
201 Results

Comment Number
Use of VO tools: TOPCAT 69
Use of VO tools: Aladin 52
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD 40
Use of VO tools: Vizier 32
Use of VO tools: VOSA 12
VO publication of data collections. Using and accessing SVOCat 10
VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper. Use of Millenium database. 9
VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper 8
Use of VO tools: STILTS 6
VO project (JVO) acknowledged in the paper. 4
VO project (China-VO) acknowledged in the paper 4
Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service. 3
Use of VO tools: Splat-VO 2
Use of VO tools: CDS Cross-match 2
Use of VO services. TMAD provided by GAVO 2
Use of VO tools: CASSIS 2
VO project (Euro-VO) acknowledged in the paper 2
VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper. 2
VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper. Use of Multidark database. 1
Use of VO tools: ESASky 1
Use of VO tools: SkyBot 1
Use of VO services: NVO Footprint Service 1

Bibcode Title author Comment Citation
2016A&A...595A...2G Gaia Data Release 1. Summary of the astrometric, photometric, and survey properties Gaia Collaboration;Brown, A. G. A.;Vallenari, A.;Prusti, T.;de Bruijne, J. H. J.;Mignard, F.;Drimmel, R.;Babusiaux, C.;Bailer-Jones, C. A. L.;Bastian, U.;Biermann, M.;Evans, D. W.;Eyer, L.;Jansen, F.;Jordi, C.;Katz, D.;Klioner, S. A.;Lammers, U.;Lindegren, L.;Luri, X.;O'Mullane, W.;Panem, C.;Pourbaix, D.;Randich, S.;Sartoretti, P.;Siddiqui, H. I.;Soubiran, C.;Valette, V.;van Leeuwen, F.;Walton, N. A.;Aerts, C.;Arenou, F.;Cropper, M.;Høg, E.;Lattanzi, M. G.;Grebel, E. K.;Holland, A. D.;Huc, C.;Passot, X.;Perryman, M.;Bramante, L.;Cacciari, C.;Castañeda, J.;Chaoul, L.;Cheek, N.;De Angeli, F.;Fabricius, C.;Guerra, R.;Hernández, J.;Jean-Antoine-Piccolo, A.;Masana, E.;Messineo, R.;Mowlavi, N.;Nienartowicz, K.;Ordóñez-Blanco, D.;Panuzzo, P.;Portell, J.;Richards, P. J.;Riello, M.;Seabroke, G. M.;Tanga, P.;Thévenin, F.;Torra, J.;Els, S. G.;Gracia-Abril, G.;Comoretto, G.;Garcia-Reinaldos, M.;Lock, T.;Mercier, E.;Altmann, M.;Andrae, R.;Astraatmadja, T. L.;Bellas-Velidis, I.;Benson, K.;Berthier, J.;Blomme, R.;Busso, G.;Carry, B.;Cellino, A.;Clementini, G.;Cowell, S.;Creevey, O.;Cuypers, J.;Davidson, M.;De Ridder, J.;de Torres, A.;Delchambre, L.;Dell'Oro, A.;Ducourant, C.;Frémat, Y.;García-Torres, M.;Gosset, E.;Halbwachs, J. -L.;Hambly, N. C.;Harrison, D. L.;Hauser, M.;Hestroffer, D.;Hodgkin, S. T.;Huckle, H. E.;Hutton, A.;Jasniewicz, G.;Jordan, S.;Kontizas, M.;Korn, A. J.;Lanzafame, A. C.;Manteiga, M.;Moitinho, A.;Muinonen, K.;Osinde, J.;Pancino, E.;Pauwels, T.;Petit, J. -M.;Recio-Blanco, A.;Robin, A. C.;Sarro, L. M.;Siopis, C.;Smith, M.;Smith, K. W.;Sozzetti, A.;Thuillot, W.;van Reeven, W.;Viala, Y.;Abbas, U.;Abreu Aramburu, A.;Accart, S.;Aguado, J. J.;Allan, P. M.;Allasia, W.;Altavilla, G.;Álvarez, M. A.;Alves, J.;Anderson, R. I.;Andrei, A. H.;Anglada Varela, E.;Antiche, E.;Antoja, T.;Antón, S.;Arcay, B.;Bach, N.;Baker, S. G.;Balaguer-Núñez, L.;Barache, C.;Barata, C. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016A&A...595A...4L Gaia Data Release 1. Astrometry: one billion positions, two million proper motions and parallaxes Lindegren, L.;Lammers, U.;Bastian, U.;Hernández, J.;Klioner, S.;Hobbs, D.;Bombrun, A.;Michalik, D.;Ramos-Lerate, M.;Butkevich, A.;Comoretto, G.;Joliet, E.;Holl, B.;Hutton, A.;Parsons, P.;Steidelmüller, H.;Abbas, U.;Altmann, M.;Andrei, A.;Anton, S.;Bach, N.;Barache, C.;Becciani, U.;Berthier, J.;Bianchi, L.;Biermann, M.;Bouquillon, S.;Bourda, G.;Brüsemeister, T.;Bucciarelli, B.;Busonero, D.;Carlucci, T.;Castañeda, J.;Charlot, P.;Clotet, M.;Crosta, M.;Davidson, M.;de Felice, F.;Drimmel, R.;Fabricius, C.;Fienga, A.;Figueras, F.;Fraile, E.;Gai, M.;Garralda, N.;Geyer, R.;González-Vidal, J. J.;Guerra, R.;Hambly, N. C.;Hauser, M.;Jordan, S.;Lattanzi, M. G.;Lenhardt, H.;Liao, S.;Löffler, W.;McMillan, P. J.;Mignard, F.;Mora, A.;Morbidelli, R.;Portell, J.;Riva, A.;Sarasso, M.;Serraller, I.;Siddiqui, H.;Smart, R.;Spagna, A.;Stampa, U.;Steele, I.;Taris, F.;Torra, J.;van Reeven, W.;Vecchiato, A.;Zschocke, S.;de Bruijne, J.;Gracia, G.;Raison, F.;Lister, T.;Marchant, J.;Messineo, R.;Soffel, M.;Osorio, J.;de Torres, A.;O'Mullane, W. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016PASP..128l4401H Campaign 9 of the K2 Mission: Observational Parameters, Scientific Drivers, and Community Involvement for a Simultaneous Space- and Ground-based Microlensing Survey Henderson, Calen B.;Poleski, Radosław;Penny, Matthew;Street, Rachel A.;Bennett, David P.;Hogg, David W.;Gaudi, B. Scott;K2 Campaign 9 Microlensing Science Team;Zhu, W.;Barclay, T.;Barentsen, G.;Howell, S. B.;Mullally, F.;Udalski, A.;Szymański, M. K.;Skowron, J.;Mróz, P.;Kozłowski, S.;Wyrzykowski, Ł.;Pietrukowicz, P.;Soszyński, I.;Ulaczyk, K.;Pawlak, M.;OGLE Project, The;Sumi, T.;Abe, F.;Asakura, Y.;Barry, R. K.;Bhattacharya, A.;Bond, I. A.;Donachie, M.;Freeman, M.;Fukui, A.;Hirao, Y.;Itow, Y.;Koshimoto, N.;Li, M. C. A.;Ling, C. H.;Masuda, K.;Matsubara, Y.;Muraki, Y.;Nagakane, M.;Ohnishi, K.;Oyokawa, H.;Rattenbury, N.;Saito, To.;Sharan, A.;Sullivan, D. J.;Tristram, P. J.;Yonehara, A.;MOA Collaboration;Bachelet, E.;Bramich, D. M.;Cassan, A.;Dominik, M.;Figuera Jaimes, R.;Horne, K.;Hundertmark, M.;Mao, S.;Ranc, C.;Schmidt, R.;Snodgrass, C.;Steele, I. A.;Tsapras, Y.;Wambsganss, J.;RoboNet Project, Bozza, V.;Burgdorf, M. J.;Jørgensen, U. G.;Calchi Novati, S.;Ciceri, S.;D'Ago, G.;Evans, D. F.;Hessman, F. V.;Hinse, T. C.;Husser, T. -O.;Mancini, L.;Popovas, A.;Rabus, M.;Rahvar, S.;Scarpetta, G.;Skottfelt, J.;Southworth, J.;Unda-Sanzana, E.;MiNDSTEp Team;Bryson, S. T.;Caldwell, D. A.;Haas, M. R.;Larson, K.;McCalmont, K.;Packard, M.;Peterson, C.;Putnam, D.;Reedy, L.;Ross, S.;Van Cleve, J. E.;K2C9 Engineering Team;Akeson, R.;Batista, V.;Beaulieu, J. -P.;Beichman, C. A.;Bryden, G.;Ciardi, D.;Cole, A.;Coutures, C.;Foreman-Mackey, D.;Fouqué, P.;Friedmann, M.;Gelino, C.;Kaspi, S.;Kerins, E.;Korhonen, H.;Lang, D.;Lee, C. -H.;Lineweaver, C. H.;Maoz, D.;Marquette, J. -B.;Mogavero, F.;Morales, J. C.;Nataf, D.;Pogge, R. W.;Santerne, A.;Shvartzvald, Y.;Suzuki, D.;Tamura, M.;Tisserand, P.;Wang, D. - 58
2017ApJS..229...41M Seven Years of Imaging the Global Heliosphere with IBEX McComas, D. J.;Zirnstein, E. J.;Bzowski, M.;Dayeh, M. A.;Funsten, H. O.;Fuselier, S. A.;Janzen, P. H.;Kubiak, M. A.;Kucharek, H.;Möbius, E.;Reisenfeld, D. B.;Schwadron, N. A.;Sokół, J. M.;Szalay, J. R.;Tokumaru, M. - 56
2017ApJ...836..182J Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): Exploring the WISE Web in G12 Jarrett, T. H.;Cluver, M. E.;Magoulas, C.;Bilicki, M.;Alpaslan, M.;Bland-Hawthorn, J.;Brough, S.;Brown, M. J. I.;Croom, S.;Driver, S.;Holwerda, B. W.;Hopkins, A. M.;Loveday, J.;Norberg, P.;Peacock, J. A.;Popescu, C. C.;Sadler, E. M.;Taylor, E. N.;Tuffs, R. J.;Wang, L. - 55
2016ApJ...832..155F The High Cadence Transient Survey (HITS). I. Survey Design and Supernova Shock Breakout Constraints Förster, F.;Maureira, J. C.;San Martín, J.;Hamuy, M.;Martínez, J.;Huijse, P.;Cabrera, G.;Galbany, L.;de Jaeger, Th.;González–Gaitán, S.;Anderson, J. P.;Kunkarayakti, H.;Pignata, G.;Bufano, F.;Littín, J.;Olivares, F.;Medina, G.;Smith, R. C.;Vivas, A. K.;Estévez, P. A.;Muñoz, R.;Vera, E. - 37
2017ApJ...839...23B The Physical Nature of Subdwarf A Stars: White Dwarf Impostors Brown, Warren R.;Kilic, Mukremin;Gianninas, A. - 29
2017PASP..129a5004M A New Method for Wide-field Near-IR Imaging with the Hubble Space Telescope Momcheva, Ivelina G.;van Dokkum, Pieter G.;van der Wel, Arjen;Brammer, Gabriel B.;MacKenty, John;Nelson, Erica J.;Leja, Joel;Muzzin, Adam;Franx, Marijn Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016A&A...595A...6C Gaia Data Release 1. On-orbit performance of the Gaia CCDs at L2 Crowley, C.;Kohley, R.;Hambly, N. C.;Davidson, M.;Abreu, A.;van Leeuwen, F.;Fabricius, C.;Seabroke, G.;de Bruijne, J. H. J.;Short, A.;Lindegren, L.;Brown, A. G. A.;Sarri, G.;Gare, P.;Prusti, T.;Prod'homme, T.;Mora, A.;Martín-Fleitas, J.;Raison, F.;Lammers, U.;O'Mullane, W.;Jansen, F. - 26
