Archive Search Keywords

The following keywords can be given as input parameters for catalogue queries. At least one keyword must be chosen, and selecting two or more will further constrain the query.

For help on a specific keyword, you may click on its link in the input form.

Object Name

The Object Name can refer to any of the names of the object given by the SIMBAD database, or by the IAU for Solar System objects. The search is also made in the list of target names given by the Guest Observers at the time of the observation. Searches are case independent, blanks are ignored and wildcards are permitted, using the '%' or '*' characters, e.g.:

M 42

More details about the INES Name Resolver can be found here.


A search by object position may be made by specifying coordinates and an equinox, and optionally, a search radius around this position.

Note: The search is always made on the Homogeneous Coordinates. A search by position which includes RA,Dec=0,0 (B1950) will return near 5000 calibration images which were assigned these coordinates.

Right Ascension

The object RA is specified in the format hh:mm:ss.s


The object Dec is specified in the format (+)/-dd:mm:ss


The search radius (great circle distance) around the specified RA and Dec, in the format dd:mm:ss. The default value is 5 arc minutes. To facilitate searches for observations on an extended region of the sky, e.g. within a cluster, the search radius upper-limit is 10 degrees.


The equinox of the input coordinates can be either B1950 or J2000, and the equinox of the output coordinates is always B1950.

IUE Object Class

The IUE Object Classification is a two-digit code describing targets, as defined in the following list:
Object Classes 00-29
00 Sun 10 WC 20 B0-B2 V-IV
01 Earth 11 WN 21 B3-B5 V-IV
02 Moon 12 Main Sequence O 22 B6-B9.5 V-IV
03 Planet 13 Supergiant O 23 B0-B2 III-I
04 Planetary satellite 14 Oe 24 B3-B5 III-I
05 Minor planet 15 Of 25 B6-B9.5 III-I
06 Comet 16 SD O 26 Be
07 Interplanetary medium 17 WD O 27 Bp
08 Giant red spot 18 28 sd B
09 19 Other UV-strong sources 29 WDB
Object Classes 30-59
30 A0-A3 V-IV 40 F0-F2 50 R, N or S Types
31 A4-A9 V-IV 41 F3-F9 51 Long Period Variable Stars
32 A0-A3 III-I 42 Fp 52 Irregular Variables
33 A4-A9 III-I 43 Late-Type Degenerate Stars 53 Regular Variables
34 Ae 44 G IV-V 54 Dwarf Novae
35 Am 45 G III-I 55 Classical Novae
36 Ap 46 K V-IV 56 Supernovae
37 WDA 47 K III-I 57 Symbiotic Stars
38 Horizontal Branch Stars 48 M V-IV 58 T Tauri
39 Composite Spectral Type 49 M III-I 59 X-ray
Object Classes 60-89
60 Shell Star 70 Planetary Nebula+Central Star 80 Spiral Galaxy
61 ETA Carinae 71 Planetary Nebula-Central Star 81 Elliptical Galaxy
62 Pulsar 72 H II Region 82 Irregular Galaxy
63 Nova-like 73 Reflection Nebula 83 Globular Cluster
64 Other Stellar Objects 74 Dark Cloud (absorption spectrum) 84 Seyfert Galaxy
65 Misidentified Targets 75 Supernova Remnant 85 Quasar
66 Interacting Binaries 76 Ring Nebula (shock ionised) 86 Radio Galaxy
67 77 87 BL Lacertae Object
68 78 88 Emission Line Galaxy (non-Seyfert)
69 Herbig-Haro Objects 79 89
Object Classes 90-99
90 Intergalactic Medium 94 97
91 95 98 Wavelength Calibration Lamp
92,93 96 99 NULLS and Flat Fields

Observing dates

You may specify a date range in ascending or descending order. If only one date is specified, the query is made for that date only.

Note: The mission lasted from 23 Jan 1978 to 30 Sep 1996.

IUE Camera names

The IUE camera names and wavelength ranges are:

By default, all cameras are selected, and if none is selected, all are assumed.


The dispersion is specified for the IUE spectrograph dispersion modes, as follows:

By default, all dispersion modes are selected, and if none is selected, all are assumed.


The values for the aperture used in exposures are:

By default, all apertures are selected, and if none is selected, all are assumed.

Image List

You may query the catalogue by a specific list of images. The Image ID's (camera and image number) may be either typed or pasted into the input box, and must be entered as a column list (one image per row) in either upper- or lower-case, with or without blanks, e.g.

