INES retrieval: file decompression and extraction

Uncompressing a packed tar file

If you choose gzip, bzip2 or compress compression when downloading, you must restore the compressed, packed file. Note that the following instructions assume you are using a Unix or Linux system, and that you named the local save file using the standard naming conventions for such files, namely:
Compression Filename Unix Command
gzipfile.tar.gzgunzip file.tar
bzip2file.tar.bz2bunzip2 file.tar.bz2
compressfile.tar.Zuncompress file.tar

Extracting files from a packed tar file

You should consult your local system documentation regarding how to unpack a tar file.

For Unix systems use the tar command.

For VMS systems, use the tar2VMS utility.

Before extracting any tar file first check it to see which files are included and where they will be unloaded. The following examples are valid for Unix systems:

Note: If the listing includes a directory structure, the later example may create sub-directories in the current directory. Typically, a directory with the program-id name will be created.

Extracting files from a packed ZIP file

ZIP is a compression/archive program; the unzip program will list, test, or extract files from a ZIP archive. The default behavior is to extract into the current directory (and subdirectories below it) all files from the specified ZIP archive. The following commands may be useful on a Unix system:

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Last update: May 10, 1999.