2016ApJ...833..154C Hubble Tarantula Treasury Project V. The Star Cluster Hodge 301: The Old Face of 30 Doradus Cignoni, M.;Sabbi, E.;van der Marel, R. P.;Lennon, D. J.;Tosi, M.;Grebel, E. K.;Gallagher, J. S., III;Aloisi, A.;de Marchi, G.;Gouliermis, D. A.;Larsen, S.;Panagia, N.;Smith, L. J. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016ApJ...833..277R Tracking the Solar Cycle through IBEX Observations of Energetic Neutral Atom Flux Variations at the Heliospheric Poles Reisenfeld, D. B.;Bzowski, M.;Funsten, H. O.;Fuselier, S. A.;Galli, A.;Janzen, P. H.;Karna, N.;Kubiak, M. A.;McComas, D. J.;Schwadron, N. A.;Sokół, J. M. - 21
2017ApJ...834...60Y Interstellar-medium Mapping in M82 through Light Echoes around Supernova 2014J Yang, Yi;Wang, Lifan;Baade, Dietrich;Brown, Peter. J.;Cracraft, Misty;Höflich, Peter A.;Maund, Justyn;Patat, Ferdinando;Sparks, William B.;Spyromilio, Jason;Stevance, Heloise F.;Wang, Xiaofeng;Wheeler, J. Craig - 20
2017ApJ...836..188Z How to COAAD Images. II. A Coaddition Image that is Optimal for Any Purpose in the Background-dominated Noise Limit Zackay, Barak;Ofek, Eran O. - 18
2017ApJ...841...76L The Intrinsic Far-infrared Continua of Type-1 Quasars Lyu, Jianwei;Rieke, George H. - 18
2016MNRAS.463.3354R Towards ab initio extremely metal-poor stars Ritter, Jeremy S.;Safranek-Shrader, Chalence;Milosavljević, Miloš;Bromm, Volker - 17
2017A&A...599A..50A Gaia Data Release 1. Catalogue validation Arenou, F.;Luri, X.;Babusiaux, C.;Fabricius, C.;Helmi, A.;Robin, A. C.;Vallenari, A.;Blanco-Cuaresma, S.;Cantat-Gaudin, T.;Findeisen, K.;Reylé, C.;Ruiz-Dern, L.;Sordo, R.;Turon, C.;Walton, N. A.;Shih, I. -C.;Antiche, E.;Barache, C.;Barros, M.;Breddels, M.;Carrasco, J. M.;Costigan, G.;Diakité, S.;Eyer, L.;Figueras, F.;Galluccio, L.;Heu, J.;Jordi, C.;Krone-Martins, A.;Lallement, R.;Lambert, S.;Leclerc, N.;Marrese, P. M.;Moitinho, A.;Mor, R.;Romero-Gómez, M.;Sartoretti, P.;Soria, S.;Soubiran, C.;Souchay, J.;Veljanoski, J.;Ziaeepour, H.;Giuffrida, G.;Pancino, E.;Bragaglia, A. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2017A&A...597A.109S Hα Doppler shifts in a tornado in the solar corona Schmieder, B.;Mein, P.;Mein, N.;Levens, P. J.;Labrosse, N.;Ofman, L. - 16
2017MNRAS.467.3024L Lensing is low: cosmology, galaxy formation or new physics? Leauthaud, Alexie;Saito, Shun;Hilbert, Stefan;Barreira, Alexandre;More, Surhud;White, Martin;Alam, Shadab;Behroozi, Peter;Bundy, Kevin;Coupon, Jean;Erben, Thomas;Heymans, Catherine;Hildebrandt, Hendrik;Mandelbaum, Rachel;Miller, Lance;Moraes, Bruno;Pereira, Maria E. S.;Rodríguez-Torres, Sergio A.;Schmidt, Fabian;Shan, Huan-Yuan;Viel, Matteo;Villaescusa-Navarro, Francisco - 16
2017ApJ...834..121T Physical Contact between the +20 km s^{-1} Cloud and the Galactic Circumnuclear Disk Takekawa, Shunya;Oka, Tomoharu;Tanaka, Kunihiko - 15
2017AJ....153..272L Chaotic Zones around Rotating Small Bodies Lages, José;Shepelyansky, Dima L.;Shevchenko, Ivan I. - 14
2017AJ....153...29S Detection of Rotational Spectral Variation on the M-type Asteroid (16) Psyche Sanchez, Juan A.;Reddy, Vishnu;Shepard, Michael K.;Thomas, Cristina;Cloutis, Edward A.;Takir, Driss;Conrad, Albert;Kiddell, Cain;Applin, Daniel - 12
2017MNRAS.465.3536L Using the multi-object adaptive optics demonstrator RAVEN to observe metal-poor stars in and towards the Galactic Centre Lamb, M.;Venn, K.;Andersen, D.;Oya, S.;Shetrone, M.;Fattahi, A.;Howes, L.;Asplund, M.;Lardière, O.;Akiyama, M.;Ono, Y.;Terada, H.;Hayano, Y.;Suzuki, G.;Blain, C.;Jackson, K.;Correia, C.;Youakim, K.;Bradley, C. - 12
2016MNRAS.463..635H RCSLenS: The Red Cluster Sequence Lensing Survey Hildebrandt, H.;Choi, A.;Heymans, C.;Blake, C.;Erben, T.;Miller, L.;Nakajima, R.;van Waerbeke, L.;Viola, M.;Buddendiek, A.;Harnois-Déraps, J.;Hojjati, A.;Joachimi, B.;Joudaki, S.;Kitching, T. D.;Wolf, C.;Gwyn, S.;Johnson, N.;Kuijken, K.;Sheikhbahaee, Z.;Tudorica, A.;Yee, H. K. C. - 10
2017MNRAS.466.1582W The 2-degree Field Lensing Survey: photometric redshifts from a large new training sample to r < 19.5 Wolf, C.;Johnson, A. S.;Bilicki, M.;Blake, C.;Amon, A.;Erben, T.;Glazebrook, K.;Heymans, C.;Hildebrandt, H.;Joudaki, S.;Klaes, D.;Kuijken, K.;Lidman, C.;Marin, F.;Parkinson, D.;Poole, G. - 10
2016A&A...596A..39K Machine-learning identification of galaxies in the WISE × SuperCOSMOS all-sky catalogue Krakowski, T.;Małek, K.;Bilicki, M.;Pollo, A.;Kurcz, A.;Krupa, M. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2017MNRAS.467.4220R H0LiCOW - III. Quantifying the effect of mass along the line of sight to the gravitational lens HE 0435-1223 through weighted galaxy counts★ Rusu, Cristian E.;Fassnacht, Christopher D.;Sluse, Dominique;Hilbert, Stefan;Wong, Kenneth C.;Huang, Kuang-Han;Suyu, Sherry H.;Collett, Thomas E.;Marshall, Philip J.;Treu, Tommaso;Koopmans, Leon V. E. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2017ApJ...840...59C The RAVE-on Catalog of Stellar Atmospheric Parameters and Chemical Abundances for Chemo-dynamic Studies in the Gaia Era Casey, Andrew R.;Hawkins, Keith;Hogg, David W.;Ness, Melissa;Rix, Hans-Walter;Kordopatis, Georges;Kunder, Andrea;Steinmetz, Matthias;Koposov, Sergey;Enke, Harry;Sanders, Jason;Gilmore, Gerry;Zwitter, Tomaž;Freeman, Kenneth C.;Casagrande, Luca;Matijevič, Gal;Seabroke, George;Bienaymé, Olivier;Bland-Hawthorn, Joss;Gibson, Brad K.;Grebel, Eva K.;Helmi, Amina;Munari, Ulisse;Navarro, Julio F.;Reid, Warren;Siebert, Arnaud;Wyse, Rosemary Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2017A&A...599A.143S Stellar halo hierarchical density structure identification using (F)OPTICS Sans Fuentes, S. A.;De Ridder, J.;Debosscher, J. - 7
2017AJ....153..154B Large Magellanic Cloud Near-infrared Synoptic Survey. IV. Leavitt Laws for Type II Cepheid Variables Bhardwaj, Anupam;Macri, Lucas M.;Rejkuba, Marina;Kanbur, Shashi M.;Ngeow, Chow-Choong;Singh, Harinder P. - 7
2016A&A...595A...5M Gaia Data Release 1. Reference frame and optical properties of ICRF sources Mignard, F.;Klioner, S.;Lindegren, L.;Bastian, U.;Bombrun, A.;Hernández, J.;Hobbs, D.;Lammers, U.;Michalik, D.;Ramos-Lerate, M.;Biermann, M.;Butkevich, A.;Comoretto, G.;Joliet, E.;Holl, B.;Hutton, A.;Parsons, P.;Steidelmüller, H.;Andrei, A.;Bourda, G.;Charlot, P. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016ApJ...831..207K Catastrophic Disruption of Comet ISON Keane, Jacqueline V.;Milam, Stefanie N.;Coulson, Iain M.;Kleyna, Jan T.;Sekanina, Zdenek;Kracht, Rainer;Riesen, Timm-Emmanuel;Meech, Karen J.;Charnley, Steven B. - 6
2017A&A...600L...4A Hot Stuff for One Year (HSOY). A 583 million star proper motion catalogue derived from Gaia DR1 and PPMXL Altmann, M.;Roeser, S.;Demleitner, M.;Bastian, U.;Schilbach, E. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper
Use of VO tools: STILTS
2017A&A...602A..28M Infrared signature of active massive black holes in nearby dwarf galaxies Marleau, Francine R.;Clancy, Dominic;Habas, Rebecca;Bianconi, Matteo VO publication of data collections. Using and accessing SVOCat
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2016ApJ...833..119A Estimating Distances from Parallaxes. III. Distances of Two Million Stars in the Gaia DR1 Catalogue Astraatmadja, Tri L.;Bailer-Jones, Coryn A. L. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2017MNRAS.465.3101J Discovery of a variable lead-rich hot subdwarf: UVO 0825+15 Jeffery, C. S.;Baran, A. S.;Behara, N. T.;Kvammen, A.;Martin, P.;N, Naslim;Østensen, R. H.;Preece, H. P.;Reed, M. D.;Telting, J. H.;Woolf, V. M. VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2016ApJ...833..138R PSR J1301+0833: A Kinematic Study of a Black-widow Pulsar Romani, Roger W.;Graham, Melissa L.;Filippenko, Alexei V.;Zheng, WeiKang - 4