LWR 11223

Note: Wildcards are not permitted. Image numbers must have five digits.

Object List

You may query the catalogue by a specific list of objects. The object names may be either typed or pasted into the input box, and must be entered as a column list (one object per row) in either upper- or lower-case, with or without blanks, e.g.:

NGC 4151

Select Output

The output menus provide the means to select the output columns to be displayed, and the format of the output form. The output columns are summarised briefly here, and the output table heading contains embedded links to a brief description of each column. To enhance readability, the heading is repeated after every 15th row of table output.

Note: Grey-shaded columns in the output form refer to data stored at the Principal Centre or its mirror.

Output fields

Four output fields are available, emphasising respectively General (the default), Observation, Variability (timing) and Pointing information.

The combinations of output columns in each field are summarised in the following table, and the output table heading contains embedded links to a brief description of each column.
Output Column General Observation Variability Pointing
Cameraoo oo
Image o o oo
Dispersion o o o o
Aperture o o o o
Object (HOI) o o   o
Object RA (B1950) o o   o
Object Dec (B1950) o o   o
Observation Date (UT) o o o  
Observation Time (UT) o o o  
Exposure Time (sec) o o o  
HJD mid-exposure     o  
Target     o o
Target RA (B1950)     o o
Target Dec (B1950)     o o
Exposure Mode   o    
FES2 Counts   o o  
FES2 Mode   o o  
Position Angle       o
IUE Object Class o     o
Exposure Classification o o o  
Abnormality Code   o    
Publications o o o o
Browse Plots o o o o
FITS Headers o o o o
Fetch (National Host) o o o o
Mark for Retrieval (from National Host) o o o o
Fetch (Principal Centre) o o o o
Mark for Retrieval (from Principal Centre) o o o o

Output Format

The output table may be generated in four formats, selected from the pull-down menu as HTML (default), ASCII, CSV and TSV:

HTML format

This format provides the links for listing FITS headers, for plotting and retrieving individual spectra, and for referencing publications using individual spectra. It also provides links embedded in the table heading to explanations of each column, and for convenience, the table heading is repeated after every 15th row of output. HTML format is memory intensive on the client- and server-sides, and so the number of 'hits' displayed is limited to 500 (see Show, below). Larger outputs automatically default from HTML to ASCII format.

ASCII format

Output is formatted in plain ASCII text, with columns left justified.

CSV format

Comma-separated values, an output format in ASCII which may be imported into most spreadsheet applications.

TSV format

Tab-separated values, an output format in ASCII which may be imported into most spreadsheet applications.

Order By

The output records (all formats) matching the input query may be sorted by:


You may select to restrict the number of "hits" displayed, i.e. the output page size (all formats). The total number of records matching the input query is indicated, but only the number specified by Show (default 50) is listed in the output page.

For HTML format, if a query returns more than 500 records, and the page size is not limited (Show="all"), the output format automatically defaults from HTML to ASCII. In this event, set Show to a convenient value (50, 100, 250 or 500), and navigate HTML output in pages of this size, either by specifying a Page# in the query form, or using the Previous Page and Next Page buttons located at the foot of the output form.

Note: For HTML output, it is generally more efficient to page large queries into several small pages (Show set to 50 or 100 records) than into fewer large pages (250 or 500 records).

Page #

If the total number of records matching the input query exceeds the page size specified by Show, you may list specific pages with this option. For example, if Show is 50 and there are 293 records matching the input query, then setting Page # to 4 will list records 151 to 200 (as ordered by the selected sorting criterion). You may also navigate incrementally between output pages by using the Previous Page and Next Page buttons at the foot of the output form.

Show SQL

If this option is selected, the SQL command corresponding to the input query to the catalogue will be displayed at the top of the output form.

Principal Centre and Mirror Site

Low resolution and rebinned high resolution spectra are stored at your National Host, but 1-D high resolution and 2-D low resolution SILO files are stored at the Principal Centre, LAEFF, which is also mirrored at CADC in Canada. The sizes of high resolution and SILO files are ~300-350 KBytes and ~240-250 KBytes respectively, so the effective network bandwidth is an important consideration when retrieving groups of such spectra. You should therefore select the fastest of the Principal Centre or its mirror as the server for retrieval of high resolution and SILO files.

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Last update: June 22, 2000.