
499 Results

Comment Number
Use of VO tools: TOPCAT 216
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD 137
Use of VO tools: Vizier 107
Use of VO tools: Aladin 76
Use of VO tools: VOSA 35
Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service. 16
VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper. 15
Australian All-Sky Virtual Observatory (ASVO) 7
Use of VO tools: STILTS 6
VO project (JVO) acknowledged in the paper. 4
Use of VO tools: SkyBot 3
Use of VO tools: CASSIS 3
Use of VO tools: CDS Cross-match 3
Use of VO tools: ESASky 2
VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper. Use of Millenium database. 2
Use of VO tools: Sky View 1
Use of VO services. Theoretical model service provided by SVO. 1
Use of VO services. theoretical Astrophysical Observatory provided by ASVO 1
Planetary Virtual Observatory and Laboratory (PVOL) database 1
Use of VO tools: Splat-VO 1
Use of VO services. TMAD provided by GAVO 1
Use of VO tool: MIriade 1
VO publication of data collections. Using and accessing SVOCat 1
VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper 1

Bibcode Title author Comment Citation
2021A&A...647A.111R HD 344787: a true Polaris analogue? Ripepi, V.;Catanzaro, G.;Molnár, L.;Plachy, E.;Marconi, M.;Clementini, G.;Molinaro, R.;De Somma, G.;Leccia, S.;Mancino, S.;Musella, I.;Cusano, F.;Testa, V. Use of VO tools: VOSA
2021A&A...647A.150G The VANDELS ESO public spectroscopic survey. Final data release of 2087 spectra and spectroscopic measurements Garilli, B.;McLure, R.;Pentericci, L.;Franzetti, P.;Gargiulo, A.;Carnall, A.;Cucciati, O.;Iovino, A.;Amorin, R.;Bolzonella, M.;Bongiorno, A.;Castellano, M.;Cimatti, A.;Cirasuolo, M.;Cullen, F.;Dunlop, J.;Elbaz, D.;Finkelstein, S.;Fontana, A.;Fontanot, F.;Fumana, M.;Guaita, L.;Hartley, W.;Jarvis, M.;Juneau, S.;Maccagni, D.;McLeod, D.;Nandra, K.;Pompei, E.;Pozzetti, L.;Scodeggio, M.;Talia, M.;Calabrò, A.;Cresci, G.;Fynbo, J. P. U.;Hathi, N. P.;Hibon, P.;Koekemoer, A. M.;Magliocchetti, M.;Salvato, M.;Vietri, G.;Zamorani, G.;Almaini, O.;Balestra, I.;Bardelli, S.;Begley, R.;Brammer, G.;Bell, E. F.;Bowler, R. A. A.;Brusa, M.;Buitrago, F.;Caputi, C.;Cassata, P.;Charlot, S.;Citro, A.;Cristiani, S.;Curtis-Lake, E.;Dickinson, M.;Fazio, G.;Ferguson, H. C.;Fiore, F.;Franco, M.;Georgakakis, A.;Giavalisco, M.;Grazian, A.;Hamadouche, M.;Jung, I.;Kim, S.;Khusanova, Y.;Le Fèvre, O.;Longhetti, M.;Lotz, J.;Mannucci, F.;Maltby, D.;Matsuoka, K.;Mendez-Hernandez, H.;Mendez-Abreu, J.;Mignoli, M.;Moresco, M.;Nonino, M.;Pannella, M.;Papovich, C.;Popesso, P.;Roberts-Borsani, G.;Rosario, D. J.;Saldana-Lopez, A.;Santini, P.;Saxena, A.;Schaerer, D.;Schreiber, C.;Stark, D.;Tasca, L. A. M.;Thomas, R.;Vanzella, E.;Wild, V.;Williams, C.;Zucca, E. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021A&A...647A.167Y Evolved massive stars at low-metallicity. IV. Using the 1.6 μm H-bump to identify red supergiant stars: Case study of NGC 6822 Yang, Ming;Bonanos, Alceste Z.;Jiang, Biwei;Lam, Man I.;Gao, Jian;Gavras, Panagiotis;Maravelias, Grigoris;Wang, Shu;Chen, Xiao-Dian;Tramper, Frank;Ren, Yi;Spetsieri, Zoi T. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021A&A...647A.172W Chemical compositions of five Planck cold clumps Wakelam, V.;Gratier, P.;Ruaud, M.;Le Gal, R.;Majumdar, L.;Loison, J. -C.;Hickson, K. M. - -
2021A&A...647A.184R Mysterious, variable, and extremely hot: White dwarfs showing ultra-high excitation lines. I. Photometric variability Reindl, Nicole;Schaffenroth, Veronika;Filiz, Semih;Geier, Stephan;Pelisoli, Ingrid;Kepler, Souza Oliveira Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021A&A...647A..19T 3D kinematics and age distribution of the open cluster population Tarricq, Y.;Soubiran, C.;Casamiquela, L.;Cantat-Gaudin, T.;Chemin, L.;Anders, F.;Antoja, T.;Romero-Gómez, M.;Figueras, F.;Jordi, C.;Bragaglia, A.;Balaguer-Núñez, L.;Carrera, R.;Castro-Ginard, A.;Moitinho, A.;Ramos, P.;Bossini, D. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021A&A...647A..34L Blanco DECam Bulge Survey (BDBS). III. A new view of the double red clump in the Milky Way bulge through luminosity and color distribution Lim, D.;Koch-Hansen, A. J.;Chung, C.;Johnson, C. I.;Kunder, A.;Simion, I. T.;Rich, R. M.;Clarkson, W. I.;Pilachowski, C. A.;Michael, S.;Vivas, A. K.;Young, M. D. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021A&A...647A..39S Towards a fully consistent Milky Way disk model. IV. The impact of Gaia DR2 and APOGEE Sysoliatina, K.;Just, A. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021A&A...647A..71H Small Solar System objects on highly inclined orbits. Surface colours and lifetimes Hromakina, T.;Belskaya, I.;Krugly, Yu.;Rumyantsev, V.;Golubov, O.;Kyrylenko, I.;Ivanova, O.;Velichko, S.;Izvekova, I.;Sergeyev, A.;Slyusarev, I.;Molotov, I. - -
2021A&A...647A..79P Peering into the extended X-ray emission on megaparsec scale in 3C 187 Paggi, A.;Massaro, F.;Peña-Herazo, H. A.;Missaglia, V.;Ricci, F.;Stuardi, C.;Kraft, R. P.;Tremblay, G. R.;Baum, S. A.;Wilkes, B. J. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021A&A...647A..87L The prebiotic molecular inventory of Serpens SMM1. I. An investigation of the isomers CH3NCO and HOCH2CN Ligterink, N. F. W.;Ahmadi, A.;Coutens, A.;Tychoniec, Ł.;Calcutt, H.;van Dishoeck, E. F.;Linnartz, H.;Jørgensen, J. K.;Garrod, R. T.;Bouwman, J. - -
2021A&A...647A..91G 3D dynamics of the Orion cloud complex. Discovery of coherent radial gas motions at the 100-pc scale Großschedl, Josefa E.;Alves, João;Meingast, Stefan;Herbst-Kiss, Gabor Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021A&A...648A..10H The contribution of discrete sources to the sky temperature at 144 MHz Hardcastle, M. J.;Shimwell, T. W.;Tasse, C.;Best, P. N.;Drabent, A.;Jarvis, M. J.;Prandoni, I.;Röttgering, H. J. A.;Sabater, J.;Schwarz, D. J. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021A&A...648A..12H LOFAR Deep Fields: probing a broader population of polarized radio galaxies in ELAIS-N1 Herrera Ruiz, N.;O'Sullivan, S. P.;Vacca, V.;Jelić, V.;Nikiel-Wroczyński, B.;Bourke, S.;Sabater, J.;Dettmar, R. -J.;Heald, G.;Horellou, C.;Piras, S.;Sobey, C.;Shimwell, T. W.;Tasse, C.;Hardcastle, M. J.;Kondapally, R.;Chyży, K. T.;Iacobelli, M.;Best, P. N.;Brüggen, M.;Carretti, E.;Prandoni, I. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021A&A...648A..17V MAGNUM survey: Compact jets causing large turmoil in galaxies. Enhanced line widths perpendicular to radio jets as tracers of jet-ISM interaction Venturi, G.;Cresci, G.;Marconi, A.;Mingozzi, M.;Nardini, E.;Carniani, S.;Mannucci, F.;Marasco, A.;Maiolino, R.;Perna, M.;Treister, E.;Bland-Hawthorn, J.;Gallimore, J. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2021A&A...648A...2S The LOFAR Two-meter Sky Survey: Deep Fields Data Release 1. II. The ELAIS-N1 LOFAR deep field Sabater, J.;Best, P. N.;Tasse, C.;Hardcastle, M. J.;Shimwell, T. W.;Nisbet, D.;Jelic, V.;Callingham, J. R.;Röttgering, H. J. A.;Bonato, M.;Bondi, M.;Ciardi, B.;Cochrane, R. K.;Jarvis, M. J.;Kondapally, R.;Koopmans, L. V. E.;O'Sullivan, S. P.;Prandoni, I.;Schwarz, D. J.;Smith, D. J. B.;Wang, L.;Williams, W. L.;Zaroubi, S. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021A&A...648A..30B Hoinga: a supernova remnant discovered in the SRG/eROSITA All-Sky Survey eRASS1 Becker, W.;Hurley-Walker, N.;Weinberger, Ch.;Nicastro, L.;Mayer, M. G. F.;Merloni, A.;Sanders, J. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021A&A...648A...3K The LOFAR Two-meter Sky Survey: Deep Fields Data Release 1. III. Host-galaxy identifications and value added catalogues Kondapally, R.;Best, P. N.;Hardcastle, M. J.;Nisbet, D.;Bonato, M.;Sabater, J.;Duncan, K. J.;McCheyne, I.;Cochrane, R. K.;Bowler, R. A. A.;Williams, W. L.;Shimwell, T. W.;Tasse, C.;Croston, J. H.;Goyal, A.;Jamrozy, M.;Jarvis, M. J.;Mahatma, V. H.;Röttgering, H. J. A.;Smith, D. J. B.;Wołowska, A.;Bondi, M.;Brienza, M.;Brown, M. J. I.;Brüggen, M.;Chambers, K.;Garrett, M. A.;Gürkan, G.;Huber, M.;Kunert-Bajraszewska, M.;Magnier, E.;Mingo, B.;Mostert, R.;Nikiel-Wroczyński, B.;O'Sullivan, S. P.;Paladino, R.;Ploeckinger, T.;Prandoni, I.;Rosenthal, M. J.;Schwarz, D. J.;Shulevski, A.;Wagenveld, J. D.;Wang, L. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021A&A...648A..44M Large-amplitude variables in Gaia Data Release 2. Multi-band variability characterization Mowlavi, N.;Rimoldini, L.;Evans, D. W.;Riello, M.;De Angeli, F.;Palaversa, L.;Audard, M.;Eyer, L.;Garcia-Lario, P.;Gavras, P.;Holl, B.;Jevardat de Fombelle, G.;Lecœur-Taïbi, I.;Nienartowicz, K. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021A&A...648A..59P Medium-resolution spectrum of the exoplanet HIP 65426 b Petrus, S.;Bonnefoy, M.;Chauvin, G.;Charnay, B.;Marleau, G. -D.;Gratton, R.;Lagrange, A. -M.;Rameau, J.;Mordasini, C.;Nowak, M.;Delorme, P.;Boccaletti, A.;Carlotti, A.;Houllé, M.;Vigan, A.;Allard, F.;Desidera, S.;D'Orazi, V.;Hoeijmakers, H. J.;Wyttenbach, A.;Lavie, B. Use of VO tools: VOSA
2021A&A...648A..63D Jellyfish galaxy candidates in MACS J0717.5+3745 and 39 other clusters of the DAFT/FADA and CLASH surveys Durret, F.;Chiche, S.;Lobo, C.;Jauzac, M. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021A&A...648A..73B Discovery of a directly imaged planet to the young solar analog YSES 2 Bohn, Alexander J.;Ginski, Christian;Kenworthy, Matthew A.;Mamajek, Eric E.;Pecaut, Mark J.;Mugrauer, Markus;Vogt, Nikolaus;Adam, Christian;Meshkat, Tiffany;Reggiani, Maddalena;Snik, Frans Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021A&A...648A...7G LOFAR properties of SILVERRUSH Lyα emitter candidates in the ELAIS-N1 field Gloudemans, A. J.;Duncan, K. J.;Kondapally, R.;Sabater, J.;Cochrane, R. K.;Röttgering, H. J. A.;Best, P. N.;Bonato, M.;Bondi, M.;Malek, K.;McCheyne, I.;Smith, D. J. B.;Prandoni, I.;Wang, L.;Tasse, C. - -
2021A&A...648A..96C Potential asteroid discoveries by the ESA Gaia mission. Results from follow-up observations Carry, B.;Thuillot, W.;Spoto, F.;David, P.;Berthier, J.;Tanga, P.;Mignard, F.;Bouquillon, S.;Mendez, R. A.;Rivet, J. -P.;Le Van Suu, A.;Dell'Oro, A.;Fedorets, G.;Frezouls, B.;Granvik, M.;Guiraud, J.;Muinonen, K.;Panem, C.;Pauwels, T.;Roux, W.;Walmsley, G.;Petit, J. -M.;Abe, L.;Ayvazian, V.;Baillié, K.;Baransky, A.;Bendjoya, P.;Dennefeld, M.;Desmars, J.;Eggl, S.;Godunova, V.;Hestroffer, D.;Inasaridze, R.;Kashuba, V.;Krugly, Y. N.;Molotov, I. E.;Robert, V.;Simon, A.;Sokolov, I.;Souami, D.;Tarady, V.;Taris, F.;Troianskyi, V.;Vasylenko, V.;Vernet, D. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2021A&A...649A..10T Gaia Early Data Release 3. Building the Gaia DR3 source list - Cross-match of Gaia observations Torra, F.;Castañeda, J.;Fabricius, C.;Lindegren, L.;Clotet, M.;González-Vidal, J. J.;Bartolomé, S.;Bastian, U.;Bernet, M.;Biermann, M.;Garralda, N.;Gúrpide, A.;Lammers, U.;Portell, J.;Torra, J. - 23
2021A&A...649A.119P Dynamical evidence for a morphology-dependent relation between the stellar and halo masses of galaxies Posti, L.;Fall, S. M. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2021A&A...649A.126T Abundances of neutron-capture elements in thin- and thick-disc stars in the solar neighbourhood Tautvaišienė, G.;Viscasillas Vázquez, C.;Mikolaitis, Š.;Stonkutė, E.;Minkevičiūtė, R.;Drazdauskas, A.;Bagdonas, V. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021A&A...649A.131A A transmission spectrum of the planet candidate WD 1856+534 b and a lower limit to its mass Alonso, R.;Rodríguez-Gil, P.;Izquierdo, P.;Deeg, H. J.;Lodieu, N.;Cabrera-Lavers, A.;Hollands, M. A.;Pérez-Toledo, F. M.;Castro-Rodríguez, N.;Reverte Payá, D. Use of VO tools: VOSA
2021A&A...649A.159O Miec: A Bayesian hierarchical model for the analysis of nearby young open clusters Olivares, J.;Bouy, H.;Sarro, L. M.;Moraux, E.;Berihuete, A.;Galli, P. A. B.;Miret-Roig, N. - 5
2021A&A...649A.163K The luminous and rapidly evolving SN 2018bcc. Clues toward the origin of Type Ibn SNe from the Zwicky Transient Facility Karamehmetoglu, E.;Fransson, C.;Sollerman, J.;Tartaglia, L.;Taddia, F.;De, K.;Fremling, C.;Bagdasaryan, A.;Barbarino, C.;Bellm, E. C.;Dekany, R.;Dugas, A. M.;Giomi, M.;Goobar, A.;Graham, M.;Ho, A.;Laher, R. R.;Masci, F. J.;Neill, J. D.;Perley, D.;Riddle, R.;Rusholme, B.;Soumagnac, M. T. - 26
2021A&A...649A.175M Supersonic turbulence in giant HII regions: clues from 30 Doradus Melnick, J.;Tenorio-Tagle, G.;Telles, E. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2021A&A...649A...1G Gaia Early Data Release 3. Summary of the contents and survey properties Gaia Collaboration;Brown, A. G. A.;Vallenari, A.;Prusti, T.;de Bruijne, J. H. J.;Babusiaux, C.;Biermann, M.;Creevey, O. L.;Evans, D. W.;Eyer, L.;Hutton, A.;Jansen, F.;Jordi, C.;Klioner, S. A.;Lammers, U.;Lindegren, L.;Luri, X.;Mignard, F.;Panem, C.;Pourbaix, D.;Randich, S.;Sartoretti, P.;Soubiran, C.;Walton, N. A.;Arenou, F.;Bailer-Jones, C. A. L.;Bastian, U.;Cropper, M.;Drimmel, R.;Katz, D.;Lattanzi, M. G.;van Leeuwen, F.;Bakker, J.;Cacciari, C.;Castañeda, J.;De Angeli, F.;Ducourant, C.;Fabricius, C.;Fouesneau, M.;Frémat, Y.;Guerra, R.;Guerrier, A.;Guiraud, J.;Jean-Antoine Piccolo, A.;Masana, E.;Messineo, R.;Mowlavi, N.;Nicolas, C.;Nienartowicz, K.;Pailler, F.;Panuzzo, P.;Riclet, F.;Roux, W.;Seabroke, G. M.;Sordo, R.;Tanga, P.;Thévenin, F.;Gracia-Abril, G.;Portell, J.;Teyssier, D.;Altmann, M.;Andrae, R.;Bellas-Velidis, I.;Benson, K.;Berthier, J.;Blomme, R.;Brugaletta, E.;Burgess, P. W.;Busso, G.;Carry, B.;Cellino, A.;Cheek, N.;Clementini, G.;Damerdji, Y.;Davidson, M.;Delchambre, L.;Dell'Oro, A.;Fernández-Hernández, J.;Galluccio, L.;García-Lario, P.;Garcia-Reinaldos, M.;González-Núñez, J.;Gosset, E.;Haigron, R.;Halbwachs, J. -L.;Hambly, N. C.;Harrison, D. L.;Hatzidimitriou, D.;Heiter, U.;Hernández, J.;Hestroffer, D.;Hodgkin, S. T.;Holl, B.;Janßen, K.;Jevardat de Fombelle, G.;Jordan, S.;Krone-Martins, A.;Lanzafame, A. C.;Löffler, W.;Lorca, A.;Manteiga, M.;Marchal, O.;Marrese, P. M.;Moitinho, A.;Mora, A.;Muinonen, K.;Osborne, P.;Pancino, E.;Pauwels, T.;Petit, J. -M.;Recio-Blanco, A.;Richards, P. J.;Riello, M.;Rimoldini, L.;Robin, A. C.;Roegiers, T.;Rybizki, J.;Sarro, L. M.;Siopis, C.;Smith, M.;Sozzetti, A.;Ulla, A.;Utrilla, E.;van Leeuwen, M.;van Reeven, W.;Abbas, U.;Abreu Aramburu, A.;Accart, S.;Aerts, C.;Aguado, J. J.;Ajaj, M.;Altavilla, G.;Álvarez, M. A.;Álvarez Cid-Fuentes, J.;Alves, J.;Anderson, R. I.;Anglada Varela, E.;Antoja, T.;Audard, M.;Baines, D.;Baker, S. G. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021A&A...649A..22M The ASTRODEEP-GS43 catalogue: New photometry and redshifts for the CANDELS GOODS-South field Merlin, E.;Castellano, M.;Santini, P.;Cipolletta, G.;Boutsia, K.;Schreiber, C.;Buitrago, F.;Fontana, A.;Elbaz, D.;Dunlop, J.;Grazian, A.;McLure, R.;McLeod, D.;Nonino, M.;Milvang-Jensen, B.;Derriere, S.;Hathi, N. P.;Pentericci, L.;Fortuni, F.;Calabrò, A. - 1
2021A&A...649A...2L Gaia Early Data Release 3. The astrometric solution Lindegren, L.;Klioner, S. A.;Hernández, J.;Bombrun, A.;Ramos-Lerate, M.;Steidelmüller, H.;Bastian, U.;Biermann, M.;de Torres, A.;Gerlach, E.;Geyer, R.;Hilger, T.;Hobbs, D.;Lammers, U.;McMillan, P. J.;Stephenson, C. A.;Castañeda, J.;Davidson, M.;Fabricius, C.;Gracia-Abril, G.;Portell, J.;Rowell, N.;Teyssier, D.;Torra, F.;Bartolomé, S.;Clotet, M.;Garralda, N.;González-Vidal, J. J.;Torra, J.;Abbas, U.;Altmann, M.;Anglada Varela, E.;Balaguer-Núñez, L.;Balog, Z.;Barache, C.;Becciani, U.;Bernet, M.;Bertone, S.;Bianchi, L.;Bouquillon, S.;Brown, A. G. A.;Bucciarelli, B.;Busonero, D.;Butkevich, A. G.;Buzzi, R.;Cancelliere, R.;Carlucci, T.;Charlot, P.;Cioni, M. -R. L.;Crosta, M.;Crowley, C.;del Peloso, E. F.;del Pozo, E.;Drimmel, R.;Esquej, P.;Fienga, A.;Fraile, E.;Gai, M.;Garcia-Reinaldos, M.;Guerra, R.;Hambly, N. C.;Hauser, M.;Janßen, K.;Jordan, S.;Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, Z.;Lattanzi, M. G.;Liao, S.;Licata, E.;Lister, T. A.;Löffler, W.;Marchant, J. M.;Masip, A.;Mignard, F.;Mints, A.;Molina, D.;Mora, A.;Morbidelli, R.;Murphy, C. P.;Pagani, C.;Panuzzo, P.;Peñalosa Esteller, X.;Poggio, E.;Re Fiorentin, P.;Riva, A.;Sagristà Sellés, A.;Sanchez Gimenez, V.;Sarasso, M.;Sciacca, E.;Siddiqui, H. I.;Smart, R. L.;Souami, D.;Spagna, A.;Steele, I. A.;Taris, F.;Utrilla, E.;van Reeven, W.;Vecchiato, A. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021A&A...649A..39L xCOLD GASS and xGASS: Radial metallicity gradients and global properties on the star-forming main sequence Lutz, K. A.;Saintonge, A.;Catinella, B.;Cortese, L.;Eisenhauer, F.;Kramer, C.;Moran, S. M.;Tacconi, L. J.;Vollmer, B.;Wang, J. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021A&A...649A...3R Gaia Early Data Release 3. Photometric content and validation Riello, M.;De Angeli, F.;Evans, D. W.;Montegriffo, P.;Carrasco, J. M.;Busso, G.;Palaversa, L.;Burgess, P. W.;Diener, C.;Davidson, M.;Rowell, N.;Fabricius, C.;Jordi, C.;Bellazzini, M.;Pancino, E.;Harrison, D. L.;Cacciari, C.;van Leeuwen, F.;Hambly, N. C.;Hodgkin, S. T.;Osborne, P. J.;Altavilla, G.;Barstow, M. A.;Brown, A. G. A.;Castellani, M.;Cowell, S.;De Luise, F.;Gilmore, G.;Giuffrida, G.;Hidalgo, S.;Holland, G.;Marinoni, S.;Pagani, C.;Piersimoni, A. M.;Pulone, L.;Ragaini, S.;Rainer, M.;Richards, P. J.;Sanna, N.;Walton, N. A.;Weiler, M.;Yoldas, A. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021A&A...649A..49G Spectroscopic study of CEMP-(s & r/s) stars. Revisiting classification criteria and formation scenarios, highlighting i-process nucleosynthesis Goswami, Partha Pratim;Rathour, Rajeev Singh;Goswami, Aruna Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021A&A...649A...4L Gaia Early Data Release 3. Parallax bias versus magnitude, colour, and position Lindegren, L.;Bastian, U.;Biermann, M.;Bombrun, A.;de Torres, A.;Gerlach, E.;Geyer, R.;Hernández, J.;Hilger, T.;Hobbs, D.;Klioner, S. A.;Lammers, U.;McMillan, P. J.;Ramos-Lerate, M.;Steidelmüller, H.;Stephenson, C. A.;van Leeuwen, F. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021A&A...649A...5F Gaia Early Data Release 3. Catalogue validation Fabricius, C.;Luri, X.;Arenou, F.;Babusiaux, C.;Helmi, A.;Muraveva, T.;Reylé, C.;Spoto, F.;Vallenari, A.;Antoja, T.;Balbinot, E.;Barache, C.;Bauchet, N.;Bragaglia, A.;Busonero, D.;Cantat-Gaudin, T.;Carrasco, J. M.;Diakité, S.;Fabrizio, M.;Figueras, F.;Garcia-Gutierrez, A.;Garofalo, A.;Jordi, C.;Kervella, P.;Khanna, S.;Leclerc, N.;Licata, E.;Lambert, S.;Marrese, P. M.;Masip, A.;Ramos, P.;Robichon, N.;Robin, A. C.;Romero-Gómez, M.;Rubele, S.;Weiler, M. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021A&A...649A...6G Gaia Early Data Release 3. The Gaia Catalogue of Nearby Stars Gaia Collaboration;Smart, R. L.;Sarro, L. M.;Rybizki, J.;Reylé, C.;Robin, A. C.;Hambly, N. C.;Abbas, U.;Barstow, M. A.;de Bruijne, J. H. J.;Bucciarelli, B.;Carrasco, J. M.;Cooper, W. J.;Hodgkin, S. T.;Masana, E.;Michalik, D.;Sahlmann, J.;Sozzetti, A.;Brown, A. G. A.;Vallenari, A.;Prusti, T.;Babusiaux, C.;Biermann, M.;Creevey, O. L.;Evans, D. W.;Eyer, L.;Hutton, A.;Jansen, F.;Jordi, C.;Klioner, S. A.;Lammers, U.;Lindegren, L.;Luri, X.;Mignard, F.;Panem, C.;Pourbaix, D.;Randich, S.;Sartoretti, P.;Soubiran, C.;Walton, N. A.;Arenou, F.;Bailer-Jones, C. A. L.;Bastian, U.;Cropper, M.;Drimmel, R.;Katz, D.;Lattanzi, M. G.;van Leeuwen, F.;Bakker, J.;Castañeda, J.;De Angeli, F.;Ducourant, C.;Fabricius, C.;Fouesneau, M.;Frémat, Y.;Guerra, R.;Guerrier, A.;Guiraud, J.;Jean-Antoine Piccolo, A.;Messineo, R.;Mowlavi, N.;Nicolas, C.;Nienartowicz, K.;Pailler, F.;Panuzzo, P.;Riclet, F.;Roux, W.;Seabroke, G. M.;Sordo, R.;Tanga, P.;Thévenin, F.;Gracia-Abril, G.;Portell, J.;Teyssier, D.;Altmann, M.;Andrae, R.;Bellas-Velidis, I.;Benson, K.;Berthier, J.;Blomme, R.;Brugaletta, E.;Burgess, P. W.;Busso, G.;Carry, B.;Cellino, A.;Cheek, N.;Clementini, G.;Damerdji, Y.;Davidson, M.;Delchambre, L.;Dell'Oro, A.;Fernández-Hernández, J.;Galluccio, L.;García-Lario, P.;Garcia-Reinaldos, M.;González-Núñez, J.;Gosset, E.;Haigron, R.;Halbwachs, J. -L.;Harrison, D. L.;Hatzidimitriou, D.;Heiter, U.;Hernández, J.;Hestroffer, D.;Holl, B.;Janßen, K.;Jevardat de Fombelle, G.;Jordan, S.;Krone-Martins, A.;Lanzafame, A. C.;Löffler, W.;Lorca, A.;Manteiga, M.;Marchal, O.;Marrese, P. M.;Moitinho, A.;Mora, A.;Muinonen, K.;Osborne, P.;Pancino, E.;Pauwels, T.;Recio-Blanco, A.;Richards, P. J.;Riello, M.;Rimoldini, L.;Roegiers, T.;Siopis, C.;Smith, M.;Ulla, A.;Utrilla, E.;van Leeuwen, M.;van Reeven, W.;Abreu Aramburu, A.;Accart, S.;Aerts, C.;Aguado, J. J.;Ajaj, M.;Altavilla, G.;Álvarez, M. A.;Álvarez Cid-Fuentes, J.;Alves, J. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021A&A...649A...7G Gaia Early Data Release 3. Structure and properties of the Magellanic Clouds Gaia Collaboration;Luri, X.;Chemin, L.;Clementini, G.;Delgado, H. E.;McMillan, P. J.;Romero-Gómez, M.;Balbinot, E.;Castro-Ginard, A.;Mor, R.;Ripepi, V.;Sarro, L. M.;Cioni, M. -R. L.;Fabricius, C.;Garofalo, A.;Helmi, A.;Muraveva, T.;Brown, A. G. A.;Vallenari, A.;Prusti, T.;de Bruijne, J. H. J.;Babusiaux, C.;Biermann, M.;Creevey, O. L.;Evans, D. W.;Eyer, L.;Hutton, A.;Jansen, F.;Jordi, C.;Klioner, S. A.;Lammers, U.;Lindegren, L.;Mignard, F.;Panem, C.;Pourbaix, D.;Randich, S.;Sartoretti, P.;Soubiran, C.;Walton, N. A.;Arenou, F.;Bailer-Jones, C. A. L.;Bastian, U.;Cropper, M.;Drimmel, R.;Katz, D.;Lattanzi, M. G.;van Leeuwen, F.;Bakker, J.;Castañeda, J.;De Angeli, F.;Ducourant, C.;Fouesneau, M.;Frémat, Y.;Guerra, R.;Guerrier, A.;Guiraud, J.;Jean-Antoine Piccolo, A.;Masana, E.;Messineo, R.;Mowlavi, N.;Nicolas, C.;Nienartowicz, K.;Pailler, F.;Panuzzo, P.;Riclet, F.;Roux, W.;Seabroke, G. M.;Sordo, R.;Tanga, P.;Thévenin, F.;Gracia-Abril, G.;Portell, J.;Teyssier, D.;Altmann, M.;Andrae, R.;Bellas-Velidis, I.;Benson, K.;Berthier, J.;Blomme, R.;Brugaletta, E.;Burgess, P. W.;Busso, G.;Carry, B.;Cellino, A.;Cheek, N.;Damerdji, Y.;Davidson, M.;Delchambre, L.;Dell'Oro, A.;Fernández-Hernández, J.;Galluccio, L.;García-Lario, P.;Garcia-Reinaldos, M.;González-Núñez, J.;Gosset, E.;Haigron, R.;Halbwachs, J. -L.;Hambly, N. C.;Harrison, D. L.;Hatzidimitriou, D.;Heiter, U.;Hernández, J.;Hestroffer, D.;Hodgkin, S. T.;Holl, B.;Janßen, K.;Jevardat de Fombelle, G.;Jordan, S.;Krone-Martins, A.;Lanzafame, A. C.;Löffler, W.;Lorca, A.;Manteiga, M.;Marchal, O.;Marrese, P. M.;Moitinho, A.;Mora, A.;Muinonen, K.;Osborne, P.;Pancino, E.;Pauwels, T.;Recio-Blanco, A.;Richards, P. J.;Riello, M.;Rimoldini, L.;Robin, A. C.;Roegiers, T.;Rybizki, J.;Siopis, C.;Smith, M.;Sozzetti, A.;Ulla, A.;Utrilla, E.;van Leeuwen, M.;van Reeven, W.;Abbas, U.;Abreu Aramburu, A.;Accart, S.;Aerts, C.;Aguado, J. J.;Ajaj, M.;Altavilla, G. - 9