2016ApJ...833...78M Photometric and Astrometric Vagaries of the Enigma Star KIC 8462852 Makarov, Valeri V.;Goldin, Alexey Use of VO tools: Aladin
2017A&A...597A..24R Probing the dynamical and X-ray mass proxies of the cluster of galaxies Abell S1101 Rabitz, Andreas;Zhang, Yu-Ying;Schwope, Axel;Verdugo, Miguel;Reiprich, Thomas H.;Klein, Matthias - 4
2017ApJ...836..120R The Next Generation Virgo Cluster Survey (NGVS). XXIV. The Red Sequence to ~106 L and Comparisons with Galaxy Formation Models Roediger, Joel C.;Ferrarese, Laura;Côté, Patrick;MacArthur, Lauren A.;Sánchez-Janssen, Rúben;Blakeslee, John P.;Peng, Eric W.;Liu, Chengze;Munoz, Roberto;Cuillandre, Jean-Charles;Gwyn, Stephen;Mei, Simona;Boissier, Samuel;Boselli, Alessandro;Cantiello, Michele;Courteau, Stéphane;Duc, Pierre-Alain;Lançon, Ariane;Mihos, J. Christopher;Puzia, Thomas H.;Taylor, James E.;Durrell, Patrick R.;Toloba, Elisa;Guhathakurta, Puragra;Zhang, Hongxin VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper. Use of Millenium database.
2017ApJ...839...86H Radial Surface Density Profiles of Gas and Dust in the Debris Disk around 49 Ceti Hughes, A. Meredith;Lieman-Sifry, Jesse;Flaherty, Kevin M.;Daley, Cail M.;Roberge, Aki;Kóspál, Ágnes;Moór, Attila;Kamp, Inga;Wilner, David J.;Andrews, Sean M.;Kastner, Joel H.;Ábrahám, Peter Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2017MNRAS.466.4888B The cosmic assembly of stellar haloes in massive early-type Galaxies Buitrago, Fernando;Trujillo, Ignacio;Curtis-Lake, Emma;Montes, Mireia;Cooper, Andrew P.;Bruce, Victoria A.;Pérez-González, Pablo G.;Cirasuolo, Michele Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
2017MNRAS.467..412P Globular clusters with Gaia Pancino, E.;Bellazzini, M.;Giuffrida, G.;Marinoni, S. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2017MNRAS.468.1769F The varying mass distribution of molecular clouds across M83 Freeman, Pamela;Rosolowsky, Erik;Kruijssen, J. M. Diederik;Bastian, Nate;Adamo, Angela VO project (JVO) acknowledged in the paper.
2017PASP..129e8012V Linking the X3D Pathway to Integral Field Spectrographs: YSNR 1E 0102.2-7219 in the SMC as a Case Study Vogt, Frédéric P. A.;Seitenzahl, Ivo R.;Dopita, Michael A.;Ruiter, Ashley J. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016AJ....152..198K The Rotation Period Distributions of 4-10 Myr T Tauri Stars in Orion OB1: New Constraints on Pre-main-sequence Angular Momentum Evolution Karim, Md Tanveer;Stassun, Keivan G.;Briceño, César;Vivas, A. Katherina;Raetz, Stefanie;Mateu, Cecilia;José Downes, Juan;Calvet, Nuria;Hernández, Jesús;Neuhäuser, Ralph;Mugrauer, Markus;Takahashi, Hidenori;Tachihara, Kengo;Chini, Rolf;Cruz-Dias, Gustavo A.;Aarnio, Alicia;James, David J.;Hackstein, Moritz Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016ApJ...832..123L On the Universality of the Bound Zone Peculiar Velocity Profile Lee, Jounghun - 3
2016MNRAS.462.3146V The Herschel-ATLAS data release 1 - I. Maps, catalogues and number counts Valiante, E.,Smith, M. W. L.,Eales, S.,Maddox, S. J.,Ibar, E.,Hopwood, R.,Dunne, L.,Cigan, P. J.,Dye, S.,Pascale, E.,Rigby, E. E.,Bourne, N.,Furlanetto, C.,Ivison, R. J. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2017A&A...597A..47C CARMENES input catalogue of M dwarfs. II. High-resolution imaging with FastCam Cortés-Contreras, M.;Béjar, V. J. S.;Caballero, J. A.;Gauza, B.;Montes, D.;Alonso-Floriano, F. J.;Jeffers, S. V.;Morales, J. C.;Reiners, A.;Ribas, I.;Schöfer, P.;Quirrenbach, A.;Amado, P. J.;Mundt, R.;Seifert, W. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2017A&A...599A..81M OmegaWINGS: spectroscopy in the outskirts of local clusters of galaxies Moretti, A.;Gullieuszik, M.;Poggianti, B.;Paccagnella, A.;Couch, W. J.;Vulcani, B.;Bettoni, D.;Fritz, J.;Cava, A.;Fasano, G.;D'Onofrio, M.;Omizzolo, A. VO publication of data collections. Using and accessing SVOCat
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2017A&A...601A..61V Evidence for azimuthal variations of the oxygen-abundance gradient tracing the spiral structure of the galaxy HCG 91c Vogt, F. P. A.;Pérez, E.;Dopita, M. A.;Verdes-Montenegro, L.;Borthakur, S. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2017ApJ...835..152C Testing Metal-Poor Stellar Models and Isochrones with HST Parallaxes of Metal-Poor Stars Chaboyer, B.;McArthur, B. E.;O'Malley, E.;Benedict, G. F.;Feiden, G. A.;Harrison, T. E.;McWilliam, A.;Nelan, E. P.;Patterson, R. J.;Sarajedini, A. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2017MNRAS.467.3993A The clustering of galaxies in the completed SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: cosmic flows and cosmic web from luminous red galaxies Ata, Metin;Kitaura, Francisco-Shu;Chuang, Chia-Hsun;Rodríguez-Torres, Sergio;Angulo, Raul E.;Ferraro, Simone;Gil-Marín, Hector;McDonald, Patrick;Hernández Monteagudo, Carlos;Müller, Volker;Yepes, Gustavo;Autefage, Mathieu;Baumgarten, Falk;Beutler, Florian;Brownstein, Joel R.;Burden, Angela;Eisenstein, Daniel J.;Guo, Hong;Ho, Shirley;McBride, Cameron;Neyrinck, Mark;Olmstead, Matthew D.;Padmanabhan, Nikhil;Percival, Will J.;Prada, Francisco;Rossi, Graziano;Sánchez, Ariel G.;Schlegel, David;Schneider, Donald P.;Seo, Hee-Jong;Streblyanska, Alina;Tinker, Jeremy;Tojeiro, Rita;Vargas-Magana, Mariana VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper
2017PASP..129e8011M A Case Study in Astronomical 3D Printing: The Mysterious η Carinae Madura, Thomas I. - 3
2017PASP..129f5003W Initial Estimates on the Performance of the LSST on the Detection of Eclipsing Binaries Wells, Mark;Prša, Andrej;Jones, Lynne;Yoachim, Peter - 3
2016A&A...596A.113B The seven sisters DANCe. II. Proper motions and the lithium rotation-activity connection for G and K Pleiades Barrado, D.;Bouy, H.;Bouvier, J.;Moraux, E.;Sarro, L. M.;Bertin, E.;Cuillandre, J. -C.;Stauffer, J. R.;Lillo-Box, J.;Pollock, A. Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2016AJ....152..141B The Solar Neighborhood. XXXVII: The Mass-Luminosity Relation for Main-sequence M Dwarfs Benedict, G. F.;Henry, T. J.;Franz, O. G.;McArthur, B. E.;Wasserman, L. H.;Jao, Wei-Chun;Cargile, P. A.;Dieterich, S. B.;Bradley, A. J.;Nelan, E. P.;Whipple, A. L. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016ApJ...832...12T Analysis of the Herschel/Hexos Spectral Survey Toward Orion South: A Massive Protostellar Envelope with Strong External Irradiation Tahani, K.;Plume, R.;Bergin, E. A.;Tolls, V.;Phillips, T. G.;Caux, E.;Cabrit, S.;Goicoechea, J. R.;Goldsmith, P. F.;Johnstone, D.;Lis, D. C.;Pagani, L.;Menten, K. M.;Müller, H. S. P.;Ossenkopf-Okada, V.;Pearson, J. C.;van der Tak, F. F. S. - 2
2016ApJS..227...18K A Comprehensive Search for Stellar Bowshock Nebulae in the Milky Way: A Catalog of 709 Mid-infrared Selected Candidates Kobulnicky, Henry A.;Chick, William T.;Schurhammer, Danielle P.;Andrews, Julian E.;Povich, Matthew S.;Munari, Stephan A.;Olivier, Grace M.;Sorber, Rebecca L.;Wernke, Heather N.;Dale, Daniel A.;Dixon, Don M. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016MNRAS.462.4067P Extreme star formation events in quasar hosts over 0.5 〈 z 〈 4 Pitchford, L. K.,Hatziminaoglou, E.,Feltre, A.,Farrah, D.,Clarke, C.,Harris, K. A.,Hurley, P.,Oliver, S.,Page, M.,Wang, L. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016MNRAS.463.1769B Finest light curve details, physical parameters, and period fluctuations of CoRoT RR Lyrae stars Benk‘, J. M.;Szabó, R.;Derekas, A.;Sódor, Á. - 2
2017A&A...599A.142R Stellar laboratories . VIII. New Zr iv-vii, Xe iv-v, and Xe vii oscillator strengths and the Al, Zr, and Xe abundances in the hot white dwarfs G191-B2B and RE 0503-289 Rauch, T.;Gamrath, S.;Quinet, P.;Löbling, L.;Hoyer, D.;Werner, K.;Kruk, J. W.;Demleitner, M. VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper
Use of VO services. TMAD provided by GAVO
