Wilson, T. G. - 46
2021MNRAS.506..150B The GALAH+ survey: Third data release Buder, Sven;Sharma, Sanjib;Kos, Janez;Amarsi, Anish M.;Nordlander, Thomas;Lind, Karin;Martell, Sarah L.;Asplund, Martin;Bland-Hawthorn, Joss;Casey, Andrew R.;de Silva, Gayandhi M.;D'Orazi, Valentina;Freeman, Ken C.;Hayden, Michael R.;Lewis, Geraint F.;Lin, Jane;Schlesinger, Katharine J.;Simpson, Jeffrey D.;Stello, Dennis;Zucker, Daniel B.;Zwitter, Tomaž;Beeson, Kevin L.;Buck, Tobias;Casagrande, Luca;Clark, Jake T.;Čotar, Klemen;da Costa, Gary S.;de Grijs, Richard;Feuillet, Diane;Horner, Jonathan;Kafle, Prajwal R.;Khanna, Shourya;Kobayashi, Chiaki;Liu, Fan;Montet, Benjamin T.;Nandakumar, Govind;Nataf, David M.;Ness, Melissa K.;Spina, Lorenzo;Tepper-García, Thor;Ting, Yuan-Sen;Traven, Gregor;Vogrinčič, Rok;Wittenmyer, Robert A.;Wyse, Rosemary F. G.;Žerjal, Maruša;Žerjal, Maruša;Galah Collaboration Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Vizier

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