2021A&A...649A...8G Gaia Early Data Release 3. The Galactic anticentre Gaia Collaboration;Antoja, T.;McMillan, P. J.;Kordopatis, G.;Ramos, P.;Helmi, A.;Balbinot, E.;Cantat-Gaudin, T.;Chemin, L.;Figueras, F.;Jordi, C.;Khanna, S.;Romero-Gómez, M.;Seabroke, G. M.;Brown, A. G. A.;Vallenari, A.;Prusti, T.;de Bruijne, J. H. J.;Babusiaux, C.;Biermann, M.;Creevey, O. L.;Evans, D. W.;Eyer, L.;Hutton, A.;Jansen, F.;Klioner, S. A.;Lammers, U.;Lindegren, L.;Luri, X.;Mignard, F.;Panem, C.;Pourbaix, D.;Randich, S.;Sartoretti, P.;Soubiran, C.;Walton, N. A.;Arenou, F.;Bailer-Jones, C. A. L.;Bastian, U.;Cropper, M.;Drimmel, R.;Katz, D.;Lattanzi, M. G.;van Leeuwen, F.;Bakker, J.;Castañeda, J.;De Angeli, F.;Ducourant, C.;Fabricius, C.;Fouesneau, M.;Frémat, Y.;Guerra, R.;Guerrier, A.;Guiraud, J.;Jean-Antoine Piccolo, A.;Masana, E.;Messineo, R.;Mowlavi, N.;Nicolas, C.;Nienartowicz, K.;Pailler, F.;Panuzzo, P.;Riclet, F.;Roux, W.;Sordo, R.;Tanga, P.;Thévenin, F.;Gracia-Abril, G.;Portell, J.;Teyssier, D.;Altmann, M.;Andrae, R.;Bellas-Velidis, I.;Benson, K.;Berthier, J.;Blomme, R.;Brugaletta, E.;Burgess, P. W.;Busso, G.;Carry, B.;Cellino, A.;Cheek, N.;Clementini, G.;Damerdji, Y.;Davidson, M.;Delchambre, L.;Dell'Oro, A.;Fernández-Hernández, J.;Galluccio, L.;García-Lario, P.;Garcia-Reinaldos, M.;González-Núñez, J.;Gosset, E.;Haigron, R.;Halbwachs, J. -L.;Hambly, N. C.;Harrison, D. L.;Hatzidimitriou, D.;Heiter, U.;Hernández, J.;Hestroffer, D.;Hodgkin, S. T.;Holl, B.;Janßen, K.;Jevardat de Fombelle, G.;Jordan, S.;Krone-Martins, A.;Lanzafame, A. C.;Löffler, W.;Lorca, A.;Manteiga, M.;Marchal, O.;Marrese, P. M.;Moitinho, A.;Mora, A.;Muinonen, K.;Osborne, P.;Pancino, E.;Pauwels, T.;Recio-Blanco, A.;Richards, P. J.;Riello, M.;Rimoldini, L.;Robin, A. C.;Roegiers, T.;Rybizki, J.;Sarro, L. M.;Siopis, C.;Smith, M.;Sozzetti, A.;Ulla, A.;Utrilla, E.;van Leeuwen, M.;van Reeven, W.;Abbas, U.;Abreu Aramburu, A.;Accart, S.;Aerts, C.;Aguado, J. J.;Ajaj, M.;Altavilla, G.;Álvarez, M. A. - 3
2021A&A...649A..97L A comparison between X-shooter spectra and PHOENIX models across the HR-diagram Lançon, A.;Gonneau, A.;Verro, K.;Prugniel, P.;Arentsen, A.;Trager, S. C.;Peletier, R.;Chen, Y. -P.;Coelho, P.;Falcón-Barroso, J.;Hauschildt, P.;Husser, T. -O.;Jain, R.;Lyubenova, M.;Martins, L.;Sánchez Blázquez, P.;Vazdekis, A. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021A&A...649A...9G Gaia Early Data Release 3. Acceleration of the Solar System from Gaia astrometry Gaia Collaboration;Klioner, S. A.;Mignard, F.;Lindegren, L.;Bastian, U.;McMillan, P. J.;Hernández, J.;Hobbs, D.;Ramos-Lerate, M.;Biermann, M.;Bombrun, A.;de Torres, A.;Gerlach, E.;Geyer, R.;Hilger, T.;Lammers, U.;Steidelmüller, H.;Stephenson, C. A.;Brown, A. G. A.;Vallenari, A.;Prusti, T.;de Bruijne, J. H. J.;Babusiaux, C.;Creevey, O. L.;Evans, D. W.;Eyer, L.;Hutton, A.;Jansen, F.;Jordi, C.;Luri, X.;Panem, C.;Pourbaix, D.;Randich, S.;Sartoretti, P.;Soubiran, C.;Walton, N. A.;Arenou, F.;Bailer-Jones, C. A. L.;Cropper, M.;Drimmel, R.;Katz, D.;Lattanzi, M. G.;van Leeuwen, F.;Bakker, J.;Castañeda, J.;De Angeli, F.;Ducourant, C.;Fabricius, C.;Fouesneau, M.;Frémat, Y.;Guerra, R.;Guerrier, A.;Guiraud, J.;Jean-Antoine Piccolo, A.;Masana, E.;Messineo, R.;Mowlavi, N.;Nicolas, C.;Nienartowicz, K.;Pailler, F.;Panuzzo, P.;Riclet, F.;Roux, W.;Seabroke, G. M.;Sordo, R.;Tanga, P.;Thévenin, F.;Gracia-Abril, G.;Portell, J.;Teyssier, D.;Altmann, M.;Andrae, R.;Bellas-Velidis, I.;Benson, K.;Berthier, J.;Blomme, R.;Brugaletta, E.;Burgess, P. W.;Busso, G.;Carry, B.;Cellino, A.;Cheek, N.;Clementini, G.;Damerdji, Y.;Davidson, M.;Delchambre, L.;Dell'Oro, A.;Fernández-Hernández, J.;Galluccio, L.;García-Lario, P.;Garcia-Reinaldos, M.;González-Núñez, J.;Gosset, E.;Haigron, R.;Halbwachs, J. -L.;Hambly, N. C.;Harrison, D. L.;Hatzidimitriou, D.;Heiter, U.;Hestroffer, D.;Hodgkin, S. T.;Holl, B.;Janßen, K.;Jevardat de Fombelle, G.;Jordan, S.;Krone-Martins, A.;Lanzafame, A. C.;Löffler, W.;Lorca, A.;Manteiga, M.;Marchal, O.;Marrese, P. M.;Moitinho, A.;Mora, A.;Muinonen, K.;Osborne, P.;Pancino, E.;Pauwels, T.;Recio-Blanco, A.;Richards, P. J.;Riello, M.;Rimoldini, L.;Robin, A. C.;Roegiers, T.;Rybizki, J.;Sarro, L. M.;Siopis, C.;Smith, M.;Sozzetti, A.;Ulla, A.;Utrilla, E.;van Leeuwen, M.;van Reeven, W.;Abbas, U.;Abreu Aramburu, A.;Accart, S.;Aerts, C.;Aguado, J. J.;Ajaj, M.;Altavilla, G.;Álvarez, M. A.;Álvarez Cid-Fuentes, J. - 11
2021A&A...649L..10C The behaviour of lithium at high metallicity in the Milky Way. Selection effects in the samples and the possible role of atomic diffusion Charbonnel, C.;Borisov, S.;de Laverny, P.;Prantzos, N. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021A&A...650A.105B The GOGREEN survey: Internal dynamics of clusters of galaxies at redshift 0.9-1.4 Biviano, A.;van der Burg, R. F. J.;Balogh, M. L.;Munari, E.;Cooper, M. C.;De Lucia, G.;Demarco, R.;Jablonka, P.;Muzzin, A.;Nantais, J.;Old, L. J.;Rudnick, G.;Vulcani, B.;Wilson, G.;Yee, H. K. C.;Zaritsky, D.;Cerulo, P.;Chan, J.;Finoguenov, A.;Gilbank, D.;Lidman, C.;Pintos-Castro, I.;Shipley, H. VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper. Use of Millenium database.
2021A&A...650A.109P pyUPMASK: an improved unsupervised clustering algorithm Pera, M. S.;Perren, G. I.;Moitinho, A.;Navone, H. D.;Vazquez, R. A. - 45
2021A&A...650A.112Z Mapping luminous hot stars in the Galaxy Zari, E.;Rix, H. -W.;Frankel, N.;Xiang, M.;Poggio, E.;Drimmel, R.;Tkachenko, A. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021A&A...650A.129C Evidence for differentiation of the most primitive small bodies Carry, B.;Vernazza, P.;Vachier, F.;Neveu, M.;Berthier, J.;Hanuš, J.;Ferrais, M.;Jorda, L.;Marsset, M.;Viikinkoski, M.;Bartczak, P.;Behrend, R.;Benkhaldoun, Z.;Birlan, M.;Castillo-Rogez, J.;Cipriani, F.;Colas, F.;Drouard, A.;Dudziński, G. P.;Desmars, J.;Dumas, C.;Ďurech, J.;Fetick, R.;Fusco, T.;Grice, J.;Jehin, E.;Kaasalainen, M.;Kryszczynska, A.;Lamy, P.;Marchis, F.;Marciniak, A.;Michalowski, T.;Michel, P.;Pajuelo, M.;Podlewska-Gaca, E.;Rambaux, N.;Santana-Ros, T.;Storrs, A.;Tanga, P.;Vigan, A.;Warner, B.;Wieczorek, M.;Witasse, O.;Yang, B. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: STILTS
Use of VO tool: MIriade
2021A&A...650A.150N Complex organic molecules in low-mass protostars on Solar System scales. II. Nitrogen-bearing species Nazari, P.;van Gelder, M. L.;van Dishoeck, E. F.;Tabone, B.;van't Hoff, M. L. R.;Ligterink, N. F. W.;Beuther, H.;Boogert, A. C. A.;Caratti o Garatti, A.;Klaassen, P. D.;Linnartz, H.;Taquet, V.;Tychoniec, Ł. Use of VO tools: CASSIS
2021A&A...650A.156D Clustered star formation toward Berkeley 87/ON2. I. Multiwavelength census and the population overlap problem de la Fuente, Diego;Román-Zúñiga, Carlos G.;Jiménez-Bailón, Elena;Alves, João;Garcia, Miriam;Venus, Sean Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021A&A...650A.157G Dispersal timescale of protoplanetary disks in the low-metallicity young cluster Dolidze 25 Guarcello, M. G.;Biazzo, K.;Drake, J. J.;Micela, G.;Prisinzano, L.;Sciortino, S.;Damiani, F.;Flaccomio, E.;Neiner, C.;Wright, N. J. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021A&A...650A.158K A confined dynamo: Magnetic activity of the K-dwarf component in the pre-cataclysmic binary system V471 Tauri Kővári, Zs.;Kriskovics, L.;Oláh, K.;Odert, P.;Leitzinger, M.;Seli, B.;Vida, K.;Borkovits, T.;Carroll, T. VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper.
Use of VO tools: VOSA
2021A&A...650A.167D The EXTraS project: Exploring the X-ray transient and variable sky De Luca, A.;Salvaterra, R.;Belfiore, A.;Carpano, S.;D'Agostino, D.;Haberl, F.;Israel, G. L.;Law-Green, D.;Lisini, G.;Marelli, M.;Novara, G.;Read, A. M.;Rodriguez-Castillo, G.;Rosen, S. R.;Salvetti, D.;Tiengo, A.;Vianello, G.;Watson, M. G.;Delvaux, C.;Dickens, T.;Esposito, P.;Greiner, J.;Hämmerle, H.;Kreikenbohm, A.;Kreykenbohm, S.;Oertel, M.;Pizzocaro, D.;Pye, J. P.;Sandrelli, S.;Stelzer, B.;Wilms, J.;Zagaria, F. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021A&A...650A.174T SN 2018ijp: the explosion of a stripped-envelope star within a dense H-rich shell? Tartaglia, L.;Sollerman, J.;Barbarino, C.;Taddia, F.;Mason, E.;Berton, M.;Taggart, K.;Bellm, E. C.;De, K.;Frederick, S.;Fremling, C.;Gal-Yam, A.;Golkhou, V. Z.;Graham, M.;Ho, A. Y. Q.;Hung, T.;Kaye, S.;Kim, Y. -L.;Laher, R. R.;Masci, F. J.;Perley, D. A.;Porter, M. D.;Reiley, D. J.;Riddle, R.;Rusholme, B.;Soumagnac, M. T.;Walters, R. VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper.
Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2021A&A...650A.182G Homogeneous study of Herbig Ae/Be stars from spectral energy distributions and Gaia EDR3 Guzmán-Díaz, J.;Mendigutía, I.;Montesinos, B.;Oudmaijer, R. D.;Vioque, M.;Rodrigo, C.;Solano, E.;Meeus, G.;Marcos-Arenal, P. VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper.
Use of VO tools: VOSA
2021A&A...650A.188A The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. Two terrestrial planets orbiting G 264-012 and one terrestrial planet orbiting Gl 393 Amado, P. J.;Bauer, F. F.;Rodríguez López, C.;Rodríguez, E.;Cardona Guillén, C.;Perger, M.;Caballero, J. A.;López-González, M. J.;Muñoz Rodríguez, I.;Pozuelos, F. J.;Sánchez-Rivero, A.;Schlecker, M.;Quirrenbach, A.;Ribas, I.;Reiners, A.;Almenara, J.;Astudillo-Defru, N.;Azzaro, M.;Béjar, V. J. S.;Bohemann, R.;Bonfils, X.;Bouchy, F.;Cifuentes, C.;Cortés-Contreras, M.;Delfosse, X.;Dreizler, S.;Forveille, T.;Hatzes, A. P.;Henning, Th.;Jeffers, S. V.;Kaminski, A.;Kürster, M.;Lafarga, M.;Lodieu, N.;Lovis, C.;Mayor, M.;Montes, D.;Morales, J. C.;Morales, N.;Murgas, F.;Ortiz, J. L.;Pallé, E.;Pepe, F.;Perdelwitz, V.;Pollaco, D.;Santos, N. C.;Schöfer, P.;Schweitzer, A.;Ségransan, N. C.;Shan, Y.;Stock, S.;Tal-Or, L.;Udry, S.;Zapatero Osorio, M. R.;Zechmeister, M. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021A&A...650A.190G Wide companions to M and L subdwarfs with Gaia and the Virtual Observatory González-Payo, J.;Cortés-Contreras, M.;Lodieu, N.;Solano, E.;Zhang, Z. H.;Gálvez-Ortiz, M. -C. VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper.
Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021A&A...650A.193O Intermediate-size fullerenes as degradation products of interstellar polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons Omont, A.;Bettinger, H. F. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021A&A...650A.194G TITANS metal-poor reference stars. I. Accurate effective temperatures and surface gravities for dwarfs and subgiants from 3D non-LTE Hα profiles and Gaia parallaxes Giribaldi, R. E.;da Silva, A. R.;Smiljanic, R.;Cornejo Espinoza, D. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021A&A...650A.201R The 10 parsec sample in the Gaia era Reylé, C.;Jardine, K.;Fouqué, P.;Caballero, J. A.;Smart, R. L.;Sozzetti, A. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021A&A...650A..44B The LOFAR and JVLA view of the distant steep spectrum radio halo in MACS J1149.5+2223 Bruno, L.;Rajpurohit, K.;Brunetti, G.;Gastaldello, F.;Botteon, A.;Ignesti, A.;Bonafede, A.;Dallacasa, D.;Cassano, R.;van Weeren, R. J.;Cuciti, V.;Di Gennaro, G.;Shimwell, T.;Brüggen, M. VO project (JVO) acknowledged in the paper.
2021A&A...650A..48K New low-mass members of Chamaeleon I and ϵ Cha Kubiak, K.;Mužić, K.;Sousa, I.;Almendros-Abad, V.;Köhler, R.;Scholz, A. VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper.
Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021A&A...650A..55P ESPRESSO mass determination of TOI-263b: an extreme inhabitant of the brown dwarf desert Palle, E.;Luque, R.;Zapatero Osorio, M. R.;Parviainen, H.;Ikoma, M.;Tabernero, H. M.;Zechmeister, M.;Mustill, A. J.;Bejar, V. S. J.;Narita, N.;Murgas, F. VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper.
Use of VO tools: VOSA
2021A&A...650A..83H Association of IceCube neutrinos with radio sources observed at Owens Valley and Metsähovi Radio Observatories Hovatta, T.;Lindfors, E.;Kiehlmann, S.;Max-Moerbeck, W.;Hodges, M.;Liodakis, I.;Lähteemäki, A.;Pearson, T. J.;Readhead, A. C. S.;Reeves, R. A.;Suutarinen, S.;Tammi, J.;Tornikoski, M. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021A&A...651A.108P Active galactic nuclei catalog from the AKARI NEP-Wide field Poliszczuk, Artem;Pollo, Agnieszka;Małek, Katarzyna;Durkalec, Anna;Pearson, William J.;Goto, Tomotsugu;Kim, Seong Jin;Malkan, Matthew;Oi, Nagisa;Ho, Simon C. -C.;Shim, Hyunjin;Pearson, Chris;Hwang, Ho Seong;Toba, Yoshiki;Kim, Eunbin - 1
2021A&A...651A.111P [C II] 158 μm line emission from Orion A I. A template for extragalactic studies? Pabst, C. H. M.;Hacar, A.;Goicoechea, J. R.;Teyssier, D.;Berné, O.;Wolfire, M. G.;Higgins, R. D.;Chambers, E. T.;Kabanovic, S.;Güsten, R.;Stutzki, J.;Kramer, C.;Tielens, A. G. G. M. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021A&A...651A.113G Extended envelopes around Galactic Cepheids. V. Multi-wavelength and time-dependent analysis of IR excess Gallenne, A.;Mérand, A.;Kervella, P.;Pietrzyński, G.;Gieren, W.;Hocdé, V.;Breuval, L.;Nardetto, N.;Lagadec, E. - 9
2021A&A...651A..41C Tempestuous life beyond R500: X-ray view on the Coma cluster with SRG/eROSITA. I. X-ray morphology, recent merger, and radio halo connection Churazov, E.;Khabibullin, I.;Lyskova, N.;Sunyaev, R.;Bykov, A. M. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021A&A...651A..45A A near-infrared interferometric survey of debris-disk stars. VII. The hot-to-warm dust connection Absil, O.;Marion, L.;Ertel, S.;Defrère, D.;Kennedy, G. M.;Romagnolo, A.;Le Bouquin, J. -B.;Christiaens, V.;Milli, J.;Bonsor, A.;Olofsson, J.;Su, K. Y. L.;Augereau, J. -C. - -
2021A&A...651A..69K VEXAS: VISTA EXtension to Auxiliary Surveys. Data Release 2: Machine-learning based classification of sources in the Southern Hemisphere Khramtsov, V.;Spiniello, C.;Agnello, A.;Sergeyev, A. - -
2021A&A...651A..79B TOPoS. VI. The metal-weak tail of the metallicity distribution functions of the Milky Way and the Gaia-Sausage-Enceladus structure Bonifacio, P.;Monaco, L.;Salvadori, S.;Caffau, E.;Spite, M.;Sbordone, L.;Spite, F.;Ludwig, H. -G.;Di Matteo, P.;Haywood, M.;François, P.;Koch-Hansen, A. J.;Christlieb, N.;Zaggia, S. - 2
2021A&A...651A..86D A global view on star formation: The GLOSTAR Galactic plane survey. II. Supernova remnants in the first quadrant of the Milky Way Dokara, R.;Brunthaler, A.;Menten, K. M.;Dzib, S. A.;Reich, W.;Cotton, W. D.;Anderson, L. D.;Chen, C. -H. R.;Gong, Y.;Medina, S. -N. X.;Ortiz-León, G. N.;Rugel, M.;Urquhart, J. S.;Wyrowski, F.;Yang, A. Y.;Beuther, H.;Billington, S. J.;Csengeri, T.;Carrasco-González, C.;Roy, N. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021A&A...651A..89V Constraints on the nearby exoplanet ɛ Indi Ab from deep near- and mid-infrared imaging limits Viswanath, Gayathri;Janson, Markus;Dahlqvist, Carl-Henrik;Petit dit de la Roche, Dominique;Samland, Matthias;Girard, Julien;Pathak, Prashant;Kasper, Markus;Feng, Fabo;Meyer, Michael;Boehle, Anna;Quanz, Sascha P.;Jones, Hugh R. A.;Absil, Olivier;Brandner, Wolfgang;Maire, Anne-Lise;Siebenmorgen, Ralf;Sterzik, Michael;Pantin, Eric Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021A&A...651A..91E The dust-gas AGN torus as constrained from X-ray and mid-infrared observations Esparza-Arredondo, D.;Gonzalez-Martín, O.;Dultzin, D.;Masegosa, J.;Ramos-Almeida, C.;García-Bernete, I.;Fritz, J.;Osorio-Clavijo, N. - 3
2021A&A...651A..92H Mid-infrared circumstellar emission of the long-period Cepheid ℓ Carinae resolved with VLTI/MATISSE Hocdé, V.;Nardetto, N.;Matter, A.;Lagadec, E.;Mérand, A.;Cruzalèbes, P.;Meilland, A.;Millour, F.;Lopez, B.;Berio, P.;Weigelt, G.;Petrov, R.;Isbell, J. W.;Jaffe, W.;Kervella, P.;Glindemann, A.;Schöller, M.;Allouche, F.;Gallenne, A.;Domiciano de Souza, A.;Niccolini, G.;Kokoulina, E.;Varga, J.;Lagarde, S.;Augereau, J. -C.;van Boekel, R.;Bristow, P.;Henning, Th.;Hofmann, K. -H.;Zins, G.;Danchi, W. -C.;Delbo, M.;Dominik, C.;Gámez Rosas, V.;Klarmann, L.;Hron, J.;Hogerheijde, M. R.;Meisenheimer, K.;Pantin, E.;Paladini, C.;Robbe-Dubois, S.;Schertl, D.;Stee, P.;Waters, R.;Lehmitz, M.;Bettonvil, F.;Heininger, M.;Bristow, P.;Woillez, J.;Wolf, S.;Yoffe, G.;Szabados, L.;Chiavassa, A.;Borgniet, S.;Breuval, L.;Javanmardi, B.;Ábrahám, P.;Abadie, S.;Abuter, R.;Accardo, M.;Adler, T.;Agócs, T.;Alonso, J.;Antonelli, P.;Böhm, A.;Bailet, C.;Bazin, G.;Beckmann, U.;Beltran, J.;Boland, W.;Bourget, P.;Brast, R.;Bresson, Y.;Burtscher, L.;Buter, R.;Castillo, R.;Chelli, A.;Cid, C.;Clausse, J. -M.;Connot, C.;Conzelmann, R. D.;De Haan, M.;Ebert, M.;Elswijk, E.;Fantei, Y.;Frahm, R.;Gámez Rosas, V.;Gabasch, A.;Garces, E.;Girard, P.;Glazenborg, A.;Gonté, F. Y. J.;González Herrera, J. C.;Graser, U.;Guajardo, P.;Guitton, F.;Hanenburg, H.;Haubois, X.;Hubin, N.;Huerta, R.;Idserda, J.;Ives, D.;Jakob, G.;Jaskó, A.;Jochum, L.;Klein, R.;Kragt, J.;Kroes, G.;Kuindersma, S.;Labadie, L.;Laun, W.;Le Poole, R.;Leinert, C.;Lizon, J. -L.;Lopez, M.;Marcotto, A.;Mauclert, N.;Maurer, T.;Mehrgan, L. H.;Meisner, J.;Meixner, K.;Mellein, M.;Mohr, L.;Morel, S.;Mosoni, L.;Navarro, R.;Neumann, U.;Nußbaum, E.;Pallanca, L.;Pasquini, L.;Percheron, I.;Phan Duc, T.;Pott, J. -U.;Pozna, E.;Ridinger, A.;Rigal, F.;Riquelme, M.;Rivinius, Th.;Roelfsema, R.;Rohloff, R. -R.;Rousseau, S.;Schuhler, N.;Schuil, M.;Shabun, K.;Soulain, A.;Stephan, C.;ter Horst, R.;Tromp, N.;Vakili, F.;van Duin, A.;Venema, L. B.;Vinther, J.;Wittkowski, M.;Wrhel, F. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021A&A...651A..95T Infrared spectra of complex organic molecules in astronomically relevant ice matrices. III. Methyl formate and its tentative solid-state detection Terwisscha van Scheltinga, Jeroen;Marcandalli, Giulia;McClure, Melissa K.;Hogerheijde, Michiel R.;Linnartz, Harold - -
2021A&A...652A..12K The X-CLASS survey: A catalogue of 1646 X-ray-selected galaxy clusters up to z ∼ 1.5 Koulouridis, E.;Clerc, N.;Sadibekova, T.;Chira, M.;Drigga, E.;Faccioli, L.;Le Fèvre, J. P.;Garrel, C.;Gaynullina, E.;Gkini, A.;Kosiba, M.;Pacaud, F.;Pierre, M.;Ridl, J.;Tazhenova, K.;Adami, C.;Altieri, B.;Baguley, J. -C.;Cabanac, R.;Cucchetti, E.;Khalikova, A.;Lieu, M.;Melin, J. -B.;Molham, M.;Ramos-Ceja, M. E.;Soucail, G.;Takey, A.;Valtchanov, I. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021A&A...652A.133V What happened before?. Disks around the precursors of young Herbig Ae/Be stars Valegård, P. -G.;Waters, L. B. F. M.;Dominik, C. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021A&A...652A.142P Radio study of HESS J1857+026: Gamma-rays from a superbubble? Petriella, A.;Duvidovich, L.;Giacani, E. - 1
2021A&A...652A..23F Measuring chemical abundances with infrared nebular lines: HII-CHI-MISTRY-IR Fernández-Ontiveros, J. A.;Pérez-Montero, E.;Vílchez, J. M.;Amorín, R.;Spinoglio, L. - -
2021A&A...652A..26S Progress on the calibration of surface brightness-color relations for early- and late-type stars Salsi, A.;Nardetto, N.;Mourard, D.;Graczyk, D.;Taormina, M.;Creevey, O.;Hocdé, V.;Morand, F.;Perraut, K.;Pietrzynski, G.;Schaefer, G. H. Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021A&A...652A...2G The ρ Ophiuchi region revisited with Gaia EDR3. Two young populations, new members, and old impostors Grasser, Natalie;Ratzenböck, Sebastian;Alves, João;Großschedl, Josefa;Meingast, Stefan;Zucker, Catherine;Hacar, Alvaro;Lada, Charles;Goodman, Alyssa;Lombardi, Marco;Forbes, John C.;Bomze, Immanuel M.;Möller, Torsten Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021A&A...652A...3R The NAROO digitization center. Overview and scientific program Robert, V.;Desmars, J.;Lainey, V.;Arlot, J. -E.;Perlbarg, A. -C.;Horville, D.;Aboudarham, J.;Etienne, C.;Guérard, J.;Ilovaisky, S.;Khovritchev, M. Y.;Le Poncin-Lafitte, C.;Le Van Suu, A.;Neiner, C.;Pascu, D.;Poirier, L.;Schneider, J.;Tanga, P.;Valls-Gabaud, D. - -
2021A&A...652A..45L Astrometric radial velocities for nearby stars Lindegren, Lennart;Dravins, Dainis Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021A&A...652A..59S A million asteroid observations in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Sergeyev, Alexey V.;Carry, Benoit Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021A&A...652A..63W Efficiency of non-thermal desorptions in cold-core conditions. Testing the sputtering of grain mantles induced by cosmic rays Wakelam, V.;Dartois, E.;Chabot, M.;Spezzano, S.;Navarro-Almaida, D.;Loison, J. -C.;Fuente, A. - -
2021A&A...652A..66P ALMA multiline survey of the ISM in two quasar host-companion galaxy pairs at z > 6 Pensabene, A.;Decarli, R.;Bañados, E.;Venemans, B.;Walter, F.;Bertoldi, F.;Fan, X.;Farina, E. P.;Li, J.;Mazzucchelli, C.;Novak, M.;Riechers, D.;Rix, H. -W.;Strauss, M. A.;Wang, R.;Weiß, A.;Yang, J.;Yang, Y. - -
2021A&A...652A..76H Gaia Early Data Release 3. Gaia photometric science alerts Hodgkin, S. T.;Harrison, D. L.;Breedt, E.;Wevers, T.;Rixon, G.;Delgado, A.;Yoldas, A.;Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, Z.;Wyrzykowski, Ł.;van Leeuwen, M.;Blagorodnova, N.;Campbell, H.;Eappachen, D.;Fraser, M.;Ihanec, N.;Koposov, S. E.;Kruszyńska, K.;Marton, G.;Rybicki, K. A.;Brown, A. G. A.;Burgess, P. W.;Busso, G.;Cowell, S.;De Angeli, F.;Diener, C.;Evans, D. W.;Gilmore, G.;Holland, G.;Jonker, P. G.;van Leeuwen, F.;Mignard, F.;Osborne, P. J.;Portell, J.;Prusti, T.;Richards, P. J.;Riello, M.;Seabroke, G. M.;Walton, N. A.;Ábrahám, P.;Altavilla, G.;Baker, S. G.;Bastian, U.;O'Brien, P.;de Bruijne, J.;Butterley, T.;Carrasco, J. M.;Castañeda, J.;Clark, J. S.;Clementini, G.;Copperwheat, C. M.;Cropper, M.;Damljanovic, G.;Davidson, M.;Davis, C. J.;Dennefeld, M.;Dhillon, V. S.;Dolding, C.;Dominik, M.;Esquej, P.;Eyer, L.;Fabricius, C.;Fridman, M.;Froebrich, D.;Garralda, N.;Gomboc, A.;González-Vidal, J. J.;Guerra, R.;Hambly, N. C.;Hardy, L. K.;Holl, B.;Hourihane, A.;Japelj, J.;Kann, D. A.;Kiss, C.;Knigge, C.;Kolb, U.;Komossa, S.;Kóspál, Á.;Kovács, G.;Kun, M.;Leto, G.;Lewis, F.;Littlefair, S. P.;Mahabal, A. A.;Mundell, C. G.;Nagy, Z.;Padeletti, D.;Palaversa, L.;Pigulski, A.;Pretorius, M. L.;van Reeven, W.;Ribeiro, V. A. R. M.;Roelens, M.;Rowell, N.;Schartel, N.;Scholz, A.;Schwope, A.;Sipőcz, B. M.;Smartt, S. J.;Smith, M. D.;Serraller, I.;Steeghs, D.;Sullivan, M.;Szabados, L.;Szegedi-Elek, E.;Tisserand, P.;Tomasella, L.;van Velzen, S.;Whitelock, P. A.;Wilson, R. W.;Young, D. R. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021A&A...652A..87L Comparison of multifrequency positions of extragalactic sources from ICRF3 and Gaia EDR3 Liu, N.;Lambert, S. B.;Charlot, P.;Zhu, Z.;Liu, J. -C.;Jiang, N.;Wan, X. -S.;Ding, C. -Y. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021A&A...653A.107R Preparing for LSST data. Estimating the physical properties of z < 2.5 main-sequence galaxies Riccio, G.;Małek, K.;Nanni, A.;Boquien, M.;Buat, V.;Burgarella, D.;Donevski, D.;Hamed, M.;Hurley, P.;Shirley, R.;Pollo, A. - -