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2017ApJ...838..139S Radio Follow-up on All Unassociated Gamma-Ray Sources from the Third Fermi Large Area Telescope Source Catalog Schinzel, Frank K.;Petrov, Leonid;Taylor, Gregory B.;Edwards, Philip G. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2017ApJ...841...28P Further Constraints on Variations in the Initial Mass Function from Low-mass X-ray Binary Populations Peacock, Mark B.;Zepf, Stephen E.;Kundu, Arunav;Maccarone, Thomas J.;Lehmer, Bret D.;Maraston, Claudia;Gonzalez, Anthony H.;Eufrasio, Rafael T.;Coulter, David A. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2017ApJ...841...37G Hints on the Gradual Resizing of the Torus in AGNs through Decomposition of Spitzer/IRS Spectra González-Martín, Omaira;Masegosa, Josefa;Hernán-Caballero, Antonio;Márquez, Isabel;Ramos Almeida, Cristina;Alonso-Herrero, Almudena;Aretxaga, Itziar;Rodríguez-Espinosa, José Miguel;Acosta-Pulido, Jose Antonio;Hernández-García, Lorena;Esparza-Arredondo, Donaji;Martínez-Paredes, Mariela;Bonfini, Paolo;Pasetto, Alice;Dultzin, Deborah - 2
2017MNRAS.464.4420S Galaxy Zoo: quantitative visual morphological classifications for 48 000 galaxies from CANDELS Simmons, B. D.;Lintott, Chris;Willett, Kyle W.;Masters, Karen L.;Kartaltepe, Jeyhan S.;Häußler, Boris;Kaviraj, Sugata;Krawczyk, Coleman;Kruk, S. J.;McIntosh, Daniel H.;Smethurst, R. J.;Nichol, Robert C.;Scarlata, Claudia;Schawinski, Kevin;Conselice, Christopher J.;Almaini, Omar;Ferguson, Henry C.;Fortson, Lucy;Hartley, William;Kocevski, Dale;Koekemoer, Anton M.;Mortlock, Alice;Newman, Jeffrey A.;Bamford, Steven P.;Grogin, N. A.;Lucas, Ray A.;Hathi, Nimish P.;McGrath, Elizabeth;Peth, Michael;Pforr, Janine;Rizer, Zachary;Wuyts, Stijn;Barro, Guillermo;Bell, Eric F.;Castellano, Marco;Dahlen, Tomas;Dekel, Avishai;Ownsworth, Jamie;Faber, Sandra M.;Finkelstein, Steven L.;Fontana, Adriano;Galametz, Audrey;Grützbauch, Ruth;Koo, David;Lotz, Jennifer;Mobasher, Bahram;Mozena, Mark;Salvato, Mara;Wiklind, Tommy Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2017MNRAS.465.2381M The origin of scatter in the stellar mass-halo mass relation of central galaxies in the EAGLE simulation Matthee, Jorryt;Schaye, Joop;Crain, Robert A.;Schaller, Matthieu;Bower, Richard;Theuns, Tom Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2017MNRAS.465.2833C The evolution of the galaxy content of dark matter haloes Contreras, S.;Zehavi, I.;Baugh, C. M.;Padilla, N.;Norberg, P. VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper. Use of Millenium database.
2017MNRAS.466.4021P Deep Chandra observations of NGC 7457, the X-ray point source populations of a low-mass early-type galaxy Peacock, Mark B.;Zepf, Stephen E.;Kundu, Arunav;Maccarone, Thomas J.;Lehmer, Bret D.;Gonzalez, Anthony H.;Maraston, Claudia Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2017MNRAS.468.1850H Galaxy Zoo: star formation versus spiral arm number Hart, Ross E.;Bamford, Steven P.;Casteels, Kevin R. V.;Kruk, Sandor J.;Lintott, Chris J.;Masters, Karen L. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2017PASP..129f4101Z Project Overview of the Beijing-Arizona Sky Survey Zou, Hu;Zhou, Xu;Fan, Xiaohui;Zhang, Tianmeng;Zhou, Zhimin;Nie, Jundan;Peng, Xiyan;McGreer, Ian;Jiang, Linhua;Dey, Arjun;Fan, Dongwei;He, Boliang;Jiang, Zhaoji;Lang, Dustin;Lesser, Michael;Ma, Jun;Mao, Shude;Schlegel, David;Wang, Jiali VO project (China-VO) acknowledged in the paper
2016A&A...595A..95D Stellar classification of CoRoT targets Damiani, C.;Meunier, J. -C.;Moutou, C.;Deleuil, M.;Ysard, N.;Baudin, F.;Deeg, H. Use of VO tools: Vizier
2016ApJ...831..110G MC2: Dynamical Analysis of the Merging Galaxy Cluster MACS J1149.5+2223 Golovich, Nathan;Dawson, William A.;Wittman, David;Ogrean, Georgiana;van Weeren, Reinout;Bonafede, Annalisa Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016ApJ...832..124B A Deep Search for Faint Galaxies Associated with Very Low Redshift C iv Absorbers. III. The Mass- and Environment-dependent Circumgalactic Medium Burchett, Joseph N.;Tripp, Todd M.;Bordoloi, Rongmon;Werk, Jessica K.;Prochaska, J. Xavier;Tumlinson, Jason;Willmer, C. N. A.;O'Meara, John;Katz, Neal - 1
2016ApJ...833...16K Portrait of a Dark Horse: a Photometric and Spectroscopic Study of the Ultra-faint Milky Way Satellite Pegasus III Kim, Dongwon;Jerjen, Helmut;Geha, Marla;Chiti, Anirudh;Milone, Antonino P.;Da Costa, Gary;Mackey, Dougal;Frebel, Anna;Conn, Blair - 1
2016ApJS..227...12P The Next Generation Virgo Cluster Survey (NGVS). XXV. Fiducial Panchromatic Colors of Virgo Core Globular Clusters and Their Comparison to Model Predictions Powalka, Mathieu;Lançon, Ariane;Puzia, Thomas H.;Peng, Eric W.;Liu, Chengze;Muñoz, Roberto P.;Blakeslee, John P.;Côté, Patrick;Ferrarese, Laura;Roediger, Joel;Sánchez-Janssen, Rúben;Zhang, Hongxin;Durrell, Patrick R.;Cuillandre, Jean-Charles;Duc, Pierre-Alain;Guhathakurta, Puragra;Gwyn, S. D. J.;Hudelot, Patrick;Mei, Simona;Toloba, Elisa Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016MNRAS.462.2819B Parsec-scale H I absorption structure in a low-redshift galaxy seen against a compact symmetric object Biggs, A. D.,Zwaan, M. A.,Hatziminaoglou, E.,Péroux, C.,Liske, J. - 1
2016MNRAS.462.4141L The XXL survey XV: evidence for dry merger driven BCG growth in XXL-100-GC X-ray clusters Lavoie, S.;Willis, J. P.;Démoclès, J.;Eckert, D.;Gastaldello, F.;Smith, G. P.;Lidman, C.;Adami, C.;Pacaud, F.;Pierre, M.;Clerc, N.;Giles, P.;Lieu, M.;Chiappetti, L.;Altieri, B.;Ardila, F.;Baldry, I.;Bongiorno, A.;Desai, S.;Elyiv, A.;Faccioli, L.;Gardner, B.;Garilli, B.;Groote, M. W.;Guennou, L.;Guzzo, L.;Hopkins, A. M.;Liske, J.;McGee, S.;Melnyk, O.;Owers, M. S.;Poggianti, B.;Ponman, T. J.;Scodeggio, M.;Spitler, L.;Tuffs, R. J. - 1
2016MNRAS.463.1844S A path towards understanding the rotation-activity relation of M dwarfs with K2 mission, X-ray and UV data Stelzer, B.,Damasso, M.,Scholz, A.,Matt, S. P. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016MNRAS.463.2125P The white dwarf binary pathways survey - I. A sample of FGK stars with white dwarf companions Parsons, S. G.,Rebassa-Mansergas, A.,Schreiber, M. R.,Gänsicke, B. T.,Zorotovic, M.,Ren, J. J. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2016MNRAS.463.3563T Morphology and kinematics of the gas envelope of protostar L1527 as obtained from ALMA observations of the C18O(2-1) line emission Tuan-Anh, P.;Nhung, P. T.;Hoai, D. T.;Diep, P. N.;Phuong, N. T.;Thao, N. T.;Darriulat, P. - 1
2017A&A...598A.124K Orion revisited. III. The Orion Belt population Kubiak, K.;Alves, J.;Bouy, H.;Sarro, L. M.;Ascenso, J.;Burkert, A.;Forbrich, J.;Großschedl, J.;Hacar, A.;Hasenberger, B.;Lombardi, M.;Meingast, S.;Köhler, R.;Teixeira, P. S. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2017A&A...598A.135H Complete spectral energy distribution of the hot, helium-rich white dwarf RX J0503.9-2854 Hoyer, D.;Rauch, T.;Werner, K.;Kruk, J. W.;Quinet, P. VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper
Use of VO services. TMAD provided by GAVO
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2017A&A...599A..71D Aperture-free star formation rate of SDSS star-forming galaxies Duarte Puertas, S.;Vilchez, J. M.;Iglesias-Páramo, J.;Kehrig, C.;Pérez-Montero, E.;Rosales-Ortega, F. F. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: STILTS
2017A&A...599A..82M A long-term study of AGN X-ray variability . Structure function analysis on a ROSAT-XMM quasar sample Middei, R.;Vagnetti, F.;Bianchi, S.;La Franca, F.;Paolillo, M.;Ursini, F. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2017A&A...600A..32S Evolution of the real-space correlation function from next generation cluster surveys. Recovering the real-space correlation function from photometric redshifts Sridhar, Srivatsan;Maurogordato, Sophie;Benoist, Christophe;Cappi, Alberto;Marulli, Federico VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper. Use of Millenium database.
Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2017A&A...601A..44G Thermochemical modelling of brown dwarf discs Greenwood, A. J.;Kamp, I.;Waters, L. B. F. M.;Woitke, P.;Thi, W. -F.;Rab, Ch.;Aresu, G.;Spaans, M. Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2017A&A...601A..54M Age of the magnetically active WW Psa and TX Psa members of the β Pictoris association Messina, S.;Santallo, R.;Tan, T. G.;Elliott, P.;Feiden, G. A.;Buccino, A.;Mauas, P.;Petrucci, R.;Jofré, E. Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2017A&A...601A..74K Revealing the structure of the outer disks of Be stars Klement, R.;Carciofi, A. C.;Rivinius, T.;Matthews, L. D.;Vieira, R. G.;Ignace, R.;Bjorkman, J. E.;Mota, B. C.;Faes, D. M.;Bratcher, A. D.;Curé, M.;Štefl, S. Use of VO tools: VOSA
2017A&A...601A...8W Far-UV spectroscopy of two extremely hot, helium-rich white dwarfs Werner, K.;Rauch, T.;Kruk, J. W. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2017A&A...602A..79L Quasars as standard candles. I. The physical relation between disc and coronal emission Lusso, E.;Risaliti, G. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2017A&A...602L...4V [Fe XIV] and [Fe XI] reveal the forward shock in SNR 1E 0102.2-7219 Vogt, Frédéric P. A.;Seitenzahl, Ivo R.;Dopita, Michael A.;Ghavamian, Parviz Use of VO tools: Aladin
2017AJ....153..156C Extinction in the Star Cluster SAI 113 and Galactic Structure in Carina Carraro, Giovanni;Turner, David G.;Majaess, Daniel J.;Baume, Gustavo L.;Gamen, Roberto;Molina Lera, José A. VO publication of data collections. Using and accessing SVOCat
Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: STILTS
2017AJ....153..276Z The First Data Release of the Beijing-Arizona Sky Survey Zou, Hu;Zhang, Tianmeng;Zhou, Zhimin;Nie, Jundan;Peng, Xiyan;Zhou, Xu;Jiang, Linhua;Cai, Zheng;Dey, Arjun;Fan, Xiaohui;Fan, Dongwei;Guo, Yucheng;He, Boliang;Jiang, Zhaoji;Lang, Dustin;Lesser, Michael;Li, Zefeng;Ma, Jun;Mao, Shude;McGreer, Ian;Schlegel, David;Shao, Yali;Wang, Jiali;Wang, Shu;Wu, Jin;Wu, Xiaohan;Yang, Qian;Yue, Minghao VO project (China-VO) acknowledged in the paper
2017AN....338..103W Hamburger Sternwarte plate archives: Historic long-term variability study of active galaxies based on digitized photographic plates Wertz, M.;Horns, D.;Groote, D.;Tuvikene, T.;Czesla, S.;Schmitt, J. H. M. M. VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper
2017ApJ...836..174C Extragalactic Peaked-spectrum Radio Sources at Low Frequencies Callingham, J. R.;Ekers, R. D.;Gaensler, B. M.;Line, J. L. B.;Hurley-Walker, N.;Sadler, E. M.;Tingay, S. J.;Hancock, P. J.;Bell, M. E.;Dwarakanath, K. S.;For, B. -Q.;Franzen, T. M. O.;Hindson, L.;Johnston-Hollitt, M.;Kapińska, A. D.;Lenc, E.;McKinley, B.;Morgan, J.;Offringa, A. R.;Procopio, P.;Staveley-Smith, L.;Wayth, R. B.;Wu, C.;Zheng, Q. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2017ApJ...837...15D On the Incidence of WISE Infrared Excess among Solar Analog, Twin, and Sibling Stars Da Costa, A. D.;Canto Martins, B. L.;Leão, I. C.;Lima, J. E., Jr.;Freire da Silva, D.;de Freitas, D. B.;De Medeiros, J. R. VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper.
Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2017ApJ...837....8A Diversity of Abundance Patterns of Light Neutron-capture Elements in Very-metal-poor Stars Aoki, Misa;Ishimaru, Yuhri;Aoki, Wako;Wanajo, Shinya VO project (JVO) acknowledged in the paper.
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2017ApJ...839..125Z The Slowest Spinning X-Ray Pulsar in an Extragalactic Globular Cluster Zolotukhin, Ivan Yu.;Bachetti, Matteo;Sartore, Nicola;Chilingarian, Igor V.;Webb, Natalie A. Use of VO tools: Vizier
2017ApJ...840...21T Far-infrared Properties of Infrared-bright Dust-obscured Galaxies Selected with IRAS and AKARI Far-infrared All-sky Survey Toba, Yoshiki;Nagao, Tohru;Wang, Wei-Hao;Matsuhara, Hideo;Akiyama, Masayuki;Goto, Tomotsugu;Koyama, Yusei;Ohyama, Youich;Yamamura, Issei Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2017ApJ...840...58F Evolution of Compact and Fossil Groups of Galaxies from Semi-analytical Models of Galaxy Formation Farhang, Amin;Khosroshahi, Habib G.;Mamon, Gary A.;Dariush, Ali. A.;Raouf, Mojtaba VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper. Use of Millenium database.
2017ApJ...840L..12S WL 17: A Young Embedded Transition Disk Sheehan, Patrick D.;Eisner, Josh A. - 1
2017MNRAS.464.1306C The Large Area Radio Galaxy Evolution Spectroscopic Survey (LARGESS): survey design, data catalogue and GAMA/WiggleZ spectroscopy Ching, John H. Y.;Sadler, Elaine M.;Croom, Scott M.;Johnston, Helen M.;Pracy, Michael B.;Couch, Warrick J.;Hopkins, A. M.;Jurek, Russell J.;Pimbblet, K. A. Use of VO services: NVO Footprint Service
2017MNRAS.464.3040Z Primeval very low-mass stars and brown dwarfs - I. Six new L subdwarfs, classification and atmospheric properties Zhang, Z. H.;Pinfield, D. J.;Gálvez-Ortiz, M. C.;Burningham, B.;Lodieu, N.;Marocco, F.;Burgasser, A. J.;Day-Jones, A. C.;Allard, F.;Jones, H. R. A.;Homeier, D.;Gomes, J.;Smart, R. L. Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2017MNRAS.464.4176W Galaxy Zoo: morphological classifications for 120 000 galaxies in HST legacy imaging Willett, Kyle W.;Galloway, Melanie A.;Bamford, Steven P.;Lintott, Chris J.;Masters, Karen L.;Scarlata, Claudia;Simmons, B. D.;Beck, Melanie;Cardamone, Carolin N.;Cheung, Edmond;Edmondson, Edward M.;Fortson, Lucy F.;Griffith, Roger L.;Häußler, Boris;Han, Anna;Hart, Ross;Melvin, Thomas;Parrish, Michael;Schawinski, Kevin;Smethurst, R. J.;Smith, Arfon M. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2017MNRAS.464.4331N A Ks-band-selected catalogue of objects in the ALHAMBRA survey Nieves-Seoane, L.;Fernandez-Soto, A.;Arnalte-Mur, P.;Molino, A.;Stefanon, M.;Ferreras, I.;Ascaso, B.;Ballesteros, F. J.;Cristóbal-Hornillos, D.;López-Sanjuán, C.;Hurtado-Gil, Ll.;Márquez, I.;Masegosa, J.;Aguerri, J. A. L.;Alfaro, E.;Aparicio-Villegas, T.;Benítez, N.;Broadhurst, T.;Cabrera-Caño, J.;Castander, F. J.;Cepa, J.;Cerviño, M.;González Delgado, R. M.;Husillos, C.;Infante, L.;Martínez, V. J.;Moles, M.;Olmo, A. del;Perea, J.;Pović, M.;Prada, F.;Quintana, J. M.;Troncoso-Iribarren, P.;Viironen, K. VO publication of data collections. Using and accessing SVOCat
2017MNRAS.464.4593T Do the stellar populations of the brightest two group galaxies depend on the magnitude gap? Trevisan, M.;Mamon, G. A.;Khosroshahi, H. G. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2017MNRAS.464.4680D Herschel -ATLAS: revealing dust build-up and decline across gas, dust and stellar mass selected samples - I. Scaling relations De Vis, P.;Dunne, L.;Maddox, S.;Gomez, H. L.;Clark, C. J. R.;Bauer, A. E.;Viaene, S.;Schofield, S. P.;Baes, M.;Baker, A. J.;Bourne, N.;Driver, S. P.;Dye, S.;Eales, S. A.;Furlanetto, C.;Ivison, R. J.;Robotham, A. S. G.;Rowlands, K.;Smith, D. J. B.;Smith, M. W. L.;Valiante, E.;Wright, A. H. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2017MNRAS.464L..21R Precision prediction of the log power spectrum Repp, A.;Szapudi, I. VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper. Use of Millenium database.
