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SIMBAD database :

Basic data and identifiers for the object

Type: Flare Star
ICRS 2000.0 = 07 44 40.1743 +03 33 08.833 A [22.44 14.81  98] 1997A&A...323L..4
FK5 1950.0 = 07 42 03.80 +03 40 48.3 A [132.93 87.77  95] 1997A&A...323L..49P
FK4 1950 = 07 42 03.78 +03 40 48.3 A [132.90 87.77  96] 1997A&A...323L..49P
 gal = 215.86 +13.46
 mb, mv = 12.73  V3  11.12   ---  sp type = M4.5
 pm = -344.85 -450.82 A [  2.62   1.73  96] 1997A&A...323L..49P
 rv = v +18.0 B [ 2] 1953GCRV..C......0W
 plx = 168.59 A [2.67] 1997A&A...323L..49P
V* YZ CMi                 CSI+03-07421              2E 0742.0+0340
2E 1871                   1ES 0742+03.6             EUVE J0744+03.5
2EUVE J0744+03.5          G 112-46                  G 50-4
GCRV 5161                 GEN# +6.10010285          GEN# +9.80050004
GJ 285                    GSC 00183-02190           1H 0743+037
HIC 37766                 HIP 37766                 JP11 5128
JP11 5185                 JP11 5416                 LFT 547
LHS 1943                  LTT 12064                 PLX 1827
PM 07421+0341             RE J0744+033              RE J074439+033301
2RE J074440+033329        2RE J0744+033             Ross 882
Zkh 111
UBV: 1    GJ: 2     V*: 1     PLX: 7    PM: 2     JP11: 3   Einstein:
IUE:74    oRV: 2
References: 432

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