2021A&A...653A.118R The surface of (4) Vesta in visible light as seen by Dawn/VIR Rousseau, B.;De Sanctis, M. C.;Raponi, A.;Ciarniello, M.;Ammannito, E.;Frigeri, A.;Carrozzo, F. G.;Tosi, F.;Scarica, P.;Fonte, S.;Raymond, C. A.;Russell, C. T. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
2021A&A...653A.119N Constraining bright optical counterparts of fast radio bursts Núñez, C.;Tejos, N.;Pignata, G.;Kilpatrick, C. D.;Prochaska, J. X.;Heintz, K. E.;Bannister, K. W.;Bhandari, S.;Day, C. K.;Deller, A. T.;Flynn, C.;Mahony, E. K.;Majewski, D.;Marnoch, L.;Qiu, H.;Ryder, S. D.;Shannon, R. M. - 2
2021A&A...653A.120D EC 22536−5304: a lead-rich and metal-poor long-period binary Dorsch, M.;Jeffery, C. S.;Irrgang, A.;Woolf, V.;Heber, U. - 1
2021A&A...653A.151T Search for candidate strongly lensed dusty galaxies in the Planck satellite catalogues Trombetti, T.;Burigana, C.;Bonato, M.;Herranz, D.;De Zotti, G.;Negrello, M.;Galluzzi, V.;Massardi, M. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
2021A&A...653A.160S Gaia Early Data Release 3. Updated radial velocities from Gaia DR2 Seabroke, G. M.;Fabricius, C.;Teyssier, D.;Sartoretti, P.;Katz, D.;Cropper, M.;Antoja, T.;Benson, K.;Smith, M.;Dolding, C.;Gosset, E.;Panuzzo, P.;Thévenin, F.;Allende Prieto, C.;Blomme, R.;Guerrier, A.;Huckle, H.;Jean-Antoine, A.;Haigron, R.;Marchal, O.;Baker, S.;Damerdji, Y.;David, M.;Frémat, Y.;Janßen, K.;Jasniewicz, G.;Lobel, A.;Samaras, N.;Plum, G.;Soubiran, C.;Vanel, O.;Zwitter, T.;Ajaj, M.;Caffau, E.;Chemin, L.;Royer, F.;Brouillet, N.;Crifo, F.;Guy, L. P.;Hambly, N. C.;Leclerc, N.;Mastrobuono-Battisti, A.;Viala, Y. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
2021A&A...653A..22K Deep transfer learning for the classification of variable sources Kim, Dae-Won;Yeo, Doyeob;Bailer-Jones, Coryn A. L.;Lee, Giyoung - 1
2021A&A...653A..31B The miniJPAS survey: A preview of the Universe in 56 colors Bonoli, S.;Marín-Franch, A.;Varela, J.;Vázquez Ramió, H.;Abramo, L. R.;Cenarro, A. J.;Dupke, R. A.;Vílchez, J. M.;Cristóbal-Hornillos, D.;González Delgado, R. M.;Hernández-Monteagudo, C.;López-Sanjuan, C.;Muniesa, D. J.;Civera, T.;Ederoclite, A.;Hernán-Caballero, A.;Marra, V.;Baqui, P. O.;Cortesi, A.;Cypriano, E. S.;Daflon, S.;de Amorim, A. L.;Díaz-García, L. A.;Diego, J. M.;Martínez-Solaeche, G.;Pérez, E.;Placco, V. M.;Prada, F.;Queiroz, C.;Alcaniz, J.;Alvarez-Candal, A.;Cepa, J.;Maroto, A. L.;Roig, F.;Siffert, B. B.;Taylor, K.;Benitez, N.;Moles, M.;Sodré, L.;Carneiro, S.;Mendes de Oliveira, C.;Abdalla, E.;Angulo, R. E.;Aparicio Resco, M.;Balaguera-Antolínez, A.;Ballesteros, F. J.;Brito-Silva, D.;Broadhurst, T.;Carrasco, E. R.;Castro, T.;Cid Fernandes, R.;Coelho, P.;de Melo, R. B.;Doubrawa, L.;Fernandez-Soto, A.;Ferrari, F.;Finoguenov, A.;García-Benito, R.;Iglesias-Páramo, J.;Jiménez-Teja, Y.;Kitaura, F. S.;Laur, J.;Lopes, P. A. A.;Lucatelli, G.;Martínez, V. J.;Maturi, M.;Overzier, R. A.;Pigozzo, C.;Quartin, M.;Rodríguez-Martín, J. E.;Salzano, V.;Tamm, A.;Tempel, E.;Umetsu, K.;Valdivielso, L.;von Marttens, R.;Zitrin, A.;Díaz-Martín, M. C.;López-Alegre, G.;López-Sainz, A.;Yanes-Díaz, A.;Rueda-Teruel, F.;Rueda-Teruel, S.;Abril Ibañez, J.;L Antón Bravo, J.;Bello Ferrer, R.;Bielsa, S.;Casino, J. M.;Castillo, J.;Chueca, S.;Cuesta, L.;Garzarán Calderaro, J.;Iglesias-Marzoa, R.;Íniguez, C.;Lamadrid Gutierrez, J. L.;Lopez-Martinez, F.;Lozano-Pérez, D.;Maícas Sacristán, N.;Molina-Ibáñez, E. L.;Moreno-Signes, A.;Rodríguez Llano, S.;Royo Navarro, M.;Tilve Rua, V.;Andrade, U.;Alfaro, E. J.;Akras, S.;Arnalte-Mur, P.;Ascaso, B.;Barbosa, C. E.;Beltrán Jiménez, J.;Benetti, M.;Bengaly, C. A. P.;Bernui, A.;Blanco-Pillado, J. J.;Borges Fernandes, M.;Bregman, J. N.;Bruzual, G.;Calderone, G.;Carvano, J. M.;Casarini, L.;Chaves-Montero, J.;Chies-Santos, A. L.;Coutinho de Carvalho, G.;Dimauro, P. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021A&A...653A..35S Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA). Tracing galaxy environment using the marked correlation function Sureshkumar, U.;Durkalec, A.;Pollo, A.;Bilicki, M.;Loveday, J.;Farrow, D. J.;Holwerda, B. W.;Hopkins, A. M.;Liske, J.;Pimbblet, K. A.;Taylor, E. N.;Wright, A. H. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021A&A...653A..36M Calibration of mid- to far-infrared spectral lines in galaxies Mordini, Sabrina;Spinoglio, Luigi;Fernández-Ontiveros, Juan Antonio - 1
2021A&A...653A..41D Warm terrestrial planet with half the mass of Venus transiting a nearby star Demangeon, O. D. S.;Zapatero Osorio, M. R.;Alibert, Y.;Barros, S. C. C.;Adibekyan, V.;Tabernero, H. M.;Antoniadis-Karnavas, A.;Camacho, J. D.;Suárez Mascareño, A.;Oshagh, M.;Micela, G.;Sousa, S. G.;Lovis, C.;Pepe, F. A.;Rebolo, R.;Cristiani, S.;Santos, N. C.;Allart, R.;Allende Prieto, C.;Bossini, D.;Bouchy, F.;Cabral, A.;Damasso, M.;Di Marcantonio, P.;D'Odorico, V.;Ehrenreich, D.;Faria, J.;Figueira, P.;Génova Santos, R.;Haldemann, J.;Hara, N.;González Hernández, J. I.;Lavie, B.;Lillo-Box, J.;Lo Curto, G.;Martins, C. J. A. P.;Mégevand, D.;Mehner, A.;Molaro, P.;Nunes, N. J.;Pallé, E.;Pasquini, L.;Poretti, E.;Sozzetti, A.;Udry, S. Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021A&A...653A..49B The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. Spectroscopic orbits of nine M-dwarf multiple systems, including two triples, two brown dwarf candidates, and one close M-dwarf-white dwarf binary Baroch, D.;Morales, J. C.;Ribas, I.;Béjar, V. J. S.;Reffert, S.;Cardona Guillén, C.;Reiners, A.;Caballero, J. A.;Quirrenbach, A.;Amado, P. J.;Anglada-Escudé, G.;Colomé, J.;Cortés-Contreras, M.;Dreizler, S.;Galadí-Enríquez, D.;Hatzes, A. P.;Jeffers, S. V.;Henning, Th.;Herrero, E.;Kaminski, A.;Kürster, M.;Lafarga, M.;Lodieu, N.;López-González, M. J.;Montes, D.;Pallé, E.;Perger, M.;Pollacco, D.;Rodríguez-López, C.;Rodríguez, E.;Rosich, A.;Schöfer, P.;Schweitzer, A.;Shan, Y.;Tal-Or, L.;Zechmeister, M. - 17
2021A&A...653A..57M (216) Kleopatra, a low density critically rotating M-type asteroid Marchis, F.;Jorda, L.;Vernazza, P.;Brož, M.;Hanuš, J.;Ferrais, M.;Vachier, F.;Rambaux, N.;Marsset, M.;Viikinkoski, M.;Jehin, E.;Benseguane, S.;Podlewska-Gaca, E.;Carry, B.;Drouard, A.;Fauvaud, S.;Birlan, M.;Berthier, J.;Bartczak, P.;Dumas, C.;Dudziński, G.;Ďurech, J.;Castillo-Rogez, J.;Cipriani, F.;Colas, F.;Fetick, R.;Fusco, T.;Grice, J.;Kryszczynska, A.;Lamy, P.;Marciniak, A.;Michalowski, T.;Michel, P.;Pajuelo, M.;Santana-Ros, T.;Tanga, P.;Vigan, A.;Witasse, O.;Yang, B. - 3
2021A&A...653A..68L SSTRED: Data- and metadata-processing pipeline for CHROMIS and CRISP Löfdahl, Mats G.;Hillberg, Tomas;de la Cruz Rodríguez, Jaime;Vissers, Gregal;Andriienko, Oleksii;Scharmer, Göran B.;Haugan, Stein V. H.;Fredvik, Terje - 29
2021A&A...653A..82B Bright galaxy sample in the Kilo-Degree Survey Data Release 4. Selection, photometric redshifts, and physical properties Bilicki, M.;Dvornik, A.;Hoekstra, H.;Wright, A. H.;Chisari, N. E.;Vakili, M.;Asgari, M.;Giblin, B.;Heymans, C.;Hildebrandt, H.;Holwerda, B. W.;Hopkins, A.;Johnston, H.;Kannawadi, A.;Kuijken, K.;Nakoneczny, S. J.;Shan, H. Y.;Sonnenfeld, A.;Valentijn, E. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021A&A...653A..88A Characterizing the morphology of the debris disk around the low-mass star GSC 07396-00759 Adam, C.;Olofsson, J.;van Holstein, R. G.;Bayo, A.;Milli, J.;Boccaletti, A.;Kral, Q.;Ginski, C.;Henning, Th.;Montesinos, M.;Pawellek, N.;Zurlo, A.;Langlois, M.;Delboulbé, A.;Pavlov, A.;Ramos, J.;Weber, L.;Wildi, F.;Rigal, F.;Sauvage, J. -F. Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021A&A...653A..98M The all-sky PLATO input catalogue Montalto, M.;Piotto, G.;Marrese, P. M.;Nascimbeni, V.;Prisinzano, L.;Granata, V.;Marinoni, S.;Desidera, S.;Ortolani, S.;Aerts, C.;Alei, E.;Altavilla, G.;Benatti, S.;Börner, A.;Cabrera, J.;Claudi, R.;Deleuil, M.;Fabrizio, M.;Gizon, L.;Goupil, M. J.;Heras, A. M.;Magrin, D.;Malavolta, L.;Mas-Hesse, J. M.;Pagano, I.;Paproth, C.;Pertenais, M.;Pollacco, D.;Ragazzoni, R.;Ramsay, G.;Rauer, H.;Udry, S. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021A&A...653A...9S Cosmic radio dipole: Estimators and frequency dependence Siewert, Thilo M.;Schmidt-Rubart, Matthias;Schwarz, Dominik J. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021A&A...654A.107C Clean catalogues of blue horizontal-branch stars using Gaia EDR3 Culpan, R.;Pelisoli, I.;Geier, S. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021A&A...654A.121P Spectroscopic observations of PHz G237.01+42.50: A galaxy protocluster at z = 2.16 in the Cosmos field Polletta, M.;Soucail, G.;Dole, H.;Lehnert, M. D.;Pointecouteau, E.;Vietri, G.;Scodeggio, M.;Montier, L.;Koyama, Y.;Lagache, G.;Frye, B. L.;Cusano, F.;Fumana, M. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021A&A...654A.122G χ1 Fornacis cluster DANCe. Census of stars, structure, and kinematics of the cluster with Gaia-EDR3 Galli, P. A. B.;Bouy, H.;Olivares, J.;Miret-Roig, N.;Sarro, L. M.;Barrado, D.;Berihuete, A. Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021A&A...654A.123M Characterization of dense Planck clumps observed with Herschel and SCUBA-2 Mannfors, E.;Juvela, M.;Bronfman, L.;Eden, D. J.;He, J.;Kim, G.;Kim, K. -T.;Kirppu, H.;Liu, T.;Montillaud, J.;Parsons, H.;Sanhueza, P.;Shang, H.;Soam, A.;Tatematsu, K.;Traficante, A.;Väisälä, M. S.;Lee, C. W. - 5
2021A&A...654A.137L The evolution of lithium in FGK dwarf stars. The lithium-rotation connection and the Li desert Llorente de Andrés, F.;Chavero, C.;de la Reza, R.;Roca-Fàbrega, S.;Cifuentes, C. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021A&A...654A.141L The origin of X-ray emission in 3CRR sources: Hints from mid-infrared Spitzer observations Li, Shuang-Liang;Gu, Minfeng - -
2021A&A...654A.147S Properties of Alpha Monocerotid meteors from the observation of the 2019 outburst in the Czech Republic Shrbený, Lukáš;Borovička, Jiří;Koten, Pavel;Spurný, Pavel;Štork, Rostislav;Hornoch, Kamil;Vojáček, Vlastimil - -
2021A&A...654A.150G Comparing the spatial and kinematic distribution of gas and young stars around the shell-like structure in the CMa OB1 association Gregorio-Hetem, J.;Lefloch, B.;Hetem, A.;Montmerle, T.;Fernandes, B.;Mendoza, E. F.;De Simone, M. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2021A&A...654A.159S The changing face of AU Mic b: stellar spots, spin-orbit commensurability, and transit timing variations as seen by CHEOPS and TESS Szabó, Gy. M.;Gandolfi, D.;Brandeker, A.;Csizmadia, Sz.;Garai, Z.;Billot, N.;Broeg, C.;Ehrenreich, D.;Fortier, A.;Fossati, L.;Hoyer, S.;Kiss, L.;Lecavelier des Etangs, A.;Maxted, P. F. L.;Ribas, I.;Alibert, Y.;Alonso, R.;Anglada Escudé, G.;Bárczy, T.;Barros, S. C. C.;Barrado, D.;Baumjohann, W.;Beck, M.;Beck, T.;Bekkelien, A.;Bonfils, X.;Benz, W.;Borsato, L.;Busch, M. -D.;Cabrera, J.;Charnoz, S.;Collier Cameron, A.;Van Damme, C. Corral;Davies, M. B.;Delrez, L.;Deleuil, M.;Demangeon, O. D. S.;Demory, B. -O.;Erikson, A.;Fridlund, M.;Futyan, D.;García Muñoz, A.;Gillon, M.;Guedel, M.;Guterman, P.;Heng, K.;Isaak, K. G.;Lacedelli, G.;Laskar, J.;Lendl, M.;Lovis, C.;Luntzer, A.;Magrin, D.;Nascimbeni, V.;Olofsson, G.;Osborn, H. P.;Ottensamer, R.;Pagano, I.;Pallé, E.;Peter, G.;Piazza, D.;Piotto, G.;Pollacco, D.;Queloz, D.;Ragazzoni, R.;Rando, N.;Rauer, H.;Santos, N. C.;Scandariato, G.;Ségransan, D.;Serrano, L. M.;Sicilia, D.;Simon, A. E.;Smith, A. M. S.;Sousa, S. G.;Steller, M.;Thomas, N.;Udry, S.;Van Grootel, V.;Walton, N. A.;Wilson, T. G. - 46
2021A&A...654A..48H V-band photometry of asteroids from ASAS-SN. Finding asteroids with slow spin Hanuš, J.;Pejcha, O.;Shappee, B. J.;Kochanek, C. S.;Stanek, K. Z.;Holoien, T. W. -S. - -
2021A&A...654A..55H The distribution and origin of C2H in NGC 253 from ALCHEMI Holdship, J.;Viti, S.;Martín, S.;Harada, N.;Mangum, J.;Sakamoto, K.;Muller, S.;Tanaka, K.;Yoshimura, Y.;Nakanishi, K.;Herrero-Illana, R.;Mühle, S.;Aladro, R.;Colzi, L.;Emig, K. L.;García-Burillo, S.;Henkel, C.;Humire, P.;Meier, D. S.;Rivilla, V. M.;van der Werf, P. - 1
2021A&A...654A..61L J-PLUS: Systematic impact of metallicity on photometric calibration with the stellar locus López-Sanjuan, C.;Yuan, H.;Vázquez Ramió, H.;Varela, J.;Cristóbal-Hornillos, D.;Tremblay, P. -E.;Marín-Franch, A.;Cenarro, A. J.;Ederoclite, A.;Alfaro, E. J.;Alvarez-Candal, A.;Daflon, S.;Hernán-Caballero, A.;Hernández-Monteagudo, C.;Jiménez-Esteban, F. M.;Placco, V. M.;Tempel, E.;Alcaniz, J.;Angulo, R. E.;Dupke, R. A.;Moles, M.;Sodré, L. - 7
2021A&A...654A..77Z Stellar Population Astrophysics (SPA) with TNG. Atmospheric parameters of members of 16 unstudied open clusters Zhang, R.;Lucatello, S.;Bragaglia, A.;Carrera, R.;Spina, L.;Alonso-Santiago, J.;Andreuzzi, G.;Casali, G.;Carretta, E.;Frasca, A.;Fu, X.;Magrini, L.;Origlia, L.;D'Orazi, V.;Vallenari, A. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021A&A...654A..79G Quasar clustering at redshift 6 Greiner, J.;Bolmer, J.;Yates, R. M.;Habouzit, M.;Bañados, E.;Afonso, P. M. J.;Schady, P. - -
2021A&A...654A..90L SUPER. V. ALMA continuum observations of z ∼ 2 AGN and the elusive evidence of outflows influencing star formation Lamperti, I.;Harrison, C. M.;Mainieri, V.;Kakkad, D.;Perna, M.;Circosta, C.;Scholtz, J.;Carniani, S.;Cicone, C.;Alexander, D. M.;Bischetti, M.;Calistro Rivera, G.;Chen, C. -C.;Cresci, G.;Feruglio, C.;Fiore, F.;Mannucci, F.;Marconi, A.;Martínez-Ramírez, L. N.;Netzer, H.;Piconcelli, E.;Puglisi, A.;Rosario, D. J.;Schramm, M.;Vietri, G.;Vignali, C.;Zappacosta, L. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021A&A...654A...9L Follow-up of non-transiting planets detected by Kepler. Confirmation of three hot-Jupiters and validation of three other planets Lillo-Box, J.;Millholland, S.;Laughlin, G. - 4
2021A&A...655A.109B The Chandra view of the relation between X-ray and UV emission in quasars Bisogni, S.;Lusso, E.;Civano, F.;Nardini, E.;Risaliti, G.;Elvis, M.;Fabbiano, G. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: CDS Cross-match
2021A&A...655A.113M EMISSA (Exploring Millimeter Indicators of Solar-Stellar Activity). I. The initial millimeter-centimeter main-sequence star sample Mohan, A.;Wedemeyer, S.;Pandit, S.;Saberi, M.;Hauschildt, P. H. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021A&A...655A..15Z The HD 98800 quadruple pre-main sequence system. Towards full orbital characterisation using long-baseline infrared interferometry Zúñiga-Fernández, S.;Olofsson, J.;Bayo, A.;Haubois, X.;Corral-Santana, J. M.;Lopera-Mejía, A.;Ronco, M. P.;Tokovinin, A.;Gallenne, A.;Kennedy, G. M.;Berger, J. -P. VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper.
Use of VO tools: VOSA
2021A&A...655A..17S The SPECFIND V3.0 catalog of radio continuum cross-identifications and spectra: Reaching lower frequencies Stein, Y.;Vollmer, B.;Boch, T.;Landais, G.;Vannier, P.;Brouty, M.;Allen, M. G.;Derriere, S.;Ocvirk, P. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021A&A...655A..31V Confirming NGC 6231 as the parent cluster of the runaway high-mass X-ray binary HD 153919/4U 1700-37 with Gaia DR2 van der Meij, Vincent;Guo, Difeng;Kaper, Lex;Renzo, Mathieu Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
2021A&A...655A..33M LBV phenomenon and binarity: The environment of HR Car Mehner, A.;Janssens, S.;Agliozzo, C.;de Wit, W. -J.;Boffin, H. M. J.;Baade, D.;Bodensteiner, J.;Groh, J. H.;Mahy, L.;Vogt, F. P. A. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Australian All-Sky Virtual Observatory (ASVO)
2021A&A...655A..42S Molecular gas budget and characterization of intermediate-mass star-forming galaxies at z ≈ 2-3 Solimano, M.;González-López, J.;Barrientos, L. F.;Aravena, M.;López, S.;Tejos, N.;Sharon, K.;Dahle, H.;Bayliss, M.;Ledoux, C.;Rigby, J. R.;Gladders, M. - 8
2021A&A...655A..47M J-PLUS: A first glimpse at the spectrophotometry of asteroids. The MOOJa catalog Morate, David;Marcio Carvano, Jorge;Alvarez-Candal, Alvaro;De Prá, Mário;Licandro, Javier;Galarza, Andrés;Mahlke, Max;Solano-Márquez, Enrique;Cenarro, Javier;Cristóbal-Hornillos, David;Hernández-Monteagudo, Carlos;López-Sanjuan, Carlos;Marín-Franch, Antonio;Moles, Mariano;Varela, Jesús;Vázquez Ramió, Héctor;Alcaniz, Jailson;Dupke, Renato;Ederoclite, Alessandro;Sodré, Laerte;Angulo, Raul E.;Jiménez-Esteban, Francisco M.;Siffert, Beatriz B.;J-PLUS Collaboration Use of VO tools: SkyBot
2021A&A...655A..48D An XMM-Newton catalogue of BL Lacs de la Calle Pérez, I.;Álvarez Crespo, N.;Racero, E.;Rouco, A. Use of VO tools: ESASky
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021A&A...655A..49G High-resolution Hα imaging of the northern Galactic plane and the IGAPS image database Greimel, R.;Drew, J. E.;Monguió, M.;Ashley, R. P.;Barentsen, G.;Eislöffel, J.;Mampaso, A.;Morris, R. A. H.;Naylor, T.;Roe, C.;Sabin, L.;Stecklum, B.;Wright, N. J.;Groot, P. J.;Irwin, M. J.;Barlow, M. J.;Fariña, C.;Fernández-Martín, A.;Parker, Q. A.;Phillipps, S.;Scaringi, S.;Zijlstra, A. A. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: CDS Cross-match
Use of VO tools: STILTS
2021A&A...655A..62B Narrow belt of debris around the Sco-Cen star HD 141011 Bonnefoy, M.;Milli, J.;Menard, F.;Delorme, P.;Chomez, A.;Bonavita, M.;Lagrange, A. -M.;Vigan, A.;Augereau, J. C.;Beuzit, J. L.;Biller, B.;Boccaletti, A.;Chauvin, G.;Desidera, S.;Faramaz, V.;Galicher, R.;Gratton, R.;Hinkley, S.;Lazzoni, C.;Matthews, E.;Mesa, D.;Mordasini, C.;Mouillet, D.;Olofsson, J.;Pinte, C. VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper.
Use of VO tools: VOSA
2021A&A...655A..65T Which molecule traces what: Chemical diagnostics of protostellar sources Tychoniec, Łukasz;van Dishoeck, Ewine F.;van't Hoff, Merel L. R.;van Gelder, Martijn L.;Tabone, Benoît;Chen, Yuan;Harsono, Daniel;Hull, Charles L. H.;Hogerheijde, Michiel R.;Murillo, Nadia M.;Tobin, John J. Use of VO tools: CASSIS
2021A&A...655A..86V Protostellar Interferometric Line Survey of the Cygnus X region (PILS-Cygnus). First results: Observations of CygX-N30 van der Walt, S. J.;Kristensen, L. E.;Jørgensen, J. K.;Calcutt, H.;Manigand, S.;el Akel, M.;Garrod, R. T.;Qiu, K. Use of VO tools: CASSIS
2021A&A...655A..98A The contribution by luminous blue variable stars to the dust content of the Magellanic Clouds Agliozzo, C.;Phillips, N.;Mehner, A.;Baade, D.;Scicluna, P.;Kemper, F.;Asmus, D.;de Wit, W. -J.;Pignata, G. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021A&A...656A.102T Inspecting the Cepheid parallax of pulsation using Gaia EDR3 parallaxes. Projection factor and period-luminosity and period-radius relations Trahin, B.;Breuval, L.;Kervella, P.;Mérand, A.;Nardetto, N.;Gallenne, A.;Hocdé, V.;Gieren, W. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2021A&A...656A.119L Detection of OH in the ultra-hot Jupiter WASP-76b Landman, R.;Sánchez-López, A.;Mollière, P.;Kesseli, A. Y.;Louca, A. J.;Snellen, I. A. G. VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper.
2021A&A...656A.125F A case study of ACV variables discovered in the Zwicky Transient Facility survey Faltová, N.;Kallová, K.;Prišegen, M.;Staněk, P.;Supíková, J.;Xia, C.;Bernhard, K.;Hümmerich, S.;Paunzen, E. Use of VO tools: VOSA
2021A&A...656A.145K YY Hya and its interstellar environment Kimeswenger, Stefan;Thorstensen, John R.;Fesen, Robert A.;Drechsler, Marcel;Strottner, Xavier;Germiniani, Maicon;Steindl, Thomas;Przybilla, Norbert;Weil, Kathryn E.;Rupert, Justin Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2021A&A...656A.147M CLASH-VLT: Abell S1063. Cluster assembly history and spectroscopic catalogue Mercurio, A.;Rosati, P.;Biviano, A.;Annunziatella, M.;Girardi, M.;Sartoris, B.;Nonino, M.;Brescia, M.;Riccio, G.;Grillo, C.;Balestra, I.;Caminha, G. B.;De Lucia, G.;Gobat, R.;Seitz, S.;Tozzi, P.;Scodeggio, M.;Vanzella, E.;Angora, G.;Bergamini, P.;Borgani, S.;Demarco, R.;Meneghetti, M.;Strazzullo, V.;Tortorelli, L.;Umetsu, K.;Fritz, A.;Gruen, D.;Kelson, D.;Lombardi, M.;Maier, C.;Postman, M.;Rodighiero, G.;Ziegler, B. Use of VO tools: STILTS
2021A&A...656A.156Q The Milky Way bar and bulge revealed by APOGEE and Gaia EDR3 Queiroz, A. B. A.;Chiappini, C.;Perez-Villegas, A.;Khalatyan, A.;Anders, F.;Barbuy, B.;Santiago, B. X.;Steinmetz, M.;Cunha, K.;Schultheis, M.;Majewski, S. R.;Minchev, I.;Minniti, D.;Beaton, R. L.;Cohen, R. E.;da Costa, L. N.;Fernández-Trincado, J. G.;Garcia-Hernández, D. A.;Geisler, D.;Hasselquist, S.;Lane, R. R.;Nitschelm, C.;Rojas-Arriagada, A.;Roman-Lopes, A.;Smith, V.;Zasowski, G. Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2021A&A...656A.162M The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. Stellar atmospheric parameters of target stars with SteParSyn Marfil, E.;Tabernero, H. M.;Montes, D.;Caballero, J. A.;Lázaro, F. J.;González Hernández, J. I.;Nagel, E.;Passegger, V. M.;Schweitzer, A.;Ribas, I.;Reiners, A.;Quirrenbach, A.;Amado, P. J.;Cifuentes, C.;Cortés-Contreras, M.;Dreizler, S.;Duque-Arribas, C.;Galadí-Enríquez, D.;Henning, Th.;Jeffers, S. V.;Kaminski, A.;Kürster, M.;Lafarga, M.;López-Gallifa, Á.;Morales, J. C.;Shan, Y.;Zechmeister, M. Use of VO tools: VOSA
2021A&A...656A..49H Decoding the morphological evolution of open clusters Hu, Qingshun;Zhang, Yu;Esamdin, Ali Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021A&A...656A..51G Planetary nebulae in Gaia EDR3: Central star identification, properties, and binarity González-Santamaría, I.;Manteiga, M.;Manchado, A.;Ulla, A.;Dafonte, C.;López Varela, P. Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021A&A...656A..57L Wavelength calibration and resolving power of the JWST MIRI Medium Resolution Spectrometer Labiano, A.;Argyriou, I.;Álvarez-Márquez, J.;Glasse, A.;Glauser, A.;Patapis, P.;Law, D.;Brandl, B. R.;Justtanont, K.;Lahuis, F.;Martínez-Galarza, J. R.;Mueller, M.;Noriega-Crespo, A.;Royer, P.;Shaughnessy, B.;Vandenbussche, B. Use of VO tools: ESASky
2021A&A...656A..64R The bi-modal 7Li distribution of the Milky Way's thin-disk dwarf stars. The role of Galactic-scale events and stellar evolution Roca-Fàbrega, S.;Llorente de Andrés, F.;Chavero, C.;Cifuentes, C.;de la Reza, R. VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper.