2017MNRAS.465.1123S A broad perspective on multiple abundance populations in the globular cluster NGC 1851 Simpson, Jeffrey D.;Martell, Sarah L.;Navin, Colin A. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2017MNRAS.465.2517W HD 164492C: a rapidly rotating, Hα-bright, magnetic early B star associated with a 12.5 d spectroscopic binary Wade, G. A.;Shultz, M.;Sikora, J.;Bernier, M. -É.;Rivinius, Th.;Alecian, E.;Petit, V.;Grunhut, J. H. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2017MNRAS.465.3558N The Herschel-ATLAS: a sample of 500 μm-selected lensed galaxies over 600 deg2 Negrello, M.;Amber, S.;Amvrosiadis, A.;Cai, Z. -Y.;Lapi, A.;Gonzalez-Nuevo, J.;De Zotti, G.;Furlanetto, C.;Maddox, S. J.;Allen, M.;Bakx, T.;Bussmann, R. S.;Cooray, A.;Covone, G.;Danese, L.;Dannerbauer, H.;Fu, H.;Greenslade, J.;Gurwell, M.;Hopwood, R.;Koopmans, L. V. E.;Napolitano, N.;Nayyeri, H.;Omont, A.;Petrillo, C. E.;Riechers, D. A.;Serjeant, S.;Tortora, C.;Valiante, E.;Verdoes Kleijn, G.;Vernardos, G.;Wardlow, J. L.;Baes, M.;Baker, A. J.;Bourne, N.;Clements, D.;Crawford, S. M.;Dye, S.;Dunne, L.;Eales, S.;Ivison, R. J.;Marchetti, L.;Micha‚owski, M. J.;Smith, M. W. L.;Vaccari, M.;van der Werf, P. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2017MNRAS.466.2983G Discovery of wide low and very low-mass binary systems using Virtual Observatory tools Gálvez-Ortiz, M. C.;Solano, E.;Lodieu, N.;Aberasturi, M. Use of VO tools: VOSA
2017MNRAS.467.1126D 2MASS 0213+3648 C: A wide T3 benchmark companion to an an active, old M dwarf binary Deacon, N. R.;Magnier, E. A.;Liu, Michael C.;Schlieder, Joshua E.;Aller, Kimberly M.;Best, William M. J.;Bowler, Brendan P.;Burgett, W. S.;Chambers, K. C.;Draper, P. W.;Flewelling, H.;Hodapp, K. W.;Kaiser, N.;Metcalfe, N.;Sweeney, W. E.;Wainscoat, R. J.;Waters, C. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2017MNRAS.467.2517S On the mass of the Galactic star cluster NGC 4337 Seleznev, Anton F.;Carraro, Giovanni;Capuzzo-Dolcetta, Roberto;Monaco, Lorenzo;Baume, Gustavo VO publication of data collections. Using and accessing SVOCat
Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
Use of VO tools: STILTS
2017MNRAS.467.4118I The efficiency of ionizing photon production and the radiation energy balance in compact star-forming galaxies Izotov, Y. I.;Guseva, N. G.;Fricke, K. J.;Henkel, C.;Schaerer, D. Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2017MNRAS.468.1123S Similarities and uniqueness of Ly α emitters among star-forming galaxies at z = 2.5 Shimakawa, Rhythm;Kodama, Tadayuki;Shibuya, Takatoshi;Kashikawa, Nobunari;Tanaka, Ichi;Matsuda, Yuichi;Tadaki, Ken-ichi;Koyama, Yusei;Hayashi, Masao;Suzuki, Tomoko L.;Yamamoto, Moegi Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2017PASP..129b4005R C 3, A Command-line Catalog Cross-match Tool for Large Astrophysical Catalogs Riccio, Giuseppe;Brescia, Massimo;Cavuoti, Stefano;Mercurio, Amata;di Giorgio, Anna Maria;Molinari, Sergio Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: CDS Cross-match
Use of VO tools: STILTS
2017PASP..129e8001K Editorial: Techniques and Methods for Astrophysical Data Visualization Kent, Brian R. - 1
2017PASP..129e8003M Introducing Nightlight: A New FITS Viewer Muna, Demitri Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016A&A...595A.105D Characterisation of red supergiants in the Gaia spectral range Dorda, Ricardo;González-Fernández, Carlos;Negueruela, Ignacio Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016A&A...595A.120M Dissecting a supernova impostor's circumstellar medium: MUSEing about the SHAPE of η Carinae's outer ejecta Mehner, A.;Steffen, W.;Groh, J. H.;Vogt, F. P. A.;Baade, D.;Boffin, H. M. J.;Davidson, K.;de Wit, W. J.;Humphreys, R. M.;Martayan, C.;Oudmaijer, R. D.;Rivinius, T.;Selman, F. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016AJ....152..192A WIYN Open Cluster Study. LXXII. A uvbyCaHβ CCD Analysis of the Metal-deficient Open Cluster NGC 2506 Anthony-Twarog, Barbara J.;Deliyannis, Constantine P.;Twarog, Bruce A. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016ApJ...831..165V Disentangling the Virgo Overdensity with RR Lyrae stars Vivas, A. Katherina;Zinn, Robert;Farmer, John;Duffau, Sonia;Ping, Yiding Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016ApJ...833..171K Unravelling the Complex Structure of AGN-driven Outflows. II. Photoionization and Energetics Karouzos, Marios;Woo, Jong-Hak;Bae, Hyun-Jin Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016ApJ...833L..27S A Hot Companion to a Blue Straggler in NGC 188 as Revealed by the Ultra-Violet Imaging Telescope (UVIT) on ASTROSAT Subramaniam, Annapurni;Sindhu, N.;Tandon, S. N.;Kameswara Rao, N.;Postma, J.;Côté, Patrick;Hutchings, J. B.;Ghosh, S. K.;George, K.;Girish, V.;Mohan, R.;Murthy, J.;Sankarasubramanian, K.;Stalin, C. S.;Sutaria, F.;Mondal, C.;Sahu, S. Use of VO tools: VOSA
2016ApJS..227....6V Determination of Pulsation Periods and Other Parameters of 2875 Stars Classified as MIRA in the All Sky Automated Survey (ASAS) Vogt, N.;Contreras-Quijada, A.;Fuentes-Morales, I.;Vogt-Geisse, S.;Arcos, C.;Abarca, C.;Agurto-Gangas, C.;Caviedes, M.;DaSilva, H.;Flores, J.;Gotta, V.;Peñaloza, F.;Rojas, K.;Villaseñor, J. I. - -
2016MNRAS.462.2878P Star formation and AGN activity in the most luminous LINERs in the local universe Pović, Mirjana,Márquez, Isabel,Netzer, Hagai,Masegosa, Josefa,Nordon, Raanan,Pérez, Enrique,Schoenell, William Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2016MNRAS.462.2904A A GMRT survey of regions towards the Taurus molecular cloud at 323 and 608 MHz Ainsworth, Rachael E.,Coughlan, Colm P.,Green, David A.,Scaife, Anna M. M.,Ray, Tom P. Use of VO tools: Vizier
2016MNRAS.462.3401S Blue straggler star populations in globular clusters - II. Proper-motion cleaned HST catalogues of BSSs in 38 Galactic GCs Simunovic, Mirko,Puzia, Thomas H. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016MNRAS.462.3937L Phosphorus-bearing molecules in solar-type star-forming regions: first PO detection Lefloch, Bertrand,Vastel, C.,Viti, S.,Jimenez-Serra, I.,Codella, C.,Podio, L.,Ceccarelli, C.,Mendoza, E.,Lepine, J. R. D.,Bachiller, R. - -
2016MNRAS.462.3945A Observations of the planetary nebula RWT 152 with OSIRIS/GTC Aller, A.,Miranda, L. F.,Olguín, L.,Solano, E.,Ulla, A. VO project (SVO) acknowledged in the paper.
Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016MNRAS.463.1269B The evolution of red supergiants to supernova in NGC 2100 Beasor, Emma R.,Davies, Ben Use of VO tools: Aladin
2016PASP..128k4001S NEBULAR: A Simple Synthesis Code for the Hydrogen and Helium Nebular Spectrum Schirmer, Mischa Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2017A&A...597A..25V The millimeter IRAM-30 m line survey toward IK Tauri Velilla Prieto, L.;Sánchez Contreras, C.;Cernicharo, J.;Agúndez, M.;Quintana-Lacaci, G.;Bujarrabal, V.;Alcolea, J.;Balança, C.;Herpin, F.;Menten, K. M.;Wyrowski, F. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2017A&A...597A..65M Fe K and ejecta emission in SNR G15.9+0.2 with XMM-Newton Maggi, Pierre;Acero, Fabio Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2017A&A...597A..89P Probabilistic multi-catalogue positional cross-match Pineau, F. -X.;Derriere, S.;Motch, C.;Carrera, F. J.;Genova, F.;Michel, L.;Mingo, B.;Mints, A.;Nebot Gómez-Morán, A.;Rosen, S. R.;Ruiz Camuñas, A. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2017A&A...598A..17C 2WHSP: A multi-frequency selected catalogue of high energy and very high energy γ-ray blazars and blazar candidates Chang, Y. -L.;Arsioli, B.;Giommi, P.;Padovani, P. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2017A&A...598A...5P The Gaia-ESO Survey: Calibration strategy Pancino, E.;Lardo, C.;Altavilla, G.;Marinoni, S.;Ragaini, S.;Cocozza, G.;Bellazzini, M.;Sabbi, E.;Zoccali, M.;Donati, P.;Heiter, U.;Koposov, S. E.;Blomme, R.;Morel, T.;Símon-Díaz, S.;Lobel, A.;Soubiran, C.;Montalban, J.;Valentini, M.;Casey, A. R.;Blanco-Cuaresma, S.;Jofré, P.;Worley, C. C.;Magrini, L.;Hourihane, A.;François, P.;Feltzing, S.;Gilmore, G.;Randich, S.;Asplund, M.;Bonifacio, P.;Drew, J. E.;Jeffries, R. D.;Micela, G.;Vallenari, A.;Alfaro, E. J.;Allende Prieto, C.;Babusiaux, C.;Bensby, T.;Bragaglia, A.;Flaccomio, E.;Hambly, N.;Korn, A. J.;Lanzafame, A. C.;Smiljanic, R.;Van Eck, S.;Walton, N. A.;Bayo, A.;Carraro, G.;Costado, M. T.;Damiani, F.;Edvardsson, B.;Franciosini, E.;Frasca, A.;Lewis, J.;Monaco, L.;Morbidelli, L.;Prisinzano, L.;Sacco, G. G.;Sbordone, L.;Sousa, S. G.;Zaggia, S.;Koch, A. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2017A&A...598A..78I The GMRT 150 MHz all-sky radio survey. First alternative data release TGSS ADR1 Intema, H. T.;Jagannathan, P.;Mooley, K. P.;Frail, D. A. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2017A&A...598A..92L New ultracool subdwarfs identified in large-scale surveys using Virtual Observatory tools Lodieu, N.;Espinoza Contreras, M.;Zapatero Osorio, M. R.;Solano, E.;Aberasturi, M.;Martín, E. L.;Rodrigo, C. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: VOSA
VO publication of data collections. Using and accessing SVOCat
Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: STILTS
2017A&A...599A..59K An observational study of dust nucleation in Mira (o Ceti). II. Titanium oxides are negligible for nucleation at high temperatures Kamiński, T.;Müller, H. S. P.;Schmidt, M. R.;Cherchneff, I.;Wong, K. T.;Brünken, S.;Menten, K. M.;Winters, J. M.;Gottlieb, C. A.;Patel, N. A. Use of VO tools: CASSIS
2017A&A...600A..28L Investigating merging galaxies by using Pan-STARRS images Lin, Yi-Fan;Yu, Po-Chieh;Huang, Jen-Chao;Hwang, Chorng-Yuan;Chen, Wen-Ping;Kaiser, Nick;Metcalfe, Nigel;Waters, Christopher VO publication of data collections. Using and accessing SVOCat
2017A&A...600A..50G The population of hot subdwarf stars studied with Gaia. I. The catalog of known hot subdwarf stars Geier, S.;Østensen, R. H.;Nemeth, P.;Gentile Fusillo, N. P.;Gänsicke, B. T.;Telting, J. H.;Green, E. M.;Schaffenroth, J. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
VO publication of data collections. Using and accessing SVOCat
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2017A&A...601A..35P High-fidelity VLA imaging of the radio structure of 3C 273 Perley, R. A.;Meisenheimer, K. Use of VO tools: Splat-VO
2017A&A...602A..89P Astrophysical properties of star clusters in the Magellanic Clouds homogeneously estimated by ASteCA Perren, G. I.;Piatti, A. E.;Vázquez, R. A. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
VO project (JVO) acknowledged in the paper.
