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SIMBAD database :

Basic data and identifiers for the object ARCTURUS

Type: Variable Star
Coord 2000.0 = 14 15 43.458 +19 12 36.73 mb, mv =  1.19  V?  -0.04
Coord 1950.0 = 14 13 22.749 +19 26 30.96 sp type = K1.5III
 gal =  15.14 +69.11
 pm =  -1.098  [   1]   -1.999  [   1]
SV* ZI 1054               * alf Boo                 * 16 Boo
AG+19 1335                BD+19 2777                Ci 20 843
CSV 101433                FK5 526                   GC 19242
GCRV 8341                 GEN# +1.00124897          GJ 541
HD 124897                 [HFE83] 1018              HIC 69673
HIP 69673                 HR 5340                   IRAS 14133+1925
IRC +20270                JP11 2486                 LFT 1084
LHS 48                    LTT 14184                 N30 3229
NAME ARCTURUS             NSV 6603                  PLX 3242
PM 14134-1927             PMC 90-93 376             PPM 130442
RAFGL 1693                ROT 2044                  SAO 100944
SKY# 26028                SRS 30526                 TD1 17351
UBV 12551                 UBV M 20076               USNO 850
uvby98 100124897          YPAC 52
GEN: 1    UBV:13    V*: 1     pos: 2    GJ: 1     TD1: 1    PM: 4
MK:32     JP11: 4   PLX: 5    ROT: 2    SAO: 1    IRAS: 1   IUE:77
oRV:41    uvby1: 4  Fe_H:21
References: 995

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