2021A&A...656A..66T Semi-regular red giants as distance indicators. I. The period-luminosity relations of semi-regular variables revisited Trabucchi, M.;Mowlavi, N.;Lebzelter, T. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: STILTS
2021AJ....161..138H The Initial Mass Function of Low-mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs in the W3 Complex Huston, M. J.;Luhman, K. L. - -
2021AJ....161..143C Analysis of Previously Classified White Dwarf-Main-sequence Binaries Using Data from the APOGEE Survey Corcoran, Kyle A.;Lewis, Hannah M.;Anguiano, Borja;Majewski, Steven R.;Kounkel, Marina;McDonald, Devin J.;Stassun, Keivan G.;Cunha, Katia;Smith, Verne;Allende Prieto, Carlos;Badenes, Carles;De Lee, Nathan;Mazzola, Christine N.;Longa-Peña, Penélope;Roman-Lopes, Alexandre Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021AJ....161..147B Estimating Distances from Parallaxes. V. Geometric and Photogeometric Distances to 1.47 Billion Stars in Gaia Early Data Release 3 Bailer-Jones, C. A. L.;Rybizki, J.;Fouesneau, M.;Demleitner, M.;Andrae, R. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021AJ....161..155M Orbits and Masses of Binaries from Speckle Interferometry at SOAR Mendez, Rene A.;Clavería, Rubén M.;Costa, Edgardo Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021AJ....161..165R Fundamental Parameters of the Eclipsing Binary DD CMa and Evidence for Mass Exchange Rosales, J. A.;Mennickent, R. E.;Djurašević, G.;González, J. F.;Araya, I.;Cabezas, M.;Schleicher, D. R. G.;Curé, M. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021AJ....161..171T TESS Hunt for Young and Maturing Exoplanets (THYME). V. A Sub-Neptune Transiting a Young Star in a Newly Discovered 250 Myr Association Tofflemire, Benjamin M.;Rizzuto, Aaron C.;Newton, Elisabeth R.;Kraus, Adam L.;Mann, Andrew W.;Vanderburg, Andrew;Nelson, Tyler;Hawkins, Keith;Wood, Mackenna L.;Zhou, George;Quinn, Samuel N.;Howell, Steve B.;Collins, Karen A.;Schwarz, Richard P.;Stassun, Keivan G.;Bouma, Luke G.;Essack, Zahra;Osborn, Hugh;Boyd, Patricia T.;Fűrész, Gábor;Glidden, Ana;Twicken, Joseph D.;Wohler, Bill;McLean, Brian;Ricker, George R.;Vanderspek, Roland;Latham, David W.;Seager, S.;Winn, Joshua N.;Jenkins, Jon M. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021AJ....161..191D The Population of H II Regions in NGC 7020 Dottori, Horacio;Díaz, Rubén J.;Grosbøl, Preben;Bueno, Amanda;Gimeno, Germán Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021AJ....161..192N Second Data Release of the All-sky NOIRLab Source Catalog Nidever, David L.;Dey, Arjun;Fasbender, Katie;Juneau, Stéphanie;Meisner, Aaron M.;Wishart, Joseph;Scott, Adam;Matt, Kyle;Nikutta, Robert;Pucha, Ragadeepika - 9
2021AJ....161..196P An Optical Overview of Blazars with LAMOST. I. Hunting Changing-look Blazars and New Redshift Estimates Peña-Herazo, Harold A.;Massaro, Francesco;Gu, Minfeng;Paggi, Alessandro;Landoni, Marco;D'Abrusco, Raffaele;Ricci, Federica;Masetti, Nicola;Chavushyan, Vahram Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021AJ....161..215L Far-ultraviolet Variable Sources in M31 Leahy, Denis;Buick, Megan;Postma, Joseph;Morgan, Cole Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021AJ....161..231W The Stars Kepler Missed: Investigating the Kepler Target Selection Function Using Gaia DR2 Wolniewicz, Linnea M.;Berger, Travis A.;Huber, Daniel Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021AJ....161..242F The Automatic Learning for the Rapid Classification of Events (ALeRCE) Alert Broker Förster, F.;Cabrera-Vives, G.;Castillo-Navarrete, E.;Estévez, P. A.;Sánchez-Sáez, P.;Arredondo, J.;Bauer, F. E.;Carrasco-Davis, R.;Catelan, M.;Elorrieta, F.;Eyheramendy, S.;Huijse, P.;Pignata, G.;Reyes, E.;Reyes, I.;Rodríguez-Mancini, D.;Ruz-Mieres, D.;Valenzuela, C.;Álvarez-Maldonado, I.;Astorga, N.;Borissova, J.;Clocchiatti, A.;De Cicco, D.;Donoso-Oliva, C.;Hernández-García, L.;Graham, M. J.;Jordán, A.;Kurtev, R.;Mahabal, A.;Maureira, J. C.;Muñoz-Arancibia, A.;Molina-Ferreiro, R.;Moya, A.;Palma, W.;Pérez-Carrasco, M.;Protopapas, P.;Romero, M.;Sabatini-Gacitua, L.;Sánchez, A.;San Martín, J.;Sepúlveda-Cobo, C.;Vera, E.;Vergara, J. R. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021AJ....161..277K Calibration of the Hα Age-Activity Relation for M Dwarfs Kiman, Rocio;Faherty, Jacqueline K.;Cruz, Kelle L.;Gagné, Jonathan;Angus, Ruth;Schmidt, Sarah J.;Mann, Andrew W.;Bardalez Gagliuffi, Daniella C.;Rice, Emily Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021AJ....161..285B Dissecting the Quadruple Binary Hyad vA 351 Masses for Three M Dwarfs and a White Dwarf Benedict, G. Fritz;Franz, Otto G.;Horch, Elliott P.;Prato, L.;Torres, Guillermo;McArthur, Barbara E.;Wasserman, Lawrence H.;Latham, David W.;Stefanik, Robert P.;Latham, Christian;Skiff, Brian A. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021AJ....162..101V Multicolor Variability of Young Stars in the Lagoon Nebula: Driving Causes and Intrinsic Timescales Venuti, Laura;Cody, Ann Marie;Rebull, Luisa M.;Beccari, Giacomo;Irwin, Mike J.;Thanvantri, Sowmya;Howell, Steve B.;Barentsen, Geert Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
2021AJ....162..102S Large Adaptive Optics Survey for Substellar Objects around Young, Nearby, Low-mass Stars with Robo-AO Salama, Maïssa;Ou, James;Baranec, Christoph;Liu, Michael C.;Bowler, Brendan P.;Barnes, Paul;Bonnet, Morgan;Chun, Mark;Duev, Dmitry A.;Goebel, Sean;Hall, Don;Jacobson, Shane;Jensen-Clem, Rebecca;Law, Nicholas M.;Lockhart, Charles;Riddle, Reed;Situ, Heather;Warmbier, Eric;Zhang, Zhoujian Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021AJ....162..131M 2M17091769+3127589: A Mass-transfer Binary with an Extreme Mass Ratio Miller, Annaliese;Kounkel, Marina;Sun, Meng;Dixon, Don;Boggio, Chase;Covey, K. R.;Stassun, Keivan G.;Mathieu, Robert Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021AJ....162..143M THOR: An Algorithm for Cadence-independent Asteroid Discovery Moeyens, Joachim;Jurić, Mario;Ford, Jes;Bektešević, Dino;Connolly, Andrew J.;Eggl, Siegfried;Ivezić, Željko;Jones, R. Lynne;Kalmbach, J. Bryce;Smotherman, Hayden - 1
2021AJ....162..144A TOI-1278 B: SPIRou Unveils a Rare Brown Dwarf Companion in Close-in Orbit around an M Dwarf Artigau, Étienne;Hébrard, Guillaume;Cadieux, Charles;Vandal, Thomas;Cook, Neil J.;Doyon, René;Gagné, Jonathan;Moutou, Claire;Martioli, Eder;Frasca, Antonio;Jahandar, Farbod;Lafrenière, David;Malo, Lison;Donati, Jean-François;Cortés-Zuleta, Pía;Boisse, Isabelle;Delfosse, Xavier;Carmona, Andres;Fouqué, Pascal;Morin, Julien;Rowe, Jason;Marino, Giuseppe;Papini, Riccardo;Ciardi, David R.;Lund, Michael B.;Martins, Jorge H. C.;Pelletier, Stefan;Arnold, Luc;Bouchy, François;Forveille, Thierry;Santos, Nuno C.;Bonfils, Xavier;Figueira, Pedro;Fausnaugh, Michael;Ricker, George;Latham, David W.;Seager, Sara;Winn, Joshua N.;Jenkins, Jon M.;Ting, Eric B.;Torres, Guillermo;Gomes da Silva, João Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021AJ....162..171Y Extended Tidal Tails of IC 4756 Detected by Gaia EDR3 Ye, Xianhao;Zhao, Jinkun;Zhang, Jiajun;Yang, Yong;Zhao, Gang Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021AJ....162..177P Optical Spectroscopic Observations of Gamma-ray Blazar Candidates. XI. Optical Observations from SOAR, Blanco, NTT and OAN-SPM. The Story So Far Peña-Herazo, Harold A.;Paggi, Alessandro;García-Pérez, Abigail;Amaya-Almazán, Raúl A.;Massaro, Francesco;Ricci, Federica;Chavushyan, Vahram;Marchesini, Ezequiel J.;Masetti, Nicola;Landoni, Marco;D'Abrusco, Raffaele;Milisavljevic, Dan;Jiménez-Bailón, Elena;Patiño-Álvarez, Víctor M.;La Franca, Fabio;Smith, Howard A.;Tosti, Gino Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021AJ....162..184K Double-lined Spectroscopic Binaries in the APOGEE DR16 and DR17 Data Kounkel, Marina;Covey, Kevin R.;Stassun, Keivan G.;Price-Whelan, Adrian M.;Holtzman, Jon;Chojnowski, Drew;Longa-Peña, Penélope;Román-Zúñiga, Carlos G.;Hernandez, Jesus;Serna, Javier;Badenes, Carles;De Lee, Nathan;Majewski, Steven;Stringfellow, Guy S.;Kratter, Kaitlin M.;Moe, Maxwell;Frinchaboy, Peter M.;Beaton, Rachael L.;Fernández-Trincado, José G.;Mahadevan, Suvrath;Minniti, Dante;Beers, Timothy C.;Schneider, Donald P.;Barba, Rodolfo;Brownstein, Joel R.;García-Hernández, Domingo Aníbal;Pan, Kaike;Bizyaev, Dmitry Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021AJ....162..199L Far-ultraviolet Variables in M31: Concentration in Spiral Arms and Association with Young Stars Leahy, Denis A.;Buick, Megan;Postma, Joseph E. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021AJ....162..224S Interstellar Extinction in the Direction of the Open Cluster King 7 and New Parameters of the Cluster Straižys, V.;Kazlauskas, A.;Boyle, R. P.;Janusz, R.;Zdanavičius, J.;Raudeliūnas, S.;Černis, K.;Maskoliūnas, M.;Macijauskas, M.;Čepas, V.;Semionov, D. Use of VO tools: Sky View
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021AJ....162..229R The Most Metal-poor Stars in the Magellanic Clouds Are r-process Enhanced Reggiani, Henrique;Schlaufman, Kevin C.;Casey, Andrew R.;Simon, Joshua D.;Ji, Alexander P. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
Australian All-Sky Virtual Observatory (ASVO)
2021AJ....162..231C Alert Classification for the ALeRCE Broker System: The Real-time Stamp Classifier Carrasco-Davis, R.;Reyes, E.;Valenzuela, C.;Förster, F.;Estévez, P. A.;Pignata, G.;Bauer, F. E.;Reyes, I.;Sánchez-Sáez, P.;Cabrera-Vives, G.;Eyheramendy, S.;Catelan, M.;Arredondo, J.;Castillo-Navarrete, E.;Rodríguez-Mancini, D.;Ruz-Mieres, D.;Moya, A.;Sabatini-Gacitúa, L.;Sepúlveda-Cobo, C.;Mahabal, A. A.;Silva-Farfán, J.;Camacho-Iñiguez, E.;Galbany, L. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021AJ....162..245S Sifting through the Static: Moving Object Detection in Difference Images Smotherman, Hayden;Connolly, Andrew J.;Kalmbach, J. Bryce;Portillo, Stephen K. N.;Bektesevic, Dino;Eggl, Siegfried;Juric, Mario;Moeyens, Joachim;Whidden, Peter J. Use of VO tools: SkyBot
2021AJ....162..251C SCExAO/CHARIS Direct Imaging of A Low-mass Companion At A Saturn-like Separation from an Accelerating Young A7 Star Chilcote, Jeffrey;Tobin, Taylor;Currie, Thayne;Brandt, Timothy D.;Groff, Tyler D.;Kuzuhara, Masayuki;Guyon, Olivier;Lozi, Julien;Jovanovic, Nemanja;Sahoo, Ananya;Deo, Vincent;Akiyama, Eiji;Janson, Markus;Knapp, Jill;Kwon, Jungmi;McElwain, Michael W.;Nishikawa, Jun;Wagner, Kevin;Hełminiak, Krzysztof;Skaf, Nour;Tamura, Motohide Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2021AJ....162..264J High Mass-Ratio Binary Population in Open Clusters: Segregation of Early Type Binaries and an Increasing Binary Fraction with Mass Jadhav, Vikrant V.;Roy, Kaustubh;Joshi, Naman;Subramaniam, Annapurni Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021AJ....162..282M Untangling the Galaxy. III. Photometric Search for Pre-main-sequence Stars with Deep Learning McBride, Aidan;Lingg, Ryan;Kounkel, Marina;Covey, Kevin;Hutchinson, Brian Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021AJ....162..287C Five New Hot Jupiter Transits Investigated with Swift-UVOT Corrales, Lia;Ravi, Sasikrishna;King, George W.;May, Erin;Rauscher, Emily;Reynolds, Mark Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2021AJ....162..290R Deep Exploration of the Planets HR 8799 b, c, and d with Moderate-resolution Spectroscopy Ruffio, Jean-Baptiste;Konopacky, Quinn M.;Barman, Travis;Macintosh, Bruce;Hoch, Kielan K. W.;De Rosa, Robert J.;Wang, Jason J.;Czekala, Ian;Marois, Christian Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2021AJ....162..291J The Peculiar Chemical Pattern of the WASP-160 Binary System: Signatures of Planetary Formation and Evolution? Jofré, Emiliano;Petrucci, Romina;Maqueo Chew, Yilen Gómez;Ramírez, Ivan;Saffe, Carlos;Martioli, Eder;Buccino, Andrea P.;Mašek, Martin;García, Luciano;Canul, Eliab F.;Gómez, Mercedes Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021AJ....162..302B Final Targeting Strategy for the Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment 2 North Survey Beaton, Rachael L.;Oelkers, Ryan J.;Hayes, Christian R.;Covey, Kevin R.;Chojnowski, S. D.;De Lee, Nathan;Sobeck, Jennifer S.;Majewski, Steven R.;Cohen, Roger E.;Fernández-Trincado, José;Longa-Peña, Penélope;O'Connell, Julia E.;Santana, Felipe A.;Stringfellow, Guy S.;Zasowski, Gail;Aerts, Conny;Anguiano, Borja;Bender, Chad;Cañas, Caleb I.;Cunha, Katia;Donor, John;Fleming, Scott W.;Frinchaboy, Peter M.;Feuillet, Diane;Harding, Paul;Hasselquist, Sten;Holtzman, Jon A.;Johnson, Jennifer A.;Kollmeier, Juna A.;Kounkel, Marina;Mahadevan, Suvrath;Price-Whelan, Adrian. M.;Rojas-Arriagada, Alvaro;Román-Zúñiga, Carlos;Schlafly, Edward F.;Schultheis, Mathias;Shetrone, Matthew;Simon, Joshua D.;Stassun, Keivan G.;Stutz, Amelia M.;Tayar, Jamie;Teske, Johanna;Tkachenko, Andrew;Troup, Nicholas;Albareti, Franco D.;Bizyaev, Dmitry;Bovy, Jo;Burgasser, Adam J.;Comparat, Johan;Downes, Juan José;Geisler, Doug;Inno, Laura;Manchado, Arturo;Ness, Melissa K.;Pinsonneault, Marc H.;Prada, Francisco;Roman-Lopes, Alexandre;Simonian, Gregory V. A.;Smith, Verne V.;Yan, Renbin;Zamora, Olga Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021AJ....162..303S Final Targeting Strategy for the SDSS-IV APOGEE-2S Survey Santana, Felipe A.;Beaton, Rachael L.;Covey, Kevin R.;O'Connell, Julia E.;Longa-Peña, Penélope;Cohen, Roger;Fernández-Trincado, José G.;Hayes, Christian R.;Zasowski, Gail;Sobeck, Jennifer S.;Majewski, Steven R.;Chojnowski, S. D.;De Lee, Nathan;Oelkers, Ryan J.;Stringfellow, Guy S.;Almeida, Andrés;Anguiano, Borja;Donor, John;Frinchaboy, Peter M.;Hasselquist, Sten;Johnson, Jennifer A.;Kollmeier, Juna A.;Nidever, David L.;Price-Whelan, Adrian M.;Rojas-Arriagada, Alvaro;Schultheis, Mathias;Shetrone, Matthew;Simon, Joshua D.;Aerts, Conny;Borissova, Jura;Drout, Maria R.;Geisler, Doug;Law, C. Y.;Medina, Nicolas;Minniti, Dante;Monachesi, Antonela;Muñoz, Ricardo R.;Poleski, Radosław;Roman-Lopes, Alexandre;Schlaufman, Kevin C.;Stutz, Amelia M.;Teske, Johanna;Tkachenko, Andrew;Van Saders, Jennifer L.;Weinberger, Alycia J.;Zoccali, Manuela Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021AJ....162...50W The Aligned Orbit of the Eccentric Warm Jupiter K2-232b Wang, Songhu;Winn, Joshua N.;Addison, Brett C.;Dai, Fei;Rice, Malena;Holden, Bradford;Burt, Jennifer A.;Wang, Xian-Yu;Butler, R. Paul;Vogt, Steven S.;Laughlin, Gregory - -
2021AJ....162...63N Zwicky Transient Facility and Globular Clusters: the Period-Luminosity and Period-Luminosity-Color Relations for Late-type Contact Binaries Ngeow, Chow-Choong;Liao, Szu-Han;Bellm, Eric C.;Duev, Dmitry A.;Graham, Matthew J.;Mahabal, Ashish A.;Masci, Frank J.;Medford, Michael S.;Riddle, Reed;Rusholme, Ben Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021AJ....162...66R Stellar and Accretion Disk Parameters of the Close Binary HD 50526 Rosales, J. A.;Mennickent, R. E.;Djurašević, G.;Schleicher, D. R. G.;Zharikov, S.;Araya, I.;Celedón, L.;Curé, M. Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021AJ....162...71P Herbig Ae/Be Stars toward the Dark Cloud LDN 1667 Pereira, C. B.;Miranda, L. F.;Marcolino, W. L. F. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021AJ....162...72W Random Forests as a Viable Method to Select and Discover High-redshift Quasars Wenzl, Lukas;Schindler, Jan-Torge;Fan, Xiaohui;Andika, Irham Taufik;Bañados, Eduardo;Decarli, Roberto;Jahnke, Knud;Mazzucchelli, Chiara;Onoue, Masafusa;Venemans, Bram P.;Walter, Fabian;Yang, Jinyi - -
2021AJ....162...87B TOI-1231 b: A Temperate, Neptune-sized Planet Transiting the Nearby M3 Dwarf NLTT 24399 Burt, Jennifer A.;Dragomir, Diana;Mollière, Paul;Youngblood, Allison;García Muñoz, Antonio;McCann, John;Kreidberg, Laura;Huang, Chelsea X.;Collins, Karen A.;Eastman, Jason D.;Abe, Lyu;Almenara, Jose M.;Crossfield, Ian J. M.;Ziegler, Carl;Rodriguez, Joseph E.;Mamajek, Eric E.;Stassun, Keivan G.;Halverson, Samuel P.;Villanueva, Steven;Butler, R. Paul;Wang, Sharon Xuesong;Schwarz, Richard P.;Ricker, George R.;Vanderspek, Roland;Latham, David W.;Seager, S.;Winn, Joshua N.;Jenkins, Jon M.;Agabi, Abdelkrim;Bonfils, Xavier;Ciardi, David;Cointepas, Marion;Crane, Jeffrey D.;Crouzet, Nicolas;Dransfield, Georgina;Feng, Fabo;Furlan, Elise;Guillot, Tristan;Gupta, Arvind F.;Howell, Steve B.;Jensen, Eric L. N.;Law, Nicholas;Mann, Andrew W.;Marie-Sainte, Wenceslas;Matson, Rachel A.;Matthews, Elisabeth C.;Mékarnia, Djamel;Pepper, Joshua;Scott, Nic;Shectman, Stephen A.;Schlieder, Joshua E.;Schmider, François-Xavier;Stevens, Daniel J.;Teske, Johanna K.;Triaud, Amaury H. M. J.;Charbonneau, David;Berta-Thompson, Zachory K.;Burke, Christopher J.;Daylan, Tansu;Barclay, Thomas;Wohler, Bill;Brasseur, C. E. Use of VO tools: VOSA
2021AJ....162....9L Direct Imaging of Exoplanets beyond the Radial Velocity Limit: Application to the HD 134987 System Li, Zhexing;Hildebrandt, Sergi R.;Kane, Stephen R.;Zimmerman, Neil T.;Girard, Julien H.;Gonzalez-Quiles, Junellie;Turnbull, Margaret C. - 1
2021AN....342..553L A search for runaway stars in 12 Galactic supernova remnants Lux, Oliver;Neuhäuser, Ralph;Mugrauer, Markus;Bischoff, Richard Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021AN....342..613H An investigation of open cluster Melotte 72 using Gaia DR2 Hendy, Yasser;Tadross, Ashraf Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021AN....342..865G Measurements of visual binaries with PISCO2 at the Nice 76-cm refractor in 2011-2012 Gili, René;Prieur, Jean-Louis;Rivet, Jean-Pierre;Vakili, Farrokh;Scardia, Marco;Pansecchi, Luigi;Argyle, Robert W.;Ling, Josefina F.;Piccotti, Luca;Aristidi, Eric;Koechlin, Laurent;Bonneau, Daniel;Maccarini, Luca;Serot, Jocelyn Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021AN....342..989E Kinematics and ellipsoidal motion of the mid to late M-type stars Elsanhoury, Waleed H.;Nouh, Mohamed I.;Branham, Richard L.;Al-Johani, Amnah S. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJ...909..185S Discovery of a New Redback Millisecond Pulsar Candidate: 4FGL J0940.3-7610 Swihart, Samuel J.;Strader, Jay;Aydi, Elias;Chomiuk, Laura;Dage, Kristen C.;Shishkovsky, Laura - 1
2021ApJ...909..211C Hubble Space Telescope Observations of Two Faint Dwarf Satellites of Nearby LMC Analogs from MADCASH Carlin, Jeffrey L.;Mutlu-Pakdil, Burçin;Crnojević, Denija;Garling, Christopher T.;Karunakaran, Ananthan;Peter, Annika H. G.;Tollerud, Erik;Forbes, Duncan A.;Hargis, Jonathan R.;Lim, Sungsoon;Romanowsky, Aaron J.;Sand, David J.;Spekkens, Kristine;Strader, Jay Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
2021ApJ...909...25D Possible Evidence of Hydrogen Emission in the First-overtone and Multimode RR Lyrae Variables Duan, Xiao-Wei;Chen, Xiao-Dian;Deng, Li-Cai;Yang, Fan;Liu, Chao;Bhardwaj, Anupam;Zhang, Hua-Wei Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJ...909...48N Correction to the Photometric Colors of the Gaia Data Release 2 with the Stellar Color Regression Method Niu, Zexi;Yuan, Haibo;Liu, Jifeng - 6
2021ApJ...909...73J Properties of Compact Faint Radio Sources as a Function of Angular Size from Stacking Johnston, Ryan S.;Stil, Jeroen M.;Keller, Ben W. - -
2021ApJ...909...80B The Discovery of a Highly Accreting, Radio-loud Quasar at z = 6.82 Bañados, Eduardo;Mazzucchelli, Chiara;Momjian, Emmanuel;Eilers, Anna-Christina;Wang, Feige;Schindler, Jan-Torge;Connor, Thomas;Andika, Irham Taufik;Barth, Aaron J.;Carilli, Chris;Davies, Frederick B.;Decarli, Roberto;Fan, Xiaohui;Farina, Emanuele Paolo;Hennawi, Joseph F.;Pensabene, Antonio;Stern, Daniel;Venemans, Bram P.;Wenzl, Lukas;Yang, Jinyi Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJ...910..102G Mapping Milky Way Halo Substructure Using Stars in the Extended Blue Tail of the Horizontal Branch Gryncewicz, Robert;Newberg, Heidi Jo;Martin, Charles;Donlon, Thomas, II;Amy, Paul M. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJ...910..141T Carbon-chain Chemistry versus Complex-organic-molecule Chemistry in Envelopes around Three Low-mass Young Stellar Objects in the Perseus Region Taniguchi, Kotomi;Majumdar, Liton;Takakuwa, Shigehisa;Saito, Masao;Lis, Dariusz C.;Goldsmith, Paul F.;Herbst, Eric - -
2021ApJ...910...83H A Swift Fix for Nuclear Outbursts Hinkle, Jason T.;Holoien, Thomas W. -S.;Shappee, Benjamin. J.;Auchettl, Katie - 1
2021ApJ...911..100T The Complex Gaseous and Stellar Environments of the Nearby Dual Active Galactic Nucleus Mrk 739 Tubín, Dusán;Treister, Ezequiel;D'Ago, Giuseppe;Venturi, Giacomo;Bauer, Franz E.;Privon, George C.;Koss, Michael J.;Ricci, Federica;Comerford, Julia M.;Müller-Sánchez, Francisco Use of VO tools: Aladin
2021ApJ...911..121P The Location of Young Pulsar PSR J0837-2454: Galactic Halo or Local Supernova Remnant? Pol, Nihan;Burke-Spolaor, Sarah;Hurley-Walker, Natasha;Blumer, Harsha;Johnston, Simon;Keith, Michael;Keane, Evan F.;Burgay, Marta;Possenti, Andrea;Petroff, Emily;Bhat, N. D. Ramesh Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021ApJ...911...12J Inspecting the Cepheid Distance Ladder: the Hubble Space Telescope Distance to the SN Ia Host Galaxy NGC 5584 Javanmardi, Behnam;Mérand, Antoine;Kervella, Pierre;Breuval, Louise;Gallenne, Alexandre;Nardetto, Nicolas;Gieren, Wolfgang;Pietrzyński, Grzegorz;Hocdé, Vincent;Borgniet, Simon - 3
2021ApJ...911..133C From Formation to Disruption: Observing the Multiphase Evolution of a Solar Flare Current Sheet Chitta, L. P.;Priest, E. R.;Cheng, X. - 1
2021ApJ...911...25S A Characterization of the Circumstellar Gas of WD 1124-293 Using Cloudy Steele, Amy;Debes, John;Xu, Siyi;Yeh, Sherry;Dufour, Patrick - -
2021ApJ...911...28W The Milky Way Project: Probing Star Formation with First Results on Yellowballs from DR2 Wolf-Chase, Grace;Kerton, C. R.;Devine, Kathryn;Pouydal, Anupa;Mori, Johanna;Trujillo, Leonardo;Cossairt, Aurora;Schoultz, Sarah;Jayasinghe, Tharindu;Povich, Matthew Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021ApJ...911...49X Fermi-LAT Detection of GeV γ-Ray Emission from the Highly Asymmetric Shell Supernova Remnant SNR G317.3-0.A Xiang, Yunchuan;Jiang, Zejun;Tang, Yunyong Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021ApJ...911...51L HO Puppis: Not a Be Star, but a Newly Confirmed IW And-type Star Lee, Chien-De;Ou, Jia-Yu;Yu, Po-Chieh;Ngeow, Chow-Choong;Huang, Po-Chieh;Ip, Wing-Huen;Hambsch, Franz-Josef;Sung, Hyun-il;van Roestel, Jan;Dekany, Richard;Drake, Andrew J.;Graham, Matthew J.;Duev, Dmitry A.;Kaye, Stephen;Kupfer, Thomas;Laher, Russ R.;Masci, Frank J.;Mróz, Przemek;Neill, James D.;Riddle, Reed;Rusholme, Ben;Walters, Richard Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021ApJ...911....7Z The Hawaii Infrared Parallax Program. V. New T-dwarf Members and Candidate Members of Nearby Young Moving Groups Zhang, Zhoujian;Liu, Michael C.;Best, William M. J.;Dupuy, Trent J.;Siverd, Robert J. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021ApJ...911L..23C The Metal-poor Metallicity Distribution of the Ancient Milky Way Chiti, Anirudh;Mardini, Mohammad K.;Frebel, Anna;Daniel, Tatsuya Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021ApJ...912..102R Matching Globular Cluster Models to Observations Rui, Nicholas Z.;Kremer, Kyle;Weatherford, Newlin C.;Chatterjee, Sourav;Rasio, Frederic A.;Rodriguez, Carl L.;Ye, Claire S. - 2
2021ApJ...912..111B The Luminosity Function of Bright QSOs at z ∼ 4 and Implications for the Cosmic Ionizing Background Boutsia, Konstantina;Grazian, Andrea;Fontanot, Fabio;Giallongo, Emanuele;Menci, Nicola;Calderone, Giorgio;Cristiani, Stefano;D'Odorico, Valentina;Cupani, Guido;Guarneri, Francesco;Omizzolo, Alessandro - 1