VO publication of data collections. Using and accessing SVOCat
Use of VO tools: Aladin
2017AJ....153..110G A VLA Search for Radio Signals from M31 and M33 Gray, Robert H.;Mooley, Kunal Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2017AJ....153..147B The Orbits of Jupiter’s Irregular Satellites Brozović, Marina;Jacobson, Robert A. - -
2017AJ....153...14W The Solar Neighborhood XXXVIII. Results from the CTIO/SMARTS 0.9m: Trigonometric Parallaxes for 151 Nearby M Dwarf Systems Winters, Jennifer G.;Sevrinsky, R. Andrew;Jao, Wei-Chun;Henry, Todd J.;Riedel, Adric R.;Subasavage, John P.;Lurie, John C.;Ianna, Philip A.;Finch, Charlie T. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2017AJ....153..248R Photometric and Spectroscopic Observations of the Algol Type Binary V Triangle Ren, A. B.;Zhang, X. B.;Fu, J. N.;Zhang, Y. P.;Cang, T. Q.;Fox-Machado, L.;Li, C. Q.;Khokhuntod, P.;Luo, Y. P. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2017AJ....153..258B HD 202206: A Circumbinary Brown Dwarf System Benedict, G. Fritz;Harrison, Thomas E. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2017AJ....153...97O KELT-16b: A Highly Irradiated, Ultra-short Period Hot Jupiter Nearing Tidal Disruption Oberst, Thomas E.;Rodriguez, Joseph E.;Colón, Knicole D.;Angerhausen, Daniel;Bieryla, Allyson;Ngo, Henry;Stevens, Daniel J.;Stassun, Keivan G.;Gaudi, B. Scott;Pepper, Joshua;Penev, Kaloyan;Mawet, Dimitri;Latham, David W.;Heintz, Tyler M.;Osei, Baffour W.;Collins, Karen A.;Kielkopf, John F.;Visgaitis, Tiffany;Reed, Phillip A.;Escamilla, Alejandra;Yazdi, Sormeh;McLeod, Kim K.;Lunsford, Leanne T.;Spencer, Michelle;Joner, Michael D.;Gregorio, Joao;Gaillard, Clement;Matt, Kyle;Dumont, Mary Thea;Stephens, Denise C.;Cohen, David H.;Jensen, Eric L. N.;Calchi Novati, Sebastiano;Bozza, Valerio;Labadie-Bartz, Jonathan;Siverd, Robert J.;Lund, Michael B.;Beatty, Thomas G.;Eastman, Jason D.;Penny, Matthew T.;Manner, Mark;Zambelli, Roberto;Fulton, Benjamin J.;Stockdale, Christopher;DePoy, D. L.;Marshall, Jennifer L.;Pogge, Richard W.;Gould, Andrew;Trueblood, Mark;Trueblood, Patricia Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2017AN....338..527V Data mining of near-Earth asteroids in the Subaru Suprime-Cam archive Vaduvescu, O.;Conovici, M.;Popescu, M.;Sonka, A.;Paraschiv, A.;Lacatus, D.;Tudorica, A.;Hudin, L.;Curelaru, L.;Inceu, V.;Zavoianu, D.;Cornea, R.;Toma, R.;Asher, D. J.;Hadnett, J.;Cheallaigh, L. Ó. Use of VO tools: SkyBot
2017AN....338..635R Discovery of a new quasar: SDSS J022155.26-064916.6 Robertson, J. M.;Tucker, D. L.;Smith, J. A.;Wester, W.;Lin, H.;Mueller, J. H.;Gulledge, D. J. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2017ApJ...834..113M Radio-weak BL Lac Objects in the Fermi Era Massaro, F.;Marchesini, E. J.;D’Abrusco, R.;Masetti, N.;Andruchow, I.;Smith, Howard A. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2017ApJ...834..185K Characterizing the Population of Bright Infrared Sources in the Small Magellanic Cloud Kraemer, K. E.;Sloan, G. C.;Wood, P. R.;Jones, O. C.;Egan, M. P. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2017ApJ...834..204G Stacking Caustic Masses from Galaxy Clusters Gifford, Daniel;Kern, Nicholas;Miller, Christopher J. VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper. Use of Millenium database.
2017ApJ...834...53W The Evolution of Star formation Activity in Cluster Galaxies over 0.15 〈 z 〈 1.5 Wagner, Cory R.;Courteau, Stéphane;Brodwin, Mark;Stanford, S. A.;Snyder, Gregory F.;Stern, Daniel Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2017ApJ...834...73Y Massive Galaxies Are Larger in Dense Environments: Environmental Dependence of Mass─Size Relation of Early-type Galaxies Yoon, Yongmin;Im, Myungshin;Kim, Jae-Woo VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper. Use of Multidark database.
2017ApJ...834...94S Stellar Clusterings around "Isolated" Massive YSOs in the LMC Stephens, Ian W.;Gouliermis, Dimitrios;Looney, Leslie W.;Gruendl, Robert A.;Chu, You-Hua;Weisz, Daniel R.;Seale, Jonathan P.;Chen, C. -H. Rosie;Wong, Tony;Hughes, Annie;Pineda, Jorge L.;Ott, Jürgen;Muller, Erik Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2017ApJ...835..184G The Relation between Globular Cluster Systems and Supermassive Black Holes in Spiral Galaxies: The Case Study of NGC~4258. González-Lópezlira, Rosa A.;Lomelí-Núñez, Luis;Álamo-Martínez, Karla;Órdenes-Briceño, Yasna;Loinard, Laurent;Georgiev, Iskren Y.;Muñoz, Roberto P.;Puzia, Thomas H.;Bruzual A., Gustavo;Gwyn, Stephen Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2017ApJ...835...36T Clustering of Infrared-bright Dust-obscured Galaxies Revealed by the Hyper Suprime-Cam and WISE Toba, Yoshiki;Nagao, Tohru;Kajisawa, Masaru;Oogi, Taira;Akiyama, Masayuki;Ikeda, Hiroyuki;Coupon, Jean;Strauss, Michael A.;Wang, Wei-Hao;Tanaka, Masayuki;Niida, Mana;Imanishi, Masatoshi;Lee, Chien-Hsiu;Matsuhara, Hideo;Matsuoka, Yoshiki;Onoue, Masafusa;Terashima, Yuichi;Ueda, Yoshihiro;Harikane, Yuichi;Komiyama, Yutaka;Miyazaki, Satoshi;Noboriguchi, Akatoki;Usuda, Tomonori Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2017ApJ...835...70Z Scuss u-Band Emission as a Star-Formation-Rate Indicator Zhou, Zhimin;Zhou, Xu;Wu, Hong;Fan, Xiao-Hui;Fan, Zhou;Jiang, Zhao-Ji;Jing, Yi-Peng;Li, Cheng;Lesser, Michael;Jiang, Lin-Hua;Ma, Jun;Nie, Jun-Dan;Shen, Shi-Yin;Wang, Jia-Li;Wu, Zhen-Yu;Zhang, Tian-Meng;Zou, Hu Use of VO tools: CDS Cross-match
VO project (China-VO) acknowledged in the paper
2017ApJ...835...74I The Complete Infrared View of Active Galactic Nuclei from the 70 Month Swift/BAT Catalog Ichikawa, Kohei;Ricci, Claudio;Ueda, Yoshihiro;Matsuoka, Kenta;Toba, Yoshiki;Kawamuro, Taiki;Trakhtenbrot, Benny;Koss, Michael J. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2017ApJ...838..102D IC 630: Piercing the Veil of the Nuclear Gas Durré, Mark;Mould, Jeremy;Schartmann, Marc;Ashraf Uddin, Syed;Cotter, Garrett Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2017ApJ...841...69R A New Approach to Convective Core Overshooting: Probabilistic Constraints from Color-Magnitude Diagrams of LMC Clusters Rosenfield, Philip;Girardi, Léo;Williams, Benjamin F.;Johnson, L. Clifton;Dolphin, Andrew;Bressan, Alessandro;Weisz, Daniel;Dalcanton, Julianne J.;Fouesneau, Morgan;Kalirai, Jason Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2017ApJ...842...79M η Carinae's Dusty Homunculus Nebula from Near-infrared to Submillimeter Wavelengths: Mass, Composition, and Evidence for Fading Opacity Morris, Patrick W.;Gull, Theodore R.;Hillier, D. John;Barlow, M. J.;Royer, Pierre;Nielsen, Krister;Black, John;Swinyard, Bruce Use of VO tools: CASSIS
2017ApJ...842...87M Radio Luminosity Function of Flat-spectrum Radio Quasars Mao, Peiyuan;Urry, C. Megan;Marchesini, Ezequiel;Landoni, Marco;Massaro, Francesco;Ajello, Marco Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2017ApJS..228...14C RCSED—A Value-added Reference Catalog of Spectral Energy Distributions of 800,299 Galaxies in 11 Ultraviolet, Optical, and Near-infrared Bands: Morphologies, Colors, Ionized Gas, and Stellar Population Properties Chilingarian, Igor V.;Zolotukhin, Ivan Yu.;Katkov, Ivan Yu.;Melchior, Anne-Laure;Rubtsov, Evgeniy V.;Grishin, Kirill A. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
VO publication of data collections. Using and accessing SVOCat
Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2017ApJS..228...19C Exploring the SDSS Data Set with Linked Scatter Plots. I. EMP, CEMP, and CV Stars Carbon, Duane F.;Henze, Christopher;Nelson, Bron C. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2017ApJS..230...17S Molecular Clouds in the Extreme Outer Galaxy between l = 34.°75 to 45.°25 Sun, Yan;Su, Yang;Zhang, Shao-Bo;Xu, Ye;Chen, Xue-Peng;Yang, Ji;Jiang, Zhi-Bo;Fang, Min Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2017ApJS..230....9N An Application of Multi-band Forced Photometry to One Square Degree of SERVS: Accurate Photometric Redshifts and Implications for Future Science Nyland, Kristina;Lacy, Mark;Sajina, Anna;Pforr, Janine;Farrah, Duncan;Wilson, Gillian;Surace, Jason;Häußler, Boris;Vaccari, Mattia;Jarvis, Matt Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2017MNRAS.464.1512W K- band integral field spectroscopy and optical spectroscopy of massive young stellar objects in the Small Magellanic Cloud Ward, J. L.;Oliveira, J. M.;van Loon, J. Th.;Sewi‚o, M. Use of VO tools: Splat-VO
