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SIMBAD database :

Basic data and identifiers for the object ALTAIR

Type: High proper-motion Star
Coord 2000.0 = 19 50 45.095 +08 51 46.63 mb, mv =  0.99       0.77
Coord 1950.0 = 19 48 20.589 +08 44 05.71 sp type = A7V
 gal =  47.74  -8.91
 pm =  +0.537  [   1]   +0.387  [   1]
NAME ALTAIR               * alf Aql                 * 53 Aql
ADS 13009 A               AG+08 2636                BD+08 4236
CCDM J19508+0852A         Ci 20 1169                CSI+08 4236 1
2E 4294                   2E 1948.3+0844            1ES 1948+08.7
FK5 745                   GAT 549                   GC 27470
GCRV 12193                GEN# +1.00187642          GJ 768
HD 187642                 HIC 97649                 HIP 97649
HR 7557                   IDS 19459+0836 A          IRAS 19483+0844
IRC +10441                JP11 3142                 LFT 1499
LHS 3490                  LTT 15795                 N30 4388
NSV 24910                 PLX 4665                  PM 19484+0844
PMC 90-93 530             PPM 168779                RAFGL 2463
ROT 2857                  SAO 125122                SKY# 37134
TD1 25537                 UBV 16885                 UBV M 24205
USNO 892                  uvby98 100187642          Zkh 297
ROT: 3    UBV:15    pos: 2    GEN: 1    TD1: 1    PM: 4     GJ: 2
MK:31     JP11: 1   PLX: 8    SAO: 1    IRAS: 1   Einstein: IUE:18
oRV:10    uvby1: 3  Hbet1: 4
References: 434

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©ULP/CNRS - Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg

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