2021ApJ...912..112W Red Supergiants in M31 and M33. II. The Mass-loss Rate Wang, Tianding;Jiang, Biwei;Ren, Yi;Yang, Ming;Li, Jun Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJ...912..117X Likely Detection of GeV Gamma-Ray Emission from the Composite Supernova Remnant COMP G327.1+1.1 with Fermi-LAT Xiang, Yunchuan;Xing, Yi;Jiang, Zejun Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021ApJ...912..127S Photometric Variability as a Proxy for Magnetic Activity and Its Dependence on Metallicity See, Victor;Roquette, Julia;Amard, Louis;Matt, Sean P. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJ...912..128P Searches after Gravitational Waves Using ARizona Observatories (SAGUARO): Observations and Analysis from Advanced LIGO/Virgo's Third Observing Run Paterson, K.;Lundquist, M. J.;Rastinejad, J. C.;Fong, W.;Sand, D. J.;Andrews, J. E.;Amaro, R. C.;Eskandari, O.;Wyatt, S.;Daly, P. N.;Bradley, H.;Zhou-Wright, S.;Valenti, S.;Yang, S.;Christensen, E.;Gibbs, A. R.;Shelly, F.;Bilinski, C.;Chomiuk, L.;Corsi, A.;Drout, M. R.;Foley, R. J.;Gabor, P.;Garnavich, P.;Grier, C. J.;Hamden, E.;Krantz, H.;Olszewski, E.;Paschalidis, V.;Reichart, D.;Rest, A.;Smith, N.;Strader, J.;Trilling, D.;Veillet, C.;Wagner, R. M.;Weiner, B.;Zabludoff, A. - 15
2021ApJ...912..145N Measuring Stellar Masses of Emission-line Galaxies at 1.2 < z < 1.9 Nagaraj, Gautam;Ciardullo, Robin;Lawson, Alex;Bowman, William P.;Zeimann, Greg;Yang, Guang;Gronwall, Caryl - 1
2021ApJ...912..147W The Photometric Metallicity and Carbon Distributions of the Milky Way's Halo and Solar Neighborhood from S-PLUS Observations of SDSS Stripe 82 Whitten, Devin D.;Placco, Vinicius M.;Beers, Timothy C.;An, Deokkeun;Lee, Young Sun;Almeida-Fernandes, Felipe;Herpich, Fábio R.;Daflon, Simone;Barbosa, Carlos E.;Perottoni, Hélio D.;Rossi, Silvia;Tissera, Patricia B.;Yoon, Jinmi;Youakim, Kris;Schoenell, William;Ribeiro, Tiago;Kanaan, Antonio - 9
2021ApJ...912..148L A Search for Cloud Cores Affected by Shocked Carbon Chain Chemistry in L1251 Liu, X. -C.;Wu, Y.;Zhang, C.;Chen, X.;Lin, L. -H.;Qin, S. -L.;Liu, T.;Henkel, C.;Wang, J.;Liu, H. -L.;Yuan, J.;Yuan, L. -X.;Li, J.;Shen, Z. -Q.;Li, D.;Esimbek, J.;Wang, K.;Li, L. -X.;Kim, Kee-Tae;Zhu, L.;Madones, D.;Inostroza-Pino, N.;Meng, F. -Y.;Zhang, T.;Tatematsu, K.;Xu, Y.;Ju, B. -G.;Kraus, A.;Xu, F. -W. - -
2021ApJ...912..162P 3D Morphology of Open Clusters in the Solar Neighborhood with Gaia EDR 3: Its Relation to Cluster Dynamics Pang, Xiaoying;Li, Yuqian;Yu, Zeqiu;Tang, Shih-Yun;Dinnbier, František;Kroupa, Pavel;Pasquato, Mario;Kouwenhoven, M. B. N. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021ApJ...912...32V A LAMOST BHB Catalog and Kinematics Therein. I. Catalog and Halo Properties Vickers, John J.;Li, Zhao-Yu;Smith, Martin C.;Shen, Juntai Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJ...912....4L Outflows from Super Star Clusters in the Central Starburst of NGC 253 Levy, Rebecca C.;Bolatto, Alberto D.;Leroy, Adam K.;Emig, Kimberly L.;Gorski, Mark;Krieger, Nico;Lenkić, Laura;Meier, David S.;Mills, Elisabeth A. C.;Ott, Jürgen;Rosolowsky, Erik;Tarantino, Elizabeth;Veilleux, Sylvain;Walter, Fabian;Weiß, Axel;Zwaan, Martin A. - 1
2021ApJ...912...55S ENISALA. II. Distinct Star Formation and Active Galactic Nucleus Activity in Merging and Relaxed Galaxy Clusters Stroe, Andra;Sobral, David Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021ApJ...912...74P Chemical Analysis of Two Extremely Metal-poor Stars HE 2148-2039 and HE 2155-2043 Purandardas, Meenakshi;Goswami, Aruna Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021ApJ...912...81K Stellar Superflares Observed Simultaneously with Kepler and XMM-Newton Kuznetsov, Alexey A.;Kolotkov, Dmitrii Y. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021ApJ...912....8B The QuaStar Survey: Detecting Hidden Low-velocity Gas in the Milky Way's Circumgalactic Medium Bish, Hannah V.;Werk, Jessica K.;Peek, Joshua;Zheng, Yong;Putman, Mary - -
2021ApJ...912...90A Facilitating Interstellar Searches for Simple Amino Alcohols with Accurate Rest Frequencies into the Millimeter-wave Regime: Alaninol, Valinol, and Leucinol Arenas, Benjamin E.;Fatima, Mariyam;Pérez, Cristóbal;Fischer, Sophie;Steber, Amanda L.;Schnell, Melanie - -
2021ApJ...912...91T How Does the Polar Dust Affect the Correlation between Dust Covering Factor and Eddington Ratio in Type 1 Quasars Selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 16? Toba, Yoshiki;Ueda, Yoshihiro;Gandhi, Poshak;Ricci, Claudio;Burgarella, Denis;Buat, Veronique;Nagao, Tohru;Oyabu, Shinki;Matsuhara, Hideo;Hsieh, Bau-Ching Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJ...912....9W CGM2 I: The Extent of the Circumgalactic Medium Traced by Neutral Hydrogen Wilde, Matthew C.;Werk, Jessica K.;Burchett, Joseph N.;Prochaska, J. Xavier;Tchernyshyov, Kirill;Tripp, Todd M.;Tejos, Nicolas;Lehner, Nicolas;Bordoloi, Rongmon;O'Meara, John M.;Tumlinson, Jason - 6
2021ApJ...912L..30Z The GALAH Survey: No Chemical Evidence of an Extragalactic Origin for the Nyx Stream Zucker, Daniel B.;Simpson, Jeffrey D.;Martell, Sarah L.;Lewis, Geraint F.;Casey, Andrew R.;Ting, Yuan-Sen;Horner, Jonathan;Nordlander, Thomas;Wyse, Rosemary F. G.;Zwitter, Tomaž;Bland-Hawthorn, Joss;Buder, Sven;Asplund, Martin;De Silva, Gayandhi M.;D'Orazi, Valentina;Freeman, Ken C.;Hayden, Michael R.;Kos, Janez;Lin, Jane;Lind, Karin;Schlesinger, Katharine J.;Sharma, Sanjib;Stello, Dennis Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJ...912L..32P SPLUS J210428.01-004934.2: An Ultra Metal-poor Star Identified from Narrowband Photometry Placco, Vinicius M.;Roederer, Ian U.;Lee, Young Sun;Almeida-Fernandes, Felipe;Herpich, Fábio R.;Perottoni, Hélio D.;Schoenell, William;Ribeiro, Tiago;Kanaan, Antonio - 3
2021ApJ...913...34N Stellar, Gas, and Dust Emission of Star-forming Galaxies out to z ∼ 2 Nagaraj, Gautam;Ciardullo, Robin;Bowman, William P.;Gronwall, Caryl - 1
2021ApJ...913...57K The JCMT BISTRO-2 Survey: The Magnetic Field in the Center of the Rosette Molecular Cloud Könyves, Vera;Ward-Thompson, Derek;Pattle, Kate;Di Francesco, James;Arzoumanian, Doris;Chen, Zhiwei;Diep, Pham Ngoc;Eswaraiah, Chakali;Fanciullo, Lapo;Furuya, Ray S.;Hoang, Thiem;Hull, Charles L. H.;Hwang, Jihye;Johnstone, Doug;Kang, Ji-hyun;Karoly, Janik;Kirchschlager, Florian;Kirk, Jason M.;Koch, Patrick M.;Kwon, Jungmi;Lee, Chang Won;Onaka, Takashi;Robitaille, Jean-François;Soam, Archana;Tahani, Mehrnoosh;Tang, Xindi;Tamura, Motohide;Berry, David;Bastien, Pierre;Ching, Tao-Chung;Coudé, Simon;Kwon, Woojin;Wang, Jia-Wei;Hasegawa, Tetsuo;Lai, Shih-Ping;Qiu, Keping Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021ApJ...913L...3P Searching for Extragalactic Exoplanetary Systems: The Curious Case of BD+20 2457 Perottoni, Hélio D.;Amarante, João A. S.;Limberg, Guilherme;Rocha-Pinto, Helio J.;Rossi, Silvia;Anders, Friedrich;Borbolato, Lais Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJ...914...10C On the Use of Field RR Lyrae as Galactic Probes. III. The α-element Abundances Crestani, J.;Braga, V. F.;Fabrizio, M.;Bono, G.;Sneden, C.;Preston, G.;Ferraro, I.;Iannicola, G.;Nonino, M.;Fiorentino, G.;Thévenin, F.;Lemasle, B.;Prudil, Z.;Alves-Brito, A.;Altavilla, G.;Chaboyer, B.;Dall'Ora, M.;D'Orazi, V.;Gilligan, C.;Grebel, E. K.;Koch-Hansen, A. J.;Lala, H.;Marengo, M.;Marinoni, S.;Marrese, P. M.;Martínez-Vázquez, C.;Matsunaga, N.;Monelli, M.;Mullen, J. P.;Neeley, J.;da Silva, R.;Stetson, P. B.;Salaris, M.;Storm, J.;Valenti, E.;Zoccali, M. VO project (JVO) acknowledged in the paper.
2021ApJ...914..116G The Lithium Abundances from the Large Sky Area Multi-object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope Medium-resolution Survey. I. The Method Gao, Qi;Shi, Jian-Rong;Yan, Hong-Liang;Li, Chun-Qian;Chen, Tian-Yi;Zhang, Jing-Hua;Liu, Shuai;Yan, Tai-Sheng;Xie, Xiao-Jin;Ding, Ming-Yi;Zhang, Yong;Hou, Yong-Hui Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJ...914...28M The G 305 Star-forming Region. II. Irregular Variable Stars Medina, N.;Borissova, J.;Kurtev, R.;Alonso-García, J.;Román-Zúñiga, Carlos G.;Bayo, A.;Kounkel, Marina;Roman-Lopes, Alexandre;Lucas, P. W.;Covey, K. R.;Fórster, Francisco;Minniti, Dante;Adame, Lucia;Hernández, Jesús Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: STILTS
2021ApJ...914...42B Radio Counterpart Candidates to Unassociated 4FGL-DR2 Sources Bruzewski, S.;Schinzel, F. K.;Taylor, G. B.;Petrov, L. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021ApJ...914...54Y Comparing the Inner and Outer Star-forming Complexes in the Nearby Spiral Galaxies NGC 628, NGC 5457, and NGC 6946 Using UVIT Observations Yadav, Jyoti;Das, Mousumi;Patra, Narendra Nath;Dwarakanath, K. S.;Rahna, P. T.;McGaugh, Stacy S.;Schombert, James;Murthy, Jayant Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJ...915..120M New Candidate Extreme T Subdwarfs from the Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 Citizen Science Project Meisner, Aaron M.;Schneider, Adam C.;Burgasser, Adam J.;Marocco, Federico;Line, Michael R.;Faherty, Jacqueline K.;Kirkpatrick, J. Davy;Caselden, Dan;Kuchner, Marc J.;Gelino, Christopher R.;Gagné, Jonathan;Theissen, Christopher;Gerasimov, Roman;Aganze, Christian;Hsu, Chih-chun;Wisniewski, John P.;Casewell, Sarah L.;Bardalez Gagliuffi, Daniella C.;Logsdon, Sarah E.;Eisenhardt, Peter R. M.;Allers, Katelyn;Debes, John H.;Allen, Michaela B.;Stevnbak Andersen, Nikolaj;Goodman, Sam;Gramaize, Léopold;Martin, David W.;Sainio, Arttu;Cushing, Michael C.;Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 Collaboration Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021ApJ...915...83T Fresh Insights on the Kinematics of M49's Globular Cluster System with MMT/Hectospec Spectroscopy Taylor, Matthew A.;Ko, Youkyung;Côté, Patrick;Ferrarese, Laura;Peng, Eric W.;Zabludoff, Ann;Roediger, Joel;Sánchez-Janssen, Rubén;Hendel, David;Chilingarian, Igor;Liu, Chengze;Spengler, Chelsea;Zhang, Hongxin Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJ...915L..31L Selection of Three (Extreme)Ultraviolet Channels for Solar Satellite Missions by Deep Learning Lim, Daye;Moon, Yong-Jae;Park, Eunsu;Lee, Jin-Yi - -
2021ApJ...916...12B Measuring the Average Molecular Gas Content of Star-forming Galaxies at z = 3-4 Boogaard, Leindert A.;Bouwens, Rychard J.;Riechers, Dominik;van der Werf, Paul;Bacon, Roland;Matthee, Jorryt;Stefanon, Mauro;Feltre, Anna;Maseda, Michael;Inami, Hanae;Aravena, Manuel;Brinchmann, Jarle;Carilli, Chris;Contini, Thierry;Decarli, Roberto;González-López, Jorge;Nanayakkara, Themiya;Walter, Fabian Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJ...916...21R Toward Precision Cosmology with Improved PNLF Distances Using VLT-MUSEI. Methodology and Tests Roth, Martin M.;Jacoby, George H.;Ciardullo, Robin;Davis, Brian D.;Chase, Owen;Weilbacher, Peter M. - 2
2021ApJ...916...24K ν Gem: A Hierarchical Triple System with an Outer Be Star Klement, Robert;Hadrava, Petr;Rivinius, Thomas;Baade, Dietrich;Cabezas, Mauricio;Heida, Marianne;Schaefer, Gail H.;Gardner, Tyler;Gies, Douglas R.;Anugu, Narsireddy;Lanthermann, Cyprien;Davies, Claire L.;Anderson, Matthew D.;Monnier, John D.;Ennis, Jacob;Labdon, Aaron;Setterholm, Benjamin R.;Kraus, Stefan;ten Brummelaar, Theo A.;Le Bouquin, Jean-Baptiste Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021ApJ...916...32G X-Ray Superflares from Pre-main-sequence Stars: Flare Energetics and Frequency Getman, Konstantin V.;Feigelson, Eric D. Use of VO tools: VOSA
2021ApJ...916...33G Milky Way Mid-Infrared Spitzer Spectroscopic Extinction Curves: Continuum and Silicate Features Gordon, Karl D.;Misselt, Karl A.;Bouwman, Jeroen;Clayton, Geoffrey C.;Decleir, Marjorie;Hines, Dean C.;Pendleton, Yvonne;Rieke, George;Smith, J. D. T.;Whittet, D. C. B. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021ApJ...916...34A Building Robust Active Galactic Nuclei Mock Catalogs to Unveil Black Hole Evolution and for Survey Planning Allevato, V.;Shankar, F.;Marsden, C.;Rasulov, U.;Viitanen, A.;Georgakakis, A.;Ferrara, A.;Finoguenov, A. - -
2021ApJ...916...47K GECKO Optical Follow-up Observation of Three Binary Black Hole Merger Events: GW190408_181802, GW190412, and GW190503_185404 Kim, Joonho;Im, Myungshin;Paek, Gregory S. H.;Lee, Chung-Uk;Kim, Seung-Lee;Chang, Seo-Won;Choi, Changsu;Hwang, Sungyong;Kang, Wonseok;Kim, Sophia;Kim, Taewoo;Lee, Hyung Mok;Lim, Gu;Seo, Jinguk;Sung, Hyun-Il - -
2021ApJ...916...53Z Uniform Forward-modeling Analysis of Ultracool Dwarfs. I. Methodology and Benchmarking Zhang, Zhoujian;Liu, Michael C.;Marley, Mark S.;Line, Michael R.;Best, William M. J. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJ...917...62M Characterization of HD 206893 B from Near- to Thermal-infrared Meshkat, Tiffany;Gao, Peter;Lee, Eve J.;Mawet, Dimitri;Choquet, Elodie;Ygouf, Marie;Patel, Rahul;Ruane, Garreth;Wang, Jason;Wallack, Nicole;Absil, Olivier;Beichman, Charles - -
2021ApJ...917...92P High-resolution Extinction Map in the Direction of the Strongly Obscured Bulge Fossil Fragment Liller 1 Pallanca, Cristina;Ferraro, Francesco R.;Lanzoni, Barbara;Crociati, Chiara;Saracino, Sara;Dalessandro, Emanuele;Origlia, Livia;Rich, Michael R.;Valenti, Elena;Geisler, Douglas;Mauro, Francesco;Villanova, Sandro;Moni Bidin, Christian;Beccari, Giacomo - -
2021ApJ...918...29M The CaFe Project: Optical Fe II and Near-infrared Ca II Triplet Emission in Active Galaxies. II. The Driver(s) of the Ca II and Fe II and Its Potential Use as a Chemical Clock Martínez-Aldama, Mary Loli;Panda, Swayamtrupta;Czerny, Bożena;Marinello, Murilo;Marziani, Paola;Dultzin, Deborah Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJ...918...31Y Numerical MHD Simulations of the 3D Morphology and Kinematics of the 2017 September 10 CME-driven Shock from the Sun to Earth Yang, Liping;Wang, Haopeng;Feng, Xueshang;Xiong, Ming;Zhang, Man;Zhu, Bei;Li, Huichao;Zhou, Yufen;Shen, Fang;Zhao, Xinhua;Liu, Xiaojing - -
2021ApJ...918....3D Blueshifted Hydrogen Emission and Shock Wave of RR Lyrae Variables in SDSS and LAMOST Duan, Xiao-Wei;Chen, Xiaodian;Sun, Weijia;Deng, Licai;Zhang, Huawei;Yang, Fan;Liu, Chao Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJ...918...65S Ionized Gas Outflows in Low-excitation Radio Galaxies Are Radiation Driven Singha, M.;O'Dea, C. P.;Gordon, Y. A.;Lawlor-Forsyth, C.;Baum, S. A. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021ApJ...918...74A A Blueprint for the Milky Way's Stellar Populations. III. Spatial Distributions and Population Fractions of Local Halo Stars An, Deokkeun;Beers, Timothy C. - 5
2021ApJ...918L..14K The Discovery of Two LISA Sources within 0.5 kpc Kilic, Mukremin;Brown, Warren R.;Bédard, A.;Kosakowski, Alekzander - -
2021ApJ...919..101P The Ultraviolet Deep Imaging Survey of Galaxies in the Bootes Void. I. Catalog, Color-Magnitude Relations, and Star Formation Pandey, Divya;Saha, Kanak;Pradhan, Ananta C. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJ...919..104D Radiative Transfer Modeling of an SN 1987A Light Echo-AT 2019xis Ding, Jiachen;Wang, Lifan;Brown, Peter;Yang, Ping - -
2021ApJ...919...18E X-Ray Sources in the 1.75 Ms Ultra Narrow Deep Field Observed by XMM-Newton Elías-Chávez, M.;Longinotti, A. L.;Krongold, Y.;Vignali, C.;Nicastro, F.;Rosa-González, D.;Mayya, Y. D.;Mathur, S. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021ApJ...919...53C The Origin of Parity Violation in Polarized Dust Emission and Implications for Cosmic Birefringence Clark, S. E.;Kim, Chang-Goo;Hill, J. Colin;Hensley, Brandon S. - 7
2021ApJ...919...66B Constraints on the Assembly History of the Milky Way's Smooth, Diffuse Stellar Halo from the Metallicity-dependent, Radially Dominated Velocity Anisotropy Profiles Probed with K Giants and BHB Stars Using LAMOST, SDSS/SEGUE, and Gaia Bird, Sarah A.;Xue, Xiang-Xiang;Liu, Chao;Shen, Juntai;Flynn, Chris;Yang, Chengqun;Zhao, Gang;Tian, Hai-Jun Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJ...919...72J Evidence for Ultra-diffuse Galaxy Formation through Tidal Heating of Normal Dwarfs Jones, Michael G.;Bennet, Paul;Mutlu-Pakdil, Burçin;Sand, David J.;Spekkens, Kristine;Crnojević, Denija;Karunakaran, Ananthan;Zaritsky, Dennis Use of VO tools: Aladin
2021ApJ...919...85B On the Use of Field RR Lyrae as Galactic Probes. V. Optical and Radial Velocity Curve Templates Braga, V. F.;Crestani, J.;Fabrizio, M.;Bono, G.;Sneden, C.;Preston, G. W.;Storm, J.;Kamann, S.;Latour, M.;Lala, H.;Lemasle, B.;Prudil, Z.;Altavilla, G.;Chaboyer, B.;Dall'Ora, M.;Ferraro, I.;Gilligan, C. K.;Fiorentino, G.;Iannicola, G.;Inno, L.;Kwak, S.;Marengo, M.;Marinoni, S.;Marrese, P. M.;Martínez-Vázquez, C. E.;Monelli, M.;Mullen, J. P.;Matsunaga, N.;Neeley, J.;Stetson, P. B.;Valenti, E.;Zoccali, M. - 1
2021ApJ...919...98A Connecting the Low to the High Corona: A Method to Isolate Transients in STEREO/COR1 Images Alzate, Nathalia;Morgan, Huw;Viall, Nicholeen;Vourlidas, Angelos - 2
2021ApJ...920..127J AT 2019qyl in NGC 300: Internal Collisions in the Early Outflow from a Very Fast Nova in a Symbiotic Binary Jencson, Jacob E.;Andrews, Jennifer E.;Bond, Howard E.;Karambelkar, Viraj;Sand, David J.;van Dyk, Schuyler D.;Blagorodnova, Nadejda;Boyer, Martha L.;Kasliwal, Mansi M.;Lau, Ryan M.;Mohamed, Shazrene;Williams, Robert;Whitelock, Patricia A.;Amaro, Rachael C.;Bostroem, K. Azalee;Dong, Yize;Lundquist, Michael J.;Valenti, Stefano;Wyatt, Samuel D.;Burke, Jamie;De, Kishalay;Jha, Saurabh W.;Johansson, Joel;Rojas-Bravo, César;Coulter, David A.;Foley, Ryan J.;Gehrz, Robert D.;Haislip, Joshua;Hiramatsu, Daichi;Howell, D. Andrew;Kilpatrick, Charles D.;Masci, Frank J.;McCully, Curtis;Ngeow, Chow-Choong;Pan, Yen-Chen;Pellegrino, Craig;Piro, Anthony L.;Kouprianov, Vladimir;Reichart, Daniel E.;Rest, Armin;Rest, Sofia;Smith, Nathan - -
2021ApJ...920...99S Ultracool Dwarfs Observed with the Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph. I. An Accurate Look at the L-to-T Transition at 300 Myr from Optical Through Mid-infrared Spectrophotometry Suárez, Genaro;Metchev, Stanimir;Leggett, Sandy K.;Saumon, Didier;Marley, Mark S. - -
2021ApJ...921..108B Simultaneous Estimation of Large-scale Structure and Milky Way Dust Extinction from Galaxy Surveys Bravo, Matías;Gawiser, Eric;Padilla, Nelson D.;DeRose, Joseph;Wechsler, Risa H.;The LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper. Use of Millenium database.
2021ApJ...921..118N Distant Relatives: The Chemical Homogeneity of Comoving Pairs Identified in Gaia Nelson, Tyler;Ting, Yuan-Sen;Hawkins, Keith;Ji, Alexander;Kamdar, Harshil;El-Badry, Kareem Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021ApJ...921..145S Exploring the Stellar Rotation of Early-type Stars in the LAMOST Medium-resolution Survey. II. Statistics Sun, Weijia;Duan, Xiao-Wei;Deng, Licai;de Grijs, Richard Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJ...921...24S The Occurrence-weighted Median Planets Discovered by Transit Surveys Orbiting Solar-type Stars and Their Implications for Planet Formation and Evolution Schlaufman, Kevin C.;Halpern, Noah D. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021ApJ...921...35C The Quest for the Missing Dust. I. Restoring Large-scale Emission in Herschel Maps of Local Group Galaxies Clark, Christopher J. R.;Roman-Duval, Julia C.;Gordon, Karl D.;Bot, Caroline;Smith, Matthew W. L. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021ApJ...921...42S Gaia GraL: Gaia DR2 Gravitational Lens Systems. VI. Spectroscopic Confirmation and Modeling of Quadruply Imaged Lensed Quasars Stern, D.;Djorgovski, S. G.;Krone-Martins, A.;Sluse, D.;Delchambre, L.;Ducourant, C.;Teixeira, R.;Surdej, J.;Boehm, C.;den Brok, J.;Dobie, D.;Drake, A.;Galluccio, L.;Graham, M. J.;Jalan, P.;Klüter, J.;Le Campion, J. -F.;Mahabal, A.;Mignard, F.;Murphy, T.;Nierenberg, A.;Scarano, S., Jr.;Simon, J.;Slezak, E.;Spindola-Duarte, C.;Wambsganss, J. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021ApJ...921...95Z Uniform Forward-modeling Analysis of Ultracool Dwarfs. II. Atmospheric Properties of 55 Late-T Dwarfs Zhang, Zhoujian;Liu, Michael C.;Marley, Mark S.;Line, Michael R.;Best, William M. J. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJ...922..105Y Tracing the Origin of Moving Groups. III. Detecting Moving Groups in LAMOST DR7 Yang, Yong;Zhao, Jingkun;Zhang, Jiajun;Ye, Xianhao;Zhao, Gang Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJ...922..189V The Flattening Metallicity Gradient in the Milky Way's Thin Disk Vickers, John J.;Shen, Juntai;Li, Zhao-Yu Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJ...922..257P Photospheric Prompt Emission From Long Gamma-ray Burst Simulations. I. Optical Emission Parsotan, Tyler;Lazzati, Davide Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2021ApJ...922...26T Impact of Water-latent Heat on the Thermal Structure of Ultra-cool Objects: Brown Dwarfs and Free-floating Planets Tang, Shih-Yun;Robinson, Tyler D.;Marley, Mark S.;Batalha, Natasha E.;Lupu, Roxana;Prato, L. Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2021ApJ...922...28P Observational Evidence Points at AGB Stars as Possible Progenitors of CEMP-s and CEMP-r/s Stars Purandardas, Meenakshi;Goswami, Aruna Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021ApJ...922....2D EPIC 228782059: Asteroseismology of What Could Be the Coolest Pulsating Helium-atmosphere White Dwarf (DBV) Known Duan, R. M.;Zong, W.;Fu, J. -N.;Chen, Y. H.;Hermes, J. J.;Vanderbosch, Zachary P.;Ma, X. Y.;Charpinet, S. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2021ApJ...922...33R Unexpected Short-period Variability in Dwarf Carbon Stars from the Zwicky Transient Facility Roulston, Benjamin R.;Green, Paul J.;Toonen, Silvia;Hermes, J. J. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJ...922....5L Discovery of a 310 Day Period from the Enshrouded Massive System NaSt1 (WR 122) Lau, Ryan M.;Tinyanont, Samaporn;Hankins, Matthew J.;Ashley, Michael C. B.;De, Kishalay;Filippenko, Alexei V.;Hillenbrand, Lynne A.;Kasliwal, Mansi M.;Mauerhan, Jon C.;Moffat, Anthony F. J.;Moore, Anna M.;Smith, Nathan;Soon, Jamie;Soria, Roberto;Travouillon, Tony;van der Hucht, Karel A.;Williams, Peredur M.;Zheng, WeiKang Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2021ApJ...922...90C M17 MIR: A Massive Protostar with Multiple Accretion Outbursts Chen, Zhiwei;Sun, Wei;Chini, Rolf;Haas, Martin;Jiang, Zhibo;Chen, Xuepeng VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper.
Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2021ApJ...922L...8C Recurrent Activity from Active Asteroid (248370) 2005 QN173: A Main-belt Comet Chandler, Colin Orion;Trujillo, Chadwick A.;Hsieh, Henry H. Use of VO tools: Vizier
Use of VO tools: SkyBot
2021ApJ...922L...9H Physical Characterization of Main-belt Comet (248370) 2005 QN173 Hsieh, Henry H.;Chandler, Colin O.;Denneau, Larry;Fitzsimmons, Alan;Erasmus, Nicolas;Kelley, Michael S. P.;Knight, Matthew M.;Lister, Tim A.;Pittichová, Jana;Sheppard, Scott S.;Thirouin, Audrey;Trujillo, Chadwick A.;Usher, Helen;Gomez, Edward;Chatelain, Joey;Greenstreet, Sarah;Angel, Tony;Miles, Richard;Roche, Paul;Wooding, Ben Australian All-Sky Virtual Observatory (ASVO)
2021ApJ...923...10A Modeling the Hα Emission Surrounding Spica Using the Lyman Continuum from a Gravity-darkened Central Star Aufdenberg, Jason P.;Hammill, Joseph M. VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper.