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2017MNRAS.464.2545C Constraining the Galactic structure parameters with the XSTPS-GAC and SDSS photometric surveys Chen, B. -Q.;Liu, X. -W.;Yuan, H. -B.;Robin, A. C.;Huang, Y.;Xiang, M. -S.;Wang, C.;Ren, J. -J.;Tian, Z. -J.;Zhang, H. -W. VO project (China-VO) acknowledged in the paper
2017MNRAS.464.3229M Bow shock nebulae of hot massive stars in a magnetized medium Meyer, D. M. -A.;Mignone, A.;Kuiper, R.;Raga, A. C.;Kley, W. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2017MNRAS.464.3882W Incidence of WISE -selected obscured AGNs in major mergers and interactions from the SDSS Weston, Madalyn E.;McIntosh, Daniel H.;Brodwin, Mark;Mann, Justin;Cooper, Andrew;McConnell, Adam;Nielsen, Jennifer L. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2017MNRAS.464L..51R Breaking news from the HST: the central star of the Stingray Nebula is now returning towards the AGB Reindl, Nicole;Rauch, T.;Miller Bertolami, M. M.;Todt, H.;Werner, K. VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2017MNRAS.465.1807M The deep OB star population in Carina from the VST Photometric Hα Survey (VPHAS+) Mohr-Smith, M.;Drew, J. E.;Napiwotzki, R.;Simón-Díaz, S.;Wright, N. J.;Barentsen, G.;Eislöffel, J.;Farnhill, H. J.;Greimel, R.;Monguió, M.;Kalari, V.;Parker, Q. A.;Vink, J. S. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2017MNRAS.465.1889G Phase-space structures and stellar populations in the star-forming region NGC 2264 González, Marta;Alfaro, Emilio J. Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
VO project (Euro-VO) acknowledged in the paper
2017MNRAS.465.2236Z H I-selected galaxies in hierarchical models of galaxy formation and evolution Zoldan, Anna;De Lucia, Gabriella;Xie, Lizhi;Fontanot, Fabio;Hirschmann, Michaela VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper. Use of Millenium database.
2017MNRAS.465.2916S A large Hα survey of star formation in relaxed and merging galaxy cluster environments at z ̃ 0.15-0.3 Stroe, Andra;Sobral, David;Paulino-Afonso, Ana;Alegre, Lara;Calhau, João;Santos, Sergio;van Weeren, Reinout Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2017MNRAS.465.3879C Analysis of the kinematic structure of the Cygnus OB1 association Costado, M. T.;Alfaro, E. J.;González, M.;Sampedro, L. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
VO project (Euro-VO) acknowledged in the paper
2017MNRAS.465.3889R Long-term variability of T Tauri stars using WASP Rigon, Laura;Scholz, Alexander;Anderson, David;West, Richard Use of VO tools: VOSA
2017MNRAS.465..760B Physical parameters of late M-type members of Chamaeleon I and TW Hydrae Association: dust settling, age dispersion and activity Bayo, A.;Barrado, D.;Allard, F.;Henning, T.;Comerón, F.;Morales-Calderón, M.;Rajpurohit, A. S.;Peña Ramírez, K.;Beamín, J. C. Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO services: SVO Filter Profile Service.
2017MNRAS.465..784M The little-studied cluster Berkeley 90 - III. Cluster parameters Marco, Amparo;Negueruela, Ignacio Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2017MNRAS.466.1019S Bright end of the luminosity function of high-mass X-ray binaries: contributions of hard, soft and supersoft sources Sazonov, S.;Khabibullin, I. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2017MNRAS.466.1192M The sub-galactic and nuclear main sequences for local star-forming galaxies Maragkoudakis, A.;Zezas, A.;Ashby, M. L. N.;Willner, S. P. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2017MNRAS.466.1290N Metal-rich SX Phe stars in the Kepler field Nemec, James M.;Balona, Luis A.;Murphy, Simon J.;Kinemuchi, Karen;Jeon, Young-Beom Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
2017MNRAS.466.1399H An investigation of four chemically peculiar stars with photometric periods below 12 h Hümmerich, Stefan;Bernhard, Klaus;Paunzen, Ernst;Hambsch, Franz-Josef;Bohlsen, Terry;Powles, Jonathan Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2017MNRAS.466.2718C Some observational tests of a minimal galaxy formation model Cohn, J. D. VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper. Use of Millenium database.
2017MNRAS.466.3060P Do A-type stars flare? Pedersen, M. G.;Antoci, V.;Korhonen, H.;White, T. R.;Jessen-Hansen, J.;Lehtinen, J.;Nikbakhsh, S.;Viuho, J. Use of VO tools: Aladin
2017MNRAS.466.4795J xGASS: gas-rich central galaxies in small groups and their connections to cosmic web gas feeding Janowiecki, Steven;Catinella, Barbara;Cortese, Luca;Saintonge, Amélie;Brown, Toby;Wang, Jing Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2017MNRAS.467.2896K Effects of spatial fluctuations in the extragalactic background light on hard gamma-ray spectra Kudoda, A. M.;Faltenbacher, A. VO project (GAVO) acknowledged in the paper. Use of Millenium database.
2017MNRAS.467.3513T On the dust and gas components of the z = 2.8 gravitationally lensed quasar host RX J0911.4+0551 Tuan-Anh, P.;Hoai, D. T.;Nhung, P. T.;Diep, P. N.;Phuong, N. T.;Thao, N. T.;Darriulat, P. VO project (JVO) acknowledged in the paper.
2017MNRAS.467.5001C Low-resolution near-infrared spectroscopic signatures of unresolved ultracool companions to M dwarfs Cook, N. J.;Pinfield, D. J.;Marocco, F.;Burningham, B.;Jones, H. R. A.;Frith, J.;Zhong, J.;Luo, A. L.;Qi, Z. X.;Cowan, N. B.;Gromadzki, M.;Kurtev, R. G.;Guo, Y. X.;Wang, Y. F.;Song, Y. H.;Yi, Z. P.;Smart, R. L. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2017MNRAS.468.1198B A stellar census of the nearby, young 32 Orionis group Bell, Cameron P. M.;Murphy, Simon J.;Mamajek, Eric E. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: VOSA
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2017MNRAS.468.1794L Radio planetary nebulae in the Large Magellanic Cloud Leverenz, Howard;Filipović, Miroslav D.;Vukotić, B.;Urošević, D.;Grieve, Kevin Use of VO tools: Aladin
2017MNRAS.468..196T The invisible AGN catalogue: a mid-infrared-radio selection method for optically faint active galactic nuclei Truebenbach, Alexandra E.;Darling, Jeremy Use of VO tools: Vizier
2017MNRAS.468..662R Cosmology with XMM galaxy clusters: the X-CLASS/GROND catalogue and photometric redshifts Ridl, J.;Clerc, N.;Sadibekova, T.;Faccioli, L.;Pacaud, F.;Greiner, J.;Krühler, T.;Rau, A.;Salvato, M.;Menzel, M. -L.;Steinle, H.;Wiseman, P.;Nandra, K.;Sanders, J. Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
2017PASP..129a2001B Astrometry with Hubble Space Telescope Fine Guidance Sensors—A Review Benedict, G. Fritz;McArthur, Barbara E.;Nelan, Edmund P.;Harrison, Thomas E. Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2017PASP..129b8001B Visualization of Multi-mission Astronomical Data with ESASky Baines, Deborah;Giordano, Fabrizio;Racero, Elena;Salgado, Jesús;López Martí, Belén;Merín, Bruno;Sarmiento, María-Henar;Gutiérrez, Raúl;Ortiz de Landaluce, Iñaki;León, Ignacio;de Teodoro, Pilar;González, Juan;Nieto, Sara;Segovia, Juan Carlos;Pollock, Andy;Rosa, Michael;Arviset, Christophe;Lennon, Daniel;O’Mullane, William;de Marchi, Guido Use of VO tools: TOPCAT
Use of VO tools: Aladin
Use of VO tools: ESASky
Use of VO tools: SIMBAD
Use of VO tools: Vizier
2017PASP..129e4503A The Short-term Stability of a Simulated Differential Astrometric Reference Frame in the Gaia Era Abbas, Ummi;Bucciarelli, Beatrice;Lattanzi, Mario G.;Crosta, Mariateresa;Gai, Mario;Smart, Richard;Sozzetti, Alessandro;Vecchiato, Alberto Use of VO tools: Aladin

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