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SIMBAD database :

Basic data and identifiers for the object HD 147394

Type: Variable Star
ICRS 2000.0 = 16 19 44.4368 +46 18 48.119 A [4.56 4.05 139] 1997A&A...323L..49P
FK5 1950.0 = 16 18 14.17 +46 25 53.7 A [26.40 23.35 142] 1997A&A...323L..49P
FK4 1950 = 16 18 14.11 +46 25 53.6 A [26.40 23.35 141] 1997A&A...323L..49P
 gal =  72.49 +45.04
 mb, mv =  3.74  V?   3.89   ---  sp type = B5IV
 pm = -13.15 39.31 A [   .52    .46 142] 1997A&A...323L..49P
 rv = v -13.8 A [ .9] 1953GCRV..C......0W
 plx = 10.37 A [.53] 1997A&A...323L..49P
NSV 7641                  * tau Her                 * 22 Her
ADS 10010 A               AG+46 1168                BD+46 2169
CCDM J16197+4619A         CSI+46 2169 1             CSV 7329
FK5 608                   GC 21987                  GCRV 9407
GEN# +1.00147394J         HD 147394                 HIC 79992
HIP 79992                 HR 6092                   IDS 16167+4633 A
JP11 2733                 N30 3664                  PLX 3714
PMC 90-93 434             PPM 55342                 ROT 2319
SAO 46028                 SKY# 29452                TD1 19098
UBV 13871                 UBV M 21371               uvby98 100147394 AB
com HIC 79992 incl CCDM J16197+4619 AB
TD1: 1    PLX: 2    V*: 1     PM: 3     pos: 3    GEN: 1    JP11: 1
ROT: 2    UBV:34    MK:23     SAO: 1    IUE:13    oRV: 6    uvby1: 7
Hbet1: 7  Fe_H: 4
References: 280

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