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021ApJ...923..157L A Preliminary Calibration of the JAGB Method Using Gaia EDR3 Lee, Abigail J.;Freedman, Wendy L.;Madore, Barry F.;Owens, Kayla A.;Sung Jang, In Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021ApJ...923..162R AstroSat Study of the Globular Cluster NGC 2298: Probable Evolutionary Scenarios of Hot Horizontal Branch Stars Rani, Sharmila;Pandey, Gajendra;Subramaniam, Annapurni;Chung, Chul;Sahu, Snehalata;Kameswara Rao, N. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: Aladin
2021ApJ...923..167W SN 2018agk: A Prototypical Type Ia Supernova with a Smooth Power-law Rise in Kepler (K2) Wang, Qinan;Rest, Armin;Zenati, Yossef;Ridden-Harper, Ryan;Dimitriadis, Georgios;Narayan, Gautham;Villar, V. Ashley;Magee, Mark R.;Foley, Ryan J.;Shaya, Edward J.;Garnavich, Peter;Wang, Lifan;Hu, Lei;Bódi, Attila;Armstrong, Patrick;Auchettl, Katie;Barclay, Thomas;Barentsen, Geert;Bognár, Zsófia;Brimacombe, Joseph;Bulger, Joanna;Burke, Jamison;Challis, Peter;Chambers, Kenneth;Coulter, David A.;Csörnyei, Géza;Cseh, Borbála;Deckers, Maxime;Dotson, Jessie L.;Galbany, Lluís;González-Gaitán, Santiago;Gromadzki, Mariusz;Gully-Santiago, Michael;Hanyecz, Ottó;Hedges, Christina;Hiramatsu, Daichi;Hosseinzadeh, Griffin;Howell, D. Andrew;Howell, Steve B.;Huber, Mark E.;Jha, Saurabh W.;Jones, David O.;Könyves-Tóth, Réka;Kalup, Csilla;Kilpatrick, Charles D.;Kriskovics, Levente;Li, Wenxiong;Lowe, Thomas B.;Margheim, Steven;McCully, Curtis;Mitra, Ayan;Muñoz, Jose A.;Nicholl, Matt;Nordin, Jakob;Pál, András;Pan, Yen-Chen;Piro, Anthony L.;Rest, Sofia;Rino-Silvestre, João;Rojas-Bravo, César;Sárneczky, Krisztián;Siebert, Matthew R.;Smartt, Stephen J.;Smith, Ken;Sódor, Ádám;Stritzinger, Maximilian D.;Szabó, Róbert;Szakáts, Róbert;Tucker, Brad E.;Vinkó, József;Wang, Xiaofeng;Wheeler, J. Craig;Young, David R.;Zenteno, Alfredo;Zhang, KaiCheng;Zsidi, Gabriella Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2021ApJ...923...18M Ubiquitous [O II] Emission in Quiescent Galaxies at z ≍ 0.85 from the LEGA-C Survey Maseda, Michael V.;van der Wel, Arjen;Franx, Marijn;Bell, Eric F.;Bezanson, Rachel;Muzzin, Adam;Sobral, David;D'Eugenio, Francesco;Gallazzi, Anna;de Graaff, Anna;Leja, Joel;Straatman, Caroline;Whitaker, Katherine E.;Williams, Christina C.;Wu, Po-Feng Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJ...923...20P Disruption of Hierarchical Clustering in the Vela OB2 Complex and the Cluster Pair Collinder 135 and UBC 7 with Gaia EDR3: Evidence of Supernova Quenching Pang, Xiaoying;Yu, Zeqiu;Tang, Shih-Yun;Hong, Jongsuk;Yuan, Zhen;Pasquato, Mario;Kouwenhoven, M. B. N. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021ApJ...923..218F The Far-away Blues: Exploring the Furthest Extents of the Boötes I Ultra-faint Dwarf Galaxy Filion, Carrie;Wyse, Rosemary F. G. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJ...923..232R The Sample of Red Supergiants in 12 Low-mass Galaxies of the Local Group Ren, Yi;Jiang, Biwei;Yang, Ming;Wang, Tianding;Ren, Tongtian Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJ...923...23H Stellar Spins in the Pleiades, Praesepe, and M35 Open Clusters Healy, Brian F.;McCullough, P. R.;Schlaufman, Kevin C. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2021ApJ...923..243G Swift/XRT Deep Galactic Plane Survey Discovery of a New Intermediate Polar Cataclysmic Variable, Swift J183920.1-045350 Gorgone, Nicholas M.;Woudt, Patrick A.;Buckley, David;Mukai, Koji;Kouveliotou, Chryssa;Huppenkothen, Daniela;Göğüş, Ersin;Bellm, Eric;Linford, Justin D.;van der Horst, Alexander J.;Baring, Matthew G.;Hartmann, Dieter;Barrett, Paul;Cenko, Bradley;Graham, Melissa;Granot, Johnathan;Harrison, Fiona;Kennea, Jamie;O'Connor, Brendan M.;Potter, Stephen;Stern, Daniel;Slane, Patrick;Wijers, Ralph Use of VO tools: VOSA
2021ApJ...923..273P Angular Momentum and Morphological Sequence of Massive Galaxies through Dark Sage Porras-Valverde, Antonio J.;Holley-Bockelmann, Kelly;Berlind, Andreas A.;Stevens, Adam R. H. Use of VO services. theoretical Astrophysical Observatory provided by ASVO
2021ApJ...923...31S CHILES VERDES: Radio Variability at an Unprecedented Depth and Cadence in the COSMOS Field Sarbadhicary, Sumit K.;Tremou, Evangelia;Stewart, Adam J.;Chomiuk, Laura;Peters, Charee;Hales, Chris;Strader, Jay;Momjian, Emmanuel;Fender, Rob;Wilcots, Eric M. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJ...923...48F A Wide Planetary Mass Companion Discovered through the Citizen Science Project Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 Faherty, Jacqueline K.;Gagné, Jonathan;Popinchalk, Mark;Vos, Johanna M.;Burgasser, Adam J.;Schümann, Jörg;Schneider, Adam C.;Kirkpatrick, J. Davy;Meisner, Aaron M.;Kuchner, Marc J.;Bardalez Gagliuffi, Daniella C.;Marocco, Federico;Caselden, Dan;Gonzales, Eileen C.;Rothermich, Austin;Casewell, Sarah L.;Debes, John H.;Aganze, Christian;Ayala, Andrew;Hsu, Chih-Chun;Cooper, William J.;Smart, R. L.;Gerasimov, Roman;Theissen, Christopher A.;Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 Collaboration Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021ApJS..253...17S Atlas of CO-line Shells and Cavities around Galactic Supernova Remnants with FUGIN Sofue, Yoshiaki;Kohno, Mikito;Umemoto, Tomofumi - -
2021ApJS..253...42K The Araucaria Project: Deep Near-infrared Photometric Maps of Local and Sculptor Group Galaxies. I. Carina, Fornax, and Sculptor Karczmarek, Paulina;Pietrzyński, Grzegorz;Gieren, Wolfgang;Narloch, Weronika;Hajdu, Gergely;Rojas García, Gonzalo;Kałuszyński, Mikołaj;Górski, Marek;Suchomska, Ksenia;Graczyk, Dariusz;Pilecki, Bogumił;Wielgórski, Piotr;Zgirski, Bartłomiej;Taormina, Mónica;Sadh, Mradumay Use of VO tools: Aladin
2021ApJS..253...45L Stellar Parameterization of LAMOST M Dwarf Stars Li, Jiadong;Liu, Chao;Zhang, Bo;Tian, Hao;Qiu, Dan;Tian, Haijun Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJS..253...53W The Panchromatic Hubble Andromeda Treasury: Triangulum Extended Region (PHATTER). I. Ultraviolet to Infrared Photometry of 22 Million Stars in M33 Williams, Benjamin F.;Durbin, Meredith J.;Dalcanton, Julianne J.;Lang, Dustin;Girardi, Leo;Smercina, Adam;Dolphin, Andrew;Weisz, Daniel R.;Choi, Yumi;Bell, Eric F.;Rosolowsky, Erik;Skillman, Evan;Koch, Eric W.;Lindberg, Christina W.;Hagen, Lea;Gordon, Karl D.;Seth, Anil;Gilbert, Karoline;Guhathakurta, Puragra;Lauer, Tod;Bianchi, Luciana Use of VO tools: Aladin
2021ApJS..253...54L Galactic O-type Stars in LAMOST Data Li, Guang-Wei Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021ApJS..253...58Q Precise Ages of Field Stars from White Dwarf Companions in Gaia DR2 Qiu, Dan;Tian, Hai-Jun;Wang, Xi-Dong;Nie, Jia-Lu;von Hippel, Ted;Liu, Gao-Chao;Fouesneau, Morgan;Rix, Hans-Walter Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJS..253....8M The CatWISE2020 Catalog Marocco, Federico;Eisenhardt, Peter R. M.;Fowler, John W.;Kirkpatrick, J. Davy;Meisner, Aaron M.;Schlafly, Edward F.;Stanford, S. A.;Garcia, Nelson;Caselden, Dan;Cushing, Michael C.;Cutri, Roc M.;Faherty, Jacqueline K.;Gelino, Christopher R.;Gonzalez, Anthony H.;Jarrett, Thomas H.;Koontz, Renata;Mainzer, Amanda;Marchese, Elijah J.;Mobasher, Bahram;Schlegel, David J.;Stern, Daniel;Teplitz, Harry I.;Wright, Edward L. - 4
2021ApJS..254...11W SpiKeS: Precision Warm Spitzer Photometry of the Kepler Field Werner, Michael W.;Gorjian, Varoujan;Morales, Farisa Y.;Livingston, John H.;Kennedy, Grant M.;Akeson, Rachel L.;Beichman, Charles;Ciardi, David R.;Furlan, Elise;Lowrance, Patrick J.;Mamajek, Eric E.;Plavchan, Peter;Stark, Christopher C.;Wyatt, Mark C. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021ApJS..254...20L The Old Moving Groups in the Field of Taurus Liu, Jiaming;Fang, Min;Tian, Hao;Liu, Chao;Yang, Chengqun;Xue, XiangXiang Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJS..254...24S Dark Energy Survey Year 3 Results: Photometric Data Set for Cosmology Sevilla-Noarbe, I.;Bechtol, K.;Carrasco Kind, M.;Carnero Rosell, A.;Becker, M. R.;Drlica-Wagner, A.;Gruendl, R. A.;Rykoff, E. S.;Sheldon, E.;Yanny, B.;Alarcon, A.;Allam, S.;Amon, A.;Benoit-Lévy, A.;Bernstein, G. M.;Bertin, E.;Burke, D. L.;Carretero, J.;Choi, A.;Diehl, H. T.;Everett, S.;Flaugher, B.;Gaztanaga, E.;Gschwend, J.;Harrison, I.;Hartley, W. G.;Hoyle, B.;Jarvis, M.;Johnson, M. D.;Kessler, R.;Kron, R.;Kuropatkin, N.;Leistedt, B.;Li, T. S.;Menanteau, F.;Morganson, E.;Ogando, R. L. C.;Palmese, A.;Paz-Chinchón, F.;Pieres, A.;Pond, C.;Rodriguez-Monroy, M.;Smith, J. Allyn;Stringer, K. M.;Troxel, M. A.;Tucker, D. L.;de Vicente, J.;Wester, W.;Zhang, Y.;Abbott, T. M. C.;Aguena, M.;Annis, J.;Avila, S.;Bhargava, S.;Bridle, S. L.;Brooks, D.;Brout, D.;Castander, F. J.;Cawthon, R.;Chang, C.;Conselice, C.;Costanzi, M.;Crocce, M.;da Costa, L. N.;Pereira, M. E. S.;Davis, T. M.;Desai, S.;Dietrich, J. P.;Doel, P.;Eckert, K.;Evrard, A. E.;Ferrero, I.;Fosalba, P.;García-Bellido, J.;Gerdes, D. W.;Giannantonio, T.;Gruen, D.;Gutierrez, G.;Hinton, S. R.;Hollowood, D. L.;Honscheid, K.;Huff, E. M.;Huterer, D.;James, D. J.;Jeltema, T.;Kuehn, K.;Lahav, O.;Lidman, C.;Lima, M.;Lin, H.;Maia, M. A. G.;Marshall, J. L.;Martini, P.;Melchior, P.;Miquel, R.;Mohr, J. J.;Morgan, R.;Neilsen, E.;Plazas, A. A.;Romer, A. K.;Roodman, A.;Sanchez, E.;Scarpine, V.;Schubnell, M.;Serrano, S.;Smith, M.;Suchyta, E.;Tarle, G.;Thomas, D.;To, C.;Varga, T. N.;Wechsler, R. H.;Weller, J.;Wilkinson, R. D.;DES Collaboration Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJS..254...26R Identifying the 3FHL Catalog. V. Results of the CTIO-COSMOS Optical Spectroscopy Campaign 2019 Rajagopal, M.;Marchesi, S.;Kaur, A.;Domínguez, A.;Silver, R.;Ajello, M. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJS..254...31C Stellar Metallicities from SkyMapper Photometry. II. Precise Photometric Metallicities of ∼280,000 Giant Stars with [Fe/H] < -0.75 in the Milky Way Chiti, Anirudh;Frebel, Anna;Mardini, Mohammad K.;Daniel, Tatsuya W.;Ou, Xiaowei;Uvarova, Anastasiia V. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Australian All-Sky Virtual Observatory (ASVO)
2021ApJS..254...33K SPICY: The Spitzer/IRAC Candidate YSO Catalog for the Inner Galactic Midplane Kuhn, Michael A.;de Souza, Rafael S.;Krone-Martins, Alberto;Castro-Ginard, Alfred;Ishida, Emille E. O.;Povich, Matthew S.;Hillenbrand, Lynne A.;COIN Collaboration Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: STILTS
2021ApJS..254...38S The Ultraviolet Extinction Map and Dust Properties at High Galactic Latitude Sun, Mingxu;Jiang, Biwei;Yuan, Haibo;Li, Jun Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021ApJS..254....6F Finding Quasars behind the Galactic Plane. I. Candidate Selections with Transfer Learning Fu, Yuming;Wu, Xue-Bing;Yang, Qian;Brown, Anthony G. A.;Feng, Xiaotong;Ma, Qinchun;Li, Shuyan Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021ApJS..255...15W Transiting Exoplanet Monitoring Project (TEMP). VI. The Homogeneous Refinement of System Parameters for 39 Transiting Hot Jupiters with 127 New Light Curves Wang, Xian-Yu;Wang, Yong-Hao;Wang, Songhu;Wu, Zhen-Yu;Rice, Malena;Zhou, Xu;Hinse, Tobias C.;Liu, Hui-Gen;Ma, Bo;Peng, Xiyan;Zhang, Hui;Yu, Cong;Zhou, Ji-Lin;Laughlin, Gregory - -
2021ApJS..255...18M Hidden Treasures in the Unknown 3CR Extragalactic Radio Sky: A Multiwavelength Approach Missaglia, V.;Massaro, F.;Liuzzo, E.;Paggi, A.;Kraft, R. P.;Forman, W. R.;Jimenez-Gallardo, A.;Madrid, J. P.;Ricci, F.;Stuardi, C.;Wilkes, B. J.;Baum, S. A.;O'Dea, C. P.;Kuraszkiewicz, J.;Tremblay, G. R.;Maselli, A.;Capetti, A.;Sani, E.;Balmaverde, B.;Harris, D. E. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021ApJS..255...20A The Dark Energy Survey Data Release 2 Abbott, T. M. C.;Adamów, M.;Aguena, M.;Allam, S.;Amon, A.;Annis, J.;Avila, S.;Bacon, D.;Banerji, M.;Bechtol, K.;Becker, M. R.;Bernstein, G. M.;Bertin, E.;Bhargava, S.;Bridle, S. L.;Brooks, D.;Burke, D. L.;Carnero Rosell, A.;Carrasco Kind, M.;Carretero, J.;Castander, F. J.;Cawthon, R.;Chang, C.;Choi, A.;Conselice, C.;Costanzi, M.;Crocce, M.;da Costa, L. N.;Davis, T. M.;De Vicente, J.;DeRose, J.;Desai, S.;Diehl, H. T.;Dietrich, J. P.;Drlica-Wagner, A.;Eckert, K.;Elvin-Poole, J.;Everett, S.;Evrard, A. E.;Ferrero, I.;Ferté, A.;Flaugher, B.;Fosalba, P.;Friedel, D.;Frieman, J.;García-Bellido, J.;Gaztanaga, E.;Gelman, L.;Gerdes, D. W.;Giannantonio, T.;Gill, M. S. S.;Gruen, D.;Gruendl, R. A.;Gschwend, J.;Gutierrez, G.;Hartley, W. G.;Hinton, S. R.;Hollowood, D. L.;Honscheid, K.;Huterer, D.;James, D. J.;Jeltema, T.;Johnson, M. D.;Kent, S.;Kron, R.;Kuehn, K.;Kuropatkin, N.;Lahav, O.;Li, T. S.;Lidman, C.;Lin, H.;MacCrann, N.;Maia, M. A. G.;Manning, T. A.;Maloney, J. D.;March, M.;Marshall, J. L.;Martini, P.;Melchior, P.;Menanteau, F.;Miquel, R.;Morgan, R.;Myles, J.;Neilsen, E.;Ogando, R. L. C.;Palmese, A.;Paz-Chinchón, F.;Petravick, D.;Pieres, A.;Plazas, A. A.;Pond, C.;Rodriguez-Monroy, M.;Romer, A. K.;Roodman, A.;Rykoff, E. S.;Sako, M.;Sanchez, E.;Santiago, B.;Scarpine, V.;Serrano, S.;Sevilla-Noarbe, I.;Smith, J. Allyn;Smith, M.;Soares-Santos, M.;Suchyta, E.;Swanson, M. E. C.;Tarle, G.;Thomas, D.;To, C.;Tremblay, P. E.;Troxel, M. A.;Tucker, D. L.;Turner, D. J.;Varga, T. N.;Walker, A. R.;Wechsler, R. H.;Weller, J.;Wester, W.;Wilkinson, R. D.;Yanny, B.;Zhang, Y.;Nikutta, R.;Fitzpatrick, M.;Jacques, A.;Scott, A.;Olsen, K.;Huang, L.;Herrera, D.;Juneau, S.;Nidever, D.;Weaver, B. A.;Adean, C.;Correia, V.;de Freitas, M.;Freitas, F. N.;Singulani, C.;Vila-Verde, G.;Linea Science Server Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021ApJS..255...30G A Quick Look at the 3 GHz Radio Sky. I. Source Statistics from the Very Large Array Sky Survey Gordon, Yjan A.;Boyce, Michelle M.;O'Dea, Christopher P.;Rudnick, Lawrence;Andernach, Heinz;Vantyghem, Adrian N.;Baum, Stefi A.;Bui, Jean-Paul;Dionyssiou, Mathew;Safi-Harb, Samar;Sander, Isabel Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJS..256...11B Background Short-period Eclipsing Binaries in the Original Kepler Field Bienias, John;Bódi, Attila;Forró, Adrienn;Hajdu, Tamás;Szabó, Róbert Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021ApJS..256....1T MG1-688432: A Peculiar Variable System Tucker, Roy A.;Craine, Eric R.;Craine, Brian L.;Kulessa, Andy S.;Corbally, Christopher J.;Kraus, Adam L. Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021ApJS..256...28L Hot Subdwarf Atmospheric Parameters, Kinematics, and Origins Based on 1587 Hot Subdwarf Stars Observed in Gaia DR2 and LAMOST DR7 Luo, Yangping;Németh, Péter;Wang, Kun;Wang, Xi;Han, Zhanwen Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJS..256....2D The DECam Local Volume Exploration Survey: Overview and First Data Release Drlica-Wagner, A.;Carlin, J. L.;Nidever, D. L.;Ferguson, P. S.;Kuropatkin, N.;Adamów, M.;Cerny, W.;Choi, Y.;Esteves, J. H.;Martínez-Vázquez, C. E.;Mau, S.;Miller, A. E.;Mutlu-Pakdil, B.;Neilsen, E. H.;Olsen, K. A. G.;Pace, A. B.;Riley, A. H.;Sakowska, J. D.;Sand, D. J.;Santana-Silva, L.;Tollerud, E. J.;Tucker, D. L.;Vivas, A. K.;Zaborowski, E.;Zenteno, A.;Abbott, T. M. C.;Allam, S.;Bechtol, K.;Bell, C. P. M.;Bell, E. F.;Bilaji, P.;Bom, C. R.;Carballo-Bello, J. A.;Crnojević, D.;Cioni, M. -R. L.;Diaz-Ocampo, A.;de Boer, T. J. L.;Erkal, D.;Gruendl, R. A.;Hernandez-Lang, D.;Hughes, A. K.;James, D. J.;Johnson, L. C.;Li, T. S.;Mao, Y. -Y.;Martínez-Delgado, D.;Massana, P.;McNanna, M.;Morgan, R.;Nadler, E. O.;Noël, N. E. D.;Palmese, A.;Peter, A. H. G.;Rykoff, E. S.;Sánchez, J.;Shipp, N.;Simon, J. D.;Smercina, A.;Soares-Santos, M.;Stringfellow, G. S.;Tavangar, K.;van der Marel, R. P.;Walker, A. R.;Wechsler, R. H.;Wu, J. F.;Yanny, B.;Fitzpatrick, M.;Huang, L.;Jacques, A.;Nikutta, R.;Scott, A.;Astro Data Lab - 12
2021ApJS..256....3P Census of High- and Medium-mass Protostars. V. CO Abundance and the Galactic XCO Factor Pitts, Rebecca L.;Barnes, Peter J. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021ApJS..256...41P A Grid of Synthetic Spectra for Subdwarfs: Non-LTE Line-blanketed Atmosphere Models Pacheco, Thayse A.;Diaz, Marcos P.;Levenhagen, Ronaldo S.;Coelho, Paula R. T. Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021ApJS..256....5R Astro-COLIBRI-The COincidence LIBrary for Real-time Inquiry for Multimessenger Astrophysics Reichherzer, P.;Schüssler, F.;Lefranc, V.;Yusafzai, A.;Alkan, A. K.;Ashkar, H.;Becker Tjus, J. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2021ApJS..257...22S Exploring the Stellar Rotation of Early-type Stars in the LAMOST Medium-resolution Survey. I. Catalog Sun, Weijia;Duan, Xiao-Wei;Deng, Licai;de Grijs, Richard;Zhang, Bo;Liu, Chao Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJS..257...23I Multiwavelength Properties of Miras Iwanek, Patryk;Kozłowski, Szymon;Gromadzki, Mariusz;Soszyński, Igor;Wrona, Marcin;Skowron, Jan;Ratajczak, Milena;Udalski, Andrzej;Szymański, Michał K.;Pietrukowicz, Paweł;Ulaczyk, Krzysztof;Poleski, Radosław;Mróz, Przemysław;Skowron, Dorota M.;Rybicki, Krzysztof Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJS..257...30M Characterising the Extended Morphologies of BL Lacertae Objects at 144 MHz with LOFAR Mooney, Seán;Massaro, Francesco;Quinn, John;Capetti, Alessandro;Baldi, Ranieri D.;Gürkan, Gülay;Hardcastle, Martin J.;Horellou, Cathy;Mingo, Beatriz;Morganti, Raffaella;O'Sullivan, Shane;Pajdosz-Śmierciak, Urszula;Pandey-Pommier, Mamta;Röttgering, Huub Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021ApJS..257...45H The Brown Dwarf Kinematics Project (BDKP). V. Radial and Rotational Velocities of T Dwarfs from Keck/NIRSPEC High-resolution Spectroscopy Hsu, Chih-Chun;Burgasser, Adam J.;Theissen, Christopher A.;Gelino, Christopher R.;Birky, Jessica L.;Diamant, Sharon J. M.;Bardalez Gagliuffi, Daniella C.;Aganze, Christian;Blake, Cullen H.;Faherty, Jacqueline K. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021ApJS..257...61Y Comprehensive Broadband X-Ray and Multiwavelength Study of Active Galactic Nuclei in 57 Local Luminous and Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies Observed with NuSTAR and/or Swift/BAT Yamada, Satoshi;Ueda, Yoshihiro;Tanimoto, Atsushi;Imanishi, Masatoshi;Toba, Yoshiki;Ricci, Claudio;Privon, George C. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021ApJS..257...64K Hard X-Ray Irradiation Potentially Drives Negative AGN Feedback by Altering Molecular Gas Properties Kawamuro, Taiki;Ricci, Claudio;Izumi, Takuma;Imanishi, Masatoshi;Baba, Shunsuke;Nguyen, Dieu D.;Onishi, Kyoko VO project (JVO) acknowledged in the paper.
