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SIMBAD database :

Basic data and identifiers for the object VEGA

Type: Variable Star
Coord 2000.0 = 18 36 55.377 +38 46 46.78 mb, mv =  0.03       0.03
Coord 1950.0 = 18 35 14.655 +38 44 09.67 sp type = A0V
 gal =  67.44 +19.24
 pm =  +0.200  [   1]   +0.285  [   1]
V* alf Lyr                NSV 11128                 * 3 Lyr
* alf Lyr                 ADS 11510 A               AG+38 1711
BD+38 3238                CCDM J18369+3847A         CEL 4636
CSI+38 3238 1             CSV 101745                1E 183515+3844.3
EUVE J1836+38.7           FK5 699                   GC 25466
GCRV 11085                GEN# +1.00172167          GJ 721
HD 172167                 [HFE83] 1223              HGAM 706
HIC 91262                 HIP 91262                 HR 7001
IDS 18336+3841 A          IRAS 18352+3844           IRC +40322
JP11 2999                 LTT 15486                 N30 4138
NAME VEGA                 PLX 4293                  PMC 90-93 496
PPM 81558                 RAFGL 2208                ROT 2633
SAO 67174                 SKY# 34103                TD1 22883
UBV 15842                 UBV M 23118               USNO 882
uvby98 100172167 V        Zkh 277
TD1: 1    UBV:13    PM: 2     pos: 2    GJ: 1     GEN: 1    MK:33
JP11: 5   IRC: 1    CEL: 1    PLX: 4    ROT: 3    SAO: 1    IRAS: 1
IUE:65    oRV:16    uvby1: 7  Hbet1: 3  Fe_H:21
References: 1160

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