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021ARA&A..59...59B Microarcsecond Astrometry: Science Highlights from Gaia Brown, Anthony G. A. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021Icar..35814169Y Reflectance study of ice and Mars soil simulant associations - I. H2O ice Yoldi, Zuriñe;Pommerol, Antoine;Poch, Olivier;Thomas, Nicolas - 1
2021Icar..36114394B Jupiter's third largest and longest-lived oval: Color changes and dynamics Barrado-Izagirre, N.;Legarreta, J.;Sánchez-Lavega, A.;Pérez-Hoyos, S.;Hueso, R.;Iñurrigarro, P.;Rojas, J. F.;Mendikoa, I.;Ordoñez-Etxeberria, I.;IOPW Team Planetary Virtual Observatory and Laboratory (PVOL) database
2021Icar..36414278N Orbit determination just from historical observations? Test case: The comet of AD 760 is identified as 1P/Halley Neuhäuser, D. L.;Neuhäuser, R.;Mugrauer, M.;Harrak, A.;Chapman, J. Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021Icar..36714541A Multiscale spectral discrimination of poorly crystalline and intermixed alteration phases using aerial and ground-based ExoMars rover emulator data Allender, E. J.;Cousins, C. R.;Gunn, M. D.;Mare, E. R. - -
2021MNRAS.501.3272M FINK, a new generation of broker for the LSST community Möller, Anais;Peloton, Julien;Ishida, Emille E. O.;Arnault, Chris;Bachelet, Etienne;Blaineau, Tristan;Boutigny, Dominique;Chauhan, Abhishek;Gangler, Emmanuel;Hernandez, Fabio;Hrivnac, Julius;Leoni, Marco;Leroy, Nicolas;Moniez, Marc;Pateyron, Sacha;Ramparison, Adrien;Turpin, Damien;Ansari, Réza;Allam, Tarek, Jr.;Bajat, Armelle;Biswas, Biswajit;Boucaud, Alexandre;Bregeon, Johan;Campagne, Jean-Eric;Cohen-Tanugi, Johann;Coleiro, Alexis;Dornic, Damien;Fouchez, Dominique;Godet, Olivier;Gris, Philippe;Karpov, Sergey;Nebot Gomez-Moran, Ada;Neveu, Jérémy;Plaszczynski, Stephane;Savchenko, Volodymyr;Webb, Natalie Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021MNRAS.501.4276I GD 424 - a helium-atmosphere white dwarf with a large amount of trace hydrogen in the process of digesting a rocky planetesimal Izquierdo, Paula;Toloza, Odette;Gänsicke, Boris T.;Rodríguez-Gil, Pablo;Farihi, Jay;Koester, Detlev;Guo, Jincheng;Redfield, Seth - -
2021MNRAS.501.5981L The COMBS Survey - II. Distinguishing the metal-poor bulge from the halo interlopers Lucey, Madeline;Hawkins, Keith;Ness, Melissa;Debattista, Victor P.;Luna, Alice;Asplund, Martin;Bensby, Thomas;Casagrande, Luca;Feltzing, Sofia;Freeman, Kenneth C.;Kobayashi, Chiaki;Marino, Anna F. - 6
2021MNRAS.501.6026S Machines learn to infer stellar parameters just by looking at a large number of spectra Sedaghat, Nima;Romaniello, Martino;Carrick, Jonathan E.;Pineau, François-Xavier Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021MNRAS.501.6139R Spectral variability of radio sources at low frequencies Ross, K.;Callingham, J. R.;Hurley-Walker, N.;Seymour, N.;Hancock, P.;Franzen, T. M. O.;Morgan, J.;White, S. V.;Bell, M. E.;Patil, P. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021MNRAS.502.1070H The five axes of the Turtle: symmetry and asymmetry in NGC 6210 Henney, William J.;López, J. A.;García-Díaz, Ma T.;Richer, M. G. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021MNRAS.502.1299T SuperWASP variable stars: classifying light curves using citizen science Thiemann, Heidi B.;Norton, Andrew J.;Dickinson, Hugh J.;McMaster, Adam;Kolb, Ulrich C. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021MNRAS.502.1494K CODEX weak lensing mass catalogue and implications on the mass-richness relation Kiiveri, K.;Gruen, D.;Finoguenov, A.;Erben, T.;van Waerbeke, L.;Rykoff, E.;Miller, L.;Hagstotz, S.;Dupke, R.;Patrick Henry, J.;Kneib, J. -P.;Gozaliasl, G.;Kirkpatrick, C. C.;Cibirka, N.;Clerc, N.;Costanzi, M.;Cypriano, E. S.;Rozo, E.;Shan, H.;Spinelli, P.;Valiviita, J.;Weller, J. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.502.1947M Prospects for Galactic and stellar astrophysics with asteroseismology of giant stars in the TESS continuous viewing zones and beyond Mackereth, J. Ted;Miglio, Andrea;Elsworth, Yvonne;Mosser, Benoit;Mathur, Savita;Garcia, Rafael A.;Nardiello, Domenico;Hall, Oliver J.;Vrard, Mathieu;Ball, Warrick H.;Basu, Sarbani;Beaton, Rachael L.;Beck, Paul G.;Bergemann, Maria;Bossini, Diego;Casagrande, Luca;Campante, Tiago L.;Chaplin, William J.;Chiappini, Cristina;Girardi, Léo;Jørgensen, Andreas Christ Sølvsten;Khan, Saniya;Montalbán, Josefina;Nielsen, Martin B.;Pinsonneault, Marc H.;Rodrigues, Thaíse S.;Serenelli, Aldo;Silva Aguirre, Victor;Stello, Dennis;Tayar, Jamie;Teske, Johanna;van Saders, Jennifer L.;Willett, Emma - 8
2021MNRAS.502..225A On the radial abundance gradients of nitrogen and oxygen in the inner Galactic disc Arellano-Córdova, K. Z.;Esteban, C.;García-Rojas, J.;Méndez-Delgado, J. E. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2021MNRAS.502.2513A Discovery of five new Galactic symbiotic stars in the VPHAS+ survey Akras, Stavros;Gonçalves, Denise R.;Alvarez-Candal, Alvaro;Pereira, Claudio B. - 2
2021MNRAS.502.2770M A machine learning approach to galaxy properties: joint redshift-stellar mass probability distributions with Random Forest Mucesh, S.;Hartley, W. G.;Palmese, A.;Lahav, O.;Whiteway, L.;Bluck, A. F. L.;Alarcon, A.;Amon, A.;Bechtol, K.;Bernstein, G. M.;Carnero Rosell, A.;Carrasco Kind, M.;Choi, A.;Eckert, K.;Everett, S.;Gruen, D.;Gruendl, R. A.;Harrison, I.;Huff, E. M.;Kuropatkin, N.;Sevilla-Noarbe, I.;Sheldon, E.;Yanny, B.;Aguena, M.;Allam, S.;Bacon, D.;Bertin, E.;Bhargava, S.;Brooks, D.;Carretero, J.;Castander, F. J.;Conselice, C.;Costanzi, M.;Crocce, M.;da Costa, L. N.;Pereira, M. E. S.;De Vicente, J.;Desai, S.;Diehl, H. T.;Drlica-Wagner, A.;Evrard, A. E.;Ferrero, I.;Flaugher, B.;Fosalba, P.;Frieman, J.;García-Bellido, J.;Gaztanaga, E.;Gerdes, D. W.;Gschwend, J.;Gutierrez, G.;Hinton, S. R.;Hollowood, D. L.;Honscheid, K.;James, D. J.;Kuehn, K.;Lima, M.;Lin, H.;Maia, M. A. G.;Melchior, P.;Menanteau, F.;Miquel, R.;Morgan, R.;Paz-Chinchón, F.;Plazas, A. A.;Sanchez, E.;Scarpine, V.;Schubnell, M.;Serrano, S.;Smith, M.;Suchyta, E.;Tarle, G.;Thomas, D.;To, C.;Varga, T. N.;Wilkinson, R. D.;DES Collaboration Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.502.3101N GAMA/XXL: X-ray point sources in low-luminosity galaxies in the GAMA G02/XXL-N field Nwaokoro, E.;Phillipps, S.;Young, A. J.;Baldry, I.;Bongiorno, A.;Bremer, M. N.;Brown, M. J. I.;Chiappetti, L.;De Propris, R.;Driver, S. P.;Elyiv, A.;Fotopoulou, S.;Giles, P. A.;Hopkins, A. M.;Maughan, B.;McGee, S.;Pacaud, F.;Pierre, M.;Plionis, M.;Poggianti, B. M.;Vignali, C. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.502..313K Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (UVIT) observation of the Galactic globular cluster NGC 7492 Kumar, Ranjan;Pradhan, Ananta C.;Mohapatra, Abhisek;Moharana, Ayush;Ojha, Devendra K.;Parthasarathy, M.;Murthy, Jayant Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021MNRAS.502.3242X Dissecting and modelling galaxy assembly bias Xu, Xiaoju;Zehavi, Idit;Contreras, Sergio - 15
2021MNRAS.502.3294W ASKAP observations of multiple rapid scintillators reveal a degrees-long plasma filament Wang, Yuanming;Tuntsov, Artem;Murphy, Tara;Lenc, Emil;Walker, Mark;Bannister, Keith;Kaplan, David L.;Mahony, Elizabeth K. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021MNRAS.502.4170R Galactic potential constraints from clustering in action space of combined stellar stream data Reino, Stella;Rossi, Elena M.;Sanderson, Robyn E.;Sellentin, Elena;Helmi, Amina;Koppelman, Helmer H.;Sharma, Sanjib Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021MNRAS.502.4576R GASTON: Galactic Star Formation with NIKA2 - evidence for the mass growth of star-forming clumps Rigby, A. J.;Peretto, N.;Adam, R.;Ade, P.;Anderson, M.;André, P.;Andrianasolo, A.;Aussel, H.;Bacmann, A.;Beelen, A.;Benoît, A.;Berta, S.;Bourrion, O.;Bracco, A.;Calvo, M.;Catalano, A.;De Petris, M.;Désert, F. -X.;Doyle, S.;Driessen, E. F. C.;García, P.;Gomez, A.;Goupy, J.;Kéruzoré, F.;Kramer, C.;Ladjelate, B.;Lagache, G.;Leclercq, S.;Lestrade, J. -F.;Macías-Pérez, J. F.;Mauskopf, P.;Mayet, F.;Monfardini, A.;Perotto, L.;Pisano, G.;Ponthieu, N.;Revéret, V.;Ristorcelli, I.;Ritacco, A.;Romero, C.;Roussel, H.;Ruppin, F.;Schuster, K.;Shu, S.;Sievers, A.;Tucker, C.;Watkins, E. J. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.502.4815T The properties and environment of very young galaxies in the local Universe Trevisan, M.;Mamon, G. A.;Thuan, T. X.;Ferrari, F.;Pilyugin, L. S.;Ranjan, A. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.502.4842O A hot mini-Neptune in the radius valley orbiting solar analogue HD 110113 Osborn, H. P.;Armstrong, D. J.;Adibekyan, V.;Collins, K. A.;Delgado-Mena, E.;Howell, S. B.;Hellier, C.;King, G. W.;Lillo-Box, J.;Nielsen, L. D.;Otegi, J. F.;Santos, N. C.;Ziegler, C.;Anderson, D. R.;Briceño, C.;Burke, C.;Bayliss, D.;Barrado, D.;Bryant, E. M.;Brown, D. J. A.;Barros, S. C. C.;Bouchy, F.;Caldwell, D. A.;Conti, D. M.;Díaz, R. F.;Dragomir, D.;Deleuil, M.;Demangeon, O. D. S.;Dorn, C.;Daylan, T.;Figueira, P.;Helled, R.;Hoyer, S.;Jenkins, J. M.;Jensen, E. L. N.;Latham, D. W.;Law, N.;Louie, D. R.;Mann, A. W.;Osborn, A.;Pollacco, D. L.;Rodriguez, D. R.;Rackham, B. V.;Ricker, G.;Scott, N. J.;Sousa, S. G.;Seager, S.;Stassun, K. G.;Smith, J. C.;Strøm, P.;Udry, S.;Villaseñor, J.;Vanderspek, R.;West, R.;Wheatley, P. J.;Winn, J. N. - 5
2021MNRAS.502..494M Revealing the impact of quasar luminosity on giant Ly α nebulae Mackenzie, Ruari;Pezzulli, Gabriele;Cantalupo, Sebastiano;Marino, Raffaella A.;Lilly, Simon;Muzahid, Sowgat;Matthee, Jorryt;Schaye, Joop;Wisotzki, Lutz Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
2021MNRAS.502.5147M Anomaly detection in the Zwicky Transient Facility DR3 Malanchev, K. L.;Pruzhinskaya, M. V.;Korolev, V. S.;Aleo, P. D.;Kornilov, M. V.;Ishida, E. E. O.;Krushinsky, V. V.;Mondon, F.;Sreejith, S.;Volnova, A. A.;Belinski, A. A.;Dodin, A. V.;Tatarnikov, A. M.;Zheltoukhov, S. G.;(The SNAD Team) Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021MNRAS.502.5390P A ∼75 per cent occurrence rate of debris discs around F stars in the β Pic moving group Pawellek, Nicole;Wyatt, Mark;Matrà, Luca;Kennedy, Grant;Yelverton6, Ben - 1
2021MNRAS.502..541A Asteroseismology of SZ Lyn using multiband high time resolution photometry from ground and space Adassuriya, J.;Ganesh, S.;Gutiérrez, J. L.;Handler, G.;Joshi, Santosh;Jayaratne, K. P. S. C.;Baliyan, K. S. - -
2021MNRAS.502...60R Evolutionary map of the Universe (EMU): Compact radio sources in the SCORPIO field towards the galactic plane Riggi, S.;Umana, G.;Trigilio, C.;Cavallaro, F.;Ingallinera, A.;Leto, P.;Bufano, F.;Norris, R. P.;Hopkins, A. M.;Filipović, M. D.;Andernach, H.;van Loon, J. Th;Michałowski, M. J.;Bordiu, C.;An, T.;Buemi, C.;Carretti, E.;Collier, J. D.;Joseph, T.;Koribalski, B. S.;Kothes, R.;Loru, S.;McConnell, D.;Pommier, M.;Sciacca, E.;Schillirò, F.;Vitello, F.;Warhurst, K.;Whiting, M. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021MNRAS.502L..90F New star clusters discovered towards the Galactic bulge direction using Gaia DR2 Ferreira, F. A.;Corradi, W. J. B.;Maia, F. F. S.;Angelo, M. S.;Santos, J. F. C., Jr. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021MNRAS.502L..95G SDSS-IV MaNGA: the 'G-dwarf problem' revisited Greener, Michael J.;Merrifield, Michael;Aragón-Salamanca, Alfonso;Peterken, Thomas;Andrews, Brett;Lane, Richard R. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.503.1374M Gaia EDR3 in 6D: searching for unbound stars in the galaxy Marchetti, Tommaso Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.503.1507V The environment of QSO triplets at 1 ≲ z ≲ 1.5 Vicentin, Marcelo C.;Araya-Araya, Pablo;Sodré, Laerte, Jr.;Overzier, Roderik;Carrasco, Eleazar R.;Cuevas, Hector Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.503.1847L A search for radio afterglows from gamma-ray bursts with the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder Leung, James K.;Murphy, Tara;Ghirlanda, Giancarlo;Kaplan, David L.;Lenc, Emil;Dobie, Dougal;Banfield, Julie;Hale, Catherine;Hotan, Aidan;McConnell, David;Moss, Vanessa A.;Pritchard, Joshua;Raja, Wasim;Stewart, Adam J.;Whiting, Matthew - 2
2021MNRAS.503..200J The ASAS-SN catalogue of variable stars IX: The spectroscopic properties of Galactic variable stars Jayasinghe, T.;Kochanek, C. S.;Stanek, K. Z.;Shappee, B. J.;Holoien, T. W. -S.;Thompson, Todd A.;Prieto, J. L.;Dong, Subo;Pawlak, M.;Pejcha, O.;Pojmanski, G.;Otero, S.;Hurst, N.;Will, D. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021MNRAS.503.2265L Exploring the planetary-mass population in the Upper Scorpius association Lodieu, N.;Hambly, N. C.;Cross, N. J. G. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021MNRAS.503..236J UOCS - III. UVIT catalogue of open clusters with machine learning-based membership using Gaia EDR3 astrometry Jadhav, Vikrant V.;Pennock, Clara M.;Subramaniam, Annapurni;Sagar, Ram;Nayak, Prasanta Kumar Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.503.2539C Exploring the Galaxy's halo and very metal-weak thick disc with SkyMapper and Gaia DR2 Cordoni, G.;Da Costa, G. S.;Yong, D.;Mackey, A. D.;Marino, A. F.;Monty, S.;Nordlander, T.;Norris, J. E.;Asplund, M.;Bessell, M. S.;Casey, A. R.;Frebel, A.;Lind, K.;Murphy, S. J.;Schmidt, B. P.;Gao, X. D.;Xylakis-Dornbusch, T.;Amarsi, A. M.;Milone, A. P. - 16
2021MNRAS.503.2583S A systematic survey for z< 0.04 CLAGNs Senarath, Madhooshi R.;Brown, Michael J. I.;Cluver, Michelle E.;Jarrett, Thomas H.;Wolf, Christian;Ross, Nicholas P.;Lucey, John R.;Parkash, Vaishali;Hon, Wei J. - -
2021MNRAS.503.2598B The post-Herschel view of intrinsic AGN emission: constructing templates for galaxy and AGN emission at IR wavelengths Bernhard, E.;Tadhunter, C.;Mullaney, J. R.;Grimmett, L. P.;Rosario, D. J.;Alexander, D. M. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021MNRAS.503.2639C QSO photometric redshifts using machine learning and neural networks Curran, S. J.;Moss, J. P.;Perrott, Y. C. - 4
2021MNRAS.503.2887B Determination of Planetary Nebulae angular diameters from radio continuum spectral energy distribution modelling Bojičić, I. S.;Filipović, M. D.;Urošević, D.;Parker, Q. A.;Galvin, T. J. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.503.3010T Synergies between low- and intermediate-redshift galaxy populations revealed with unsupervised machine learning Turner, Sebastian;Siudek, Malgorzata;Salim, Samir;Baldry, Ivan K.;Pollo, Agnieszka;Longmore, Steven N.;Malek, Katarzyna;Collins, Chris A.;Lisboa, Paulo J.;Krywult, Janusz;Moutard, Thibaud;Vergani, Daniela;Fritz, Alexander Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.503.3095M Including beyond-linear halo bias in halo models Mead, A. J.;Verde, L. - 4
2021MNRAS.503.3194J Compressive Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor based on deep neural networks Jia, Peng;Ma, Mingyang;Cai, Dongmei;Wang, Weihua;Li, Juanjuan;Li, Can - -
2021MNRAS.503.3232P The substructure of the Perseus star-forming region: a survey with Gaia DR2 Pavlidou, Tatiana;Scholz, Aleks;Teixeira, Paula S. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.503.3660P The Gaia spectrophotometric standard stars survey - V. Preliminary flux tables for the calibration of Gaia DR2 and (E)DR3 Pancino, E.;Sanna, N.;Altavilla, G.;Marinoni, S.;Rainer, M.;Cocozza, G.;Ragaini, S.;Galleti, S.;Bellazzini, M.;Bragaglia, A.;Tessicini, G.;Voss, H.;Carrasco, J. M.;Jordi, C.;Harrison, D. L.;De Angeli, F.;Evans, D. W.;Fanari, G. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021MNRAS.503.3828B A search for variable subdwarf B stars in TESS Full Frame Images - II. Variable objects in the northern ecliptic hemisphere Baran, A. S.;Sahoo, S. K.;Sanjayan, S.;Ostrowski, J. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021MNRAS.503.3896S Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam excavates colossal over- and underdense structures over 360 deg2 out to z = 1 Shimakawa, Rhythm;Higuchi, Yuichi;Shirasaki, Masato;Tanaka, Masayuki;Lin, Yen-Ting;Hayashi, Masao;Momose, Rieko;Lee, Chien-Hsiu;Kusakabe, Haruka;Kodama, Tadayuki;Yamamoto, Naoaki Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.503..394D Compact groups from semi-analytical models of galaxy formation - II. Different assembly channels Díaz-Giménez, E.;Zandivarez, A.;Mamon, G. A. - -
2021MNRAS.503.4092B Revisiting the Kepler field with TESS: Improved ephemerides using TESS 2 min data Battley, Matthew P.;Kunimoto, Michelle;Armstrong, David J.;Pollacco, Don - -
2021MNRAS.503.4372A Rapid-response radio observations of short GRB 181123B with the Australia Telescope Compact Array Anderson, G. E.;Bell, M. E.;Stevens, J.;Aksulu, M. D.;Miller-Jones, J. C. A.;van der Horst, A. J.;Wijers, R. A. M. J.;Rowlinson, A.;Bahramian, A.;Hancock, P. J.;Macquart, J. -P.;Ryder, S. D.;Plotkin, R. M. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021MNRAS.503.4748R The spatially resolved gas and dust connection in neutral inflows and outflows in nearby AGN Rupke, David S. N.;Thomas, Adam D.;Dopita, Michael A. Australian All-Sky Virtual Observatory (ASVO)
2021MNRAS.503.4838K Transient-optimized real-bogus classification with Bayesian convolutional neural networks - sifting the GOTO candidate stream Killestein, T. L.;Lyman, J.;Steeghs, D.;Ackley, K.;Dyer, M. J.;Ulaczyk, K.;Cutter, R.;Mong, Y. -L.;Galloway, D. K.;Dhillon, V.;O'Brien, P.;Ramsay, G.;Poshyachinda, S.;Kotak, R.;Breton, R. P.;Nuttall, L. K.;Pallé, E.;Pollacco, D.;Thrane, E.;Aukkaravittayapun, S.;Awiphan, S.;Burhanudin, U.;Chote, P.;Chrimes, A.;Daw, E.;Duffy, C.;Eyles-Ferris, R.;Gompertz, B.;Heikkilä, T.;Irawati, P.;Kennedy, M. R.;Levan, A.;Littlefair, S.;Makrygianni, L.;Mata Sánchez, D.;Mattila, S.;Maund, J.;McCormac, J.;Mkrtichian, D.;Mullaney, J.;Rol, E.;Sawangwit, U.;Stanway, E.;Starling, R.;Strøm, P. A.;Tooke, S.;Wiersema, K.;Williams, S. C. - 1
2021MNRAS.503.5006S Characterizing the magnetic fields of nearby molecular clouds using submillimeter polarization observations Sullivan, Colin H.;Fissel, L. M.;King, P. K.;Chen, C. -Y.;Li, Z. -Y.;Soler, J. D. - 2
2021MNRAS.503.5263Z Classification of 4XMM-DR9 sources by machine learning Zhang, Yanxia;Zhao, Yongheng;Wu, Xue-Bing Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021MNRAS.503.5291N UVIT-HST-Gaia-VISTA study of Kron 3 in the Small Magellanic Cloud: a cluster with an extended red clump in ultraviolet Nayak, P. K.;Subramaniam, A.;Subramanian, S.;Sahu, S.;Mondal, C.;Cioni, Maria-Rosa L.;Bell, Cameron P. M.;Bandyopadhyay, A.;Chung, Chul Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2021MNRAS.503.5554J BRITE observations of ν Centauri and γ Lupi, the first non-eclipsing members of the new class of nascent binaries Jerzykiewicz, M.;Pigulski, A.;Michalska, G.;Moździerski, D.;Ratajczak, M.;Handler, G.;Moffat, A. F. J.;Pablo, H.;Popowicz, A.;Wade, G. A.;Zwintz, K. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021MNRAS.503.6078C Z-Sequence: photometric redshift predictions for galaxy clusters with sequential random k-nearest neighbours Chan, Matthew C.;Stott, John P. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021MNRAS.503..777B Survey2Survey: a deep learning generative model approach for cross-survey image mapping Buncher, Brandon;Sharma, Awshesh Nath;Carrasco Kind, Matias - 1
2021MNRAS.504..118M The non-linear infrared-radio correlation of low-z galaxies: implications for redshift evolution, a new radio SFR recipe, and how to minimize selection bias Molnár, Dániel Cs;Sargent, Mark T.;Leslie, Sarah;Magnelli, Benjamin;Schinnerer, Eva;Zamorani, Giovanni;Delhaize, Jacinta;Smolčić, Vernesa;Tisanić, Krešimir;Vardoulaki, Eleni Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.504.1237P Extreme emission-line galaxies in SDSS - I. Empirical and model-based calibrations of chemical abundances Pérez-Montero, E.;Amorín, R.;Sánchez Almeida, J.;Vílchez, J. M.;García-Benito, R.;Kehrig, C. VO publication of data collections. Using and accessing SVOCat
2021MNRAS.504.1482B Strong low-frequency radio flaring from Cygnus X-3 observed with LOFAR Broderick, J. W.;Russell, T. D.;Fender, R. P.;Trushkin, S. A.;Green, D. A.;Chauhan, J.;Nizhelskij, N. A.;Tsybulev, P. G.;Bursov, N. N.;Shevchenko, A. V.;Pooley, G. G.;Williams, D. R. A.;Bright, J. S.;Rowlinson, A.;Corbel, S. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021MNRAS.504...16G Constraining the cosmic UV background at z > 3 with MUSE Lyman-α emission observations Gallego, Sofia G.;Cantalupo, Sebastiano;Sarpas, Saeed;Duboeuf, Bastien;Lilly, Simon;Pezzulli, Gabriele;Marino, Raffaella Anna;Matthee, Jorryt;Wisotzki, Lutz;Schaye, Joop;Richard, Johan;Kusakabe, Haruka;Mauerhofer, Valentin Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.504.2122M The symbiotic recurrent nova V3890 Sgr: binary parameters and pre-outburst activity Mikołajewska, J.;Iłkiewicz, K.;Gałan, C.;Monard, B.;Otulakowska-Hypka, M.;Shara, M. M.;Udalski, A. Use of VO services. Theoretical model service provided by SVO.
2021MNRAS.504..228S A polarization census of bright pulsars using the ultrawideband receiver on the Parkes radio telescope Sobey, C.;Johnston, S.;Dai, S.;Kerr, M.;Manchester, R. N.;Oswald, L. S.;Parthasarathy, A.;Shannon, R. M.;Weltevrede, P. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2021MNRAS.504.2509W Interpreting the variation phenomena of B2 1633+382 via the two-component model Wang, Yi-Fan;Jiang, Yun-Guo Use of VO tools: Splat-VO
2021MNRAS.504.2557D Testing the role of environmental effects on the initial mass function of low-mass stars Damian, Belinda;Jose, Jessy;Samal, Manash R.;Moraux, Estelle;Das, Swagat R.;Patra, Sudeshna VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper.
Use of VO tools: VOSA
2021MNRAS.504.2687N Morpho-kinematics of the circumstellar envelope of the AGB star R Dor: a global view Nhung, P. T.;Hoai, D. T.;Tuan-Anh, P.;Darriulat, P.;Diep, P. N.;Ngoc, N. B.;Phuong, N. T.;Thai, T. T. VO project (JVO) acknowledged in the paper.
2021MNRAS.504.2968P The Alma catalogue of OB stars - II. A cross-match with Gaia DR2 and an updated map of the solar neighbourhood Pantaleoni González, M.;Maíz Apellániz, J.;Barbá, R. H.;Reed, B. Cameron Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
Use of VO tools: CDS Cross-match
2021MNRAS.504.3494G APOGEE view of the globular cluster NGC 6544 Gran, F.;Zoccali, M.;Rojas-Arriagada, A.;Saviane, I.;Contreras Ramos, R.;Beaton, R.;Bizyaev, D.;Cohen, R. E.;Fernández-Trincado, J. G.;García-Hernández, D. A.;Geisler, D.;Lane, R. R.;Minniti, D.;Moni Bidin, C.;Nitschelm, C.;Olivares Carvajal, J.;Pan, K.;Rojas, F. I.;Villanova, S. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.504..356D Updated parameters of 1743 open clusters based on Gaia DR2 Dias, W. S.;Monteiro, H.;Moitinho, A.;Lépine, J. R. D.;Carraro, G.;Paunzen, E.;Alessi, B.;Villela, L. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021MNRAS.504.3580S Ultra-compact dwarfs beyond the centre of the Fornax galaxy cluster: hints of UCD formation in low-density environments Saifollahi, Teymoor;Janz, Joachim;Peletier, Reynier F.;Cantiello, Michele;Hilker, Michael;Mieske, Steffen;Valentijn, Edwin A.;Venhola, Aku;Kleijn, Gijs Verdoes Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021MNRAS.504.3749P V680 Mon - a young mercury-manganese star in an eclipsing heartbeat system Paunzen, Ernst;Hümmerich, Stefan;Fedurco, Miroslav;Bernhard, Klaus;Komžík, Richard;Vaňko, Martin Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021MNRAS.504.4806A The morpho-kinematical structure and chemical abundances of the complex planetary nebula NGC 1514 Aller, A.;Vázquez, R.;Olguín, L.;Miranda, L. F.;Ressler, M. E. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021MNRAS.504.4968C The GALAH Survey: using galactic archaeology to refine our knowledge of TESS target stars Clark, Jake T.;Clerté, Mathieu;Hinkel, Natalie R.;Unterborn, Cayman T.;Wittenmyer, Robert A.;Horner, Jonathan;Wright, Duncan J.;Carter, Brad;Morton, Timothy D.;Spina, Lorenzo;Asplund, Martin;Buder, Sven;Bland-Hawthorn, Joss;Casey, Andy;De Silva, Gayandhi;D'Orazi, Valentina;Duong, Ly;Hayden, Michael;Freeman, Ken;Kos, Janez;Lewis, Geraint;Lin, Jane;Lind, Karin;Martell, Sarah;Sharma, Sanjib;Simpson, Jeffrey;Zucker, Dan;Zwitter, Tomaz;Tinney, Christopher G.;Ting (丁源森), Yuan-Sen;Nordlander, Thomas;Amarsi, Anish M. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.504.5054A Protocluster detection in simulations of HSC-SSP and the 10-yr LSST forecast, using PCcones Araya-Araya, Pablo;Vicentin, Marcelo C.;Sodré, Laerte, Jr.;Overzier, Roderik A.;Cuevas, Hector - -
2021MNRAS.504.5098D The SAMI Galaxy Survey: stellar population and structural trends across the Fundamental Plane D'Eugenio, Francesco;Colless, Matthew;Scott, Nicholas;van der Wel, Arjen;Davies, Roger L.;van de Sande, Jesse;Sweet, Sarah M.;Oh, Sree;Groves, Brent;Sharp, Rob;Owers, Matt S.;Bland-Hawthorn, Joss;Croom, Scott M.;Brough, Sarah;Bryant, Julia J.;Goodwin, Michael;Lawrence, Jon S.;Lorente, Nuria P. F.;Richards, Samuel N. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.504.5528T HERMES spectroscopy of normal A and Am stars Trust, Otto;Jurua, Edward;De Cat, Peter;Joshi, Santosh;Lampens, Patricia Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021MNRAS.504.5556T What controls the UV-to-X-ray continuum shape in quasars? Timlin, John D., III;Brandt, W. N.;Laor, Ari Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.504.5788R Characterization of 92 southern TESS candidate planet hosts and a new photometric [Fe/H] relation for cool dwarfs Rains, Adam D.;Žerjal, Maruša;Ireland, Michael J.;Nordlander, Thomas;Bessell, Michael S.;Casagrande, Luca;Onken, Christopher A.;Joyce, Meridith;Kammerer, Jens;Abbot, Harrison Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021MNRAS.504..920M New X-ray observations of the hot subdwarf binary HD 49798/RX J0648.0-4418 Mereghetti, S.;Pintore, F.;Rauch, T.;La Palombara, N.;Esposito, P.;Geier, S.;Pelisoli, I.;Rigoselli, M.;Schaffenroth, V.;Tiengo, A. Use of VO services. TMAD provided by GAVO
2021MNRAS.504L..17T Monoceros OB4: a new association in Gaia DR2 Teixeira, P. S.;Alves, J.;Sicilia-Aguilar, A.;Hacar, A.;Scholz, A. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.505.1117S The evolution of the UV luminosity and stellar mass functions of Lyman-α emitters from z 2 to z 6 Santos, S.;Sobral, D.;Butterworth, J.;Paulino-Afonso, A.;Ribeiro, B.;da Cunha, E.;Calhau, J.;Khostovan, A. A.;Matthee, J.;Arrabal Haro, P. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.505.1135F Population-based identification of H α-excess sources in the Gaia DR2 and IPHAS catalogues Fratta, M.;Scaringi, S.;Drew, J. E.;Monguió, M.;Knigge, C.;Maccarone, T. J.;Court, J. M. C.;Iłkiewicz, K. A.;Pala, A. F.;Gandhi, P.;Gänsicke, B. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021MNRAS.505.1239A The Pristine Inner Galaxy Survey (PIGS) III: carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars in the bulge Arentsen, Anke;Starkenburg, Else;Aguado, David S.;Martin, Nicolas F.;Placco, Vinicius M.;Carlberg, Raymond;González Hernández, Jonay I.;Hill, Vanessa;Jablonka, Pascale;Kordopatis, Georges;Lardo, Carmela;Mashonkina, Lyudmila I.;Navarro, Julio F.;Venn, Kim A.;Buder, Sven;Lewis, Geraint F.;Wan, Zhen;Zucker, Daniel B. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.505.1268F Deep learning Blazar classification based on multifrequency spectral energy distribution data Fraga, Bernardo M. O.;Barres de Almeida, Ulisses;Bom, Clécio R.;Brandt, Carlos H.;Giommi, Paolo;Schubert, Patrick;de Albuquerque, Márcio P. - -
2021MNRAS.505.1342M A revisited study of Cepheids in open clusters in the Gaia era Medina, Gustavo E.;Lemasle, Bertrand;Grebel, Eva K. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021MNRAS.505.1382M The X-SHOOTER Lyman α survey at z = 2 (XLS-z2) I: what makes a galaxy a Lyman α emitter? Matthee, Jorryt;Sobral, David;Hayes, Matthew;Pezzulli, Gabriele;Gronke, Max;Schaerer, Daniel;Naidu, Rohan P.;Röttgering, Huub;Calhau, João;Paulino-Afonso, Ana;Santos, Sérgio;Amorín, Ricardo Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.505.1618N A massive open cluster hiding in full sight Negueruela, I.;Chené, A. -N.;Tabernero, H. M.;Dorda, R.;Borissova, J.;Marco, A.;Kurtev, R. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021MNRAS.505.1992S VVV-WIT-08: the giant star that blinked Smith, Leigh C.;Koposov, Sergey E.;Lucas, Philip W.;Sanders, Jason L.;Minniti, Dante;Udalski, Andrzej;Evans, N. Wyn;Aguado, David;Ivanov, Valentin D.;Saito, Roberto K.;Fraga, Luciano;Pietrukowicz, Pawel;Penoyre, Zephyr;González-Fernández, Carlos Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021MNRAS.505.2020E Stellar substructures in the periphery of the Magellanic Clouds with the VISTA hemisphere survey from the red clump and other tracers El Youssoufi, Dalal;Cioni, Maria-Rosa L.;Bell, Cameron P. M.;de Grijs, Richard;Groenewegen, Martin A. T.;Ivanov, Valentin D.;Matijevĭc, Gal;Niederhofer, Florian;Oliveira, Joana M.;Ripepi, Vincenzo;Schmidt, Thomas;Subramanian, Smitha;Sun, Ning-Chen;van Loon, Jacco Th Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.505..207K The search for ultraviolet luminous objects in GALEX data Karpov, Sergey V.;Malkov, Oleg Yu;Zhao, Gang Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021MNRAS.505..245D (6478) Gault: physical characterization of an active main-belt asteroid Devogèle, Maxime;Ferrais, Marin;Jehin, Emmanuel;Moskovitz, Nicholas;Skiff, Brian A.;Levine, Stephen E.;Gustafsson, Annika;Farnocchia, Davide;Micheli, Marco;Snodgrass, Colin;Borisov, Galin;Manfroid, Jean;Moulane, Youssef;Benkhaldoun, Zouhair;Burdanov, Artem;Pozuelos, Francisco J.;Gillon, Michael;de Wit, Julien;Green, Simon F.;Bendjoya, Philippe;Rivet, Jean-Pierre;Abe, Luy;Vernet, David;Chandler, Colin Orion;Trujillo, Chadwick A. Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021MNRAS.505.3361H TOI-220 b: a warm sub-Neptune discovered by TESS Hoyer, S.;Gandolfi, D.;Armstrong, D. J.;Deleuil, M.;Acuña, L.;de Medeiros, J. R.;Goffo, E.;Lillo-Box, J.;Delgado Mena, E.;Lopez, T. A.;Santerne, A.;Sousa, S.;Fridlund, M.;Adibekyan, V.;Collins, K. A.;Serrano, L. M.;Cortés-Zuleta, P.;Howell, S. B.;Deeg, H.;Aguichine, A.;Barragán, O.;Bryant, E. M.;Canto Martins, B. L.;Collins, K. I.;Cooke, B. F.;Díaz, R. F.;Esposito, M.;Furlan, E.;Hojjatpanah, S.;Jackman, J.;Jenkins, J. M.;Jensen, E. L. N.;Latham, D. W.;Leão, I. C.;Matson, R. A.;Nielsen, L. D.;Osborn, A.;Otegi, J. F.;Rodler, F.;Sabotta, S.;Scott, N. J.;Seager, S.;Stockdale, C.;Strøm, P. A.;Vanderspek, R.;Van Eylen, V.;Wheatley, P. J.;Winn, J. N.;Almenara, J. M.;Barrado, D.;Barros, S. C. C.;Bayliss, D.;Bouchy, F.;Boyd, P. T.;Cabrera, J.;Cochran, W. D.;Demangeon, O.;Doty, J. P.;Dumusque, X.;Figueira, P.;Fong, W.;Grziwa, S.;Hatzes, A. P.;Kabáth, P.;Knudstrup, E.;Korth, J.;Livingston, J. H.;Luque, R.;Mousis, O.;Mullally, S. E.;Osborn, H. P.;Pallé, E.;Persson, C. M.;Redfield, S.;Santos, N. C.;Smith, J.;Šubjak, J.;Twicken, J. D.;Udry, S.;Yahalomi, D. A. - 1
2021MNRAS.505.4798S The VANDELS Survey: new constraints on the high-mass X-ray binary populations in normal star-forming galaxies at 3 < z < 5.5 Saxena, A.;Ellis, R. S.;Förster, P. U.;Calabrò, A.;Pentericci, L.;Carnall, A. C.;Castellano, M.;Cullen, F.;Fontana, A.;Franco, M.;Fynbo, J. P. U.;Gargiulo, A.;Garilli, B.;Hathi, N. P.;McLeod, D. J.;Amorín, R.;Zamorani, G. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.505.4956B Discovery of a young low-mass brown dwarf transiting a fast-rotating F-type star by the Galactic Plane eXoplanet (GPX) survey Benni, P.;Burdanov, A. Y.;Krushinsky, V. V.;Bonfanti, A.;Hébrard, G.;Almenara, J. M.;Dalal, S.;Demangeon, O. D. S.;Tsantaki, M.;Pepper, J.;Stassun, K. G.;Vanderburg, A.;Belinski, A.;Kashaev, F.;Barkaoui, K.;Kim, T.;Kang, W.;Antonyuk, K.;Dyachenko, V. V.;Rastegaev, D. A.;Beskakotov, A.;Mitrofanova, A. A.;Pozuelos, F. J.;Kuznetsov, E. D.;Popov, A.;Kiefer, F.;Wilson, P. A.;Ricker, G.;Vanderspek, R.;Latham, D. W.;Seager, S.;Jenkins, J. M.;Sokov, E.;Sokova, I.;Marchini, A.;Papini, R.;Salvaggio, F.;Banfi, M.;Baştürk, Ö.;Torun, Ş.;Yalçınkaya, S.;Ivanov, K.;Valyavin, G.;Jehin, E.;Gillon, M.;Pakštienė, E.;Hentunen, V. -P.;Shadick, S.;Bretton, M.;Wünsche, A.;Garlitz, J.;Jongen, Y.;Molina, D.;Girardin, E.;Grau Horta, F.;Naves, R.;Benkhaldoun, Z.;Joner, M. D.;Spencer, M.;Bieryla, A.;Stevens, D. J.;Jensen, E. L. N.;Collins, K. A.;Charbonneau, D.;Quintana, E. V.;Mullally, S. E.;Henze, C. E. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021MNRAS.505.5164S The Gaia view of the Cepheus flare Szilágyi, Máté;Kun, Mária;Ábrahám, Péter Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021MNRAS.505.5340M The GALAH survey: a census of lithium-rich giant stars Martell, Sarah L.;Simpson, Jeffrey D.;Balasubramaniam, Adithya G.;Buder, Sven;Sharma, Sanjib;Hon, Marc;Stello, Dennis;Ting, Yuan-Sen;Asplund, Martin;Bland-Hawthorn, Joss;De Silva, Gayandhi M.;Freeman, Ken C.;Hayden, Michael;Kos, Janez;Lewis, Geraint F.;Lind, Karin;Zucker, Daniel B.;Zwitter, Tomaž;Campbell, Simon W.;Čotar, Klemen;Horner, Jonathan;Montet, Benjamin;Wittenmyer, Rob Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.505.5567V Red Be stars in the Magellanic Clouds? Vieira, Katherine;García-Varela, Alejandro;Sabogal, Beatriz;Rímulo, Leandro Rocha;Hernández, Jesús Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021MNRAS.505..568B Dust changes in Sakurai's Object: new PAHs and SiC with coagulation of submicron-sized silicate dust into 10 μm-sized melilite grains Bowey, Janet E. - -
2021MNRAS.505.5884M Internal rotation of Milky Way dwarf spheroidal satellites with Gaia Early Data Release 3 Martínez-García, Alberto Manuel;del Pino, Andrés;Aparicio, Antonio;van der Marel, Roeland P.;Watkins, Laura L. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.505.6051J An infrared study of Galactic OH/IR stars - III. Variability properties of the Arecibo sample Jiménez-Esteban, F. M.;Engels, D.;Aguado, D. S.;González, J. B.;García-Lario, P. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021MNRAS.505..921S The origin of metal-poor stars on prograde disc orbits in FIRE simulations of Milky Way-mass galaxies Santistevan, Isaiah B.;Wetzel, Andrew;Sanderson, Robyn E.;El-Badry, Kareem;Samuel, Jenna;Faucher-Giguère, Claude-André - 6
2021MNRAS.506..150B The GALAH+ survey: Third data release Buder, Sven;Sharma, Sanjib;Kos, Janez;Amarsi, Anish M.;Nordlander, Thomas;Lind, Karin;Martell, Sarah L.;Asplund, Martin;Bland-Hawthorn, Joss;Casey, Andrew R.;de Silva, Gayandhi M.;D'Orazi, Valentina;Freeman, Ken C.;Hayden, Michael R.;Lewis, Geraint F.;Lin, Jane;Schlesinger, Katharine J.;Simpson, Jeffrey D.;Stello, Dennis;Zucker, Daniel B.;Zwitter, Tomaž;Beeson, Kevin L.;Buck, Tobias;Casagrande, Luca;Clark, Jake T.;Čotar, Klemen;da Costa, Gary S.;de Grijs, Richard;Feuillet, Diane;Horner, Jonathan;Kafle, Prajwal R.;Khanna, Shourya;Kobayashi, Chiaki;Liu, Fan;Montet, Benjamin T.;Nandakumar, Govind;Nataf, David M.;Ness, Melissa K.;Spina, Lorenzo;Tepper-García, Thor;Ting, Yuan-Sen;Traven, Gregor;Vogrinčič, Rok;Wittenmyer, Robert A.;Wyse, Rosemary F. G.;Žerjal, Maruša;Žerjal, Maruša;Galah Collaboration Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021MNRAS.506.1595G Hamilton's Object - a clumpy galaxy straddling the gravitational caustic of a galaxy cluster: constraints on dark matter clumping Griffiths, Richard E.;Rudisel, Mitchell;Wagner, Jenny;Hamilton, Timothy;Huang, Po-Chieh;Villforth, Carolin Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021MNRAS.506.1651L Identification of BASS DR3 sources as stars, galaxies, and quasars by XGBoost Li, Changhua;Zhang, Yanxia;Cui, Chenzhou;Fan, Dongwei;Zhao, Yongheng;Wu, Xue-Bing;He, Boliang;Xu, Yunfei;Li, Shanshan;Han, Jun;Tao, Yihan;Mi, Linying;Yang, Hanxi;Yang, Sisi Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.506.1896K The Heraklion Extragalactic Catalogue (HECATE): a value-added galaxy catalogue for multimessenger astrophysics Kovlakas, K.;Zezas, A.;Andrews, J. J.;Basu-Zych, A.;Fragos, T.;Hornschemeier, A.;Kouroumpatzakis, K.;Lehmer, B.;Ptak, A. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021MNRAS.506.1978L High-resolution ALMA and HST images of q1 Eri: an asymmetric debris disc with an eccentric Jupiter Lovell, J. B.;Marino, S.;Wyatt, M. C.;Kennedy, G. M.;MacGregor, M. A.;Stapelfeldt, K.;Dent, B.;Krist, J.;Matrà, L.;Kral, Q.;Panić, O.;Pearce, T. D.;Wilner, D. - -
2021MNRAS.506.2471G The probabilistic random forest applied to the selection of quasar candidates in the QUBRICS survey Guarneri, Francesco;Calderone, Giorgio;Cristiani, Stefano;Fontanot, Fabio;Boutsia, Konstantina;Cupani, Guido;Grazian, Andrea;D'Odorico, Valentina - -
2021MNRAS.506.3155J The assembly bias of emission-line galaxies Jiménez, Esteban;Padilla, Nelson;Contreras, Sergio;Zehavi, Idit;Baugh, Carlton M.;Orsi, Álvaro - 5
2021MNRAS.506.3224S High-contrast observations of brown dwarf companion HR 2562 B with the vector Apodizing Phase Plate coronagraph Sutlieff, Ben J.;Bohn, Alexander J.;Birkby, Jayne L.;Kenworthy, Matthew A.;Morzinski, Katie M.;Doelman, David S.;Males, Jared R.;Snik, Frans;Close, Laird M.;Hinz, Philip M.;Charbonneau, David Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021MNRAS.506.3540P The ASKAP-EMU Early Science Project: 888 MHz radio continuum survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud Pennock, Clara M.;van Loon, Jacco Th;Filipović, Miroslav D.;Andernach, Heinz;Haberl, Frank;Kothes, Roland;Lenc, Emil;Rudnick, Lawrence;White, Sarah V.;Agliozzo, Claudia;Antón, Sonia;Bojičić, Ivan;Bomans, Dominik J.;Collier, Jordan D.;Crawford, Evan J.;Hopkins, Andrew M.;Jeganathan, Kanapathippillai;Kavanagh, Patrick J.;Koribalski, Bärbel S.;Leahy, Denis;Maggi, Pierre;Maitra, Chandreyee;Marvil, Josh;Michałowski, Michał J.;Norris, Ray P.;Oliveira, Joana M.;Payne, Jeffrey L.;Sano, Hidetoshi;Sasaki, Manami;Staveley-Smith, Lister;Vardoulaki, Eleni Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021MNRAS.506.3962W SOFIA 2 - an automated, parallel H I source finding pipeline for the WALLABY survey Westmeier, T.;Kitaeff, S.;Pallot, D.;Serra, P.;van der Hulst, J. M.;Jurek, R. J.;Elagali, A.;For, B. -Q.;Kleiner, D.;Koribalski, B. S.;Lee-Waddell, K.;Mould, J. R.;Reynolds, T. N.;Rhee, J.;Staveley-Smith, L. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
2021MNRAS.506.4151M Spectroscopic and photometric analysis of symbiotic candidates - I. Ten candidates on classical symbiotic stars Merc, J.;Gális, R.;Wolf, M.;Velez, P.;Buil, C.;Sims, F.;Bohlsen, T.;Vrašťák, M.;Boussin, C.;Boussier, H.;Cazzato, P.;Diarrasouba, I.;Teyssier, F. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021MNRAS.506.4447L The link between gas and stars in the S254-S258 star-forming region Ladeyschikov, D. A.;Kirsanova, M. S.;Sobolev, A. M.;Thomasson, M.;Ossenkopf-Okada, V.;Juvela, M.;Khaibrakhmanov, S. A.;Popova, E. A. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.506.5201R White dwarf-main-sequence binaries from Gaia EDR3: the unresolved 100 pc volume-limited sample Rebassa-Mansergas, A.;Solano, E.;Jiménez-Esteban, F. M.;Torres, S.;Rodrigo, C.;Ferrer-Burjachs, A.;Calcaferro, L. M.;Althaus, L. G.;Córsico, A. H. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021MNRAS.506..581M Dynamical confirmation of a stellar mass black hole in the transient X-ray dipping binary MAXI J1305-704 Mata Sánchez, D.;Rau, A.;Álvarez Hernández, A.;van Grunsven, T. F. J.;Torres, M. A. P.;Jonker, P. G. - -
2021MNRAS.506.6014T An AMUSING look at the host of the periodic nuclear transient ASASSN-14ko reveals a second AGN Tucker, M. A.;Shappee, B. J.;Hinkle, J. T.;Neustadt, J. M. M.;Eracleous, M.;Kochanek, C. S.;Prieto, J. L.;Payne, A. V.;Galbany, L.;Anderson, J. P.;Auchettl, K.;Auge, C.;Holoien, Thomas W. -S. - 3
2021MNRAS.506L..55D Clusters' far-reaching influence on narrow-angle tail radio galaxies de Vos, K.;Hatch, N. A.;Merrifield, M. R.;Mingo, B. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.507.1034L HCN/HNC chemistry in shocks: a study of L1157-B1 with ASAI Lefloch, B.;Busquet, G.;Viti, S.;Vastel, C.;Mendoza, E.;Benedettini, M.;Codella, C.;Podio, L.;Schutzer, A.;Rivera-Ortiz, P. R.;Lépine, J. R. D.;Bachiller, R. - -
2021MNRAS.507..129S HELP: the Herschel Extragalactic Legacy Project Shirley, R.;Duncan, K.;Campos Varillas, M. C.;Hurley, P. D.;Małek, K.;Roehlly, Y.;Smith, M. W. L.;Aussel, H.;Bakx, T.;Buat, V.;Burgarella, D.;Christopher, N.;Duivenvoorden, S.;Eales, S.;Efstathiou, A.;González Solares, E. A.;Griffin, M.;Jarvis, M.;Faro, B. Lo;Marchetti, L.;McCheyne, I.;Papadopoulos, A.;Penner, K.;Pons, E.;Prescott, M.;Rigby, E.;Rottgering, H.;Saxena, A.;Scudder, J.;Vaccari, M.;Wang, L.;Oliver, S. J. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.507.1684M Years delayed gamma-ray and radio afterglows originated from TDE wind-torus interactions Mou, Guobin;Wang, Wei - 3
2021MNRAS.507.1937B Deep Learning assessment of galaxy morphology in S-PLUS Data Release 1 Bom, C. R.;Cortesi, A.;Lucatelli, G.;Dias, L. O.;Schubert, P.;Oliveira Schwarz, G. B.;Cardoso, N. M.;Lima, E. V. R.;Mendes de Oliveira, C.;Sodre, L.;Smith Castelli, A. V.;Ferrari, F.;Damke, G.;Overzier, R.;Kanaan, A.;Ribeiro, T.;Schoenell, W. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.507.2087D Stark broadening of Zn II spectral lines Dimitrijević, Milan S.;Christova, Magdalena D.;Milovanović, Nenad;Sahal-Bréchot, Sylvie - -
2021MNRAS.507.2373P UOCS - VI. UVIT/AstroSat detection of low-mass white dwarf companions to four more blue stragglers in M67 Pandey, Sindhu;Subramaniam, Annapurni;Jadhav, Vikrant V. Use of VO tools: VOSA
2021MNRAS.507.2592S The proper motion of Andromeda from Gaia EDR3: confirming a nearly radial orbit Salomon, J. -B.;Ibata, R.;Reylé, C.;Famaey, B.;Libeskind, N. I.;McConnachie, A. W.;Hoffman, Y. - 6
2021MNRAS.507..282V Role of host galaxy in the formation of multiple stellar populations: analysis of NGC 1786 and NGC 1898 Vanaraj, Viswajith;Niederhofer, Florian;Goudfrooij, Paul Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.507.2885F Radio continuum sources behind the Large Magellanic Cloud Filipović, M. D.;Bojičić, I. S.;Grieve, K. R.;Norris, R. P.;Tothill, N. F. H.;Shobhana, D.;Rudnick, L.;Prandoni, I.;Andernach, H.;Hurley-Walker, N.;Alsaberi, R. Z. E.;Anderson, C. S.;Collier, J. D.;Crawford, E. J.;For, B. -Q.;Galvin, T. J.;Haberl, F.;Hopkins, A. M.;Ingallinera, A.;Kavanagh, P. J.;Koribalski, B. S.;Kothes, R.;Leahy, D.;Leverenz, H.;Maggi, P.;Maitra, C.;Marvil, J.;Pannuti, T. G.;Park, L. A. F.;Payne, J. L.;Pennock, C. M.;Riggi, S.;Rowell, G.;Sano, H.;Sasaki, M.;Staveley-Smith, L.;Trigilio, C.;Umana, G.;Urošević, D.;van Loon, J. Th;Vardoulaki, E. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021MNRAS.507.3125A SN2017jgh: a high-cadence complete shock cooling light curve of a SN IIb with the Kepler telescope Armstrong, P.;Tucker, B. E.;Rest, A.;Ridden-Harper, R.;Zenati, Y.;Piro, A. L.;Hinton, S.;Lidman, C.;Margheim, S.;Narayan, G.;Shaya, E.;Garnavich, P.;Kasen, D.;Villar, V.;Zenteno, A.;Arcavi, I.;Drout, M.;Foley, R. J.;Wheeler, J.;Anais, J.;Campillay, A.;Coulter, D.;Dimitriadis, G.;Jones, D.;Kilpatrick, C. D.;Muñoz-Elgueta, N.;Rojas-Bravo, C.;Vargas-González, J.;Bulger, J.;Chambers, K.;Huber, M.;Lowe, T.;Magnier, E.;Shappee, B. J.;Smartt, S.;Smith, K. W.;Barclay, T.;Barentsen, G.;Dotson, J.;Gully-Santiago, M.;Hedges, C.;Howell, S.;Cody, A.;Auchettl, K.;Bódi, A.;Bognár, Zs;Brimacombe, J.;Brown, P.;Cseh, B.;Galbany, L.;Hiramatsu, D.;Holoien, T. W. -S.;Howell, D. A.;Jha, S. W.;Könyves-Tóth, R.;Kriskovics, L.;McCully, C.;Milne, P.;Muñoz, J.;Pan, Y.;Pál, A.;Sai, H.;Sárneczky, K.;Smith, N.;Sódor, Á.;Szabó, R.;Szakáts, R.;Valenti, S.;Vinkó, J.;Wang, X.;Zhang, K.;Zsidi, G. VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper.
Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2021MNRAS.507.3187F Correcting correlation functions for redshift-dependent interloper contamination Farrow, Daniel J.;Sánchez, Ariel G.;Ciardullo, Robin;Cooper, Erin Mentuch;Davis, Dustin;Fabricius, Maximilian;Gawiser, Eric;Grasshorn Gebhardt, Henry S.;Gebhardt, Karl;Hill, Gary J.;Jeong, Donghui;Komatsu, Eiichiro;Landriau, Martin;Liu, Chenxu;Saito, Shun;Snigula, Jan;Wold, Isak G. B. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.507.3810K Dark cloud-type chemistry in photodissociation regions with moderate ultraviolet field Kirsanova, Maria S.;Punanova, Anna F.;Semenov, Dmitry A.;Vasyunin, Anton I. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021MNRAS.507..398H A bottom-heavy initial mass function for the likely-accreted blue-halo stars of the Milky Way Hallakoun, Na'ama;Maoz, Dan Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.507.4389G Galaxy zoo: stronger bars facilitate quenching in star-forming galaxies Géron, Tobias;Smethurst, R. J.;Lintott, Chris;Kruk, Sandor;Masters, Karen L.;Simmons, Brooke;Stark, David V. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.507..496B Asteroseismology of overmassive, undermassive, and potential past members of the open cluster NGC 6791 Brogaard, K.;Arentoft, T.;Jessen-Hansen, J.;Miglio, A. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021MNRAS.507.5690G X-ray spectra, light curves and SEDs of blazars frequently observed by Swift Giommi, Paolo;Perri, M.;Capalbi, M.;D'Elia, V.;Barres de Almeida, U.;Brandt, C. H.;Pollock, A. M. T.;Arneodo, F.;Di Giovanni, A.;Chang, Y. L.;Civitarese, O.;De Angelis, M.;Leto, C.;Verrecchia, F.;Ricard, N.;Di Pippo, S.;Middei, R.;Penacchioni, A. V.;Ruffini, R.;Sahakyan, N.;Israyelyan, D.;Turriziani, S. - 1
2021MNRAS.507.5805A The intermediate polar cataclysmic variable GK Persei 120 years after the nova explosion: a first dynamical mass study Álvarez-Hernández, A.;Torres, M. A. P.;Rodríguez-Gil, P.;Shahbaz, T.;Anupama, G. C.;Gazeas, K. D.;Pavana, M.;Raj, A.;Hakala, P.;Stone, G.;Gomez, S.;Jonker, P. G.;Ren, J. -J.;Cannizzaro, G.;Pastor-Marazuela, I.;Goff, W.;Corral-Santana, J. M.;Sabo, R. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2021MNRAS.507.5847N On the discovery of stars, quasars, and galaxies in the Southern Hemisphere with S-PLUS DR2 Nakazono, L.;Mendes de Oliveira, C.;Hirata, N. S. T.;Jeram, S.;Queiroz, C.;Eikenberry, Stephen S.;Gonzalez, A. H.;Abramo, R.;Overzier, R.;Espadoto, M.;Martinazzo, A.;Sampedro, L.;Herpich, F. R.;Almeida-Fernandes, F.;Werle, A.;Barbosa, C. E.;Sodré, L., Jr.;Lima, E. V.;Buzzo, M. L.;Cortesi, A.;Menéndez-Delmestre, K.;Akras, S.;Alvarez-Candal, Alvaro;Lopes, A. R.;Telles, E.;Schoenell, W.;Kanaan, A.;Ribeiro, T. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021MNRAS.507..781N Four 'Peculiar' RRd stars observed by K2 Nemec, James M.;Moskalik, Paweł Use of VO tools: Aladin
2021MNRAS.507...90M Unveiling the nature of clusters in the Cygnus region. I. The embedded cluster DB2001-22 Molina Lera, J. A.;Gamen, R.;Cichowolski, S.;Baume, G.;Cárdenas, S. B. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021MNRAS.507L..30K The magnetic system SMSS J1606-1000 as a period bouncer Kawka, Adela;Vennes, Stéphane;Ferrario, Lilia;Bessell, M. S.;Keller, S. C.;Paunzen, E.;Buckley, D. A. H.;Groenewald, D.;Janík, J.;Zejda, M. - -
2021MNRAS.507L...6C SMILE: Search for MIlli-LEnses Casadio, C.;Blinov, D.;Readhead, A. C. S.;Browne, I. W. A.;Wilkinson, P. N.;Hovatta, T.;Mandarakas, N.;Pavlidou, V.;Tassis, K.;Vedantham, H. K.;Zensus, J. A.;Diamantopoulos, V.;Dolapsaki, K. E.;Gkimisi, K.;Kalaitzidakis, G.;Mastorakis, M.;Nikolaou, K.;Ntormousi, E.;Pelgrims, V.;Psarras, K. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2021MNRAS.508.1555Z The formation of M101-alike galaxies in the cold dark matter model Zhang, Dali;Luo, Yu;Kang, Xi;Qu, Han VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper
2021MNRAS.508.1788A GALE XTIN: an alternative online tool to determine the interstellar extinction in the Milky Way Amôres, Eduardo B.;Jesus, Ricardo M.;Moitinho, André;Arsenijevic, Vladan;Levenhagen, Ronaldo S.;Marshall, Douglas J.;Kerber, Leandro O.;Künzel, Roseli;Moura, Rodrigo A. Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021MNRAS.508.2370Q Revisiting the Cygnus OB associations Quintana, Alexis L.;Wright, Nicholas J. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021MNRAS.508.2412D Limits on long-time-scale radio transients at 150 MHz using the TGSS ADR1 and LoTSS DR2 catalogues de Ruiter, Iris;Leseigneur, Guillaume;Rowlinson, Antonia;Wijers, Ralph A. M. J.;Drabent, Alexander;Intema, Huib T.;Shimwell, Timothy W. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
2021MNRAS.508.2688G Isochrone fitting of Galactic globular clusters - III. NGC 288, NGC 362, and NGC 6218 (M12) Gontcharov, George A.;Khovritchev, Maxim Yu;Mosenkov, Aleksandr V.;Il'in, Vladimir B.;Marchuk, Alexander A.;Savchenko, Sergey S.;Smirnov, Anton A.;Usachev, Pavel A.;Poliakov, Denis M. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
Australian All-Sky Virtual Observatory (ASVO)
2021MNRAS.508.2964A An ALMA study of hub-filament systems - I. On the clump mass concentration within the most massive cores Anderson, Michael;Peretto, Nicolas;Ragan, Sarah E.;Rigby, Andrew J.;Avison, Adam;Duarte-Cabral, Ana;Fuller, Gary A.;Shirley, Yancy L.;Traficante, Alessio;Williams, Gwenllian M. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.508.3084S The infrared excess emission from nearby Gaia DR2 M dwarfs Sgro, Lauren A.;Song, Inseok Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021MNRAS.508.3388G Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey of Cygnus OB2 Complex - I. Introduction, photometry, and source catalogue Gupta, Saumya;Jose, Jessy;More, Surhud;Das, Swagat R.;Herczeg, Gregory J.;Samal, Manash R.;Guo, Zhen;Prakash, Prem;Damian, Belinda;Takami, Michihiro;Takahashi, Satoko;Ogura, Katsuo;Terai, Tsuyoshi;Pyo, Tae-Soo Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021MNRAS.508.3649D Blast from the past: constraining progenitor models of SN 1972E Do, Aaron;Shappee, Benjamin J.;De Cuyper, Jean-Pierre;Tonry, John L.;Hunt, Cynthia;Schweizer, François;Phillips, Mark M.;Burns, Christopher R.;Beaton, Rachael;Hainaut, Olivier Use of VO tools: Vizier
Australian All-Sky Virtual Observatory (ASVO)
2021MNRAS.508.3710R The influence of the environment on the spin evolution of low-mass stars - I. External photoevaporation of circumstellar discs Roquette, J.;Matt, S. P.;Winter, A. J.;Amard, L.;Stasevic, S. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021MNRAS.508.4047R Cepheid metallicity in the Leavitt law (C-metall) survey - I. HARPS-N@TNG spectroscopy of 47 classical Cepheids and 1 BL Her variables Ripepi, V.;Catanzaro, G.;Molinaro, R.;Gatto, M.;De Somma, G.;Marconi, M.;Romaniello, M.;Leccia, S.;Musella, I.;Trentin, E.;Clementini, G.;Testa, V.;Cusano, F.;Storm, J. Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2021MNRAS.508.4096Q Optical turbulence and wind speed distributions above the Tibetan Plateau from balloon-borne microthermal measurements Qing, Chun;Luo, Tao;Bi, Cuicui;Li, Xuebin;Cui, Shengcheng;Yang, Qike;Su, Changdong;Wu, Su;Qian, Xianmei;Wu, Xiaoqing;Zhu, Wenyue - -
2021MNRAS.508.4202Z The GALAH+ survey: a new library of observed stellar spectra improves radial velocities and hints at motions within M67 Zwitter, Tomaž;Kos, Janez;Buder, Sven;Čotar, Klemen;Asplund, Martin;Bland-Hawthorn, Joss;Casey, Andrew R.;De Silva, Gayandhi M.;D'Orazi, Valentina;Freeman, Ken C.;Hayden, Michael R.;Lewis, Geraint F.;Lin, Jane;Lind, Karin;Martell, Sarah L.;Schlesinger, Katharine J.;Sharma, Sanjib;Simpson, Jeffrey D.;Stello, Dennis;Zucker, Daniel B.;Beeson, Kevin L.;de Grijs, Richard;Nordlander, Thomas;Ting, Yuan-Sen;Traven, Gregor;Vogrinčič, Rok;Watson, Fred;Wittenmyer, Rob Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2021MNRAS.508.4952D Proper motions of OB stars in the far Carina Arm Drew, J. E.;Monguió, M.;Wright, N. J. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.508.5259M An ACA 1 mm survey of HzRGs ipn the ELAIS-S1: survey description and first results Messias, Hugo G.;Hatziminaoglou, Evanthia;Hibon, Pascale;Mroczkowski, Tony;Matute, Israel;Lacy, Mark;Mason, Brian;Martín, Sergio;Afonso, José M.;Fomalont, Edward;Amarantidis, Stergios;Antón, Sonia;Cortés, Paulo C.;Demarco, Ricardo;Gendron-Marsolais, Marie-Lou;Hopkins, Andrew M.;Kneissl, Rüdiger;Lopez, Cristian;Rebolledo, David;Yang, Chentao Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021MNRAS.508..737T Modelling type 1 quasar colours in the era of Rubin and Euclid Temple, Matthew J.;Hewett, Paul C.;Banerji, Manda VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper.
Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2021PASP..133d4501C Precise Photometric Measurements from a 1903 Photographic Plate Using a Commercial Scanner Cerny, William;Chapman, Alexis;Glusman, Rowen;Kron, Richard G.;Liang, Yingyi;Lin, Jason J.;Martinez, Michael N.;Medina, Elisabeth;Muratore, Amanda;Ogonor, Buduka;Sanchez, Jorge A.;Yerkes Photographic Plate Digitization Team Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021PASP..133h4401N Trigonometric Parallaxes of Two T Dwarfs With Keck and ShaneAO Astrometry Nguyen, Jayke;Ammons, S. Mark;Dennison, Kaitlin;Garcia, E. Victor;Lu, Jessica R.;McMillan, Stephen;Salama, Maissa Use of VO tools: Aladin
2021PASP..133i4501L Probing the Astrometric Properties of Gaia EDR3 Quasars at the Faintest Magnitudes Liao, Shilong;Wu, Qiqi;Qi, Zhaoxiang;Tang, Zhenghong;Luo, Hao;Cao, Zihuang Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2021PASP..133i5001A Archival Weather Conditions at Siding Spring Observatory Abbot, Harrison J.;Munro, Josephine;Travouillon, Tony;Lidman, Christopher;Tucker, Bradley E. - -

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